1、定语从句句型练习:1. 正在和汤姆说话的人是约翰。2. 你正在找的那位医生在房间里。3. 父亲是一位教师的小男孩来自美国。4. 这是你想要的那本书。5. 我不能忘记在北京居住的那些日子。6. 这是我住了 5 年的房子。7. 这就是我为什么迟到的原因。8. 你是我唯一可以依靠的人。9. 正在树下读书的那个女骇是我妹妹。10. 玛莉正在照看的那个小骇是汤姆。11. 河边的那栋楼是我们的学校。12. 这是我为什么不喜欢他的原因。13. 你认识那个叫做汤姆的人吗?14. 我入团那年是 1999 年。15. 他住在窗户朝南开的房间里。16. 我想见一见你刚才谈起的人。17. 一周前丢失的那只山羊找到了。
2、18. 靠窗户的那张桌子坏了。19. 这是我们都感兴趣的一个题目。20. 这是我们唯一能做的事情。21. 你知道电影的开始时间吗?22. 那就是我们在法国旅行的那一年。23. 昨晚我们看的那场电影太好了。24. 你昨天借给我的书非常有趣。25. 这是我父亲曾经工作过的学校。26. 书店就是出售书籍的商店。27. 你知道我为什么早走吗?28. 那就是他为什么发言的原因。29. 这就是挽救了这个男孩生命的医生。30. 他想要访问的那个人是英语老师。31. 我昨天收到的那封信来自我哥哥。32. 我永远都不会忘记入团的那一天。33. 孩子们最喜欢的运动是游泳。34. 你认为我们昨天看的那场电影怎么样?
3、35. 你们正在找的那个人现在正在办公室里等你们。36. 你正在吃的蛋糕产于上海。37. 他们想要访问的那个人是科学家。38. 我认识疑问女士她的丈夫是诺贝尔奖金的获得者。39. 李阿姨照看的那个小孩病了。40. 这就是你们昨天谈到的司机吗?41. 她是我见过的最漂亮的女骇。42. 老师所做的事情没有影响到学生。43.1949年10月 1日是中华人民共和国成立的日子。44. 这是我们昨天碰头的地方。45. 建了 10 年的那栋房子昨晚被风吹倒了。46. 我将把我所知道的每一件事都告诉你。47. 我讨厌他对我说话的方式。48. 你喜欢我们昨晚看的那场电影吗?49. 那是他读过最有趣的一本书。50
4、. 他盼望着见到兄弟姐妹的那一刻。51. 她把自己挣的钱都给了父亲。52. 她永远忘不了去云南的那一天。53. 你是我唯一喜欢的人。54. 在那读书的那个孩子是班长。55. 你在校门口碰到的那个孩子是班长。 定语从句答案:1. The boy who is talking with Tom is John.2. The doctor whom you are looking for is in the room .3. The boy whose father is a teacher is from America .4. This is the book which you want .5
5、.I can t forget the days when I lived in Beijing .6. This is the house where I lived for five years .7. This is (the reason) why I m late .8. You are the only person that I can dcpend on .9. The girl who is reading under the tree is my sister .10. The boy whom Mary is looking after is Tom .11. The b
6、uiling which stands near the river is our school .12. This is (the reason) why I don t like him .13. Do you know the man whose name is Tom .14. The year when I joined the league was 1999 .15. He lives in the room whose window opens to the south .16.I want to see the man whom you talked of just now .
7、17. The goat which was lost a week ago has been found .18. The desk which stands by the window is broken .19. This is a subject which we are interested in .20. This is the only thing that we can do .21. Do you know the time when the film will begin ?22. That was the year when we traveled in France .
8、23. The film which we saw yesterday evening was wonderful .24. The book which you leat me yesterday was very interesting .25. This is the school where my father once worked .26. A bookshop is a shop where books are old .27. Do you know (the reason) only I left early .28. That s (the reason) why he s
9、poke .29. This is the doctor who saved the boys life .30. The man whom they wanted to visit is an English teacher .31. The letter which I received yesterday was from my brother .32.I ll never forget the day when I joined the league .33. The sport (which) the children like best is swimming .34. What
10、do you think of the film which we saw yesterday ?35. The man whom you are looking for is waiting for you in the office now .36. The cakes (which) you are eating are made in Shanghai .37. The person whom they wanted to visit is a scientist .38.I know a lady whose husband is a Nobel prize winner .39.T
11、he child whom Aunt Li looks after of is ill .40.Is this the driver whom you talked about yesterday ?41.She is the most beautiful girl that I ve ever seen .42.Nothing that the teacher does doesnt in fluence his students .43.October 1st ,1949 was the day when the people s Republic of China was founded
12、 .44.This is the place where we met yesterday .45.The building which has been built for 10 year s was blown down by the wind yesterday evening .46.I ll tell you everthing that I know .47.I hate the manner that he speaks to me .48. Do you like the film which we saw last night .49. That s the most interesting book that he has ever read .50. He is looking for ward to the moment when he see his sisters and brothers .51.She gave her father all the money that she earned .52.
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