



1、人教新目标英语八年级上册Unit7重点短语和句子(1)短语:1.作出预测 make the prediction2.在人们的家里 in peoples homes3.有我们自己的机器人 have our own robots4.在纸上 on paper5.在家通过电脑学习study at home on computers6.活到200岁 live to be 200 years old7.100年后(将来时) in 100 years8.更少的空闲时间 less free time9.更少的轿车 fewer cars10.更多的污染物 more pollution11.挤满了. be cro

2、wded with12.在将来 in the future13.一本关于未来的书 a book about the future14.一个受到污染的湖泊 a polluted lake15.处于极大的危险中 be in great danger16.搬到其他行星 move to other planets17.住在地球上 live on the earth18.种更多的树 plant more trees19.参与拯救地球 play a part in saving the earth20.热爱世界和平 love world peace21.淡水 fresh water22.在海里 in th

3、e sea23.在空中 in the sky24.看见很多蓝天 see many blue skies25.住在一个公寓里 live in an apartment26.乘火箭去月球 fly rockets to the moon27.在一个太空站上 live on a space station28.在太空 in space29.像人类那样思考 think like humans30.某地有某人在做某事 There be Sb doing sth.31.多次;反复地 over and over again32.对.感到无聊 be/get/feel bored with33.能够会做某事 wi

4、ll be able to do sth34.把.叫醒 wake up35.同意/不同意某人的意见 agree/ disagree with sb36.数百年 hundreds of years37.摔倒,倒塌 fall down38.做某事对某人来说是可能的 Its possible for sb to do sth39.似乎不可能 seem impossible40.在某一点上来说 at some point41.作为一名新闻记者 as a newspaper reporter42.在香港度假 take a holiday in Hong Kong句子:1.一切都会是免费的吗?一不,不会。

5、Will everything be free? No,there wont.2.未来将只有一个国家。 There will be only one country in the future.3.海里将会有更少的污染吗? Will there be less pollution in the sea?4.关于未来你的预测是什么? What is your prediction about the future?5.未来会是什么样的? What will the future be like?6.环境将处于极大的危险之中。 The environment will be in great da

6、nger.7.我们不得不搬到其他行星吗? Do we have to move to other planets?8.每个人都应该参与拯救地球。Everyone should play a part in saving the earth.9.我住在街道对面的公寓里。 I live in an apartment across from the street.Unit 7重点短语和句子(2)10.机器人通常像人类的仆人。Robots are usually like human servants.11.已经有机器人在工厂工作。There are already robots working i

7、n factories.12.他们反复地做简单的工作。They do simple jobs over and over again.13.他们工作在肮脏和危险的地方。We work in dirty and dangerous places.14.对于他们来说像一个人类思考很难。Its difficult for them to think like a human.15.他们有不同的形状。They have different shapes.16.机器人将从不能醒来并且知道他们在哪。Robots will never be able to wake up and know where th

8、ey are.17.我们从不知道将来会发生什么。We never know what will happen in the future.18.他们相信它将会花几百年。 They believe it will take hundreds of years.19.这些器人能帮助寻找在建筑下的人们。 These robots can help look for people under the buildings.20.我想飞上天。 I want to fly up into the sky.21.你认为你会有自己的机器人吗? Do you think you will have your own robots?22.一些在日本的机器人甚至能走路跳舞。 Some robots in Japan can even walk and dance.23.机器人甚至能在25到50年后像人类一样交


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