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1、bDISTRIBUTEtJEMPERATUCONTRCffiYSTErBASEDDNMULTI-SENSODATAFUSIONAbstract:Temperature control system has been widely used over the past decades. In this paper, a general architecture of distributed temperature control system is put forward based on multi-sensor data fusion and CAN bus. A new method of

2、 multi-se nsor data fusi on based on parameter estimati on is proposed for the distributed temperature controlsystem. The majorfeature of the system is its gen erality, which is suitable for many fields of large scale temperature con trol. Experime nt shows that this system possesses higher accuracy

3、, reliability, good realtime characteristicand wide applicati on prospect Keywords:Distributed con trol system; CAN bus; in tellige nt CAN no de; multi-se nsor data fusi on.1. In troduct ionDistributed temperature control system has been widely used in our daily life and product ion,in clud ing in t

4、ellige ntbuild ing,gree nhouse,con sta nt temperature workshop, large and medium gran ary, depot, and so1on . This kind of system should ensure that the environment temperaturecan be kept between two predefined limits. In the conventional temperature measurement systems we build a network through RS

5、-485 Bus using a sin gle-chip meteri ng system based on temperature sen sors. With the aid of the network, we can carry out centralizedmonitoring and controlling.However, whenthe monitoring area is muchmore widespread and transmission dista nee becomes farther, the disadva ntages of RS-485 Bus becom

6、e more obvious. In this situation, the transmission and response speed becomes lower, the anti-interfereneeability becomesworse. Therefore, we shouldseek out a new com muni cati on method to solve the problems produced by RS-485 Bus.During all the com muni cati on mann ers, the in dustrialcon trol-o

7、rie ntedfield bus tech no logy can en sure that we can break through the limitati on of traditi onal point to point com muni catio n mode and build up a real distributed control and centralizedmanagement system. As a serialcom muni cati on protocol support ing distributed real-time con trol,CANbusha

8、s much more merits tha n RS-485 Bus, such as better error correcti on ability, better real-time ability, lower cost and so on. Prese ntly, it has been extensively used in the implementationof distributedmeasureme nt and con trol doma ins.With the developme nt of sen sory tech no logy, more and more

9、systems beg in to adopt multi-se nsor data fusi ontech no logyto improve theirperformances.Multi-sensordata fusionis a kind of paradigm forintegratingthe data from multiple sources to synthesizethe newinformationso that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts . Andit is a critical task both i

10、n the con temporary and future systems which have distributed n etworks of low-cost, resource-c on stra ined sen sors2. Distributed architecture of the temperature control systemThe distributed architecture of the temperature con trol system is depicted in the Figure 1. As can be see n, the system c

11、on sists of two modulesseveral in tellige nt CAN no des and a mai n con troller. They are interconnected with each other through CANbus. Each module performs its part into the distributed architecture. The following is a brief description of each module in the architecture.|unitMCUIntdl誹 niInteQigen

12、t node 1厂 1- plaY |:(1 A/DV1A,1肌丄整1TConverfii-anAI| - I 1| Hvating unitSn/ VYirir : Gaol込吒 unit1DisplayTeoeratur* 吳nwci工 Grow3. 1ma in con trollerAs the system s main con troller,the host PCca n com muni cate with thein tellige nt CAN no des. It is devoted to supervise and con trol the whole system,

13、 such as system configuration, displaying running condition, parameter in itializatio n and harm onizing the relati on ships betwee n each part.What s more, we can print or store the system s historytemperature data, which is very useful for the an alysis of the system performa nee3.2. Intelligent C

14、AN nodeEach in tellige nt CAN node of the temperature con trol system in cludes five units:MCa single chip,A/D conversionunit, temperaturemon itori ng unitsen sor group, digital display unit and actuatorsacooling unitand a heating unit. The operatingprinciple of thein tellige nt CAN node is describe

15、d as follows.In the practicalapplication,we divide the regionof the controlobjective into many cells, and lay the in tellige nt CAN no des in some of the typical cells. In each no de, MCU collects temperature data from the temperature measurement sensor groups with the aid of the A/D conversion unit

16、. Simultaneously, it performs basic data fusion algorithms to obtain a fusion value which is more close to the real one. And the digital display unit displays the fusing result of the node timely, sowe can un dersta ndthe en vir onment temperature in every con trol cell separately.By comparing the f

17、usion value with the set one by the main controller, the intelligentCANnode can implement the degenerative feedback controlof each cell through enabling the corresponding heating or cooling devices. If the fusionresult is bigger than the set value in the specialin tellige nt CANnode, the cooli ng un

18、it will beg in to work. On the con trary, if the fusion result is less than the set value in the node the heating unit will begi n towork. By this means we can not only mon itor theen vir onment temperature, but also can make the corresp onding actuator work so as to regulate the temperature automat

19、ically. At the same time every CANnode is able to send data frame to the CANbus which will notify the main controllerthe temperature value in the cell so that controllercan conveniently makedecisions to modify the parameter or not. Since the CAN no des can regulate the temperature of the cell where

20、they are, the temperature in the whole room will be kept homogeneous. Wha s more, we can also c ontrol the intelligent node by modifying the temperature ssett ing value on the host PC.Gen erally, the processors on the spot are not good at complex data processing and data fusing, so it becomes very c

21、ritical how to choose a suitable data fusi on algorithm for the system. In the posterior sect ion, we willintroducea data fusion method which is suitablefor thein tellige nt CAN nodes。4. Multi-se nsor data fusi onThe aim to use data fusion in the distributed temperature control system is to elim in

22、ate the un certa in ty,gain a more precise and reliablevalue than the arithmetical meanof the measured data from finitesensors.Furthermore, whe n some of the sen sors become in valid in the temperature sen sor groups, the in tellige nt CAN node can still obta in the accurate temperature value by fus

23、ing the information from the other valid sensors.4.1. Con siste ncy verificati on of the measured dataDuring the process of temperaturemeasurement in our designeddistributed temperature con trol system, measureme nt error comes into being in evitably because of the in flue nee of the paroxysmal dist

24、urb or the equipment fault. So we should eliminate the careless mistake beforedata fusi on.We can elimi nate the measureme nt errors by using scatter diagram method in the system equipped with little amount of sen sors. Parameters to represe nt the data distributi on structure in clude media n TM up

25、perquartilenu mbe Fv,lower quartilenu mbe FL and quartiledispers ion dF.It is supposed that each sen sor in the temperature con trol system proceeds temperature measurement independently.In the system, there areeight sensors in each temperature sensor group of the intelligentCANbode.So we can obta i

26、n eight temperature values in each CAN node at the same time. Wearrange the collected temperature data in a sequenee from small to large:T1, T 2, ,T 88 is the limit superior.In the seque nee, T 1 is the limit in ferior and TWe defi ne the media n TM as:(1)The upper quartile Fv is the median of the i

27、ntervalTM, TJ.The lower1, T J.The dispersionquartile number FL is the median of the interval T of the quartile is:匚二F F(2)We suppose that the data is an aberration one if the distance from the median is greater than adF, that is, the estimation interval of invalid data is:ZTIn the formula, a is a co

28、nstant, which is dependent on the system measureme nt error, com mon ly its value is to be 0.5, 1.0, 2.0 and so on. The rest values in the measurement column are considered as to be the valid ones with consistency. And the Single-Chip in the intelligent CAN node will fuse the con siste nt measureme

29、nt value to obta in a fusi on result5. Temperature measureme nt data fusi on experime ntBy appl ying the distributed temperature con trol system to a gree nhouse,we obtai n an array of eight temperature values from eight sen sors as followsSS5SsS728.132Q31 929,936.629328,0233The mea n value of the e

30、ight measureme nt temperature result isbComparing the meanvalue (8)T with the true temperature value in the cell of the greenhouse, we can know that the measurement error is +0.5 C . After we eliminate the careless error from the fifth sensor using the method introduced before, we can obtain the mea

31、n value of the rest seven data (7)T=29.6 C , the measurement error is -0.4C .The seve n rest con siste nt sen sor can be divided into two groups with2, S 4, S 6, S 8 in the secondsen sor S1, S3, S 7 i n the first group and sen sor Sone. The arithmetical mean of the two groups of measured data and th

32、e standard deviation are as follows respectively:Tay = 29.3 C= 29.9 Ct+ = 29.7 VAccordi ng to formula (13), we can educe the temperature fusi on value with the seve n measured temperature value.The error of the fusion temperature result is -0.3C .It is obvious that the measurement result from data f

33、usion is more close to the true value than that from arithmetical mean. In the practical application, the measured temperature value maybe very dispersive as the monitoring area becomes bigger, data fusion will improve the measuring precisi on much more obviously.6. Con clusi onsThe distributed temp

34、erature con trol system based on multi-se nsor data fusion is constructed through CAN bus. It takes full advantage of the characteristics of field bus con trol system-FDCS. Data acquisiti on, data fusi on and system con troll ingis carried out in the in tellige nt CANno de, and system man ageme nt i

35、s impleme nted in the main con troller (host PC). By using CAN bus and data fusi on tech no logy the reliability and real-time ability of the system is greatly improved. We are sure that it will be widely used in the future.Refere nces1 Waltz E. Liinas J, Multi-sensorData Fusion, Artech House, New Y

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39、o. 1, pp. 20-44, Feb 1993.8 Tenney R R, Jr san dell N R, Detection with distributed se nsors, AES,Vol 17, pp.501-510, 1981基于多数据融合传感器的分布式温度控制系统摘要:在过去的几十年,温度控制系统已经被广泛的应用。 对于温度控制提出了一 种基于多传感器数据融合和 CAN总线控制的一般结构。一种新方法是基于多传 感器数据融合估计算法参数分布式温控系统。该系统的重要特点是其共性,其适 用于很多具体领域的大型的温度控制。实验结果表明该系统具有较高的准确性、 可靠性,良好的实时性和

40、广泛的应用前景。关键词:分布式控制系统;CAN总线控制;智能CAN节点;多数据融合传感器。1介绍分布式温度控制系统已经被广泛的应用在我们日常生活和生产,包括智能建筑、温室、恒温车间、大中型粮仓、仓库等。这种控制保证环境温度能被保持在 两个预先设定的温度间。在传统的温度测量系统中,我们用一个基于温度传感器 的单片机系统建立一个RS-485局域网控制器网络。借助网络,我们能实行集中监 控和控制.然而,当监测区域分布更广泛和传输距离更远,RS-485总线控制系统的 劣势更加突出。在这种情况下,传输和响应速度变得更低,抗干扰能力更差。因 此,我们应当寻找新的通信的方法来解决用 RS-485总线控制系统

41、而产生的问题。 在所有的通讯方式中,适用于工业控制系统的总线控制技术,我们可以突破传统 点对点通信方式的限制、建立一个真正的分布式控制与集中管理系统,CAN总线控制比RS-485总线控制系统更有优势。比如更好的纠错能力、改善实时的能 力,低成本等。目前,它正被广泛的应用于实现分布式测量和范围控制。随着传感器技术的发展,越来越多的系统开始采用多传感器数据融合技术来 提高他们的实现效果。多传感器数据融合是一种范式对多种来源整合数据,以综合成新的信息,比其他部分的总和更加强大。无论在当代和未来,系统的低成本, 节省资源都是传感器中的一项重要指标。2分布式架构的温度控制系统分布式架构温度控制系统如图中

42、所示的图 1。可以看出,这系统由两个模块 两个智能CAN节点和一个主要的控制器组成。每个模块部分执行进入分布 式架构。下面的是简短的描述下各模块3.1主要控制器作为系统的主要控制器,这主pc能和智能CAN节点通信。它致力于监督和 控制整个系统,系统配置、显示运行状况、参数初始化和协调各部分间的关系。 更重要的是,我们能打印或储存系统的历史温度的数据, 这对分析系统性能是非 常有用的。3.2智能CAN节点每一个温度控制系统的智能 CAN节点有五个部分:MCU 个单片机, A/D转换单元,温度监测单元一传感器群,数字显示器,激发器一一个冷却单元 和供暖单元。接下来介绍智能CAN节点的工作原理。在实

43、际操作中,我们划分控制的目标进入一些单元,储存智能CAN节点在一些典型的单元。在每个节点,单片机借助 A / D转换单位从温度测量传感器收 集温度数据。同时,它执行基本的数据融合运算获得运算的结果,更接近实际。数字显示器及时显示融合节点的结果,所以我们能及时了解在每个控制单元所处 的环境温度。通过比较融合值用主控制器构建一个,这样智能 CAN节点可以通过相应的 加热或冷却装置实现反馈控制各单元。如果在特别的智能CAN节点融合结果大于设定值,冷却单位将开始工作。相反,如果在节点融合的结果低于设定值加热 单位将开始工作。用这种方法,我们不仅能监控环境温度,还能做相应的触发器来 实现温度的自动调节。与此同时,每个C


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