1、英语口语教程(1)教学大纲课程编号:* (歎字新罗马五号,“编号”与“数字”之间空一单元格,以下同) 适用专业:成栋学院英语专业总学时数:34理论学时:34选用教材:姚保意主编 英语口语教程高等教育出版社2006参考书目:姚保意主编 英语口语教程(教师用书)高等教育出版社2006一、课程说明本课程教学安排为一学年,分二个学期。第一学期着重于语言基本功的训练,如语音、语调、 朗读、复述能力。第二学期着重于让学生用所掌握的基本的语言知识,条理清晰、逻辑严谨地口 头表达观点与思想。两个学期的学习中,学生应从大量的口语实践中基本完成从单纯模仿语言到比较自由运用语 言的过渡,具备良好的口头表达习惯和口头
2、表达和交际能力,对英、美国家政治、经济、文化各 方面的知识有一定的了解和认识,具体要求如下:1. 通过接触大量的视听及文字材料,増加语言输入,然后经过模仿、训练达到对语言的自由 运用;2. 了解英语国家的社会、文化习俗,理解交际过程中众多因素的关系,掌握正确、得体的表 达方式。3. 通过第一阶段的学习,学生应能运用简单的日常英语进行对话,并能就所听、读的材料回 答问題及复述,做到语音、语调、语法基本正确。二、学时分配章次标题理论学时实验学时备注Unit OneIntroductions and Greetings4Unit TwoInvitations andAnnouncements2Ini
3、t ThreeRequests and Offers2Lnit FourApologies and Thanks4Unit FiveeSuggestions and Advice4Unit SixWarnings and Commands4Ln i t SevenCongratulations,Compliments and HolidayGreetings4Unit EightLikes, Dislikes and preferences4Unit NineWorryt Concern and Sympathy4期末总复习2Unit TenApproval and Disapproval4I
4、nit ElevenDisappointment and Regret4Init TwelveEncouragement and Surprise4Unit ThirteenDirections and Instructions2Lnit FourteenBlame and Complaints4Unit FifteenaSatisfactionandDi ssatisfaction4Unit SixteenCertainty and Doubt4Ln i t SeventeenViews and Opinions2Unit EighteenPlans and Intentions4期末总复习
5、2三、教学内容及教学基本要求Unit One Introductions and Greetings教学 目的: To master the phrases and patterns concerning Introductions, Greetingsand some relevant introduction about possible replies to introductions教学内容:(1) First listen to the dialogues and ask students to pay special attention to phrases used to int
6、roduce oneself and others and greet each other(2) Practice these dialogues; Pick up the useful patterns in them;How are you getting along these daysHow1 s your work goingHow * s everything going for you WhatJ s up / What* s new*How are youMay I introduce myself.Please allow me to introduce myself I
7、d like you to meet It s a great pleasure to meet you.I feel great honored to meet you, too.(3) Learn some supplementary sentences;(4) Challenge to speak;Finish practice 1 to 3, and ask students to try to use the phrases they have learned in dialogues教学要求: Have the students to study the patterns and
8、try to apply them in their conversation教学重点与难点:Greet each other in formal and informal way ;Introduce oneself and others in formal and informal waysUnit Two Invitations and Announcements教学目的: To master the phrases and patterns concerning Invitations, Announcements and some relevant introductions abo
9、ut Western functions教学内容:(1) Listen and Speak(2) Challenge to SpeakPractice 1 Role-playPractice 2 Make up dialogues according to the situations given.(3) Useful expressionsExpressing InvitationsDo you feel like.How about/ what aboutWould you like to.I was wondering if you would like to Maki ng a ann
10、ouncementLadies and gentlemen, I have a announcement to makeBoys and girls, I ve got something to say.I d like to tell you that*.Attention, pleaseYour attention, please(4) Topic to DiscussAn invitation to dinner教学要求: Have the students to study the patterns and try to apply them in their conversation
11、教学重点与难点:An invitation to dinnerUnit Three Requests and Offers教学 目的:To master the phrases and patterns concerning making Requests, making offers and accepting or refusing politely教学内容:Listen to dialogues and ask students to pay special attention to phrases used to express Requests and offers(1) Pract
12、ice these dialogues;j(2) Pick up the useful patterns in them;Could you pleaseWould you pleaseWould you min(!. pleaseWould you be so kind as to.Can I help youIs there anything I can do for youCan I do anything to helpWould you like me to . for you(3) Learn some supplementary sentences;(4) Challenge t
13、o speak;Practice 1 Talk about your making requests and offers with your partnerPractice 2 Make up your own dialogues according to specific situationsPractice 3 Role play(5) Topic to discuss教学要求: Have the students to study the patterns and try to apply them in their conversation教学重点与难点:Making request
14、s, making offers and accept or refuse pol itely.Unit Four Apologies and Thanks教学 目的:Help students to learn how to express Apologies and Thanks and making appointments教学内容:(1) Listen to dialogues and ask students to pay special attention to phrases used to express Apologies and Thanks.(2) Practice th
15、ese dialogues;Pick up the useful patterns in them;How to express thanks:Thank you. / Thank you so much / Thank you very muchI am so grateful to you for.How can I ever thank you enoughHow can I ever repay your kindnessHow to express apology:I apologize for*.Please forgive me.I regret that How to make
16、 an appointment:What time is convenient for youAre you free tomorrow afternoonWould you 1 ike to (3) Challenge to speak;Practice 1 Make conversations with your partner according to model dialogues 1 and 2 in Part A. Make conversations with your partner according to model dialogues 3and 4 in Part A.P
17、ractice 2 Make up dialogues with your partner according to certain situationsPracice3 Make up dialogues and role-play them(4) Topic to discussRead the passage on Page 28. Then discuss some questions with partners教学要求: Have the students to study the patterns and try to apply them in their conversatio
18、n教学重点与难点:Encourage the students to express apologies and thanks.Unit Five Suggestions and Advice教学 目的:To master the phrases and patterns concerning Suggestions and Advice and some Western functions教学内容:Listen to dialogues and ask students to pay special attention to phrases used to express Suggestio
19、ns and Advice(1) Practice these dialogues;Pick up the usefu1 patterns in them;Making suggestions:You should be more carefulYou d better wear a heavy coatHadt you better go to the station to meet himI suggest that you begin with simplified readersWhy not speak to him about itWhy don t you speak to hi
20、m about itOffering advice:I advise you to go on a dietI would advise you to see a doctor immediately.(2) Challenge to speak;Practice 1 Talk about your interests in certain things with your partner Practice 2 Make up your own dialogues according to specific situationsPractice 3 Role play(3) Topic to
21、discussRead the passage on Page 35. Then discuss some questions(4) Cultural Background教学要求: Have the students to study the patterns and try to apply them in their conversation教学重点与难点:Making suggestions and giving advice.Unit Six Warnings and Commands教学 目的: Help students to learn how to express Warni
22、ngs and Comma nds教学内容:Listen and SpeakListen to dialogues and ask students to pay special attention to phrases used to express Warnings and Commands.(1) Challenge to speakPractice 1 Make up dialogues with your partner involving conditionPractice 2 Make up dialogues with your partner involving conces
23、sionPractice 3 Make up dialogues by using expressions of condition and concession(2) Topics for discussionRead the passage on Page 42. Then discuss some questions:(3) Cultural BackgroundWestern festivalsHalloween and April fool s Day教学要求:Have the students to study the patterns and try to apply them
24、in their conversation教学重点与难点:Giving commands and giving warnings.Unit Seven Congratulations, Compliments and Holiday Greetings教学 目的: Help students to learn how to express Congratulations, Compl iments and Holiday Greetings教学内容:(1) Listen and SpeakListen to dialogue 1 to 4 and ask students to pay spe
25、cial attention to phrases used to express Congratulations, Compliments and Holiday GreetingsSome patterns about congratulations:Congratulations on your Giving compliments:You speak very good English(2) Challenge to speakPractice 1 Work with your partner, and make some deductions from some statements
26、 givenPractice2 Look at some signs and guesses what their mean.(3) Topics for discussionChristmas(4) Cultural Backgiound教学要求: Have the students to study the patterns and try to apply them in their conversation教学重点与难点:Maki ng con gratulat ions, compliments and hoi iday greetings Unit Eight Likes, Dis
27、likes and Preference教学 目的: Ask the students to use the patterns in the group conversation to express likes, dislikes and preference教学内容:(l) Listen and SpeakListen to dialogues and ask students to pay special attention to phiases used to express likes, dislikes and preferenceExpressing likes, dislike
28、s and preferences:Which do you prefer(2) Challenge to speakFinish Practice 1 to Practice 3(3) Topics for discussionRead the passage in this unit and ask students to discuss some questions!(2) Cultural Background教学要求: Have the students to study the patterns and try to apply them in their conversation
29、教学重点与难点:Expressing likes, dislikes and preferences.Unit Nine Worry, Concern and Sympathy教学 目 的: Ask the students to use the patter ns in the group conversation to expressWorry, Concern and Sympathy.教学内容:(1) Listen and SpeakListen to dialogue 1 to 3 and ask students to special attention to phrases us
30、ed to express Worry, Concern and Sympathy.Patterns about expressing worry and concern:I am really concerned.I am concerned aboutPatterns about expressing sympathy:I have all sympathy for herI feel sorry for herPatterns about inquiring about one s problems;What s wrongIs there anything wrong(2) Chall
31、enge to SpeakyFinish Practice 1 to Practice 3(3) Topic to DiscussRead the passage In this unit and ask students to discuss some questions教学要求: Have the students to study the patterns and try to apply them in their conversation教学重点与难点:Expressing worry, Concern and SympathyUnit Ten Approval and Disapp
32、roval教学 目的:Ask the students to use the patterns in the group conversation to expressApproval and Disapproval.教学内容:(l) Listen and SpeakListen to dialogue 1 to 3 and ask students to pay special attention to phrases used to express Approval and Disapprova1.)Patterns about inquiring about approval and d
33、isapproval:What do you think of Please give me your approva1.(2) Challenge to SpeakFinish Practice 1 to Practice 3(3) Topic to Discuss教学要求: Have the students study the patterns and try to apply them in their conversation教学重点与难点:Inquiring about inquiring about approval and disapprova 1.Unit Eleven Di
34、sappointment and Regret教学 目的:Ask the students to use the patterns in the group conversation to express Disappointment and Regret教学内容:(l) Part A: Way to SpeakListen to dialogues and pay attention to ways to express disappointment and regret Look at these patternsExpressing regret:I m sorry to say tha
35、t*.I regret to say thatExpressing disappointmentI m so disappointedIt s not what I expected.(2) Part B: Challenge to SpeakPractice 1 - Work in pairs or groups, make up conversations according to certain situationsPractice 2 - Give your opinions on the following questions(3) Part C: Topic to DiscussR
36、ead a passage Then compare notes and discuss some questions with your group or partner教学要求: Have the students to study the patterns and try to apply them in their conversation教学重点与难点:Expressing disappointment and regretUnit Twelve Encouragement and Surprise教学目的: Ask the students to use the patterns
37、in the group conversation to express encouragement and surprise教学内容:(l) Part A: Way to SpeakListen to dialogues and pay attention to ways to express encouragement and surpriseLook at these patterns.Expressing encouragement Good job! m proud of you for. Keep up the good work Well done!Expressing surp
38、rise: Really I can, t believe. That, s amaz i ng! Are you serious(2) Part B: Challenge to SpeakPractice 1 Make up dialogues with your neighbor to express encouragement.Practice 2 Make up dialogues with your neighbor to express surpriseRead the passage FamilyThen compare notes and discuss these quest
39、ions with your group or partner 教学要求: Have the students to study the patterns and try to apply them in their conversation教学重点与难点:Expressing encouragement and surpriseUnit Thirteen Directions and Instructions教学 目的: Ask the students to use the patterns in the group conversation to expresscause and eff
40、ect教学内容:(l) Part A: Way to SpeakListen to dialogues and pay attention to ways to express Directions andInstructionsLook at these patternsExpressing directions:Excuse me, can you tell me how to get to .How do I get to ?Go to the second intersectionThen turn east/ west/ north /southExpressing instruct
41、ions:Be careful that you.When you finish, you should turn it off Please follow my instructionsJust do it this way. It s very simple (2) Part B: Challenge to SpeakPractice 1 Speak to your partner using expressions to give and ask directions and give instructionsPractice 2 Look at some pictures on the
42、 book and give instructions with the hints given.(3) Part C: Topic to DiscussChildren(4) Part D: Fun to SpeakTalk in groups; use the words and expressions given to discuss the topic教学要求: Have the students to study the patterns and try to apply them in their conversation教学重点与难点:Asking and giving dire
43、ctions and giving instructions.Unit Fourteen Blame and Complaints教学 目的: Ask the students to use the patterns in the group conversation to expressBlame and Complaints教学内容:(l) Part A: Way to SpeakListen to dialogues and pay attention to ways to express Blame and Complaints Look at these patternsExpres
44、sing Complaints: What will it be like tomorrow How dreadful What a nuissnce!Describing the weather: It s freezing cold today. It s rather windy. Expressing mi Id complaints and responses:Do you think you could come a little earlierLook, I do wish you wouldn t use the office phone for personal calls.
45、Expressions on how to blame people:It s all your faultI m afraid you are to blame(2) Part B: Challenge to SpeakPractice 1Make complaints about the weather.Practice 2Role play(3) Part C: Topic to DiscussWeddings and Marriage(4) Part D: Fun to Speak教学要求: Have the students to study the patterns and try
46、 to apply them in their conversation教学重点与难点:Expressing the blame and complaintsUnit Fifteen Satisfaction and Dissatisfaction教学 目的: Ask the students to use the patterns in the group conversation to expressSatisfaction and dissatisfaction.教学内容:(l) Part A: Kay to SpeakListen to dialogues and pay attent
47、ion to ways to express Satisfaction and dissatisfaction.Look at these patternsExpressing Satisfaction:That was fine / Nice / perfectI thought it was excellent*I am quite happy with it.Expressing dissatisfactionWell, to tel 1 you the truth, I was a little disappointed.Honestly, I wasn t very pleased
48、with it.(2) Part B: Challenge to SpeakPractice 1 Express your satisfaction with the following thingsPractice 2 Express your di ssatisfaction with the fol lowing things(3) Part C: Topic to DiscussRead the passage Exams. Then compare notes and discuss questions with your groupor partner教学要求: Have the
49、students to study the patterns and try to apply them in their教学重点与难点: Expressing satisfaction and dissatisfactionUnit Sixteen Certainty and Doubt教学目的: Ask the students to use the patterns in the group conversation to expressCertainty and Doubt教学内容:(l) Part A: Way to SpeakListen to dialogues and pay
50、attention to ways to express Certainty and DoubtLook at these patternsExpressing doubt:I doubt it.I m not sure about it.I don t know for sureExpressing certainty:I am sureI m positive that.No doubt it will rain soon.Certainly not!Give him the benefit of the doubt.(2) Part B: Challenge to SpeakPracti
51、ce 1 Make up short dialogues according to certain situations Pay attention to the use of the patterns listed outPractice 2 Answer some questions(3) Part C: Topic to DiscussRead the passage The Internet Compare notes and discuss questions with your group or partner(4) Part D: Fun to SpeakDO-RE-MI教学要求
52、: Have the students to study the patterns and try to apply them in theirconversat ion教学重点与难点:Expressing Certainty and Doubt.Unit Seventeen Views and Opinions教学 目的: Ask the students to use the patterns in the group conversation to express Views and Opinions教学内容:(1) Part A: Way to SpeakListen to dialo
53、gues and pay attention to ways to express Views and OpinionsLook at these patternsExpressing asking for opinions:What do you think of .How do you feel about What are your feelings about*.Whatf s your opinion of .Expressing one s Opinions:I think / believe*.If you ask me.Personally, I think.As I see The
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