1、计算机专英语翻译Chapter 3 Iintroduction Not long ago ,trained specialists were required to perform many of the operations you can now do with a microcomputer. Market analysts used calculatorsto project sales. Graphic artistscreated designs by hand. Data processing clerks created electronic files to be store
2、d on large computers. Now you can do all these tasksand many otherswith a microcomputer and the appropri ate application software. 不久以前,我们需要一些专业的训练人员去执行,现在计算机就能执行的操作。 市场分析人员用计算器做项目销售。图形艺术家手工创造的设计。数据处理人员创建的电子文件被存储在大型计算机上。现在你可以做所有这些任务或者其他许多任务,用计算机或者其他应用软件。 Think of the microcomputer as an electronic t
3、ool. You may not consider yourself very good at typing, calculating, organizing, presenting, or managing information. However a microcomputer can help you do all these things and much more. All it takes is the right kinds of software. 把微机作为一种电子工具。你可能不认为自己很擅长打字、计算、组织、展示或管理信息。微机可以帮你做所有这些事情,以及更多。我们只要选择
4、正确的软件就可以。 Competent end users needto understand the capabilities of basic application software, which includes word processors, spreadsheets, database management systems, and presentation programs. They need to know about integrated packages and software suites. 终端用户只要具备了解基本应用软件的能力,包括文字处理、电子表格、数据库管理
5、系统和演示程序。使用者只要知道集成软件包和软件套件。 Application SoftwareApplication Software As we discussed in Chapter 1, there are two kinds of software.System software works with end users, application software, and computer hardware to handle the majority of technicaldetails. Application software, also known simply as a
6、pps, can be described as end-user software and is used to accomplish a variety of tasks. 应用软件(Application Software )作为我们在第1章中讨论的,有两种软件。终端用户的系统软件(System software)和应用软件。计算机硬件处理大部分的技术细节。应用软件,也被称为应用程序(APP),可以被描述为最终用户软件,用于各种任务的完成。Application software, in turn, can be divided into two categories. Onecateg
7、ory, basic applications, is the focus of this chapter. They includeword processors, spreadsheets,database management systems, andpresentation graphics. The othercategory, specialized applications,includes thousands of other programsthat tend to be more narrowly focused and used in specific discidlin
8、es and occupations. Specialized applications are presented in Chapter 4. 反过来,应用软件分为两类。一种类别是、基本应用程序,是这一章的焦点。它们包括文字处理程序、电子表格、数据库管理系统演示图形。另一种类别是、专业应用程序包括成千上万的其他程序更倾向于某种特定的工作和用于特定的任务和职业。专业应用程序将在第四章学习。 Common Features A userinterface is the portion of the application that allows you to control and to int
9、eract with the program. Almost all applications use a graphical user interface (gui) that displays graphical elements called icons to represent familiar objects and a mouse. The mouse controls a pointer on the screen that is used to select items such as icons. Another feature is the use of windows t
10、o display information. A windowis simply a rectangular area that can contain a document, program, or message. (Do not confuse the term window with the various versions of Micro- softs Windows operating systems, which are programs.) More than one window can be opened and displayed on the computer scr
11、een at one time, Traditionally, most software programs use a system of menus, toolbars, and dialog boxes. (See Figure 3-1.) 共同的特征 用户界面是应用程序的一部分,使你控制程序并且和程序进行交互。几乎所有的应用程序使用一个图形用户界面(gui ,graphical user interface )显示的图形元素称为图标icons它代表熟悉的对象和一个鼠标指针。鼠标控制屏幕上的指针pointer,用于选择项目,如图标。另一个功能是使窗口来显示信息,窗口windowis只是一
12、个矩形区域,可以包含一个文档,程序,或消息。(不要混淆词窗口与微软不同版本的Windows操作系统程序。)窗口可以打开多个并显示在电脑屏幕上,传统上,大多数软件程序使用一个系统的菜单,工具栏和对话框。(见图3 - 1)。 present commands that are typically displayed in a menu bar at the top of Menus the screen. TooIbars typically appear below the menu bar and include small graphic elements called buttons th
13、at provide shortcuts for quick access to commonly used commands. Dialog boxes provide additional information and request user input. 菜单命令Menus,通常是显示在屏幕的顶部菜单栏。 工具栏TooIbars通常出现在菜单栏里,小图形元素称为按钮buttons它是快捷键,快速访问常用的命令。 对话框Dialog boxes提供额外的信息和用户输入的请求。 Many Microsoft and other appliations . use an interface
14、 known as the ribbongui. Designed to make it easier to find and use aIi the features of an application. this gui uses a system of ribbons,tabs,and galleries. (See Figure 3-2 ) 许多微软和其他应用使用一个接口被称为功能区界面ribbongui 。为了更容易找到并使用应用程序的特性。这个gui使用系统的功能区,标签,图表。(见图3 - 2) Ribbons replace menus and toolbars by orga
15、nizing commonly used commands into a set of tabs. These tabs display command buttons that are the most relevant to the tasks being performed by the user. 把常用常用的命令功能区设置一种功能区它代替了菜单栏和工具栏。这些选项卡显示最相关或者与用户正在执行的任务相关联的命令按钮。 Tabs are used to divide the ribbon into major activity areas. Each tab is then organ
16、ized into groups that contain related items. Some tabs, called contextual tabs, only appear when they are needed and anticipate the next operations to be performed by the user. 标签是用来把功能区分成主要的活动区域。每个标签包含相关条目然后分组。一些标签,称为上下文选项卡,只在需要时才会显示和预测下一个用户执行的操作。 Galleries simplify the process of making a selectio
17、n from a list of alternatives. This is accomplished by graphically displaying the effect of alternatives before being selected. 图标仅仅处理的一系列从列表中可以做出的选择。这在可供选择的图形化显示选择之前完成。 Many applications support speech recognition, the ability to accept voice input to select menu options and dictate text. See Makin
18、g IT Work for You: Speech Recognition on pages 74 and 75. To learn more about how speech recognition works, visit our Web site at pujang2O and enter the keyword speech. 许多应用程序支持语音识speech recognition别,能够接受语音输入选择菜单选项,并决定文本。使它为你工作:语音识别在74和75页。学习更多关于语音识别是如何工作的,请访问我们的网站pujang2O,输入关键字的演讲。 Word Processors
19、Word processors create text-based documents and are one of the most flexible and widely used software tools. All types of people and organizations use word processors to create memos, letters, and faxes. Organizations create newsletters, manuals, and brochures to provide information to their custome
20、rs. Students and researchers use word processors to create reports. Word processors can even be used to create personalized Web pages. Microsoft Word is the most widely used word processor. Other popular word processors include Corel Word Perfect, Apple Pages, Open Office, and Google Docs.文字处理软件 文字处
21、理软件创建文本文档documents ,是最 灵活和广泛使用的软件工具。所有类型的人们和组织使用文字处理器来创建备忘录、信件和传真。组织创建简报、手册和小册子向他们的客户提供信息。学生和研究人员使用文字处理器来创建报告。文字处理软件甚至可以用来创建个性化的Web页面。Microsoft Word是应用最广泛的文字处理器。其他受欢迎的字处理程序包括Corel Word Perfect, Apple Pages, Open Office, and Google Docs.Features Word processors provide a variety of features to make e
22、ntering, editing, and formatting documents easy. One of the most basic features for entering text is word wrap. This feature automatically moves the insertion point to the next line once the current line is full. As you type, the words wrap around to the next line. 文字处理软件提供的各种输入功能,容易编辑和格式化文档。最基本的特性之
23、一,用于输入文本自动换行word wrap 。此功能自动将插入点移动到下当前行的下一行。当你输入时文字就在下一行。 There are numerous features designed to support editing or modifying a document. One of these is a thesaurus that provides synonyms, antonyms, and related words for a selected word or phrase. You can quickly locate and replace selected words
24、using the find and replace feature. Spelling and grammar checkers look for misspelled words and problems with capitalization, punctuation, and sentence structure. Other features are designed to improve the format or appearance of a document. One of the most basic is the font or design of the charact
25、ers. (See Figure 3-3.) The height of a character is its font size. The appearance of characters can be enhanced using such character effects as bold, italic, and colors. Rather than individually selecting specific fonts sizes, and formats, the styles feature, found in most word processors, enables u
26、sers to quickly apply a predefined set of formatting characteristics to text in one easy step. Bulleted and numbered lists can make a sequence of topics easy to read. 有许多特性旨在支持编辑editing或修改一个文档。其中之一就是一本同义词典thesaurus提供同义词、反义词、相关词汇选择的词或短语。您可以快速查找和替换所选单词使用查找和替换find and replace功能。拼写和语法检查器Spelling and gra
27、mmar checkers寻找拼错的单词和资本化问题,标点符号,和句子结构。其他功能是为了提高文档的格式format或外观。最基本的是字符的字体font或设计。(见图3 - 3)。一个字符的高度是它的字体大小font size 。字符可以增强使用这些字符的外观效果加粗character effects as bold,斜体,和颜色。而不是单独选择特定的字体、大小和格式,风格styles特性,发现在大多数文字处理软件,使用户能够快速应用一组预定义的格式化特征,文本在一个简单的步骤。项目符号和编号列表Bulleted and numbered lists可以让一系列的话题容易阅读。 Case As
28、sume that you have accepted a job as an advertising coordinator for Adventure Travel Tours, a travel agency specializing in active adventure vacations. Your primary responsibilities are to create and coordinate the companys promotional materials, including flyers and travel reports. To see how you c
29、ould use Microsoft Word as the advertising coordinator for the Adventure Travel Tours, see Figures 3-4 and 3-5.假定已经接受了一份作为Adventure Travel Tours广告协调员的工作,旅行社积极冒险假期的顾问。你的主要职责是创造和协调公司的宣传材料,包括传单和旅行报告。看看作为广告协调员你是如何使用Microsoft Word为Adventure Travel Tours工作的。见图3 - 4和3 - 5。 Spreadsheets Spreadsheet programs
30、 organize, analyze, and graph numeric data such as budgets and financial reports. Once used exclusively by accountants, spreadsheets are widely used by nearly every profession. Marketing professionals analyze sales trends. Financial analysts evaluate and graph stock market trends. Students and teach
31、ers record grades and calculate grade point averages. The most widely used spreadsheet program is Microsoft Excel. Other spreadsheet applications include Apple iWorks Numbers and Corel Quattro Pro.电子表格 电子表格程序组织、分析和图表数值型数据,如预算和财务报告。曾经被会计师独自使用的电子表格,现在被每一个行业广泛使用。市场营销专业人士分析销售趋势。金融分析师评估股票市场趋势和图。老师和学生成绩记录
32、和计算平均成绩。使用最广泛的是Microsoft Excel电子表格程序。其他电子表格应用程序包括Apple iWorks Numbers and Corel Quattro ProFeatures Unlike word processors, which manipulate text and create text documents, spreadsheet programs manipulate numeric data and create workbook files. Workbook files consist of one or more related worksheet
33、s. A worksheet, also known as a spreadsheet or sheet, is a rectangular grid of rows and columns. For example, in Figure 3-6, the columns are identified by letters and the rows are identified by numbers. The intersection of a row and column creates a cell, For example, the cell D8 is formed by the in
34、tersection of column D and row 8.特征 与与文字处理程序不同、电子表格可以操作文本和创建文本文档、电子表格可以操纵数字数据和创建工作簿文件Workbook files 。工作簿文件包含一个或多个相关的工作表worksheets 。一个工作表,也被称为电子表格或表spreadsheet or sheet,是一个矩形网格的行和列。例如,在图3 - 6中,列是由字母,行是由数字标记 。行和列相交的地方是一单元格cell,例如,D8是D列和8行的交叉点。 A cell can contain text or numeric entries. Text entries o
35、r labels provide structure to a worksheet by describing the contents of rows and columns. For example,in Figure 3-6, cell B8 contains the label Food. The cell D8 contains a number identified as the food expense. 一个小交叉区域可以包含文本或数字条目。文本条目或标签Text entries or labels提供的一份工作表结构描述行和列的内容。例如,在图3 - 6中,B8包含食物标签。
36、D8包含许多的食物费用标签。 A numeric entry can be a number or a formula. A formula is an instruction to calculate or process. For example, the cell F15 contains the formula E5 E13. This formula will calculate a value and display that value in cell F15. The value is calculated by taking the value in cell E5 and
37、subtracting the value in cell E13. Functions are prewritten formulas provided by the spreadsheet pro- gram that perform calculations such as adding a series of cells. For example, the cell E13 contains the function SUM(D8:D12), which adds the values in the range from D8 to D12. A range is a series o
38、f continuous cells. In this case, the range includes D8, D9, Dl0, Dll, and D12. The sum of the values in this range is displayed in cell E13. Spread sheet programs typically provide a variety of different I types of functions, including financial, mathematical, statistical, and logical functions. So
39、me of these functions are presented in Figure 3-7. 数字条目numeric entry可以是一个数字或一个公式。一个公式是一个指令计算或过程。例如,F15 E5 E13包含公式。这个公式来计算一个值并显示在F15。计算值是通过E5的值减去E13的值。电子表格程序提供预先写入的公式Functions,并执行计算,如添加一系列的小交叉空间。例如,E13包含函数之和(D8:D12),增加的值的范围从D8 D12。范围是一系列range连续的小交叉空间。在这种情况下,范围包括D8、D9,Dl0,Dll,D12。在这个范围内的值的总和显示在E13。扩展板
40、项目通常会提供各种不同的类型的功能,包括金融、数学、统计和逻辑功能。其中一些功能提出了如图3 - 7所示。 Analytical graphs or charts are visual representations of data in a spreadsheet. You can readily create graphs in a spreadsheet program by selecting the cells containing the data to be charted and then selecting the type of chart to display. If y
41、ou change one or more numbers in your spreadsheet, all related formulas will automatically recalculate and charts will be recreated. This is called recalculation. The process of observing the effect of changing one or more cells is often referred to as what if analysis. For example, to analyze the e
42、ffect of a rent increase in the Monthly Budget worksheet in Figure 3-6, all you would need to do is replace the contents in cell D9. The entire spreadsheet, including any charts that had been created, would be recalculated automatically. 分析图形Analytical graphs或图表charts能直观表示电子表格中的数据。通过选择区域包含要绘制的数据,然后选
43、择图表显示的类型,您可以很容易地在一个电子表格程序中创建图形。如果你的电子表格改变一个或多个数字,所有相关的公式会自动重新计算和所有图表将被重新创建。这就是所谓的重新计算recalculation 。观察的过程中改变一个或多个区域的影响通常被称为假设分析what-if analysis 。例如,分析每月租金的影响增加预算工作表在图3 - 6中,所有你需要做的就是在区域D9替换内容。整个表格,包括任何已经创建的图表,将自动重新计算。CaseCase Assume that you have just accepted a job as manager of the Downtown Intern
44、et Cafe. This cafe provides a variety of flavored coffees as well as Intemet access. One of your responsibilities is to create a financial plan for the next year: To see how you could use Microsoft Excel, the most widely used spreadsheet program as the manager for the Downtown Internet Cafe, see Fig
45、ures 3-8 through 3-10假设你刚刚接受了市中心网吧经理的工作。这个咖啡馆提供各种风味的咖啡以及上网服务。你的职责之一是创建一个明年的财务计划看看你作为市中心网吧经理如何使用应用最广泛的电子表格程序Microsoft Excel,参见图3 - 8 3 - 10Database Management Systems A database is a collection of related data. It is the electronic equivalent of a file cabinet. A database management system (DBMS) or
46、database manager is a program that sets up, or structures, a database. It also provides tools to enter, edit, and retrieve data from the database. All kinds of individuals use databases, from teachers recording grades to police officers checking criminal histories. Colleges and universities use data
47、bases to keep records on their students, instructors, and courses. Organizations of all types maintain employee databases. The most widely used database management system designed for microcomputers is Microsoft Access.数据库管理系统 数据库是相关数据的集合。这相当于一个电子文件柜。数据库管理系统(DBMS)或数据库管理器是一种程序用于设置或创建一个数据库。它还提供了工具实现输入
48、、编辑和从数据库中检索数据。各种各样的人使用数据库,从教师记录成绩到警察检查犯罪历史。学院和大学使用数据库来记录他们的学生,教师,课程。各种类型的组织建立员工数据库。使用最广泛用于微型计算机的数据库管理系统是Microsoft Access。FeaturesThe relational database is the most widely used database structure. Data is organized into related tables. Each table is made up of rows called records and columns called
49、fields. Each record contains fields of data about some specific person, place, or thing. 关系数据库relational database是应用最广泛的数据库结构。数据被组织成相关表。每个表tables是由被称为记录records和字段fields的行和列组成。每条记录包含对一些特定的人、地方或事物的字段组成的数据。 A DBMS provides a variety of tools to create and use databases. A sort tool will quickly rearran
50、ge a tables records according to a selected field. A filter tool will display only those records meeting the conditions you specify. The greatest power of a DBMS, however, comes from its ability to find and bring together information stored in separate tables using queries, forms, and reports. A que
51、ry is a request for specific data contained Tg in a database. Database forms look similar to traditional printed forms. These electronic forms are displayed on the computer monitor and typically reflect the contents for one record in a table. DBMS提供了各种工具来创建和使用数据库。根据选定的字段使用一种工具很快就会重新排序sort一个表的记录。一个过滤
52、器filter工具将只显示指定条件的记录。DBMS强大的功能是,使用查询queries,表格 forms, 和 报告reports.,在不同的表中找到并汇集信息的能力。查询query是在数据库中请求特定的数据。Forms表单与传统印刷形式相似。这些表单在电脑显示器上显示,通常反映表中一条记录的内容。 They are primarily used to enter new records and to make changes to existing records. Data from tables and queries can be printed in a variety of dif
53、ferent types of reports from a simple listing of one field in a table to a list of selected fields based on a query involving several tables. 它们主要用于输入新的记录,并对现有的记录进行修改。从表和查询的数据可以打印在不同类型的报表中,查询列表中一个字段的列表到基于包含多个表的的列表都可以打印出来。Case Assume that you have accepted a job as an employment administrator for the
54、 Lifestyle Fitness Club. One of your responsibilities is to create a data- base management system to replace the clubs manual system for recording employee information. To see how you could use Microsoft Access, one of the most widely used relational DBMS programs, as the employment administrator fo
55、r the Lifestyle Fitness Club, see Figures 3-11 and 3-12.案例 假设你已经接受了一份工作,作为一个健身俱乐部生活方式的管理者。您的职责之一是创建一个数据库管理系统,以取代俱乐部的员工手动记录信息的系统。看你如何使用应用最为广泛的一种关系型数据库管理系统的程序微软Access,对于生活方式的健身俱乐部就业管理员,见图3-11和3-12。Presentation graphicsResearch shows that people learn better when information is presented visually. A pi
56、cture is indeed worth a thousand words or numbers. Presentation graphics are programs that combine a variety of visual objects to create attractive, visually interesting presentations. They are excellent tools to communicate a message and to persuade people. People in a variety of settings and situa
57、tions use presentation graphics programs to make their presentations more interesting and professional. For example, marketing managers use presentation graphics to present proposed marketing strategies to their superiors. Salespeople use these programs to demonstrate products and encourage customer
58、s to make purchases. Students use presentation graphics programs to create high-quality class presentations. Three of the most widely used presentation graphics programs are Microsoft PowerPoint, Corel Presentations, and Apple Keynote.演示图形 研究表明,视觉上的信息能更好帮助人们学习。一张图片一可以表达很多字或数字的内容。视觉上有趣的演示程序结合各种视觉对象来创建有吸引力的演示图形。他们是一个很好传递信息和说服人们的工具。人们在各种各样的环境和情况下使用演示图形程序,使他们的演讲更有趣和更专业。例如,营销经理使用演示文稿图形向他们的上司提出建议的营销策略。销售人员使用这些程序来展示产品,并吸引客户购买。学生使用演示图形程序来创建高质量的课堂演示。最广泛使用的图形演示程序是Micr,osoft PowerPoi
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