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1、Progress in National EV Standards Development in China 中国电动汽车标准现状与发展趋势中国电动汽车标准现状与发展趋势 1. Overview of Chinese Electric Vehicle Standardization 中国电动汽车标准化工作概况 2. Frame for Chinese EV standards 电动汽车标准体系 3. Plan and Road Map 未来工作计划和路线图 Outline报告提纲报告提纲 1. Organization of EV standardization 标准化组织 Electric

2、vehicle subcommittee SAC/TC114/SC27 MIIT NTCASSAC/TC114 Industrial standard QC National standard GB Electric motorcycleElectric vehicle ISO TC22/SC21 IEC/TC69 SAC UN/WP29 Established by NTCAS at 1998, secretariat is located at CATARC; Supervised by SAC and MIIT; Interface with ISO/TC22/SC21, IEC/TC6

3、9; Responsible for national electric vehicle standardization. EV Standards Electric vehicle working group Fuel cell vehicle working group Traction battery working group E- motor working group TC114/SC27 Complete vehicle standards Key components standards Infrastructure standards 42 committee members

4、 from EV manufacture, traction battery company, motor company, electric motorcycle company, testing organization, University and research institute。 2. SAC/TC114/SC27 全国汽标委/电动车辆分标委 Crash safety working group EV complete vehicle and components R Recommendation standards: 866 EV standard system 57 sta

5、ndards EV access EV demonstration EV R pure electrical road vehicles. p Mass distribution reasonable mass distribution; the mass percent of battery system to whole vehicle should not more than 30%;. GB/T 28382 Battery electric passenger carsSpecification GB/T 28382-2012 纯电动乘用车技术条件 p Cargo container

6、should not less than 0.3m3 for cars with 4 or 5 seats. p Safety requirement Comply with GB/T 18384、GB21670、GB 11551 and GB 20071; alarm sound shall be needed when start or speed low than 20km/h. GB/T 28382 Battery electric passenger carsSpecification GB/T 28382-2012 纯电动乘用车技术条件 p Acceleration perform

7、ance maximum speed in 30 minutes no less than 80km/h; 050 km/h less than 10s;5080km/h, less than 15s; 4% /12 % slope no less than 60km/h/30km/h; maximum gradability no less than 20% p Range More than 80km Fuel cell vehicle standardsFuel cell vehicle standards 20 Demonstration Next generation Life Co

8、st Performance Material Compon ents System Material Compon ent System Control strategy Mass production low Pt- MEA New material Simplify system Localiza tion lDynamic conditions lStart/stop lLow load/idle speed lHydrogen cycle lStart under 0 degree lAlloy catalyst lAntioxidant carrier lNew type memb

9、rane lMetal bipolar plate lCarbon paper FCEV standards released 序号序号标准代号标准代号标准名称标准名称 1GB/T 24554-2009燃料电池发动机性能试验方法 2GB/T 24549-2009燃料电池汽车安全要求 3GB/T 24548-2009燃料电池汽车整车术语 4GB/T 26990-2011燃料电池电动汽车 车载氢系统 技术要求 5GB/T 26779-2011燃料电池电动汽车 加氢口 6GB/T 26991-2011燃料电池电动汽车 最高车速 试验方法 7QC/T 816-2009加氢车技术条件 REESS Sta

10、ndardsREESS Standards interchangeability Pack and system Cycle life Reduce cost Strengthened system integration safety recycling RESS standards released 序号序号标准代号标准代号标准名称标准名称 1GB/Z 18333.1-2001电动道路车辆用锂离子蓄电池 2GB/Z 18333.2-2001电动道路车辆用锌空气蓄电池 3QC/T 741-2006车用超级电容器 4QC/T 742-2006电动汽车用铅酸蓄电池 5QC/T 743-2006电

11、动汽车用锂离子蓄电池 6QC/T 744-2006电动汽车用金属氢化物镍蓄电池 7QC/T 840-2010电动汽车动力蓄电池结构形式及尺寸 8QC/T 897-2011 电动汽车用电池管理系统技术条件 E-motor system standardsE-motor system standards High tech of e-motor system High quality of e- motor system Integrity tech of new type e-motor Advanced power electronics assembly technology E-Motor

12、 standards released 序号序号标准代号标准代号标准名称标准名称 1GB/T 18488.1-2006电动汽车用电机及其控制器 第1部分:技术条件 2GB/T 18488.2-2006电动汽车用电机及其控制器 第2部分:试验方法 3GB/T 24347-2009电动汽车DC/DC变换器 4QC/T 896-2011电动汽车用驱动电机系统接口 5QC/T 893-2011电动汽车用驱动电机系统故障分类及判断 充 电 站 充 电 站 电电池池 更更换换站站 电池更换站电池更换站 u在示范城市群及周边区域建成在示范城市群及周边区域建成20002000座充座充/ /换站,换站,4040

13、万个充电桩,形成万个充电桩,形成“点点- -线线 - -面面”结合,充电、换电兼容的电动汽车能源补给网络。结合,充电、换电兼容的电动汽车能源补给网络。 u研发研发“点点- -线线- -面面”一体化集成网络信息化服务系统,包括用户身份识别、智一体化集成网络信息化服务系统,包括用户身份识别、智 能计量、结算体系,能计量、结算体系,GPSGPS站点巡航定位、站点巡航定位、ITSITS集成及集成及V2GV2G技术等。技术等。 Infrastructure standardsInfrastructure standards Infrastructure standards released 序号序号标准

14、代号标准代号标准名称标准名称 1GB/T 18487.1-2001电动车辆传导充电系统一般要求 2GB/T 18487.2-2001电动车辆传导充电系统电动车辆与交流/直流电源的连接要求 3GB/T 18487.3-2001电动车辆传导充电系统电动车辆交流/直流充电机(站) 4QC/T 839-2010超级电容电动城市客车供电系统 5QC/T 841-2010电动汽车传导式充电接口 6QCT/ 842-2010电动汽车电池管理系统和非车载充电机之间的通讯协议 7GB/T 20234.1-2011 电动汽车传导充电 充电连接装置 第1 部分:通用要求 8GB/T 20234.2-2011 电动汽

15、车传导充电 充电连接装置 第2 部分:交流充电接口 9GB/T 20234.3-2011 电动汽车传导充电 充电连接装置 第3 部分:直流充电接口 10QC/T 895-2011电动汽车用传导式车载充电机 GB/T 20234 Connection set of conductive charging for EV Part 1 General requirementscorresponding to IEC 62196-1 Part 2 AC charge couplercorresponding to IEC 62196-2 Part 3 DC charge couplercorrespo

16、nding to IEC 62196-3 GB/T 20234 Connection set of conductive charging for EV 电动汽车传导式充电连接装置 Part 2 AC charge coupler China standard IEC 62196-2 Type1 (Japan, US) Type2 (Germany) Type3 (Italy) Single- control guide Double-control guide Phase Single (Can be extended to three ) SingleSingleThreeSingleSi

17、ngletwo Circuit16/32A32A/80A70A63A16A32A32A Voltage220V250V 480V250V250V500V PIN and lock 7 Mechanical + electronic lock 5 Mechanical lock 7 Electronic lock 45 Electronic lock Interface type GB/T 20234 Connection set of conductive charging for EV 电动汽车传导式充电连接装置 Typical control pilot circuit for mode

18、2 Charging mode 2 GB/T 20234 Connection set of conductive charging for EV 电动汽车传导式充电连接装置 International standard ParameterChina proposalUS proposalJapan proposalEU proposal Structure PIN9710 (1 spare)9 Rated voltage 750V/250A600V/200A600V/150A850V/200A Communi cation CANPLCCANPLC Part 3 DC charge coup

19、ler GB/T 20234 Connection set of conductive charging for EV 电动汽车传导式充电连接装置 Typical control pilot circuit for mode 4 Charging mode 4 GB/T 20234 Connection set of conductive charging for EV 电动汽车传导式充电连接装置 1. Overview of Chinese Electric Vehicle Standardization 中国电动汽车标准化工作概况 2. Frame for Chinese EV stand

20、ards 电动汽车标准体系 3. Plan and Road Map 未来工作计划和路线图 Outline报告提纲报告提纲 Roadmap of standardization REESS l Li-ion battery l super capacitor l nickel-hydrogen battery l new type battery(zinc-air, Sodium sulfur battery) Mechanical abuse vibration/fall/shock humid/Seawater immersion Compressive deformation Tempe

21、rature abuse fire thermal shock cycle without heat management Electrical abuse short circuit over charge/discharge high voltage protection malfunction analysis classification level code E-moter system l specification of all kinds of e-motor(AC, permanent magnetism) l specification of e-motor controller l specification of power devices performance torque/speed/effici ency power output Temperature rise mechanical strength of structure environmental suitability Commutator test electrical insulation di


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