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1、2018英文感言4篇good employees acceptance speechdisti nguished leadership and all colleagues:good after noon, ladies and gen tleme n.today have the honor to bee a good employee, and sta nding on the platform to express feeli ngs, i felt an un precede nted honor! the first thing i would like to tha nk the

2、pany leadership for those of us ordinary staffs concern and support, but also want to tha nk those who like me work ing colleagues in ordinary work, because we all cooperate, to make our team appears vibra nt, without your support and help, i would not have done it is today a record. the honor of ou

3、tsta nding employees, therefore, is not only bel ong to my pers on al, should bel ong to all of us prese nt here more colleagues.work into the pany so far, i have bee n to do their job, grasp every detail in accorda nee with the in structio n of the leadership, un ity colleagues together for our own

4、ers to provide most excelle nt service. ask leadership in the work, learn from colleagues, try our best to do their work best.i think a good employee should play a leading role, should hold pragmatic earnest work attitude, love and dedicati on, hard work, dilige nt. the value of the in dividual is o

5、n for collective contribution! the panys need is our own value. we want to make pany proud of our existenee! today, the pany gave me the honor, this is everybody to my trust, is also a bigger push to me. in the new quarter, i n the panys new developme nt, we must live up to expectati ons of our pany

6、, with eno ugh grades, dont give up inno vati on work passi on, continue to carry forward our han hai property pany dedicated pragmatic, the arduous struggle the spirit, and maintain the overall situation of the pany and image, with the first-class, first-class performa nee and first-class con tribu

7、ti on, for the healthy development of the pany, in order to implement the panys new goals made new again!tha nk you all!优秀员工获奖感言尊敬的各位领导和全体同事:大家下午好!今天有幸成为一名公司的优秀员工,并站在讲台上向大家表露心声,我感到前所未有的荣 誉!我首先要感谢公司领导对我们这些普通员工的关心和支持,同时更要感谢那些和我一样 在普通工作岗位上默默工作的同事,正是因为我们大家的相互协作,才使我们的团队显得 生机勃勃,没有你们的支持与帮助,我不可能干出今天这样的成绩。因此

8、,优秀员工的荣 誉不仅仅是属于我个人,更应该是属于我们在座的全体同事。进入公司工作至今,我一直尽心尽力做好自己的本职工作,按照领导的指示把握每一个细 节,团结同事共同为我们的业主提供最优异的服务。在工作中向领导请教,向同事学习, 尽最大努力将自己的工作做到最好。我认为一名优秀员工应该起到表率作用,应该抱着务实认真的工作态度,爱岗敬业,埋头苦干,勤勤恳恳。个人的价值就体现在为集体所做的贡献上!公司的需要就是我们自己的价值所在。我们要让公司为我们的存在而骄傲!第1页共11页 今天,公司把这份荣誉给了我,这是大家对我的信任,同时也是对我更大的鞭策。在新的 季度,在公司新的发展时期,我们一定不辜负公司

9、对我们的期望,不满足已有的成绩,不 放弃创新工作的激情,继续发扬我们汉海物业公司人敬业务实、艰苦奋斗的精神,时时处 处维护公司的大局和形象,以一流的状态,一流的业绩,做出一流的贡献,为公司健康发 展、为实现公司新的奋斗目标再立新功 !谢谢大家 !大学毕业感言英文版大学毕业感言 (一 )我们没合适的词来形容孤独的背面,但如果有,我要说,那就是我的今生所求。那是我在 耶鲁找到的,我感激的,以及我害怕失去的 明早我们在毕业典礼之后醒来,要离开这 片地方的时候。we dont have a word for the opposite of loneliness, but if we did, i co

10、uld say thatin life. what im grateful and thankful to have found at yale, and what ing when we m scared of losiwake up tomorrow after mencement and leave this place.这感觉说不上是爱,也不是什么同志情怀;只是当你和其他人,许许多多的人一起相互依靠、同舟共济的感觉。和你在同一战线上的同学。你坐着等别人去付帐单。某个晚上凌晨四 点却没人有睡觉的意思。那个听吉他声的夜晚。或是什么我们早已记不清的晚上。我们经 历过,走过,看过,笑过,感同身

11、受过。还有毕业典礼上满天飞舞的帽子。it nost quite love and its not quite munity; it jusst this feeling that there are people, an abundance of people, who are in this together. who are on your team. when the check is paid and you stay at the table. when its four a.m. and no one goes to bed. that night with thteniguhit

12、awr.ethacant remember. that time we did, we went, we saw, we laughed, we felt. the hats.耶鲁满是我们给自己围起来的小圈子。合唱团,运动队,宿舍,兄弟会,课外活动。因为 它们我们才感觉到爱,还有极度的信赖,即使在那些最孤独的深夜,当我们孤身一人踉踉 跄跄地走回宿舍,再打开电脑奋斗的时候 无依无靠,满身疲劳,却清醒无比。明年我 们将失去这一切。我们不会再和自己的朋友住在同一栋楼。我们不再会有数不清的群发短 信。yale is full of tiny circles we pull around ourselv

13、es. a cappella groups, sports teams, houses, societies, clubs. these tiny groups that make us feel loved and safe and part of something even on our loneliest nights when we stumble home to our puters partnerless, tired, awake. we don htave those next year. we wont live on the same block as all our f

14、riends. we wont have a bunchtexts.这让我恐惧。相比找不到好工作、找不到安定的住所、孤独终身,我更害怕失去现在我们 拥有的小世界。这份模糊不清、难以定义的孤独的背面。此时此刻我深切体会到的。this scares me. more than findin g the right job or city or spouse, im scared of losing this webwere in. this elusive, indefinable, opposite of loneliness. this feeling i feel right now.大学毕

15、业感言 (二 )此刻我们的一部分,今后但让我们把这点弄清:人生最好的年华不在未来,而是当下只会不断地重复,我们搬到纽约,搬出纽约接着后悔我们来过或没来过纽约。我三十岁时 还想开派对。我老了之后还想精彩地活着。任何时候我们提起最好的年华,总离不开那几 个老掉牙的前缀:早知道就”“果我”要是我”but let us get one thing straight: the best years of our lives are not behind us. theyand they are set for repetition as we grow up and move to new york a

16、nd away from new york andwish we did or didn t live in new york. i plan on having parties when i m thirty. i plan on havwhe n i m old. any no ti on of the best years es from cliche d “ should have ,”if i d -确实,有很多事我们都后悔没做:该读的那些书,那个住在隔壁的男孩。我们对自己相当 苛刻,正是为此才这么容易让自己失望。偶尔睡过头。偶尔拖延。偶尔投机取巧。我不止 一次回想去高中时的自己,不

17、禁感叹:我怎么可能做成那些事?那么刻苦,我是怎么做到的?内心隐隐的不安全感和我们形影不离,也许会伴随着我们一生。of course, there are things we wish we d done: our readings, that boy across the hall. weown hardest critics and it s easy to let ourselves dpoinwgn.tosoleleate. procrastinating. cuttingcorners. more than once i ve looked back on my high school

18、 self and thought: how did i do that?how did i work so hard?our private insecurities follow us and will always follow us.但你要明白,我们都不完美。没人在他们想醒来的时候起床。没人完成该做的阅读(除非是那些获奖的狂人 )我们对自己的要求那么高不可攀,也许一辈子都没法成为想象中完美的自己。但我们都会平安无事。but the thing is, we re all like that. nobody wakes up when they want to. nobody did a

19、ll of theirreadings (except maybe the crazy people who win prizes .).wehave these impossibly high standards and we ll probably never live up to our perfect fantasies of our future selves. but i feel like that s okay.我们这么年轻。如此年轻。我们才二十二岁。我们有大把大把的时光。有时我会有这样的 感觉,派对之后孤身一人躺下,或是选择放弃之后把书本打包走人时,我们都有这样的感 觉 那就

20、是太迟了。别人早已遥遥领先。比我们更有前途,更有潜力。在拯救世界这条 路上比我们走得更远,他们在创造,在改进。现在再开始一个开始实在太迟,因为我们早 该坚持下来,早该启程。we re so young.we re so young. we-twroeytewaernstyold. we have so much time. there sthis sentiment i sometimes sense, creeping in our collective consciousness as we lie alone after a party, or pack up our books whe

21、n we give in and go out that it is somehow too late. the others are somehow ahead. more acplished, more specialized. more on the path to somehow saving the world, somehow creating or inventing or improving. that it s too late now to begin a beginning and we mustsettle for continuance, for mencement.

22、我们初到耶鲁,还有一丝可能性。我们还拥有这股巨大而无法被定义的潜能而如今它却在一点点消逝。一直以来我们无需在人生中做出选择,但突然之间我们必须这样做。有 些人因此选择局限自己。有些人因此清楚地知道自己要做什么,也顺利地上路了:要去医 学院,要去那家光鲜体面的公司工作,要去作研究。对你,我只有两句话相送:一是恭喜,二是 你没救了。when we came to yale, there was this sense of possibility. this immense and indefinable potential energy and it s easy to feel like tha

23、t s slipped away. we never had to choose and suddenlywe ve had to. some of us have focused ourselves. some of us know exactly what we want and are on the path to get it: already going to med school, working at the perfect ngo, doing research. to you i say both congratulations and you suck.是的,对于绝大部分的

24、我们,都被淹没在这 “文理学院 ”的通识教育之下,对于自己要走的路、或是已经选择的路都有些迷茫。要是当初我学了生物要是我大一时就走新闻这条路要是我当初申请了这个或者那个for most of us, however, we somewharet lost in this sea of liberal arts. not quite sure what roadwe re on and whether we should have taken it.if only i had majored in biology if only iinvolved in journalism as a fres

25、hman if only i d thought to apply for this or for that但我们必须记住,我们还能做任何事。我们还能改变主意。我们可以重新再来。去读个博 士,甚至是开始写作。那个认为一切都已经太迟了因此我们无能为力的想法简直是滑稽无 比。可笑至极。我们不过从大学毕业而已。我们还这么年轻。我们不能,我们绝对不能丢 了这份怀有一切可能的心,因为到头来,除了它,我们一无所有。what we have to remember is that we can still do anything. we can change our minds. we canstart o

26、ver. get a post-bac or try writing for the first time. the notion that it s too late to do anythical. it s hilarious. we re graduating from college. we re so young. we can t, we must nosense of possibility because in the end, it s all we have.大学毕业感言 (三 )college is the best time of your life. when el

27、se are your parents going to spend several thousand dollars a year just for you to go to a strange town and get drunk every night?大学是你一生中最美好的时光。什么时候你的父母还会一年花几千块供你去一个陌生的地 方天天晚上喝醉。of course theres a lot of knowledge in universities: the freshmen bring a little in; the seniors dont take much away, so k

28、nowledge sort of accumulates 。大学当然是个有很多知识的地方:大一的带进来一些,大四的带不走多少,知识便积累起 来了。a professor is one who talks in someone elses sleep。教授就是别人都睡了他还在讲话的人。as long as there are tests, there will be prayer in schools 。 只要有考试,学校里就会有祷告者。the things taught in colleges are not an cation, but the means to an cation 。 大学

29、里学得不是知识,而是学习知识的方法。never get married in college :it s hard to get a start if a prospective employer finds youalready made one mistake。千万不要在大学结婚:一旦你未来的雇主发现你已经犯下一个错误,你就很难起步了。cation is not preparation for life, cation is life itself 。学习不是为生活做准备,学习就是生活的全部。the university brings out all abilities, includin

30、g incapability 。大学能培养人的各种能力,包括无能。the chief value in going to college is that its the only way to learn it really doesnt matter 。上大学的主要价值是:只有上了才知道真的不值啊。80% of the final exam will be based on the one lecture you missed and the one book you didnt read。期末考试中 80%的内容都来自你翘掉的那节课和你漏读的那本书。英文版毕业感言precious four

31、-year university life drawing to a close, i feel very necessary to sum up the pros and cons of four-year university, which inherited the good the deficiencies of improvements, and make our own way through the review, and more is to see to the future take.academic performance is not very good, but i

32、have in the process of learning a lot of harvest. first, i am a correct attitude towards learning. i admitted to the university, and others would like to relax properly is severely muffled their own liberation, but soon i understand, the university need to seriously study. see around the students tr

33、ying very hard to learn, i have to dispel their mind, the university began learning journey. second is the great extent to its own self-learning ability. the university is no longer the medium of instruction in high school, like spoon-feeding, but a lot of lessons about knowledge, classroom lectures

34、 alone is totally insufficient. this requires the practice in the classroom by classroom to consolidate the knowledge acquired to their own research library, and is often to check some relevant information. cumulatively, self-learning ability has been enhanced. there is to understand the use of lear

35、ning at the same time focus on independent thinking. to learn only from school is not preoccupied, we must learn how to approach method of doing things. the good old saying, as delegate to delegate to fish and fisheries, the purpose of my ing here is to learn how to fish, but was easier said than do

36、ne, i for a good many ways, to do anything hard thinking, in the event there do not know where to ask hard. in the study, independent thinking as its motto and always keep in mind alert. along with learning progress, i not only learned the basis of academic knowledge of the public and a lot of profe

37、ssional knowledge, i also have a mental qualitative leap in a more rapid control of a new technical knowledge, i think this is very important for the future. in the learning period, i am even more teachers and students to establish a strong friendship. the earnest teachers teach, i appreciate the fu

38、n of learning. i close with many students, but also to establish a good relationship between the study, we should help and mutual assistance in overing difficulties. i have now a senior, is doing graduate design, a more tempered the hands of self-analysis and ability to benefit.personality has been

39、in the pursuit of the sublimation and pay attention to their own behavior. i admire a great charisma, and has always hoped to own can be done. in the university life, i insist that the efforts of the self-reflection and improve their own personality. four years, i have read a number of books and sev

40、eral books of the perfect personality for their help, to the growing awareness of the character of a person is very important bearing on whether a correct outlook on life worldview. therefore, no matter what the circumstances, i have the moral character to the demands of their own. no matter when an

41、d where i have the credo of pursuing strict with themselves, and pliance with it effectively. peacetime fraternity students, teachers and attach importance to and helpful. previously only feel that helping others was very happy, is a traditional virtue. now, i understand reason, can be helpful not o

42、nly casting noble character, but also got a lot of their own interests, to help other people at the same time also help themselves. looking back four years, i am very pleased to be able to have a difficult time students who helped them, relative, i have difficulties in my students also selfless exte

43、nd a helping hand. for teachers, i have always been very much respected, i am anxious because they help me when guidance. without the help of teachers, i may not know what course to follow. i now realize that, if it is a personal moral character conduct, as it is the individual responsibility of the

44、 whole munity. a person living in this world, the munity must assume certain obligations, a noble character, we can correctly understand their own liability, in their own contribution to the realization of the value.social practice capability has been greatly improved. university of four years, i pa

45、rticipated in a number of school activities and done some social practice. participate in the activities of schools realize that more students will increase exchanges with other students and their learning opportunities, tempered their interpersonal skills, to learn other peoples strengths, and clea

46、rly understand their own weaknesses. in addition, it has been doing banwei bedroom and long, the pressure is also on its own is the driving force. i like to do some social activities, let university life more colorful, done tutoring, volunteers, salesmen and design, etc., and sometimes feel tired, b

47、ut, le he will not.sports performance has been very good. my physique is not very good, but through my practice and understanding of the sport, can be very good or the pletion of the project, professor of physical cation. i like sports, the basic interest of all sports, especially football. today, a

48、fter four years, i have the game to the improvement of quality and legs law and mon sense. i started from a high contact football, relatively late start can be made rapid progress, always at the same level playing partners after a period of time e to the fore. i think that this may be due to playing

49、 good 抱定 the determination, perhaps, there were still points sports talent. play football not only a physical exercise, and enhance teamwork and collective sense of honor.personally think that in this world there is no perfect, and every person who has his or her own merits shortings, but the key is

50、 the ability to address and use them. four years, i have been self-examination, summed up a few of their own advantages and disadvantages.i had the advantage of honesty, enthusiasm, perseverance character. i think that honesty is what sustains a therefore, i have to ask themselves is true to our wor

51、ds, and the others agreed to certain things pleted on time, i remember a number of occasions, students or teachers about the meet me, i promised to be on time, arrived at the designated future another location, even if there are emergencies never失约,they left a profound image. as warm towards people

52、sincerely, from primary school to university has been working with students and teachers live in a very good but also very much wele the students around, and many students established a profound friendship. in studying knowledge, i know, the issue should be careful, this is my thesis design has full

53、y demonstrated the out. i have this characteristic and is not like inadequate, work is always a beginning and an end, even if the hard things go all out to pursue the best results, and that is why i put their own will as a major factor, i believe that as long as persistence crowbar can be ground int

54、o a needle. the biggest enemy of a person other than the person, but his own. over the years, i have been in with their own operations, exactly, and are fighting their own will. in hindsight, i do a lot of determination than before, but i will not let down. these advantages, i will conduct the funda

55、mental of life, i should continue to maintain, and constantly remind ourselves to prosperity.i personally think that the greatest shortings is like bent on dual-use even more. instant success, like in many things in one breath, but not like chewing more rotten, even if ultimately can learn, but also

56、 do their own has been very fatigue. now think about this is not good, you are in the so-called fine and not in wide. if i concentrate on a period of time to a scholarship, but not for bo refinement, it is believed that more profound understanding and mastery of this knowledge door. since i find mys

57、elf with the shortings and problems, i often alert ourselves, the munity can not be bent on dual-use.through four years of university life, i learned a lot of knowledge is more important to have a rapid grasp new things. change the thinking of many mature, more perseverance of the character. a lot o

58、f students and teachers and establish a friendship, and their exchanges and enhance their own quality, recognize their own weaknesses and to try to correct some. social practice have greatlyimproved the ability for the munity to lay the foundation for the future.university life is four years of my life, a small section of this line is a section of glittering, it includes a sweat and harvest, i zoned for life-line plays a vital role优秀员工英文获奖感言every leader, every colleague:everybody happy new year!on the occasion of the arrival of the spring festival , is a great pleasure fo


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