已阅读5页,还剩20页未读 继续免费阅读




1、鲁教版八年级英语上册全册精品导学案合集目录unit 1 will people have robots? (new words)1unit1 will people have robots? (section a1a-1c)3unit1 will people have robots? (section b1a-2c)4unit 1 will people have robots? self check5unit 1 will people have robots?双向细目表6unit2 what should i do? (section a1a-1c)8unit2 what should

2、i do? (section b1a-2c)10unit2 what should i do? (section a2a-4)11unit2 what should i do? section b(3a-4)12初三英语导学案 unit 2 self check13初三英语导学案 unit2双向细目表14unit3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived? section a(1a-2c)15unit3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived? selfcheck16unit3 section b(14b)17

3、unit3 what were you doing when the ufo arrived? section a(3a-4)18unit3 双项细目表19unit 4 he said i was hard-working. section a (1a-2c)20初三英语unit 4 he said i was working-hard. section a (3a-4)21unit 4 she said i was working-hard. (section b)22unit 4 he said i was working-hard. ( self checkreading )23unit

4、 4 he said i was hard-working. 双项细目表24unit 1 will people have robots? (new words) 课型:新授 执笔: 审核: 时间: 学习目标:1. 掌握单词读音及意思。2. 熟记重点单词的书写,并且注意单词的变化。前置自学:1. 大声朗读unit1的单词。2.试着写出下列短语 太空站 _ _ 爱上 _ 去滑冰 _世界杯_ 一名宇航会员 _ 一张纸_飞往_ 饲养宠物_ 能够_展示交流:1 预习情况交流:小组讨论课前准备,标记出不明白的问题。2 相互检查课前短语完成的书写情况。达标检测:1 按要求写出相应形式。1)little (

5、比较级) 2) few (比较级) _ 3) much/many(比较级) 4) fall (过去式)_ 5)think(过去式) _ 6)take (过去式) _ 7) write (过去式) _ 8)building (动词) _9).fly(过去式)_10)casually(形容词)_11)will not (缩写)_2.根据句意首字母填空:(1) i dont like living a_.(2) ill fly r_to the moon in the future.(3) dont worry. e_ will go well.(4) when i grow up. i want

6、to be an a_.(5) ill be able to dress c_ after work.(6) r_ will do most work people can do in the future.(7) now p_is a serious problem.3.本部分单词你记住了么?试着写一写_课堂小结:_unit 1 will people have robots? (new words) 课型:新授 执笔: 备课组 审核: 时间: 学习目标:3. 掌握单词读音及意思。4. 熟记重点单词的书写,并且注意单词的变化。前置自学:1. 大声朗读unit1的单词。2.试着写出下列短语 太

7、空站 _ _ 爱上 _ 去滑冰 _世界杯_ 一名宇航会员 _ 一张纸_飞往_ 饲养宠物_ 能够_展示交流:3 预习情况交流:小组讨论课前准备,标记出不明白的问题。4 相互检查课前短语完成的书写情况。达标检测:2 按要求写出相应形式。1)little (比较级) 2) few (比较级) _ 3) much/many(比较级) 4) fall (过去式)_ 5)think(过去式) _ 6)take (过去式) _ 7) write (过去式) _ 8)building (动词) _9).fly(过去式)_10)casually(形容词)_11)will not (缩写)_2.根据句意首字母填空

8、:(1) i dont like living a_.(2) ill fly r_to the moon in the future.(3) dont worry. e_ will go well.(4) when i grow up. i want to be an a_.(5) ill be able to dress c_ after work.(6) r_ will do most work people can do in the future.(7) now p_is a serious problem.3.本部分单词你记住了么?试着写一写_课堂小结:_unit1 will peo

9、ple have robots? (section a1a-1c) 课型:新授 执笔: 审核: 时间:学习目标:1. 掌握1a-1c 部分的新单词和短语.2. 语法:含will的一般将来时的结构。 前置自学:翻译短语1、免费的_ 2、呆在家里在电脑上学习 _3、活到200岁_ 4、从现在起100年_展示交流:1.在将来,100年后,世界将有怎样不同的变化?阅读这些预言,你是否同意?2.请你预测今后世界将有何的变化。试着写出2-3个句子并与伙伴交流。_3. 听力训练:圈出1a中你所听出的预言。合作探究1.一般将来时:will的结构及用法。含义:_构成:_标志词:_ 否定形式:_一般疑问句及其肯定

10、否定回答:_2.一般将来时的其他形式:(1)_ _ (2) _达标检测用括号内所给动词的适当形式填写1. he _(write) an e-mail to his pen pal tomorrow evening.2. i _ (visit) my grandfather next sunday.3. tom _(be) back in three days.4. mr. wang _(get)to london soon.5. later on, it _(stop) raining, you dont need to worry about the weather.单项选择1 kate _

11、 13 years old next year. a. is b. was c. is going to be d. will be2 look at the black clouds! it_. a. rains b. rained c. is going to rain d. will rain3 there _ a football match in our school next week. a. is b. was c. will have d. will be4 i _ you when bill _ here tomorrow. a. will call; comes b. ca

12、ll; will come c. call; comes d. will call; will come学习小结:_unit1 will people have robots? (section a 2a-4) 课型:新授 执笔: 审核: 时间:学习目标:1. 运用there be. 句型谈论未来生活的变化。2. 语法:过去,现在 将来三种时态比较。 前置自学:翻译短语1更多人_ 2.较少的空闲时间 _3较少的汽车_ 4.较少污染_5. 在上中学_ 5.在上大学_展示交流:1.完成听力练习2a,2b.2.请你预测你所居住的城镇今后将有何新的变化。_3.完成3a部分.自己过去现在及将来的比较和变

13、化。_合作探究1.there be 句型的一般将来时:_ _2.区分more, fewer, less意思: _区别:_3. 过去,现在 将来三种时态比较.时态标志词be动词的变化实义动词(have)的变化一般过去时态一般现在时态一般将来时态达标检测单项选择1. im not happy because i have _money to buy beautiful clothes. a. little b. few c. a little d. a few2.-i dont think there will be _ tall buildings in the future.-yes. peo

14、ple will prefer to live in the housesa. less b. more c. fewer d. any3.-i think young people can go out at night. -_a. i agree. b. i do. c. i dont know. d. i disagree.学习小结:_unit1 will people have robots? (section b1a-2c)课型:新授 执笔: 审核: 时间:学习目标:1. 学会谈论过去、现在、将来。.2. 掌握听力的技巧和方法。 前置自学:翻译短语1、一名宇航员_ 2、一所公寓 _3

15、、乘火车去上学_ 4、乘火箭去月球_5、在空间站_展示交流:1. 将1a部分的单词分类,并根据类别写出其他单词。jobstransportationplace to live用你所想出的词编写句子。_2.完成听力任务。joe 和alexis的对话,谈论joe现在、过去、将来nowi _in an apartment.i _near here.i _a computer programmer.ten years agowe _in a house.i _ the train to school.ten years from nowi _ an astronaut.i _rockets to th

16、e moon.i _ on a space station.3.编写对话。 joe: where do you live? alexis: i live in an apartment. joe: _ alexis: _合作探究:过去、现在、将来所需句型_unit 1 will people have robots? section b(3a-4) 课型:新授 执笔: 审核: 时间: 学习目标:1. words: fall, apartment, alone, pet, even, parrot, probable, suit, casually, dress ,able, which, ke

17、ep2. 短语:(1)一名记者 (2)10年后 (3)去年 (4)爱上 (5)单独居住(6)去滑冰 (7)饲养一只宠物鹦鹉 (8) 在工作日期间 (9) 看起来漂亮 (10)能够,足以 (11)穿套装 (12)穿的更随便 (13)世界杯前置自学:1. 在文中找出目标中的单词和短语2.试着写出目标中的短语 3阅读3a部分,思考一下十年后的生活。a.用汉语表述出来。b.完成表格4参考3b 部分,思考自己十年后的情况展示交流:5 预习情况交流:小组讨论课前准备,标记出不明白的问题。6 个人舞台:a. 两人一组翻译短文 b.模仿录音,练习阅读。 c.英语口语比赛,熟读3a部分。3.请将10年后的情况记

18、录下来 合作探究:描述将来的情况需要用到哪种句型,需要什么语言结构:_达标检测:1. 我看见一个大苹果从树上落了下来。i saw a big apple_ _the tree.2. 她一看到那件衣服就喜欢上了它。she_ _ _ _the dress as soon as she saw it.3.你认为明年那部电影奖获奖?which movie do you think _ _ _next year.4.在周末,我通常呆在家里读书。i usually stay at home_ _ on weekends.unit 1 will people have robots? self check

19、课型:新授 执笔: 审核: 时间:学习目标:1. words: myself, interview, moon, prediction, company, predict, thought, space sound, fly, keep2.短语:(1)自食其力 (2)需要做某事 (3)飞往月球 (4)穿校服 (5)著名的预言(6)实现 (7)的首脑 (8) 最大的电脑公司 (9) 之一 (10) 当然 (11)居住的地方 (12)在太空 (13)大多数人们 (14) 好得多前置自学:1.试着完成1部分,并翻译。2.试着写出目标中的短语 3阅读2部分: a.用汉语表述出来。b.熟读并记忆4填写3

20、 部分。展示交流:1. 预习情况交流:小组讨论课前准备,标记出不明白的问题。2. 个人舞台:a. 两人一组翻译短文 b.模仿录音,练习阅读。3. 共同完成3部分,表演just for fun.达标检测:1) i got there 10 years ago. i fell _the small village.a. love with b. in love with c. in love to d. love in 2) the old man lives in the house_,but he doesnt feel_.a. lonely, lonely b. alone, alone c

21、. lonely, alone d. alone, lonely 3) the child isnt old enough to _himself.a. wear b. dress c. put on d. be in4) the boy said that he did it just for _a. fun b. wishes c. niterests d. thanks5) if there are _trees, the air in our city will be _ cleaner.a. less, more b. more, more c. more, much d. much

22、, more6) there_some old people taking a walk in the park.a. is b. are c. has d. have小结_unit 1 will people have robots? (reading) 课型:新授 执笔: 审核: 时间:学习目标:1.掌握本部分的重点单词和短语。2.能够熟读课文并完成相应的任务。3.识记重点的句子和语法知识。前置自学:1. 试着完成1a,1b的任务,并预测所读到的单词圈出来。 2. 试着读课文翻译短语:(1)科幻小说 (2)在未来 ( 3)帮助做某事 (4)最不令人愉快的工作 (5)数百年 (6)努力干某事

23、 (7)使某人干某事 (8)与我们做同样的事情 (9) 看起来像 (10)对某人来说有困难 (11)例如 (12)一遍又一遍的 (13) 一遍又一遍的 (14)更少的工作 (15)许多不同的形状 (16)寻找 (17)电动牙刷 (18)一百年以前 展示交流:7 预习情况交流:小组讨论课前准备,标记出不明白的问题。8 两人一组翻译短文并大声朗读课文。9 标记重点的短语和句子,熟读并记忆课文。10 共同完成3a-3c部分并记录在课本上。达标检测:(7-13题采取口头抢答)1. there are many tall in my town.(build)2.there will be polluti

24、on in the air of our city than today.(little)3.the movie is interesting. im sure you in love with it.(fall)4.i often see jack across the road to wait for the bus.(walk)5there are five boys for you outside.(wait.) 6.this is an story.(pleasant) 7.john是这个篮球队的队长。8.六点前到达那里是不可能的。9.这些风筝形状不一。10.山上到处都是小树。11.

25、如此多的作业让他厌烦。12对于我们来说学好外语是困难的。13.科学家现在正努力是机器人看起来跟人一样,并且做与我们做的相同的事情。小结: unit 1 will people have robots?双向细目表 课型:复习 执笔: 审核: 时间:学习目标:1.复习本单元的重点短语和句型。2. 语法:will 一般将来时的各种句型。双向细目表一、重点单词短语:单词:robot everything everywhere paper building space fall alone pet probably dress even myself interview company unpleasa

26、nt scientist however already factory simple such human shape huge snake possible impossible electric seem housework短语1. 在将来 2. 在100年之后 3.更少的空闲时间 4.更少的污染 5. 5年前 6. 这将有 7.太空站 8. 爱上 9. 独自居住 10. 饲养一只宠物 11. 穿套装 12. 自我谋生 13. 我的工作面试 14. 预测未来 _ 15. 当然 _ 16. 的首脑 17 .被使用 18.在太空 19. 好得多 20.某人自己的. 21.最令人不愉快的工作

27、22. 努力干某事 23. 使某人干某事 24. 与我们做同样的事情 25. 看起来像 26. 例如 27. 一遍又一遍 28. 许多不同的形状 29. 对某人来说有困难 30. 帮助做某事 二、重点句型:1. 你认为在人们家里将有机器人吗?do you think there will be robots in peoples homes?2. 人们能活到200岁吗?will people live to 200 years old?3. 我认为将会有更多污染。i think there will be more pollution.4. 我认为以后小汽车将更少。i think there

28、will be fewer cars.5. 你认为sally五年后将干什么? what do you think sally will be in five years? 6. 去年我去了上海并喜欢上了那里。i went to shanghai last year and fell in love with it.7.我不喜欢独自居住。i dont like living alone.8.我可以饲养一只宠物鹦鹉。i might keep a pet parrot.9.在周末,我将能打扮得更随便。at the weekends , ill be able to dress more casual

29、ly.10.我认为法国将赢得下一届世界杯。i think that france will win the next world cup.11. 预测未来可能是困难的。 predicting the future can be difficult.12.人们将会拥有自己的机器人。.people in the future will have their own robots.13.对机器人来说与人做同样的事情是困难的。its difficult for the robots to do the same thing as a person.14.机器人将能够在25至50年之后与人类交谈。rob

30、ots will talk to people in 25 to 50 years.三、达标拓展:1.ithinkaliceistherightpersonforthejob,becauseshesalwaysthinking_ofothersthanofherself. a.much b.more c.little d.less(2006,安徽省中考卷) 2.howlongwillcatslive_? a.to b.tobe c.for d.on 3.there_onecountryintheworld. a.willbeonly b.bewillonly c.willonlybe d.on

31、lywillbe 4.-willthereberobotsinpeopleshomes? -_. a.yes,therewill b.yes,therebe c.no,therewill d.no,itwont 5.mr.smithwillbebacktoschool_aweek. a.at b.in c.for d.after 6.theoldmanhas_friends,soheoftenfeelslonely. a.few b.afew c.little d.alittle 14.industrial(工业)_haskilledmuchoftheriverswildlife. a.pol

32、lution b.prediction c.subway d.paper 15.howdoyou_themachine? -letmeshowyou. a.fall b.use c.study d.gounit2 what should i do? (section a1a-1c)课型:新授 执笔: 审核: 时间: 月 日学习目标:1. 掌握1a-1c 部分的新单词和短语。2. 谈论日常生活中遇到的问题。 前置自学:翻译短语1不让进入_ 2.声音太大 _3.足够的钱_ 4.与某人吵架_5.过时的,不时髦的_6.怎么了?_展示交流:1.讨论1a中日常生活中遇到的问题,哪些是严重问题?哪些是不严重

33、问题?2.小组内展开调查。3.听力训练:圈出1a中你所听出的日常生活中遇到的问题。合作探究1日常生活中你遇到哪些麻烦的问题,请与同桌讨论,然后用英语句子记下来。_2.小组内任选1a中的某一生活问题,然后讨论解决方法。problemadvice达标检测用could/should填写6. if you feel lonely, you_ keep a pet.7. he wasvery healthy and happy and he _ look after himself.8. you _say youre happy.9. whatsthe matter? you _go to the do

34、ctor.10. my father said he _speak a little english when he was young .11. -_ use your dictionary?-yes, of course you can.7. if you dont have any money,you _ask your parents for some.8. my best friend julia said we_ borrow he car.单项选择5 my grandpa didnt go to sleep _ i got back home. a. where b. until

35、 c. as soon as d.while学习小结:unit2 what should i do? (section a1a-1c)课型:新授 执笔: 审核: 时间: 月 日学习目标:1. 掌握1a-1c 部分的新单词和短语。2. 谈论日常生活中遇到的问题。 前置自学:翻译短语1不让进入_ 2.声音太大 _3.足够的钱_ 4.与某人吵架_5.过时的,不时髦的_6.怎么了?_展示交流:1.讨论1a中日常生活中遇到的问题,哪些是严重问题?哪些是不严重问题?2.小组内展开调查。3.听力训练:圈出1a中你所听出的日常生活中遇到的问题。合作探究1日常生活中你遇到哪些麻烦的问题,请与同桌讨论,然后用英语

36、句子记下来。_2.小组内任选1a中的某一生活问题,然后讨论解决方法。problemadvice达标检测用could/should填写1.if you feel lonely, you_ keep a pet.2.he was very healthy and happy and he _ look after himself.3.you _say youre happy.4.whatsthe matter? you _go to the doctor.5.my father said he _speak a little english when he was young .6.-_ use your dictionary?-yes, of course you can.7. if you have any money,you _ask your parents for some.8. my best friend


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