ending the “war to end all wars” u.s. history_第1页
ending the “war to end all wars” u.s. history_第2页
ending the “war to end all wars” u.s. history_第3页
ending the “war to end all wars” u.s. history_第4页
ending the “war to end all wars” u.s. history_第5页
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1、Ending the “War to End All Wars”and setting the stage for WWII“To the victor, go the spoils”“He who wins the war writes the history”A Plan for Peace: Wilsons Fourteen PointsOutlined a plan for creating a Outlined a plan for creating a “just and lasting peace”“just and lasting peace”Points 1-4: Endin

2、g secret treaties, freedom of the seas, free trade, and reducing national armies and naviesPoint 5: Adjustment of colonial claims with fairness toward colonial peoplesPoint 6-13: Specific suggestions for changing borders and creating new nationsPoint 14: Proposed a “general association of nations” t

3、hat would protect “great and small states alike”League of NationsThe Leagues member nations would help preserve peace and prevent future wars by pledging to respect and protect each others territory and political independence.The Big FourWoodrow Wilson Vittorio OrlandoDavid Lloyd George Georges Clem

4、enceauThe Treaty of VersaillesWe want our We want our territories territories back!back!No! Their No! Their military is military is the REAL the REAL problem!problem!We should form a We should form a league of peace so league of peace so this kind of thing this kind of thing doesnt happen doesnt hap

5、pen again!again!We want Germany to We want Germany to pay for what they pay for what they did to Europe!did to Europe!Bell RingerWhat was the goal of the Sedition Act and what was the Supreme Court Case that upheld it?Effects of the WarHow the Treaty Changes the WorldThe other Allied governments saw

6、 Wilsons plan as too lenient towards the “aggressor” nations.Losses for Germany:Officially blamed for the warStripped of its militaryIts territories were split upWere required to pay “reparations” to the Allied countries to a total of“Reparations”33 33 Billion Billion Dollars!Dollars!How vill all Ho

7、w vill all dis affect de dis affect de Germans?Germans?Effects for GermanyGermany experiences “hyper-inflation”: Inflation is the general rising of prices over time; hyper-inflation is an extreme increase in prices over a short period of time.When trouble rears its ugly head, people needAmerican Rea

8、ction to the Treaty of VersaillesSenate must approve Treaty of Versailles for it to take effect“Irreconcilables” : Senators that id not want the Treaty passedArticle X: required the US to help a League nation if it were attackedWould entangle the US in European affairsCould take away Congress war po

9、wersAmerican Reaction to the Treaty of VersaillesSenate adds amendments to keep their powerWilson ends up asking the people to vote against the TreatyTreaty isnt ratified and America doesnt join the League of NationsAmerica retreats into isolationismForging PeaceThe Washington Disarmament Conference

10、 was held to discuss the limitation on weapons to be held by each country, in hopes of preventing future wars, but had no method of enforcement.Kellogg-Briand Pact: Outlawed war; nice idea, not gonna happen.Home Front EffectsIsolationism and ConflictThe Red ScareCause: Bolshevik Revolution and Russi

11、as retreat from WWIA fear of the rise of socialism, communism, and anarchists destroying the American way of life. Fearful of workers revolutions (unions) and immigrants from undemocratic countries (South and Eastern Europe).Xenophobia: An irrational or unreasoned fear of anything perceived to be fo

12、reign or strange.The Palmer Raids (1919)A group of Italian anarchists mail a series of letter bombs to prominent government officials, businessmen, and law enforcement officialsOne detonated and damaged the home of Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer J. Edgar Hoover and the FBIPalmer creates the Bur

13、eau of Investigation, General Intelligence DivisionLed by J. Edgar HooverWould investigate the programs of radical groups and identify their membersThe Palmer Raids (1919)November 7, 1919, (the 2nd anniversary of the Bolshevik Revolution) The Palmer Raids: A series of well-publicized and violent rai

14、ds on suspected anarchists and socialist sympathizers by the Bureau of Investigation.Targeted the Union of Russian Workers.Many arrested, few actually deported (little to no evidence)Many laborers went on strike following the end of WWIDeals under the WLB no longer validSought better wages, better conditions, and the ability to collectively bargainStrikes were only mildly successful; fear of Communist revolution limited their successChicago Race RiotsCauses of racial tension: The Great Migration and the end of WWICause of the Riots: A young African American was struck


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