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1、lesson 1 two cups of coffee and two desserts.henry: (looking at the clock on the wall) would you mind waiting just a few minutes?waiter: (in a rude manner) what s there to wait for?owner: all right, horace. ill take care of this.henry: (to owner) that was a wonderful meal. its amazing how much pleas

2、ure you get out of the simple thins in life, especially you cant have them for a while.owner: yes, very interesing. now perhaps, sir, if you pay you bill i can help the other customers.henry: (looking at the clock on the wall again) well, i see its two oclock.( he opens the envelope and holds a mill

3、ion pound bank norelco in his hands henry is very surprised but the owner and waiter are shocked) im sorry. butii dont have anything smaller.owner: (still shocked and nervous) wellerjust on moment. maggie, look! ( the hostess screams, the other customers look at her and she puts a hand to her mouth)

4、 do you thin its genuine?hostess: oh, dear, i dont know. i simply dont know .owner : well, i did hear that the bank of england had issued two notes in this amount anyway, i dont think it can be a fake. people would pay too nuch attention to a bank note of this amount. no thief would want that to hap

5、pen.hostess: but hes in rags!owner: perhaps hes a very strange, rich man. ( as if he has discovered something for the first time) why,yes! that must be it!hostess: (hits her husbands arm) and you put him in the back of the restaurant! go an see him at one.owner: ( to henry) im sorry, sir, so sorry,

6、but i cannot change this bank note.henry: but its all i have on me.owner: oh, please, dont worry, sir. doesnt matter at all. were so very glad that you even entered our little eating place. indeed, sir, i hope youll come here whenever you like.henry: well, thats very knd of you.owner: kind, sir? no,

7、 its kind of you. you must come whenever you want and have whatever you like. just having you sit here is a great honour! as for the bill, sir, please forget it.henry: forget it? well thank you very much. thats very nice of you.owner: oh, its for us to thank you, sir and i do, sir, from the bottom o

8、f my heart. (the owner, hostess and waiter all bow as henry leaves)act , scene 4narrator: at the end of the month, henry was very rich and didnt fear jail. dressed in the finest clothes, he drove by the brothers house in portland place and, seeing they were back, went to get portia at her friennds h

9、ome.henry: my dear, the way you look today, it would be a crime not to ask for a good salary for the job theyll give to me.portia: oh, please remember that if we ask for too much we may get no salary at all; and then whatll happen to us, with no way in the world to earn a living?( at the brothers ho

10、me, the servant lets them in. the two brothers are seated,waiting.)henry: good morning,gentlemen .( rodrick seems very surprised to see portia) portia, these are the men who helped me.portia: so vary nice to meet you, kind sirs. ( she gives oliver a wink with one eye.)roderick: erportia, i oliver: w

11、ere both glad to hear it, for now we can decide the bet which roderick and i made. if youve won for me, you shall have any job as my gift. have you got the million pound bank note?henry: here it is, sir.oliver: ive won! now what do you say, roderick?roderick: i say that ive lost twenty thousand poun

12、ds. i never would have believed it. why, that is amazing, man!henry: come, lets be going now, portia.oliver: but wait, wait! the job, you know. i must give you a job, as i promised.henry: well, thank you very much, but i really dont want one now.portia: henry, im disappointed in you. you didnt thank

13、 the gentlemen properly. may i do it for you?henry: let me see you try.(portia walks over to roderick and gives him a hug. then she sits in olivers lap, puts her arms around his nevk and kisses him on the cheek. oliver begins laughing.)portia: papa,he says he doesnt want anything else from you.henry

14、: (shocked) my dear, is that your papa?portia: hes my step father, and the dearest one that ever was.henry: oh, my dearest dear sir, i regret what i said. you have got a job open that i want.oliver: name it.henry: son-in-law.oliver: well, well,well! but youve never had such a job before. how can it

15、be sure you can do it successfully?henry: try me oh,do, i beg of you! give me 30 or 40 years , and oliver: oh, well, all right.narrator: are portia and henry happy? there are not enough word in the biggest dictionary to describe it. did the people of london have a good time with this bit of news? ye

16、s. portias stepfather took that bank note back to the bank of england and cashed it. the bank note was then useless for money but was his wedding gift to the young couple. yes, the bank note was worth millions of dollars, but not worth on tenthe as much as how henry felt about portia .unit 4how life

17、 began on the earthno one knows exactly how the earth began, as it happened so long ago. however, according to a widely accepted theory, the universe began with a “ big bang “ that threw matter in all directions. after that, atoms began to form and combing to create stars and other bodies.for severa

18、l billion years after the “ big bang “, the earth was still just a cloud of dust. what it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dust settled into a solid globe. the earthenware became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not. it

19、exploded loudly with fire and rock. they were in time to produce carbon, nitrogen , water vapour and other gases , which were to make the earths atmosphere. what is even more imprtant is that as the earth cooled down, water began to appear on its surface.water had also appeared on other planets like

20、 mars but, unlike the earth, it had disappeared later. it was not immediately obvious that water was to be fundamental to the development of life. what many scientists believe is that the continued persence of water allowed the earth to dissolve harmful gases and acids into the oceans and seas. this

21、 produced a chain reaction, which made it possible for life to develop.many millions of years later, the first extremely small plants began to appear on the surface of the water. they multiplied and filled the oceans and seas with oxygen, which encouraged the later development of early shellfish and

22、 all sorts of fish. next, green plants began to grow on land. they were followed in time by land animals. some were insects. others, called amphibians, were able to live on land as well as in the water. later when the plants grew into forests, reptiles appeared for the first time. they produced youn

23、g generally by laying eggs. after that, some huge animals, called dinosaurs, developed. they laid eggs too and existed on the earth for more than 140 million years. however, 65 million years ago the age of the dinosaurs ended. why they suddenly disappeared still remains a mystery. this disappearance

24、 made possible thief rise of mammals on the earth. these animals were different from all life forms in the past, because they gavin birth to young baby animals and prodeced milk to feed them.finnally about 2.6 million years ago some small celver animals, now with hands and feet, appeared and spread

25、all over the earth. thus they have, in their turn, become the most important animals on the planet. but they no they looking after the earth very well. they are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere, which prevenrs heat from escaping from the earth into space. as a result of this, many

26、 scientists believe the earth may bcome too hot to live on. so whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved.a visit to the moonlast month i was lucky engough to have粮食主产区、基本农田保护区安徽省*市*区*镇土地整理项目可行性研究报告1综合说明1.1项目名称安徽省*市*区xx镇土地整


28、区土地为x村、xx村两个村集体所有,土地权属界线清楚,面积准确。集体所有权已在1997年进行了所有权登记发证,土地承包权已于1997年发包到户。1.8项目区新增耕地面积、新增耕地比例项目区经规划整理后新增耕地面积为n公顷,新增耕地率为n%。1.9项目区主要建设内容项目区主要建设内容有土地平整,农田水利,道路交通和林网建设等四个方面。土地平整-通过对项目区土地利用进行规划,对零星地类,废弃的坑塘,沟渠,断头路及零星未利用地进行整理使其变为耕地,使土地利用结构趋于合理。现有耕地的平整,可提高农业灌溉效率,实现节约用水,提高农作物产量。为此需平整土地面积n公顷,完成土方工程n万m3 。农田水利-农田





33、农政策贯彻下,粮油棉产量已呈上升趋势。2.1.4 土地利用情况全区土地总面积为n公顷,其中农用地面积占全区总面积的n%(耕地面积占全区总面积的n%),居民点、工矿用地及交通用地占全区总面积的n%,水域面积占全区总面积的n%,未利用地占全区总面积的n%。2.2项目提出的缘由该项目区从土地资源节约利用,基础设施需要建设,生态环境需要改善,新农村建设要起步等方面均要求提出这个项目。(1)要提高土地利用率,增加有效耕地面积,提高耕地质量从项目区现状可以明显地看出项目区内有大量废弃的坑塘及未利用地,通过整理后将增加有效耕地面积n公顷,新增耕地率为n%。耕地是农业生产的基础,基本农田是耕地的重要部分,是耕





38、件3.1.1地形地貌项目区处于*区xx镇的东北部,为历史上黄泛区的淤积平原,区内地势平坦。高程在24.5-25.5米之间,总体上西高东低,向东倾斜。北部有跨省河流x河及支流方河侧身流过;南部近20km处有东西向豫(东)皖排水骨干河道即x河和xx河。 3.1.2气候项目区气候属暖温带半湿润半干旱气候区,季风气候明显,四季分明,气候温和,雨热同季,雨量适中;根据19512000年降雨资料分析计算,项目区多年平均降雨量877.1mm;本区光热资源较丰富。实际日照时数为2500h左右,日平均气温0的太阳辐射达123-127千卡/cm2。多年平均温度14.3,无霜期210天左右,全年日平均气温稳定通过0









47、动工面积为b公顷。耕地面积b公顷,占项目区总面积的b%,占总建设规模的b%。从表3.5-1可以看出两点:农用地中各类用地比例不尽合理;未利用地仍占有相当的面积。项目区土地利用现状结构详见表3.5-1 土地利用现状结构表表3.5-1类别现状面积(公顷)占建设规模(%)项目区建设规模nn农用地nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn小计nn建筑用地nnnn小计nn未利用地nnnn小计nn3.5.2土地利用程度项目区的土地利用程度为:土地垦殖率=耕地面积/项目区土地总面积=n/n100%=77.78%,土地利用率=已利用土地面积/项目区土地总面积=n/n100%=98.50%,耕地复种指数180%。


49、后净效益为n万元。其计算详见整理前效益计算表3-5-2。整理后,由于生产条件得到改善,原有耕地面积n公顷复种指数提高200%,加上农民增加农业生产的成本投入,亩均单产和总产量均有所提高,也按照现行价格估算,总产值为n万元,扣除成本后净效益为n万元。计算详见效益计算表3-5-2(整理后)。由于土地整理新增耕地n公顷,复种指数为200%,新增净效益为n万元,计算详见新增耕地效益表3.5-3。这样规划后耕地面积n公顷,净效益合计为n+n=n万元,比规划前净效益n万元多产生经济净效益n1万元,即土地整理后的经济净效益提高了31.83%。two cups of coffee and two desser

50、ts.henry: (looking at the clock on the wall) would you mind waiting just a few minutes?waiter: (in a rude manner) what s there to wait for?owner: all right, horace. ill take care of this.henry: (to owner) that was a wonderful meal. its amazing how much pleasure you get out of the simple thins in lif

51、e, especially you cant have them for a while.owner: yes, very interesing. now perhaps, sir, if you pay you bill i can help the other customers.henry: (looking at the clock on the wall again) well, i see its two oclock.( he opens the envelope and holds a million pound bank norelco in his hands henry

52、is very surprised but the owner and waiter are shocked) im sorry. butii dont have anything smaller.owner: (still shocked and nervous) wellerjust on moment. maggie, look! ( the hostess screams, the other customers look at her and she puts a hand to her mouth) do you thin its genuine?hostess: oh, dear

53、, i dont know. i simply dont know .owner : well, i did hear that the bank of england had issued two notes in this amount anyway, i dont think it can be a fake. people would pay too nuch attention to a bank note of this amount. no thief would want that to happen.hostess: but hes in rags!owner: perhap

54、s hes a very strange, rich man. ( as if he has discovered something for the first time) why,yes! that must be it!hostess: (hits her husbands arm) and you put him in the back of the restaurant! go an see him at one.owner: ( to henry) im sorry, sir, so sorry, but i cannot change this bank note.henry:

55、but its all i have on me.owner: oh, please, dont worry, sir. doesnt matter at all. were so very glad that you even entered our little eating place. indeed, sir, i hope youll come here whenever you like.henry: well, thats very knd of you.owner: kind, sir? no, its kind of you. you must come whenever y

56、ou want and have whatever you like. just having you sit here is a great honour! as for the bill, sir, please forget it.henry: forget it? well thank you very much. thats very nice of you.owner: oh, its for us to thank you, sir and i do, sir, from the bottom of my heart. (the owner, hostess and waiter

57、 all bow as henry leaves)act , scene 4narrator: at the end of the month, henry was very rich and didnt fear jail. dressed in the finest clothes, he drove by the brothers house in portland place and, seeing they were back, went to get portia at her friennds home.henry: my dear, the way you look today, it would be a crim


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