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1、四川师范大学文理学院本科毕业论文analysis of family education differences between china and america in the film guasha treatment从电影刮痧浅析中美家庭教育差异学生姓名 牟 丽 院系名称 外 国 语 学 院 专业名称 英语(翻译) 班 级 2008级 4班 学 号 200814025416 指导教师 易 佳(讲师) 答辩时间 2012年4月27日 从电影刮痧浅析中美家庭教育差异学生:牟丽 指导教师:易佳(讲师)摘要:电影刮痧 讲述的是一个中国家庭在美国给一个小孩子,丹尼斯使用了刮痧这一传统中医疗法后,发

2、生的一系列事情,由于刮痧这一传统的中医疗法不为美国人所理解和认同,从而给一个中国家庭带来的悲剧故事。这部电影反映了中美之间,教育的不同和冲突。本论文以刮痧 为切入点,剖析中美教育的差异。作为21世纪的青年人,国家未来的主人,很清楚一个国家的基础是教育。而家庭教育的方式是会让孩子的一生发生很大改变的。我国主要是主张封闭式的教育,成绩好是头等大事。而美国则是开放式的教育方式。中美家庭教育在教育方式、培养孩子的方式、教育结果等方式都有很大的不同。当然这也取决于他们的文化背景的差异和传统观念的不同。总之,有主观原因也有客观原因。通过比较这两种家庭教育,我希望能取他人之长补己之短,从而促进我国的家庭教育

3、。关键词:刮痧;中美家庭教育;差异;analysis of family education differences between china and america in the film guasha treatmentabstract:the film,guasha treatment,describes what happened to a chinese family after they had used the traditional chinese medical treatment,guasha,to a little boy, denies, in the america

4、. it reflects the educational differences and conflicts between china and america. this paper attempts to analyze these differences from the perspective of education, as the young people of 21st century and the masters of the countrys future,we all understand that education is the basis of a country

5、. home education technology can totally change childrens lives. china go strong on the closed-end education, and good academic achievement is the most important thing,but america adopts the open form of education. china and the united states have many differences in the family education including wa

6、ys to teaching children and the way to receive education. of course, this is also decided by their differences in cultural background and traditions of the different concepts. in short, there are not only subjective reasons but also objective reasons. by comparing these two family educations, i hope

7、 to learn others experience to make up for our own defects, so as to promote chinas family education.key words: guasha; family between china and america; differences. contentsintroduction1part family education differences reflected in the film.31.1 chinese family education view.31.2 american family

8、education view.41.3differennt ways show in family education .5part reasons of family education differences between china and america in the film guasha treatment.72.1 difference of historical background.72.2 differences of attitudes to family education.72.3 difference of the thinking mode.8part insp

9、iration of the american family education to chinese family education.93.1 updating the concept of family education.93.2 paying attention to the childrens all-round development.93.3 raising independent thinking ability of children.9conclusion11bibliography12introductionthe story in the chinese movie

10、guasha took place in america. the movie shows us a legal conflict resulted from guasha, a chinese medical treatment or a maltreatment of children. it seems that the story is a misunderstanding or a legal dispute, but actually, it indicates a education conflict between china and america the film guas

11、ha treatment tells us a story in america about problems which happened to a chinese immigration family education is a social activity of cultivation and the inheritance of experiences in the daily life. it is a sort of social culture phenomenon which reflects different social cultural implication fr

12、om different ones. in a sense, cultural transmission is education which is also cultural originally. family, school and social education are the three main part of the education. but family education should not be replaced by school and social education. when children were born they had been in the

13、atmosphere of family education, generally speaking it indicates that behaviors of criticism, guidance, cultivation and administration by the parents. it plays an important role not only in modeling values but also cultivate a unique nationalism to our children. for instance, chinese culture attaches

14、 importance to the harmony between human and nature but americans pay more attention to overcome the nature by them. the family education between china and american exist a significant difference. for example, in the mutual relationship of family members, chinese parents almost in the dominant posit

15、ion of it but american parents attach more importance to getting along with their kids equally. about the concept of childcare, chinese parents almost hope their kids can find a good job to be prosperous in the future but american parents lay stress on promoting their kids capability of living adapt

16、ation. about the ways of education between china and america, chinese parents are willing to undertake the whole things for giving their kids more time to spend on study but american parents tend to make their children do many practical things all by themselves. the disparity between two countries w

17、hich results in the living adaptation of chinese children is inferior to american children. it is meaningful to promote children to grow healthily and enhance their own integral quality if we can good understand and take example by foreign advanced means of education for children. when we treat to o

18、thers and society, chinese prose golden mean and harmony but americans competition and strive for life. charles laughton thinks that the methods of education are the choice for a certain social culture. through the comparison of education between china an america analyses the distinction between two

19、 countries in cross-culture communication.in the first part, this paper will give family education differences reflected in the film including chinese family education view; american family education view; then, this paper will give the performance of family education differences. in the second part

20、, this paper will give reasons of family education differences between chinese and america in the film guasha treatment in guasha including difference of historical background, differences of economic structure, and difference of the thinking mode .so we can know more about family education differen

21、ces reflected in the film. in the third part, this paper will tell inspiration of the american family education to chinese family education including updating the concept of family education, paying attention to the childrens all-round development, raising independent thinking ability of children.pa

22、rt family education differences reflected in the film 1.1. chinese family education viewfamily is the foundation of society in china. family is the fundamental element of chinese society. members of a family generally live together or nearby. they help and support one another and respect the elders

23、and parents. they are friendly with other people, but believe strong relationships need time and patience to build to make them solid and long-lasting.chinas education has too much expectation for children, the children were controlled, accused too much, they become weak, they most fear to make mist

24、akes, and they are afraid of failure, so in order to avoid mistakes, they give up the chance to put forward questions, give up learning in failure process. when children grew up, children lost not only creation and power of imagination, but also will probably be afraid of lost, because their knowled

25、ge of studying, thinking, logic and reasoning is passive. in todays so fierce competition world, only the strong can get achievement. chinas education system is not to shape a real child, but always to take the children become what they want. not to give children right to become their own shape, but

26、 what others make they become. interest is very important for both adults and children, and let a man do what he dont want to do, only the waste of efforts. respect your child, regard him as an equal man, and they enjoy equal rights to speak, for example, the rights of criticizing and resisting .an

27、obedient child is not necessarily good boy, and he will not necessarily have ambition. china has repeatedly stressed how solid his foundation education is, how bad children in the united states science. but we see the fact that the united states is forever frontier in the world for science and techn

28、ology in china, when children do something wrong, parents will scold and beat children as a punishment. chinese family education is famous for strictness. there are chinese old sayings can show the strictness, such as “to feed without teaching is the fathers fault”, spare the rod, “spoil the son”, j

29、ust as the words datongs father said: “to scold and to beat a naughty boy is due to love”. it is also common for parents, especially parents in the rural areas, to leave their children alone at home, chinese parents are always busy with their jobs or farming, and there is not enough time for them to

30、 take care of their children, so they have to leave their children at home. it is not surprising at all in the rural areas to find children lying on the floor with fly flying around them. nowadays, with the popularization of the television, it is safer and more convenient for parents to leave childr

31、en at home.family is the most basic element and carrier in the chinese culture. chinese family stresses the love of family and the love of consanguinity. they think that dog doesnt eat dog, so when the children welfare bureau accuses datong of child abuse, he thinks it incredible and ridiculous. he

32、says to his wife jane, a father loves his son. thats the way where it works. why do i have to prove my love, make up speeches? what the hell are we doing, jane? its turning upside down. everything is turning upside down!” however, it is acceptable in america, which is a place pays more attention to

33、the truth and evidence. filial piety is also a very important virtue in chinese family. in the movie, datong lies to the judge that he is the one who does guasha to denis in order to protect his father who is the real one does guasha to denis. he thinks that if he tells the judge it is his father do

34、es guasha to denis, he sells his own father out, and then he will not be a filial son. however, americans will never understand the concept of filial piety in chinese culture. that kind of filial piety of chinese people in concept seems to be incredible to the foreigners, to old father, we chinese p

35、eople use a heart to repay the parents love regardless of the return, so that in the most painful moments, chinese people also cant let father know your own pain and bear the points of pressure. when xu datong helped his father go upstairs, his wife, jianning said some meaningful words-because he is

36、 chinese, not only made the boss distressful, also let us have a passionate.when datongs father stays at the station, and jane is at work, datong has to leave denis alone at home in order to pick his father home. in usa, it is known that it is illegal to leave children at home.1.2 american family ed

37、ucation viewamerican parents duty is to make children truly enjoy their childhood, to sports, to make friends, to go outing, to do things they like to do. american parents never help children tutor homework, they think: if parent is a teacher, what the childs school teachers do? if a childs homework

38、 is wrong, they also dont give them the right answer, they can let a child think twice, they think that everybody makes mistakes. no mistakes, how to improve? they lay stress on the childrens self-confidence, never attack child, they never say children are stupid, however, they constantly praise. th

39、ey also wont let children sacrifice weekend time to learn. american parents talk little about kids school work. childrens performance is their own things.in america, parents never hit their children for their mistakes. they do not think it will do any help to scold and beat them. it will be more use

40、ful to encourage them to stand up again than to scold and beat them, which will only discourage their confidence. and most importantly, it is illegal to beat children. in america, it is also illegal to leave their children alone at home. in the west, after the adult children, parents not to bring up

41、 their obligations, and go home to have a meal a points to a hair also calculated clear.in western countries, children can make easily lots of friends; parents will not be too much interference in it, but friendships dont last long and they change a lot over time. young adults generally have their o

42、wn lives and see their parents and families a few times a year, on holidays.1.3 different ways show in family education in guasha, datongs son denis hit his friend kunluns son paul, datong asks denis to apologize to paul, but denis refuses to say sorry to paul, then datong hit denis on the face in f

43、ront of the public. in chinese eye, it is perfectly justified to do so because they think they do this for childrens good, and to hit children is to love them and to make them become a useful person. chinese parents is always educating their own children first when they deal with the quarrel or figh

44、t among children, while american parents pay attention to the truth. thats why datong first asked denis to apologize to paul without finding who is wrong or right. however, in america, parents are just the childrens keepers. they cant go too far scolding their children, let alone beat them. thats wh

45、y datongs friend kunlun is startled when he sees datong hit denis on the face. there is another typical plot can embody the different family education views of china and america. when datongs father stays at the station, and jane is at work, datong has to leave denis alone at home in order to pick h

46、is father home. in america, it is known that it is illegal to leave children at home.chinese people, american people, all the peoples of the world love his family and children, but in xudatongs and many chinese hearts, they think families and children are the top of the world. children, as the conti

47、nuation of the family blood, are a familys wealth, and fathers private property. the “love” can perform as the stern, separation and even the cheating and hijack. the oriental love is the responsibility but not just the expression. the love and the responsibility combine children, father and this ho

48、me as one, just in this point, the oriental give up the individual dignity and equality, freedom and the right to choose their own happiness because they think that love is to give. the family is the whole, in order to overall, individual interests can sacrifice.in chinese culture, physical punishme

49、nt is commonly used by chinese family. they think this will help to growing up. but in western society it is absolutely forbidden. any abusing children were viewed as illegal conduct. as to show respect to friends, datong xu punished his own son physically in front of friends. but this was misinterp

50、reted as violence by his foreign friends. this is a misunderstanding in culture between east and west. and it is also the problem of law consciousness, in the united states, if parents beat children, neighbors reported to the relevant agency immediately, because their culture tells them public aid f

51、orce is the most effective, but china is not the same, if people see parents beating children, ordinary people firstly complain loudly, after all it is household chores, if it was too serious, neighbors sometimes come to mediate, and that means we will usually choose private aid force to solve the p

52、roblem, of course, which not only show the chinese law consciousness generally is not high, but also show distrust of public power! this distrust is not only in the theory of western governments, but because chinas authorities have no way to win public trust through their actions.part reasons of fam

53、ily education differences between china and america in the film guasha treatment2.1 difference of historical backgroundduring the second half of the 19th century, the united states was the worlds leading economic power. economic prosperity created the necessary objective conditions and guarantees to

54、 education reform and development in that “gilded age”. when a large number of industrialists like carnegie, rockefeller and so on became rich, they became a philanthropist. a lot of money was donated to the school for education in the united states. education of united states gains the advantage. h

55、owever, even though chinas economy is developing rapidly, modern education has just begun to take shape, and just began to spread. even though there was “western learning thought” in the 18th century, it was only a small area.2.2differences of attitudes to family educationthe united states has a dev

56、eloped commodity economy, an advanced productivity, many employment opportunities, and less survival pressure, and the united states focus on individual ability, the mechanism of choosing a person for a job is perfect and the united states has free movement of labor. there are many opportunities to change job. therefore the american has an open outlook of profession and the wide choice of career. in the united states, parents think that as long as the child will be able to survive in society, there is no distinction between high and low ran


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