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1、七年级下册期末试卷英语题号总分得分(试卷满分为100分,时间为120分钟)第一部分 听力 (20分) 得 分评卷人(1 )请听录音,选出与其意思相符的图片.( 5分) a b c d e1_ 2_ 3_4_5_(2) 请听句子,选择正确的应答语.( 5 分)( )6. a. its a good idea. b. never mind. c. im sorry to hear that( )7. a. no, im never been there. b. no, im not sure. c. yes, im just seen it.( )8. a. once a month b. for

2、 two months c. on december 25th( )9. a. glad to hear that. b. thank you. c. not at all.( )10 . a. you are welcome. b. im fine, thanks . c. thank you all the same.(3) 请听对话及问题,选择正确答案 ( 5分)( )11 a. because he is not old. b. because he walks in the garden. c. because he eats healthy food and works in th

3、e garden every day.( )12. a . a bookshelf b. dr blacks office. c. a book on chinese medicine.( )13. a. three. b. four c. five( )14. a. she went to see her friends. b. she went to see her parents.c. she visited a big farm.( )15. a. to attend a meeting. b. to have a party. c. to see a film(4) 请听短文,选择正

4、确答案. ( 5 分)( )16. does the writer have many rules at home ?a. yes, he does b.yes, there is c. no, he doesnt d. no, there isnt( )17. whats his favorite pop group ?a. take four b, take five c. take six d. take seven( )18. can he play the music as loud as he can ?a. yes, he does b. no, he doesnt c. he

5、can d. no, he cant( )19. how many times does he have to clean his room in a week ?a. once b. twice c. three times d. four times( )20.can he watch tv on school nights?a.we dont know. b. yes, he can.c. no, he cant. d. sometimes he can.ii选择填空 1. - could you buy milk for me, please ? -sorry, i dont have

6、 _ money.a.some, some b. any, any c.any, some d.some, any 2. would you like _ at home or go for a walk ? a. to stay b. staying c. stay d. stays 3.i dont mind _ the window. it is not in the room. a. to open b. opened c. opening d. is coming 4. my words made him _ very sad. a. feels b. feel c. to feel

7、 d. felt 5.china is a country _ a long history. a. has b. have c. in d. with 6.the library is a good place _ books. a. to look b. to see c. to watch d. to read 7.- i called you yesterday , _ nobody answered it. where _ you ? - our family went to hang zhou. a. and, are b. but, were c. so, were d.but

8、, did 8.mr. white has two children. _ is a doctor , and _ is a nurse. a. one , another b. one , others c. one ,other d. one , the other 9. the actor _ of medium build and _ straight black hair. a. is, has b. is, is c. has, has d. has, is 10. we have a job _ you _ a teacher. a. for, for b. to , for c

9、. for, as d. for , to 11. were so tired. lets stop _ . a. having a rest b. to have a rest c. have a rest d. has a rest 12.there _ a pen and two books on the desk. a. have b. has c. is d. are 13. the river runs _ the center of the city. a. across b. through c. cross d. pass 14. he eats _ vegetables ,

10、 but he doesnt eat _ meat. a.too many, too many b. too much , too much c.too much , too many d.too many, too much 15. _ pandas are very shy, _ please be quiet. a. because , so b. because , / c. / , / d. so, /iii 补全对话:(10分)a)根据情景,用一个适当的内容填在横线上,使对话的意思连贯、完整(5分) a. excuse me,(1) _ to beijing zoo? b. sor

11、ry, (2) _. please ask the man over there. he may know. a. excuse me, (3)_ the zoo, please? c(4)_this street, turn left and walk on until you reach the traffic lights, then turn right and youll see it (5)_ you . a: thank you very much. b)根据对话内容。用方格的内容补全对话。(5分) a: mike,(6) _. b.im afraid its going to

12、rain. a.(7)_. there are thick clouds. (8)_ b.(9)_. its going to be a rainy day. a: oh ,yes, the rain is coming down. can you see it? b. yes, (10)_ its going to rain today. a. i think b. look at the sky! c. whats the weather like today? d.its a cloudy day today. e. i dont think soiv.句子翻译1 现在是下午3点,我妈妈

13、正在为我做蛋糕。i2.课堂上不要说话。 3.李老师教我们法语。4她每天练习说英语。she practices _5. 昨天孩子们在水里玩得开心。 the children _in the water yesterday.6.你认为这部电影怎么样? _do you_the movies?7.去购物怎样? how about _?得分评卷人 完形填空. (共15分,每空1 分)(a)ken1_very busy yesterday. he got up at 7;00 in the morning. he washed his face quickly and had some milk and

14、bread 2_breakfast. it was a fine day. he went to school early. he had four 3_in the morning. he had a little rest after lunch. he worked very hard in class all day. he 4_basketball after school and then went home. on his way 5_he bought a pen. when he 6_home, he had a short rest. after that he 7_his

15、 parents. he quickly cooked_8_and cleaned the house. he watched tv 9_half an hour after dinner.then he finished his homework at 9:00. he 10_at ten oclock.( )1 .a. is b. was c. were d. am( )2 .a. on b. in c. about d. for( )3. a. matches b. games c books d. classes ( )4 .a. plays b. play c. played d.

16、playing( )5 .a school b. work c. home d. to home( )6. a. got b. got to c. go d. went( )7 .a. help b. helped c. called d. looked( )8. a. breakfast b. lunch c. dinner d food( )9. a. to b. for c. at d. in( )10.a. went to school b. went to bed c. got to school d. got up(b)用所给词的适当形式填空.watch we go surpris

17、e beyesterday my father and i (11)_to watch a football game with our pet dog. my dog was white and black. it took us half an hour to drive a car to the football field. we had fun(12)_the game.after the game, we went to look for our car. there (13)_lots of cars here and there. we came to a red car, b

18、ut he didnt. we were(14)_when my father couldnt open the door. he looked at the car carefully and found it wasnt (15)_ the dog was sitting near the right car. he sat there and looked at us. what a cute dog! we had a good time ! 11_12_13_14_15_ix.阅读理解(共20分)得分评卷人a.根据短文内容从各题的 a,b,c,d 四个选项中选择一个最佳答案。(共10

19、分,每小题1分)passage1mrs shirly was a teacher for 32 years. when she stopped teaching. she decided to do some things that she had never done before. one thing she wanted to do was to learn how to fly. after taking flying lessons for a few hours, mrs shirly had another idea. she wanted to jump out of an a

20、irplane. she put on a parachuted(降落伞) ,opened the planes door, and leaped. down she floated. at the time she jumped from the plane, mrs shirly was 61 years old1. the best title is _.a. a wonderful school. b. a woman become teacher. c. youre never too old to learn d. a ride in a jet plane.2. mrs shir

21、ly was a teacher for _ a. a few hours b. 32 years c. 50 years d. 60 years.3. when mrs shirly jumped , she wore_. a. wings b. a parachute. c. a kite d. large shoes.4. you can tell from the story that mrs shirly likes to _ a. stay at home. b. drive race cars. c. try new things d. plant flowers.5. the

22、word “leaped” means_ a. fell asleep b. read a book c. cried d. jumped.passage2new library rules 1. from monday to friday:open time:8:30-4:30.2.no talking 3. no eating any food.4. no listening to music.5. no taking photos.6. no taking books out if you dont ask the people here. 7. keep the library boo

23、ks for only one week8. give the books back on time.9. renew (续借)books on time.10.pay for the lost books.6. when can we read books in the library? a. on weekends b. at 2:00 on monday. c. for eight hours d. at five on tuesday.7. what cant we do in the library? a. borrow books. b. renew books c. keep t

24、he library book for a week. d. take books out before we ask the people in the library.8. if we lose the library books, we have to _ a. buy them b. pay for them c. renew them d. ask the people there.9. which of the following dont you do in the library? a. give the books back on time. b.renew the book

25、s on time. c. talk loudly d. be quiet.10. what time do we have to leave the library? a. at 2:00 pm. b. before 4:30pm c. after 4:30pm d. in the afternoonb. 阅读短文,简要回答下面的问题。(共10分, 每小题2分) wang was born into a rich family in america, but he was not a spoiled child. his parents made him practice violin fo

26、r hours every day and he also learned karate(空手道)to make pocket money, wang had to deliver newspapers. at five or six every morning, wang was already up. even on cold winter days, he road his bike to deliver newspapers to every home! “when i went outside, other people were not up yet,”he said. the b

27、est moment of his day, he said, was after he got home, tired and hungry, and ate sweet pies his mum had made.11. what family was wang born into in america? 12.why did wang deliver newspapers? 13. how did wang deliver newspapers every day? 14. did wang get up late? 15. when was the best moment of wan

28、gs day? 得 分评卷人viii.书面表达(10分)请根据下面的图片和文字提示向我们介绍你的周末,写一篇70字左右的英语短文。(本题10分)play the guitar, do ones homework, go to the library, fly kites, clean the room, go to the zoo i had a busy weekend. _ 答案i. 略ii.5 dacbd 610 dbdac 1115. bcbdbiii. can you tell me the way/ which is the way 2. i dont know 3. wheres

29、 4. go/walk down/along 5.next to / in front of 610. cedbaiv 1.its three oclock in the afternoon.my mother is making a cake for me.2. dont talk in class. 3. mr li teaches us french. 4. speaking enlish every day 5. had fun playing 6 what , think of 7. going shoppingv. 15. bddcc 610 abcbb 11. went 12.

30、watching 13.were 14. surprised 15oursvi. 15. cbbcd 610 cdbcb 11. rich family 12. to make pocket money 13. he rode his bike to deliver newspaper to every home 14. no, he didnt 15. the best moment of his day was after he got home and ate sweept pies his mum had made.vii 略 命题人: 七年级下学期英语期终考试题(全卷共十三大题 总分

31、:150分 考试时间:120分钟)注意:全卷分为第i卷和第ii卷,所有试题均答在答题卡上,否则不得分。第i卷 (100分)听 力(30分)i、 句子理解(每小题1分,共5分)听一遍 听句子选择与所听句子意思相符的图示。1. a b c 2. a b c 3. a b c 4. a b c 5. a b c ii、情景反应 (每小题1分,共5分)听一遍 根据所听录音内容选择正确的应答语。6. a. he is a student. b. he is good at english c. he is tall7. a. a glass of milk b. some hot dogs, pleas

32、e c. two cups of tea8. a. it is great. b. its boring c. it was exciting9. a. it was a sunny day b. it was friday c. it is sunday10. a. man and nature b. i cant stand it c. i love themiii、对话理解 (每小题1分,共10分)a) 短对话 (每小题1分,共5分)听两遍 根据对话内容及后面的问题,选择正确的答案。11. a. a waiter b. a reporter c. a doctor12. a .on bi

33、g street b. on bridge street c. on centre street 13. a .on the phone b. on the radio c. on tv14. a. boring b. beautiful c. relaxing15. a. jiang honglin b. chen hui c. mingmingb) 长对话(每小题1分,共5分) 听两遍 根据对话内容,选择正确相应的地方填入相应的番号处。 a. hotel b. library c. pay phone d. bank e. supermarketpost officegreen avenu

34、efourth streetbrown avenuefifth streetws house1617181920iv、短文理解 (每小题1分,共10分)a) 听两遍 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(t)误(f)。21. many boys and girls wear the same clothes in china.22. its not easy to know whether they are boys or girls.23. an old man is walking near a pool24. the person beside the old man is a woman25

35、. the old man thinks the person is a woman.b) 听两遍 根据短文内容,选择正确的答案。26. where did they go last sunday?a. the great wall.b. the park.c. the zoo.27. who did wang qin see on the great wall?a. his aunt.b. his father.c. his friend.28. what did they do on the great wall?a. played games.b. bought some noodles

36、.c. took some photos.29. where did they have lunch?a. on the great wall. b. at the foot of the great wall. c. by the lake.30. what did wang qin have for lunch?a. some bread.b. some noodles.c.a lot of duck.语言基础知识 (70分)v、单项选择 (每小题1分,共20分)根据下列句子的语境及相关信息,选择最佳答案。31. -what does your mother do? -_. a. she

37、works in the hospital b. she is at home c. she is singer d. she is reading32. my aunt has a daughter.a. two years oldb. two-year-oldc. two year old d. two -year old33. how about computer games. i think its fun.a. playingb. playc. plays d. to play34. whats your friend ? smart and shy.a. doingb. fromc

38、. like d. likes35. after school, roy found a purse on the ground.a. lieingb. liec. lying d. to lie36. we had great fun english this term.a. learnb. to learnc. learning d. learns37. thank you for cctvs “around the world” show.a .joiningb. joinc. to join d. joined38. everyone in our class all our teac

39、hers.a. likeb. likesc. are liking d. liking39. stop . be quiet, please.a. talkb. talksc. talking d. to talk40. sandy always _ a red dress and white shoes.a. wearsb. inc. withd. on41. what did you do on vacation?i _.a. go shopb. went shopc. went shoppingd. go shopping42. _ nancy often _ to the beach

40、last summer?a. does; gob. did; goc. does; goesd. did; went43. the policeman helped him _ his father.a. findb. foundc. findingd. is finding44. would you like a cup of coffee? _.a. yes, thanksb. no, thanksc. yes, i would liked. no, i wouldnt like45. let _ you my teachers telephone number.a.i tell b. m

41、e to tell c. me telld. me telling46. can you tell me _ to the police station?a. howb. wherec. the wayd. way47. _ the giraffes are beautiful, _ i like them very much.a. because; sob. so; / c. because; /d. so; because48. we have a _ for you _ a reporter. youll have a lot of _ to do.a. work ; be; jobb.

42、 job; are; workc. job; as; worksd. job; as; work49. harry porter is a very _ movie. all the children are _ in it.a. interested; interesting b .interesting; interestedc. interesting; interesting d. interested; interested50. i like _. but this afternoon i would like _ fishing.a. swimming; to gob. to s

43、wim; to goc. swimming; going d. to swim; goingvi、交际运用 (每小题1分,共15分)a) 根据对话内容,从方框中选择正确的答案完成下列对话。a. do you like her?b. he teaches geography.c. he was the tall man with beard.d. is he the tall man with glasses?e. shes too strict.a: so do you like your new teacher? b: yeah. its vickers. _51_ a: _52_?b: t

44、hats right. i really like him. and whos your new teacher?a: my new teacher is ms lim. shes short with curly hair. she is the math teacher. b: _53_ a: no, i dont. _54_. i wanted my old teacher back!b: who was that?a: mr. smith. remember? _55_b: oh, yeah, i remember. he was the science teacher.b) 逻辑排列

45、 根据对话的逻辑顺序重新排列下列对话,使其成为一段通顺的对话,注意首句和尾句已经给出。a: hi, sally! i didnt see you last weekend?a. like what?b. you did? not much fun, huh?c. and on sunday night, i visited my friends house.d. no, i stayed at home.e. why?f. well, i played soccer on saturday morning.g. well, i had lots of things to do.h. on su

46、nday afternoon, i went to the movie.i. well, i cleaned my room. and i did my homework.j. well, it wasnt too bad. on sunday i went to the library. how about you? what did you do?b: wow! you had fun.a: year, i had fun. but i didnt do my homework, so school this morning wasnt fun!56-60 _ 61-65 _vii、阅读理

47、解 (共25分)a) 根据短文内容,判断下列句子的正(用a表示)误(用b表示)。(每小题1分,共5分)its saturday afternoon. mr and mrs smith are in a shop. smith likes hats very much.she says, “look, this hat is very nice. do you think so?”mr smith looks at it and says,“do you call that a hat?” it looks like a lighthouse(灯塔)。”“dont speak to me like that,”mrs smith says. she puts the ha


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