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1、PEP5 Recycle2 P68-69教 学设计一、教学内容分析本节课为Recycle2的第二课时,也是本册课本的最后一节课。在本节课中,学生通过学习故事 “In a dark, dark wood”,复习第4-6单元的字母组合 00, ai, ay, ou, ow的发音,也复习了 there be句型与方位介词连用的表达方式。最 后,学生不仅要会读,会复述这个故事,还要会仿写一个故事。通过这样的语言 输入和输出,是学生达到综合运用语言的目的。二、教学目标1、复习了 there be句型与方位介词连用的表达方式。2、 复习第4-6单元的字母组合oo, ai, ay, ou, ow的发音。3、

2、能认读单词wood, hallway, stair, cup board;流利地朗读这个故事;复述这 个故事;并能仿写一个故事。4、弓I导学生能上网搜索一些有意义的书籍进行阅读,养成乐于阅读的好习 惯。5、初步培养学生综合运用语言的能力。三、学习者特征分析五年级学生通过两年学习英语的经验,已经积累了一定的词汇量,有较好的语音、语调基础,多数学生活泼开朗,敢于开口,乐于模仿,喜欢表现自己, 能积极地参与各项课堂活动,为学习提供了有利的条件。四、教学策略选择与设计1、通过“故事拓展”的方式开展小学英语阅读教学,既培养学生的兴趣, 又丰富了文本的语言,进而消除由教材阅读带给学生的乏味感。2、弓I导学

3、生能上网搜索一些有意义的书籍进行阅读,养成乐于阅读的好习 惯。3、通过“朗读和复述”进行语言的输入,然后通过“仿写一个故事”进行 语言的输出,初步培养了学生综合运用语言的能力。教师活动学生活动设计意图BeforeBefore class:class:T p lays a video A A DarkDark DarkDark TaleTale .Ss enjoy the video进行课前教学预 热五、教学重点及难点重点:1、复习了 there be句型与方位介词连用的表达方式。2、复习第4-6单元的字母组合00, ai, ay, ou, ow的发音。3、能认读单词 wood, hallway

4、, stair, cup board;流利地朗读这个故事;复述这个故事 难点:能仿写一个故事。六、教学准备1、制作多媒体课件2、制作词卡3、复印练习七、教学过程I . . Warm-up/RevisionWarm-up/Revision1.1. GreetingGreeting由师生对话,引出T: Good morning, childre n.Ss: Good morning, Miss了 chant: Today isWhat day is it today?miao.Monday.衔接很自It s Mon day.然,浑然一体。2.2. LetLet s s chantchantT: T

5、oday is Mon day. ay/ei/学生通过cha nt,初Paint a rain bow. ai/ei/步回忆第4-6单元Food is no odles. oo/u:/学习过的字母组合Cook ing is good. oo/u/Ss chant with the musicay, ai, oo, ou, ow 的Count in the house. ou/au/together after Teacher.发音,为下面的学How many flowers? ow/au/习做好铺垫。T: Can you? Let s chanttogether.复习旧知识,并进3.3. Re

6、adRead loudlyloudlySs read these words,行进一步巩固,为PPT shows: on near behindp hrases andsenten ces文本的展开做好铺besidebetwee nin front ofloudly.垫。in the box There is There are .There is a mouse in the box.从一棵树到很多There is a house in the wood.树,引出wood,Reach: wood从 look book goodA tree-ma ny trees-woodSs read th

7、e word.的语音归纳,帮助语音归纳:good book look学生理解认读单词。n . . PresentationPresentation & & ConsolidationConsolidation1. PPT shows a pi cture of a house. T: Look! In the wood there is house. In the gree n wood there is big house. Can you say more? PPT shows:In the_wood there is a _house.(big nice gree n beautiful

8、 small)2. Teach: hallwayT: Look! What a beautiful house. Let s visit the house, OK?T: Open the door, there is a hallway. Teach: hallway3. PPT shows a picture of a living room.T: Walk through the hallway, there is a liv ing room. There are some stairs in the livi ng room.Teach: stair (chair hair)-sta

9、irs up the stairs & dow n the stairs4. T: What s in the living room? Can you say more?PPT shows the sentence pattern: There is a / There are in the livi ng room.5. PPT shows a mouse.T: Oh, there is a mouse, too. It is a n aughty mouse. It runs everywhere. Look! Where is the mouse?PPT shows the ways

10、that the mouse runs and the sentence p atter n: Beside/ On/ In fron t of/ the_there is a big mouse.With the answer to the students, teach the word: cup board6. T: The mouse runs happ ily. How time flies! Look! The sun dow n. It is dark outside. Teach: dark (p ark)7. PPT shows the story.T: The mouse

11、is going to slee p. But there is a poor cat. He lost his way. He is so cold. He is so hun gry. HefallsSs use “In the_woodthere is a_house”describe the room.to学生初步感知了 there be句型与 方位介词连用的 表达方式。Ss read:small tall hall hallway today say waySs read stair-stairsDo the actions with their arms and fin gers:

12、 up the stairs, up the stairs. Down the stairs, dow n the stairs.Ss describe the livi ng room with the sentence p atter n.Ss use: “ Beside/ On/ In front of/ the _thereis a big mouse” to describe where the mouse is.Ss read the word.Ss read: p ark-dark-dark dark house/ liv ing roomSs enjoy the story.教

13、学生用知识牵引 的方式学会读单 词。一边做动作一边 说,避免了枯燥乏 味,使学习更有趣 味性。Ss read: tail-email-rain将文本内容进行充 实,增加了 cat的 一句话:Oh, a big mouse!使文本故 事有情节,更能充 分吸引学生的注意 力,激发学生的想 象力和表演欲望。Ss read the story sentence by senten ce.Ss read the story in p airs, and the n nu mber the words on p age 69.Ss put the key words on the blackboard i

14、n orders.The nretell the storytogether.注重对学生语调的 指导,包括连读、 停顿、失去爆破 等。Ss read together and the n in roles.Ss finish the exercises on p age 69.Then check the an swers.walks in the dark wood. Then, what happens? Liste n!PPT shows the story.T: This is the story. Let s read it agai n. OK?Pay atte nti on to

15、 the inton ati on.T: Well done. Now Open your books and turn to p age 68. PI ease read it with your partner. Then nu mber the words on p age 69.Check the an swers together and put the key words on the blackboard in orders. Then retell the story together.T: You did a good job. Now let s read the stor

16、y together. And girls read: oh, a big mouse. Boys read: ouch! My tail!8. T: At last the mouse was caught. He is afraid. Can you hel p him? Find“friends” for these words in the story. You can save it.Look! Food and after noon, oo/u:/. Their friend is room. What about others? You can do it on the book

17、s.川.Production.ProductionT: Wonderful! With your help, the mouse is free. He p lays with the cat. But the host will be back soon. Should the cat go away or he can stay in the house? You can decide. Take out this paper. Write a story. Part 1 is an easy story like this. P art2 is a little difficult. Y

18、ou can choose one of them. If more tha n 5 stude nts choose p art2, the cat can stay in theSs write a story. They can choose p art1 or p art2.Then ask Ss to read the story.If the time is limited, they can finish it after Are you clear? Here are some Next class, Ss show their pi ctures for you. PI ease start writi ng.


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