1、听力之场景词汇总结一、住宿 Accommodation住宿问题,恐怕是各位学生出国后考虑的第一个问题了。既然强调场景的真 实性,考题就免不了经常涉及本场景。本场景涉及的内容广泛,不但涉及租房, 学校住宿问题,还可能包括房屋保险,搬家,房屋设备报修等等延伸内容。对 词汇的把握,借助场景的贯穿,才能形成系统性,然后在考到本场景的时候, 不但可以胸有成竹,还可以准确预测答案信息呢!现在,将本场景的词汇细分 为:1. People Involved 相关人士:租房的时候,难免涉及些牵线人,女口: “ housge ncy房产代理公司,house age nt 房产代理人”这些牵线人必然要联系“ Ian
2、dlord房东(Iandlady女房东)”;最 后跟我们这些 “tenant=lodger=renter=roomer (美式)房客”谈论纟田节。2. Type of Accommodatio n 租房类型住宿类型依各人经济及喜好而定,有住在学校“ halls of reside nee集体宿舍 或 student hostel学生公寓或dormitory 宿舍”的;还有自己去外面租房子的:有 经济能力并想快速提高英语的去“homestay在当地居民家中住宿”也可以租幢“housel子”来住,里面有 “garden花园,courtyard 院子,garage 车库, swimming pool
3、 游泳池,fountain 喷泉,balcony 阳台,en-suite facilities 全套 设施”(注意en suite的读音,来自法语,读法特殊)等等:还可以租套“flat=apartment公寓”或者 “studio partment 单身公寓”或者 “bedsit卧室兼起 居室”来住;囊中羞涩点的租 “single room 单人间,double room=twin room 双 人间,triple room 三人间”也就凑合吧。3. Location房屋地理位置房屋位置是我们租房子一定得考虑的问题,这将决定我们上学或工作的方便 与否。那么,有的人喜欢风水论或者有看风景的偏好,
4、就会要求位置在“ east东面, west 西面,south 南面,north 北面,southeast 东南,southwest 西南, northeast东北,northwest西北”为上;喜欢价钱便宜点,空气好的,最好住在“suburb=outskirts郊区,countryside郊外”喜欢热闹,出行方便点的最好选 择 “city centre=downtown 市中心,urban area 市区”4. Surro unding Facilities 周边设施交通和周围的环境也是决定租房意向的重要因素之一。关于这些,我们得掌握:Transportation 交通设施:tube=unde
5、rground=subway=metro 地铁,bus 巴 士, mini bus 小巴,medium-sized bus=midibus 中巴,coach 大巴、客车,taxi=cab的士( taxi rank 的士车站),tram 电车,pullman 卧铺车,caravan 大篷车, ferry 轮渡,express train 快速列车,shuttle bus 班车,commuter train 通勤 车,train 火车,plane 飞机,four-wheel drive 四轮驱动,automobile (注意发 音)=car汽车Public Facilities 公共设施:park
6、ing lots 停车场,clinic 医务室, toilet=washroom=lavatory 厕所,police station 派出所,First Aid Center 急救 中心,teleph one box=teleph one booth 公用电话亭,card pho ne 磁卡电话机, restaurant=dining hall=refectory餐厅,caf 咖啡厅,dustbin=trash can 垃圾箱, bar=pub 酒吧,sn ack bar=fast food 快餐厅,Wester n Restaura nt 西餐厅, Chin ese Restaura nt
7、 中餐厅,gym=keep-fit studio=stadium 健身房,smok ing area 吸烟区,lawn 草坪,quiet neighborhood 安静环境celebrity suicideon li ne bully/fightThe Farewell to Armsmirroredbull fight ingfinan cial cliff银行场景1. 申请表 application form*2. 申请人 applicant*3. 填表格 fill in the form*4. 拓展记忆: 申请一个职位 apply for a position*5. 开户:to ope
8、n an acco unt6. 银行会问你开账户的金额为多少:And how much would you like to ope n your acco unt with?7. 每个银行的开账户时的最小额度minimum sum不同8. 要咨询一下汇率 exchange rate* 和利率 interest rate*9.英国的几个比较有名的银行有Barclays和Lloyds。10. 然而,得清楚很重要一点是留学生不能享受到提供给当地学生的设施。However, its important to note that as an international student youll not
9、 necessarily be eligible for all the facilities offered to resident students.11. 银行有不同的政策,他们提供给你的服务是取决于你的个人情况,同样也 取决于银行经理的自行处理。Banks have different policies and the services that theyll offer you will depend on your individual circumstances*and on the discretion of the bank manager involved.12. 注意:
10、documentation 指的是文件总称。13. 作为一个留学生,你需要提供证据证明自己能够支付费用,直到课程结束as an international student,you will need to provide evidence* that you can fund/support yourself for however long your course lasts.( 拓展记忆:存款为 funding)14. 除此之外,大多银行要求你带上你的护照和你的录取通知书In addition to this, most banks ask you to bring your passpo
11、rt* and your letter or certificate of enrolment *. ,或者带着学校注册信 letter of registration *15. 其它证件:护照大小照片 passport size photo*驾照 drivers licence*出生证明 birth certificate*信用卡 credit card*借记卡 debit card(拓展记忆:凭卡办理存取款和消费结算,不能透支。Access to deposit,withdrawal, purchase, and payment, overdraft prohibited.)雇主推荐 re
12、ference from your employer* 账单 bank statements*16. 银行会问你想多久收到一次账单 ?How often would you like to receive statements? 有些人喜欢一周一次 Some people like them weekly. 有些人喜欢一个月一次 once a month 拓展记忆:两周一次 once a fortnight17. 有些银行会问一些信息来验证你的身份,为了安全的原因。Now we usually ask for a piece of information which we can use to
13、 check your identity*, for security* reasons.最好提供父母的名字,这不太会被知道Its less likely to be known.18. 还会问:职业 occupation/profession* 出生日期 date of birth* 全名 full name* 名 first name 、 given name* 中间名字 middle name 姓 surname/family name/last name* 过去地址 previous address* 目前地址 present/current address* 在目前地址居住时间 ti
14、me at current address19. 每个人还应该带着填有名字和地址的宣传单You should each have a handout *with the names and addresses.20. 在开帐户时,银行会给你一本支票簿,你可以用它在需要时取钱。When you open the account, the bank will give you a chequebook /checkbook* and you can use this to draw /withdraw*money out as you need it. 如果你要在商店里用支票,你会同时需要一张支票
15、保付卡If you need to write cheques* in shops, youll also need a cheque card* . 拓展记忆:旅行支票 travelers cheque* 这是一种认证卡 (身份证 ),保证签出的支票能符合银行支票保付卡所对应能支付 的额度This is really an identity card*which guarantees that correctly written cheques up to the value stated on the card will be honoured by the bank. 如果你想提取现金你
16、可以让支票以你的名义支付或者兑现。If you want to draw out cash for yourself you can make the cheque payable in your own name or to cash*.(兑现支票 cash the cheque)( 拓展记忆: payable at sight 见票即付 payable on demand 随到随付 )21. 你可以用提款卡从取款机中提取现金You can also withdraw cash from a cash point machine*with a cashcard*.( 提款机又叫做 ATM=A
17、utomatic Teller Machine)22. 你也许想取出超过你银行额度的钱,这叫做透支。You may want to take more money out ot the bank than you have in it.This is called having an overdraft*.要当心,除非有银行允许,否则不能这么做。Be very careful with this-you should not do this without permission* from your bank.透支经常导致额外费用,虽然有些银行提供给某些学生免利息透支some banks of
18、ferOverdrafts usually incur charges,though interest-free*overdrafts to some students.23. 对于银行转账 bank transfer* ,如果相互连接的银行可以直接转账If we have links with them, we can do a direct transfer.24. 对于开放时间 opening times :伦敦和其他主要城市中大一点的分行在周六开放时间有限制。Some of the bigger branches*in London and other major cities are
19、 now open for a limited time on Saturdays.25. 还可以申请其他银行业务 bank service :贷款 loan*保险 insurance*低风险投资 low-risk investment*股票和基金 stocks and shares*( 拓展记忆:储蓄金 nest egg)26. 至今为止,最有用的帐户是活期账户by far the most useful type of account to open is a current account*27. 你真正能拿到的帐户是学生帐户,其实它就是一个有特殊优惠的活期账户you will actu
20、ally get what is called a student account*which is a current account with special concessions for students.可能免手续费 service charge*28. 如果你出了经济问题 financial affairs ,有了负债 be in debt ,如果你的信用 卡被拒绝 your credit card is declined ,账户被冻结 account is frozen 学校可能提供你助学金 grants* ,或者帮助你得到低息贷款 low-interest loan*29. 其
21、他重要的帐户为:储蓄存款帐户 savings account*,定期帐户 deposit account*联名账户 joint account*(联名账户持有者joint account holder*)三.学生生活场景1. 大学课程咨询与指导(course counselling and guide),论文写作咨询与指导 (essay writing counselling),课程实验和实践(course experiments and practice) 是学术语言模块(academic Ianguage)的经典话题,如果考生熟悉海外教育体系 (college education syst
22、em),这些是学术话题中比较容易得分的话题。2. 被招收enroll*(名词为enrollment*)的新学生刚进校时,先去注册办公室registration office* 去登记注册 register* 付注册费 registration fee* 后会拿到 一张申请表 application form */registration form* ,填表 fill in the form* 后,记 下一些个人信息take down some details,会有专人为你存档keep on the file。3. 大学开学典礼opening ceremony*后,会举行情况说明会 orient
23、ation meet in g*,发情况说明手册orie ntation pack*,安排校园解说游览orie ntation tour(on the campus)4. 进行教育体系介绍:托儿所nursery*幼儿园 kindergarten小学教育 primary/elementary education中学教育 secondary education*(包括初中 junior high school 和高中 senior high school)大学教育 tertiary/higher/college education职业学校 vocational school*技术学校 techni
24、cal school (其中 primary , sec on dary, tertiary 为第一,第二,第三的意思, 例如: primary industry 第一产业 ;secondary industry 第二产业tertiary industry 第三产业 )系 /学院 Faculty*/school文理学院 school of arts and sciences*5. 进行师生介绍 :大一新生 freshman; 大二学生 sophomore; 大三学生 junior; 大四 学生 senior( 以上为美式说法,了解即可 )大学生 undergraduate*; 研究生 post
25、graduate*全职学生 full-time student*; 兼职学生 part-time student* 刚刚大学毕业毕业的人 newly graduate 刚刚离开学校的人 school leaver*导师 tutor*( 用途最广泛 ); 副导师 support tutor; 福利咨询导师 welfare tutor; 协调人 (班导 )coordinator* 顾问 counsellor/Student Adviser=Advisor*/instructor* 讲师 lecturer*( 一般指学科的讲课老师,负责所有的作业批改 ) 督导 Director*系主任 Dean*(
26、学院的领导Head of Fauclty*)教授 professor*; 副教授 associate professor助理教授 assista nt professor(不是助教);助教 teachi ng assista nt/TA校长 president*/ principal*/headmaster( 用的不多,多用小学校长 )6. 学生会 the Student Union = the Union*( 学生会主席 the Union president*)会介绍学校里的公共设施 the social facilities available on the campus四.教育场景1)
27、由于中外学校结构差异造成一定程度上的做题困难国外大学结构及官衔president(大学校长)Universitydean(学校分院长)College/schoolhead of the facultyhead of the divisi onchairma n Departme ntprin cipal中学校长headmaster小学校长headmistress小学校长(女)2)新生入学及入学后大致过程register/enroll(登记、报至U) 一般会 student union officeopening ceremony(开学典礼)orien tatio n meeti ng(介绍会)
28、指学校综合情况lecture(报告)tutorial(一个学生发言那种)3)关于学科的单词basic course 基础课specialized course 专业课required/compulsary course 必修课opti on al/selective course选修课literature 文学 philosophy 哲学 history 历史 art 艺术 sociology 社会学 linguistics 语言学 psychology 心理学 engineering 工程学 architecture 建筑学 business 商务 law 法学 economics 经济学
29、financ 金融学 accounting 会计学 banking 银行学 biochemistry 生物化学4) 相关教育单词 kindergarten 幼儿园 elementary education 初等教育 secondary education 中等教育 higher education 高等教育adult education 成人教育小学(英/美)中学男女生同校制度初中高中open admission 免试入学制 day-care center 幼儿园 (美 ) nursery school 托儿所primary/elementary school secondary school
30、 coeducation/coed junior high school senior high schoolattached middle school附中technical school 技校polytechnic institute理工学院 /科技大学key school 重点中学 graduate school 研究生院 open university 夜大、函大 private school 私立学校 public school 公立学校 universal education 普及教育 educationist/educator 教育家postgraduate 研究生 alumnu
31、s/alumna 校友(男/女 ) undergraduate 本科 Alma Mater 母校auditor=guest student 旁听生boarder 住宿生 open-book exam 开卷考 pop test 抽考 orientation program 新生训练 teaching facilities 教学设施 assistantship 助学金 scholarship 奖学金 room and board 食宿 auditorium 礼堂 vice-monitor 副班长 period of schooling 学习年限 credit system 学分制 mark/sco
32、re/grade 分数 schedule=school timetable 课程表 individual study 自习 individual coaching=tutorial 个别指导 after-school activities 课外活动 social investigation 社会调查 voluntary labor 义务劳动 graduation appraisal毕业评估graduation ceremony=commencement 毕业典礼diploma=graduation certificate 毕业证书 drop out 辍学 quit school 退学 scho
33、ol discipline 校纪 attendance/participation 出勤率 attend a lecture 上课 miss a class 缺课 cut a class 旷课 expel sb from school 开除 tuition 学费 miscellaneous expenses 杂费 a grant-aided student领助学金的学生lecture portfolio 讲义夹 semester 半学期 blue-book 考卷 report card 成绩单 final-examination 期末考核 quiz 小测验 oral test 口试 diplo
34、ma 毕业证 degree 学位associate diploma 专科证书Bachelor 学士Master 硕士Doctor of Philosophy 博士Expert 专家 consultant 顾问Coordinator 班主任 /协调人 professor 教授 associate professor 副教授 lecturer 讲师 adviser/mentor 导师 counselor 辅导老师 course arrangement 课程按排 application form 申请表 school of Arts and Sciences文理学院目录project 学生独立钻研的
35、课外课题 presentation 针对某一专题发表的演讲 paper/thesis/dissertation 论文 letter of recommendation 表扬信 journal 周记 office hour 教授与学生面谈时间 catalogue(under titles/authors/subjects) reference stacks 书库delivery desk/circulation desk借书台call slip 借书单(索书单) check out 登记并借出 charge out 把 .借出来 library card/admission card 借书卡 d
36、ate slip/deadline/date of expiry 期限 due 应付费overdue and pay a fine 过期并交罚款 borrow 向.借 lend 借给 .人 renew 续借 available 可获得的 out on loan 借出的 reserve/book 预借 closed reserved 只读不借 in circulation 在书库里 out circulation 借走了 not for circulation不外借classification 分类 bibliography 书目 (籍者检索目录 ) on the shelf 在书架上newsp
37、aper 报纸journal 日报periodical(magaz ines and journals)定期刊物curre nt/back issues现今 / 以后发行category 种类return in time及时归还in terlibrary service图书馆际服务ope n/closed shelves开架 / 闭架书库libraria n 图书馆长五. 看病场景考点:健康检查病症状况表现医生诊断结果治疗方案相关建议men tal hospital精神病医院cli nic诊所physicia n/internist内科医生oculist/eye doctor 眼科医生surg
38、e on外科医生den tist 牙医vet兽医shrink心理医生symptom 症状have/catch a cold 感冒have a sore throat 嗓子痛have a stomachache 胃痛have a fever 发烧pneumonia 肺炎flu 流感have a cough 咳嗽 have a headache 头痛 have a toothache 牙痛 liver trouble 肝炎 allergy 过敏症 twisted/sprained 扭伤的 feel dizzy 头晕 feel chilly 觉得发冷 asthma 哮喘 diabetics 糖尿病患
39、者 cramps 抽筋 vomit/throw up/nauseate 呕吐 diarrhea 腹泻 vomitive/pukey 恶心的 luggies/phlegm 痰 have a stuffed nose 鼻子不通 cholera 霍乱 stiff neck 脖子发僵 abscess 脓肿yellow fever 黄热病 hay fever 枯草热pills 药丸 mixture 合剂 eyedrops 眼药水 syrup 糖浆 pad 药棉块 vitamin 维他命 tablet 药片 penicillin 盘尼西林 antibiotic 抗生素 ointment 药膏 medica
40、tion 药物 aspirin 阿司匹林 bandage 绷带 syringe 注射器 stethoscope 听诊器 injection 注射 preventive injection 预防针 gauze 纱布 cold cure 感冒药 sweating medicine 发汗药 febrifuge 退烧药capsule 胶囊case history 病历extract 拔牙take one s temperature 量体温see a doctor 看病send for a doctor 请医生feel one s pulse 量脉搏take one s blood pressure 量
41、血压give a prescripti on开药方have an operati on动手术make an appointment 预约六. 饮食和健康饮食和健康不但是现在人们越来越关心的问题,也会是听力考试中永恒不变的 主题。在Section 4中经常出现关于健康饮食和生活方式的探讨。与此同时,听力中关于一些疾病的原因和治疗也都跟此有着密切的联系。像Heart disease,chronic illness, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure等疾病大家已经并不陌生了。Food intake/elements:protein, vitamins, f
42、at, carbohydrates, fat acid,calcium, cholesterol, mi nerals, calorie, kilocaloriediet: cereals, sugar, salt, lean meat, eggs, fish, milk, vegetables,fruit, red meat, white meatcereals: wheat, corn, barley, oat, maize, ricehealth: low nutrition, malnutrition, overweight, obese, underweight,in tellige
43、 nee, eyesight, brain, lear ning difficulty, digesti on,con gesti on, heart disease, tuberculosisPhysical exercises: running, joggi ng, swimmi ng七. 图书馆、registratio n: in formatio n desk, in formati on sector, libraria n deskregistration fee, membership feeID documents: passport, visa, student card,
44、library card, driver slicense, credit card, bank statement, phone bill, Identity card, C.V. letterLibrary card, borrower s card, reader s card, electronic card, PIN, passwordBooks: ficti on, refere nee books, tech ni cal books, leisure books,no ti on, academicPeriodicals: magaz in es, jo urn als Cur
45、re nt issues, back issuesTechnical Resources: photocopying machine, photocopier, color, white and black photocopier, printer, laser printer, card, coin, internet access, computers, laptopsElectro nic, digital: CD, DVD, VCD, videos, tapes, cassettes, CD-ROMRecall system: catalogue (title, author, pre
46、ss, category) , call slip, libraria nCirculati on: borrow, loa n, returin, re new, overdue, fin e, reserveLoa n time: weeks, mon ths (up to 4 weeks, maximum loa n time)Trai ning classes: research methods, IT, computer software, dissertation writing八. shopp ing购物Price: discount, concession, promotion
47、, sales, half price, normal price, 30% offPackagi ng: economy package, family package, contain er, image, prese ntati on of productsWhere to buy: supermarket, market, shop, store, department store, chain store, on li ne shopp ingReceipt: inv oice, quality warra nty, receiptSupermarket: entrance (pro
48、fitable), middle shelf (expensive), end of aisles (hard to move), quieter places ( n eed time to thi nk about)九. 选课场景Italian意大利语,Russia n,Arabic阿拉伯语,mandarin汉语普通话,sta ndard Chin ese,Cantonese 粤语,Spanish西班牙语,Japa nese.基础级别fun dame ntal/eleme ntary/basic/Level 1/beg inni g/primary in termediate/sec on
49、 dary中级advaneed 高级时间包括起止日期、星期、上下午和具体时间。session 课,会议,期间,duratio n 期间,fixed固定的, academic/school year 学年, semester/term 学期,论文、考试及成绩final test期末考试,paper论文,score/poi nts/marks/grades分数,credit ( points ) 学分, degree 学位, assessment综合评估, assignments 作业,han dout (上课老师发的)印刷品,prese ntation针对某一专题进行的发言,project需要学
50、生进行独立钻研的课外话题/论文, paper/thesis/dissertati on论文/博士论文/硕士论文,essay短论文,journal周记/每周要做的作业,enforce atte ndan ce/participati on强迫到课,coeducation男女同校教育, sec on dary school 中学, grammar school 语法学校, elementary/primary school小学,seminar (大学)研究班、讨论会, symposium 座谈会、专题讨论会, treatise (专题)论文, supervise 监督, 考点专业,课程及课程表,语
51、言,级别,时间,地点,教师姓名及外貌,论文、考 试及成绩,学生俱乐部及社团,申请人个人情况, 专业major,courses,first year Econo mics经济系一年级学生,sec ond year Law课程及课程表course 课程,lectures大课(老师讲,同学听),tutorials 小课(大家讨论,导师指导),class timetable/schedule 课程表, selective/elective/optional选修课,prerequisite/required/compulsory 必修课, exemption 免修, ecology 生态学, psych
52、ology 心理学, mythology 神话学, anthropology 人类学, sociology 社会学, zoology动物学, meteorology 气象学, biology生物学, biography传记文学, economics经济学(注意易混淆常用单词,economy经济,economic 经济(上)的,产供销的,经济学的,economical节约的,经济的),electronics电子学,statistics 统计学, archeology 考古学, architecture 建筑学, history, physics, fine arts 美术, economic h
53、istory经济史,accountancy 会计学, computing计算机学, programming 编程, 语言Portuguese葡萄牙语, revise/rewrite 修改, summary 总结, audio-visual 视听, plagiarism 剽窃, the outl ine of the course课程大纲,structure 结构, expla nati on 解释, subject/curriculum 科目, scholarship/gra nts奖学金,syllabus 大纲, pamphlet/brochure/guide 小册子, tuiti on 学
54、费, qualificaiti on 资格, auditorium 会堂、礼堂, lounge 大厅, gymn asium 体育馆, glossary 词汇表、术语汇编, research 研究, deadline最后期限, poll民意测验, extension 延期,小课/大课/学Open/Close Book exam 开卷/ 闭卷考试, tutorial/lecture/term/semester/subject/graduation paper 期/学期/科目/毕业论文, topic题目, give to lecturer for marking给老师批改,focus of cou
55、rse课程核心,Student Record Card 学生成绩单, set exercises固定练习,resources 资料, at least 2000 words in length至少 200 字,fixed answers 固定答案, key terms and concepts关键术语和概念,analytical 分析性的, mechanical 机械的, theoretical 理论的, journalistic 纪实的,学生俱乐部、社团及费用 Stude nt Un io n 学生会 society 社团Hang Glid ing悬挂滑翔Tennis网球Photograph
56、ic 摄影Scuba Diving器械潜水registratio n form 注册表membership applicatio n会员资格申请申请applicant 申请人, application form 申请表, enrolment 报至U,Admissions Office 招生办,Foreig n/ Intern ati on al/Overseas Stude nt留学生,letter of recomme ndati on推荐信,letter of accepta nee 录取通知书,international student card留学生的学生证,day of sessi on,phone nu mber,pr
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