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1、数词1. 什么叫做数词?表示数目多少或顺序多少的词叫数词, 数词分为基数词和序数词。 表示数目多少的数词叫基数词;表示顺序的数词叫序数词 。A 基数词的构成1) 1 12 有各自独立的形式。One, two, three ,four ,five ,six ,seven ,eight ,nine ,ten ,eleven ,twelve2)13-19 都是相对应3 9 加上 teen 构成,thirteen, fourteen, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, eighteen,nineteen,3) 20 90 都以 -ty 结尾,特殊拼写的有twenty, thir

2、ty, forty, fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety4) 21 99,整数十位数各位数,中间有“ ”。5)百位数,由百位数and+两位数组成。注:1、 1000 以上几个的词,每三位数加一个逗号,第一个逗号前的数为thousand,第二个逗号前的数为million (百万) , 第三个逗号前的数为billion (十亿),第四个逗号前的数为 trillion (万亿)888, 888,888, 888eight hundred and eighty-eight billion, eight hundred and eighty-eight milli

3、on, eight hundred and eighty-eight thousand, eight hundred and eighty-eight2、基数词常与名词构成的合成词在句中作定语,中间要用连字符“”,这个名词只用单数形式a two hundred word reporta seven-day holidaya 3 year old girl3. 基数词的用法1、表示一个具体数字时,hundred, thousand,million , billion 一律不用复数;在表示一个不确定数字时则用复数。例如:1) Our country has a population of 1,30

4、0 million people.2) There are three thousand students in our school.3) After the war, thousands of people became homeless.4) Maize is the most important food crop for millions of people in the world.2、在一些表示“一排 ”或 “一组 ”的词组里;如: They arrived in twos and threes.他们三三两两的到达了。3、表示 “ 十 ”的数词的复数形式可用来表示“几十岁 ”或年

5、代,例如:1) He is in his early thirties 2) He died still in his forties 3) This took place in 1930s 4、表示时刻用基数词。例如:We get up at six.The workers begin work at eight.( 1)表示 “几点过几分 ”,用介词 past,但须在半小时以内。例如: ten past ten,a quarter past nine,half past twelve(2)表示 “几点差几分 ”用介词 to, 但分数须在半小时以上。例如:twenty to nine,fiv

6、e to eight,a quarter to ten表示 “几点几分 ”还可直接用基数词。例如:seven fifteen,eleven thirty,nine twenty注意下列习惯表达方式:half an hourhalf a kiloone hour and a half= one and a half hourstwo and a half kilos = two kilos and a halfone or two days=one day or twoeighty meters longone thousand miles awayfive meters deep ( wide

7、/ tall/ high/long)five meters in depth / width/ height/ lengthB. 序数词的构成1) 1 3 分别为 first,second,third。2) 4 19 都是在后面加上th,特殊的有fifth, eighth, ninth,twelfth。3) 20 90 把 y 变成 ie 然后加 th,如 twentieth 。4) 21 99 的序数词变后面的个位数。序数词可以用缩写,如1st, 2nd, 3rd ,4th序数词的用法(1)序数词主要用作定语,前面要加定冠词,例如:The first truck is carrying a

8、food baskets John lives on the fifteenth floor (2)序数词有时前面可加不定冠词来表示“再一 ”,“又一 ”这样的意思,例如:Well have to do it a second time Shall I ask him a third time ?When I sat down , a fourthman rose to speak(3)表示年,月,日时,年用基数词表示,日用序数词表示。例如:1949年十月一日读作:October (the) first, nineteenforty-nine2004年九月十日读作:September (the

9、) tenth, two thousand and four(4)表示分数时,分子用基数词表示,分母用序数词表示。分子大于1 时,分母加-s。例如:1/4 one-fourth;2/3 two-thirds;1/2 a(one)half;1/4 1(one)quarter;3/4 three-quarters;*76/92 seventy-six over ninety-two(5)序数词也可以用作副词,When did you first see him?Which horse came in first?(6)基数词也能表示顺序,如书刊的页的数目,住所、房间、教室、电话号码等等。Page

10、Eight, Room 304,Class Seven,7)倍数表示法主语 +谓语 +倍数(或分数)+ as + adj. + asI have three times as many as you.我有你三倍那么多。(8) 在 世纪:in the twenty-first centuryin the nineteenth century1. About _ students in our class can describe that place in English.A. three-fifthsB. three-fifthC. third-fiveD. third-fifths答案: A

11、 。该题考查的是分数的表示法。分子用基数词表示,分母用序数词表示。分子大于 1 时,分母应加 -s,因此应选 A 。2. Nine _ pounds a week? Thatvery good.A. hundred ofB. hundreds ofC. hundredsD. hundred s答案: D。该题考查的是数词的用法。复数形式,后面也不能加 of。所以应选Nine hundred D 。是一个具体的数量,这是数词不能用一、房间、书刊、汽车、电话等号码1房间Room 106 = Room one o six第 106 号房间2书刊Part 2 = part two (the secon

12、d part)第二部分Lesson Ten = the tenth lessonPage 127 = page one two sevenChapter Four = the fourth chapter第四章Section Twenty-one the twenty-first section3 Bus 26/ the No. 26 bus 汽车 26 路车第十课第127页第二十一节4电话4729646 =four seven two nine six four six2822886 =two eight double two double eight six二、年、月、日、星期、钟点表示方

13、法1年前面用介词in(在 ) 1961 年(in) 1961读作 (in) nineteen sixty-one(在 ) 1800 年(in) 1800读作 (in) eighteen hundred(在 ) 1909 年(in) 1909读作 (in) nineteen and nine(在) 20 世纪 90年代(in) the 1990 s 读作 (in) the nineteen nineties(在 ) 2000 年(in) 2000读作 (in) two thousand(在 ) 2001 年(in) 2001读作 (in) twenty and o one2月前面用介词in,月份

14、头一个字母须大写,后附有缩写形式(in) JanuaryJan.( 在)一月(in) FebruaryFeb.(在)二月(in) MarchMar.(在)三月(in)AprilApr 。 (在)四月(in )MayMay( 在)五月(in)JuneJune(在)六月(in)JulyJuly(在)七月(in)AugustAug.(在)八月(in)SeptemberSept. (在)九月(in)OctoberOct.(在)十月(In) NovemberNov.(在)十一月(In) DecemberDec.(在)十二月3日前面用介词 on,用序数词(前面加 the)表示 “某日 ”On the fi

15、rst一日on the eighth八日a)某个节日前用on(on) the first of January 或 (on) January (the) first元旦(一月一日)(on) the twenty-fifth of December - Christmas Day或 (on) December (the)twenty-fifth十二月二十五日圣诞节b)某年、某月前用inin October ,1965(读作 in October, nineteen sixty-five ) 1965年 10月c)某年、某月、某日前用onon October 29 , 1990 读作 on Oct

16、ober the twenty-ninth, nineteen ninety )on October 1, 1949(读作 on October the first, nineteen forty-nine)4星期前面用介词on,星期头一个字母要大写On Monday (在)星期一 On Thursday(在)星期四,On Tuesday(在)星期二,On Wednesday(在)星期三, On Friday(在)星期五 ,On Saturday(在)星期六 ,On Sunday(在)星期日5钟点通常前面用介词atDavid gets up at six oclock in the morni

17、ng.戴维早晨六点起床。6 “几点几分 ”的表示方法1)用介词past 或 after 表示 “几点过几分 ”,但分钟须在半小时内(包括半小时).Now it is five past ten.现在是七点过五分。Now it is a quarter past two.现在是二点一刻。Now it is half past ten.现在是十点半。Now it is a few minutes after two.现在是两点过几分。2)用介词to 表示 “几点差几分 ”,但分钟必须在半小时以上(不包括半小时)。如:six to ten 差六分十点A quarter to Nine差一刻九点Twe

18、nty one to eleven 差二十八分十一点3)也可以直接读时间9:25读作nine twenty-five12:30读作twelve thirty8:30 a.m. = eight thirty a.m.上午八点三十分the 4:15 p.m. flight= the four fifteen p.m. flight下午四点十五分航班7表示 “时间的一定点 ”用at noon在中午atat daybreak/ at dawn在天刚亮的时候at midnight在半夜8表示 “特定的时,日 ”用 onOn time准时On the morning of the tenth在十日早上on

19、 the evening of Saturday在星期六的晚上9表示不定的某日白天、上午、下午、晚等用“in”,但 night 则必须用 “at”In the daytime在白天In the morning在早上At night在夜里2小数词(decimal fractional)小数点读作ponit ,其后的数词分开来一个一个地读,0 可读作zero(或nought),也可读作ou 。如0.2-o ou point two; nought (zero) point two0.03 -o ou point o ou three;nought (zero) point nought (zero

20、) three1.19 - one point one nine13.470 -one three point four seven o ou/thirteen point four seven o ou3百分数读百分数时,只要在基数词或小数词之后加上percent 即可。如:25-twenty-five per cent8-eight per cent0.5-o ou point five percent0.16 -nought/zero point one six per cent四、数量增加的表示及译法1 increase (rise, grow, go up) bya. 这条新生产线使

21、效率提高百分之二十。b. 人口增加了十万,共为三千万。c. 与去年相比,产量增长五倍。Compared with last year, the output goesup 5 times.d.1985 年以来电视产量增加了6 倍The production of TV sets has been increased by 6 times since 1985 2 double (twice), n times表示倍数的增加 double (twice) 为 两倍 ,增加一倍 ,翻一番n times为n 倍,增加n-1 倍a. 目前的产量是过去的两倍。b. 1999 年产量翻了一番。c. 罗伯特

22、驾车驶过从纽约到休斯顿两倍那么远的距离。3用more (higher, better) than 表示数量的增加a. 这所学校曾经只有男学生,而现在这所学校既有男学生也有女学生,女生人数超过15。The school used to have boys only, but itnow has both boys and girls with thenumber of girls more than15 per cent.b.我国现在的教育水平已是解放前的几百倍。 (或现在我国的教育水平比解放前提高了几百倍The level of our national education is hundre

23、ds of times higher now than before liberation.c.太阳的大小是地球的几千倍(或:太阳比地球大几千倍。)The sun is thousands of times larger than the earth.4用 as much(many, long, fast数量的增加) as表示6 times as much ashalf as long as30 as heavy asone fourth as great as六倍那么多,多五倍一半那么长百分之三十那么重四分之一那么大a. 这座桥长是那座桥的二倍。b. The power of this en

24、gine is three fourths as great as the power of that one.c. 这块大石头的重量几乎是那块小的十倍The big stone is nearly 10 times as heavy as the small one.五、数量减少的表示及译法reduce (fall, drop, cut, shorten )reduce to 10 降到 10,减少90reduce by 20 减少20(只有原来的80fall by 15 下降15drop by 30 下降30cut (cost) 26 降低(成本)26shorten4 times使缩短为原

25、来四分之一,缩短四分之三n times less是的 n 分之一twice thinner厚度只及一半自 1979 从年以来这个地区的出生率下降了40。The birth rate in this area has dropped by 40 since 1979月球上的重力是地球上的六分之一。The force of gravity on the moon is six times less powerful than that on the earth.大桥使两座城市间距缩短为原来的六分之一。The bridge shortens the distance betweenthe two c

26、ities 6 times.六、大约数的表示方法( 1)用 ten、dozen、score、hundred 、thousand 、 million 等数词的复数后加 of 短语来表示几十、几百、上千、成千上万等大约数概念。如:a. The little boy buys dozens of pencils every term.b. Thousands of people died in the earthquake.c. Every year tens of thousands of people go to work in Guangdong Province.( 2)用 less tha

27、n 、 under 、 below 、 almost 、 nearly 、 up to 等来表示小于或接近某数目。如: He is good at English, so he can finish the paper in less than two hours.( 3)用 more than 、 over 、 above、 beyond 、or more 等来表示超过或多于某个数目。如:Peking University has a history of more than 100 years.( 4)用or 、or so 、 about 、 around 、 some、 more or

28、less等表示在某一数目左右。如:About 50 people were present at that time.( 5)用 to、 fromto 、 betweenand 表示介于两数词。如:His salary rises from 20 dollars a week to 35 dollars a week.( 6)注意事项:dozen、 score、 hundred 、 thousand 、 million作数词表示确切数量时,不用复数。如:three score, five dozen, seven million等。实战演练1. It is said that SARS has killed more than _ people worldwide.A. three hundredsB. three hundredsC. three hundred sD. three hundred2. -How many workers are there in your factory?-There are two _.A. hundredsB. hundredC. hundred ofD. hundreds of3. -Which is t


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