



1、八年级下册Unit 1复习要点一词汇1. 将;会 2. 机器人 3. 每件事物 4. 纸;纸张 5. 较少的 6. 污染 7. 树 8. 建筑物 9. 宇航员 10. 火箭 11. 太空 12. 飞行 13. 月亮 14. 落下 15. 单独地 16. 宠物 17. 鹦鹉 18. 大概 19. 一套衣服 20. 能 21. 穿衣 22. 非正式地 23. 哪个 24. 甚至 25. 面试 26. 预言 27. 预言;预测 28. 我自已 29. 声音 30. 公司 31. 策略 32. 小说 33. 使人不愉快的 34. 科学家 35. 早已 36. 简单的 37. 这样的 38. 厌烦的 3

2、9. 各地 40. 人类 41. 外形 42. 巨大的 43. 蛇 44. 可能的 45. 电的 46. 牙刷 47. 像是 48. 不可能的 49. 家务 50. 等级;级别 二短语1.有空的 2.在电脑上 3.一百年后 4.住在一所公寓里 5.在太空站 6.爱上某人或某物 7.去滑冰 8.能做某事 9.二十年后 10.世界杯 11.实现 12.在太空 13.科幻电影 14.好几百 15.反复 16.同某人争吵 17.两张纸 18.如此高的建筑 三句子1. 未来人们会拥有机器人吗(future) ? 2. 20年后将会有更少的污染了。(less) 3. 孩子们会在家里通过电脑学习。(on)

3、4. 将会有更少的树吗?是的。(there) 5. 我对他一见钟情。(fall) 6. 在周末我可以穿的更随意。(dress) 7. 你认为你下个月的生活会怎样?() 8. 我的生活会比现在好多了。() 9. 我的朋友在家里养了一只宠物猪。() 10. 我将开火箭飞往月球。(fly) 11.我不喜欢单独居住。(live) 12.对于机器人来说和人一样做相同的事情很难。(hard) 四单项选择。( )1. Mybrother a pet dog inour house . A. keeps B. wears C. looks D. plays ( )2. YesterdayI wore unif

4、orm and took umbrella to school . A. a, a B. a, an C. an, a D. an, an ( )3. What will the weather tomorrow ? A. be B. will be C. be like D. is( )4. - What do you think you will be in five years ? - _ . A. Playing basketball B. A doctor C. In college D. Have a book ( )5. My life will be than it is no

5、w . A、a lot good B. much better C. more better D. much more better ( )6. I thinkSally will come tomorrow , ? A. wont she B. dont I C. wont D. will she( )7. There will be cars and pollution . A. more, less B. less, less C. fewer, more D. fewer, less( )8.- will you leave Beijing ? - In two days . A. H

6、ow often B. How long C. How soon D. What time( )9. If you hard, your dream true. A. works, comes B. work, will come C. will work, work D. work, comes( )10. Is this company inyour city? A. the largest B. the larger C. a largest D. a larger( )11. I always work hard, so I do well math English. A. at, a

7、s well B. in, as well as C. at, except D. in, as well( )12. What do you think in the future? A. your life will beB. will your life beC. your life will belikeD. will your life be like( )13. There a factory near my home. A. will have B. will be C. have going to D. is going to have八年级下Unit 2复习要点一单词1. 播

8、放 2. 争论 3. 风格 4. 票 5. 使惊奇 6. 好的 7. 同样地(不) 8. 烤 9. 新颖的 10. 理发 11. 除 12. 心烦的 13. 失败 14. 归还 15. 足球 16. 到为止 17. 适合 18. 压力 19. 抱怨 20. 包括 21. 固执己见的 22. 推动 23. 派遣 24. 比较 25. 疯狂的 26.(反身代词)他们自己 27. 成年人 28. 有组织的 29. 自由 二短语1.过时的 2.时髦的 3.给某人打电话 4.在电话上 5.付款 6.和-一样 7.把某物留在家里 8.跟某人相处融洽 9.跟某人打架 10.尽可能多 11.觉得有压力 12.

9、一位有3个孩子的母亲 13.把-和-相比较 14.在一方面 15.在另一方面 16.让某人吃惊的是 三句子。1.你怎么啦?我的衣服过时了。() 2.李雷怎么了?他和他最好的朋友吵架了。() 3.我该怎么办?你可以给他写封信. () 4他该怎么办?也许他该说对不起。() 5.我不想在电话上谈它。() 6.你可以给他一张球赛的票。() 7.我不想让她吃惊。() 8.我没有足够的钱. () 9.我哥哥把唱碟放的太大声了。() 10.我的堂兄和我一样大。 (old) (age)11他和我有一样的衣服。我想独特一点。() 12.你有很多事情可以做. (there be) 13.你应该向你哥哥借点钱。()

10、 14.他也没有钱。() 15.我很难过,不知道做什么。() 16.疲劳的孩子们直到下午6点才回家 。() 四、单项选择( )1.-Shall we go to the park at 7? - . A. No, Lets go to the zoo B. No, Lets leave at half past six C. Sorry, Im busy D. Lets go to the shop( )2.Our teacher will about computer games with the headmaster tomorrow afternoon. A. speak B. say

11、C. tell D. talk( )3. Lucy went to the shop and about 100 yuan the new book. A. took, to B. spent, in C. paid, for D.paid, with( )4. Im sorry, I my homework at home. A. forgot B. left C. stayed D. kept( )5. -How long could I the magazine, Miss Wang? -Only one week. A. borrow B. return C. give back D.

12、 keep( )6. There are so many nice skirts in the store. I dont know to choose. A. which B. what C. who D. where( )7. Lucy is the same as Lily. They are twin sisters. A. old B. age C. young D. size( )8. Shut the window and the cold wind out. A .leave B. take C. keep D. stop( )9. His father told him hi

13、s best friend to dinner this Sunday. A. invite B. ask C. to invite D. asking( )10. -Why is Peter unhappy? -Because he the final exam. A. failed to pass B. passed C. went through D.didnt fail( )11. The chair is broken. Please who broke it. A. look for B. find C. find out D. look at( )12. All the classmates went to the park Lewis. He had to look after his weak mother at home. A. only B. beside C. besides D. except)13. I think the new classmates is easy to . A. get along


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