1、中招英语试题与初中英语教学中招英语试题与初中英语教学禹海军禹海军讲座提纲讲座提纲一、中招英语问题反映与真正要求一、中招英语问题反映与真正要求二、初中英语教学的怪现象与破解之道二、初中英语教学的怪现象与破解之道三、三、 切实培养语言能力的教与学案例分享切实培养语言能力的教与学案例分享 一、中招英语问题反映与真正要求一、中招英语问题反映与真正要求 2015年与年与2016年年中招英语试题抽样情况中招英语试题抽样情况 各种题型的平均分与难度系数各种题型的平均分与难度系数 项目满分平均分难度系数听力理解2017.63 16.90.880.85单项选择159.237.620.620.51完形填空107.
2、186.350.720.64阅读理解4028.35 25.750.710.64词语运用104.284.970.430.497补全对话104.834.970.480.497书面表达156.607.500.440.50全卷12078.174.070.650.622016年各地中招英语主观题平均分年各地中招英语主观题平均分 地市词语运用补全对话书面表达13.953.953.273.275.945.9423. 733.633.633.273.275.415.4144.974.974.974.977.57.5567中招英语考什么?中招英语考什么? 学生到底缺什么?学生到底缺什么
3、? 二、初中英语教学的怪现象与破解之道初中英语教学的怪现象与破解之道 1. 不看课标不看课标 课标的对象是谁?课标的对象是谁? 中招的对象是谁?中招的对象是谁? 课标对语法的要求是什么?课标对语法的要求是什么? 课标对词汇的要求是什么?课标对词汇的要求是什么? 对学生是一个要求?还是层次化要求?对学生是一个要求?还是层次化要求? 中招英语试题的命题依据中招英语试题的命题依据 1.英语课程标准英语课程标准 主要依据主要依据 2.河南省初中毕业生学业考试说明与检河南省初中毕业生学业考试说明与检测测 重要依据重要依据 依据的内容:考试内容与要求(一、依据的内容:考试内容与要求(一、语言技能五级目标;
4、二、语言知识五级目标;三语言技能五级目标;二、语言知识五级目标;三、语音项目表;四、语法项目表;五、功能意念、语音项目表;四、语法项目表;五、功能意念项目表;六、话题项目表、七、词汇)项目表;六、话题项目表、七、词汇) 重中之重:语法项目表;词汇重中之重:语法项目表;词汇 2. 只盯住教材只盯住教材 教材讲不完。为什么要讲完?教材讲完了,教材讲不完。为什么要讲完?教材讲完了,学生没学会。教材没讲完,学生学得很扎实,哪学生没学会。教材没讲完,学生学得很扎实,哪个好?个好? 教材上所有的东西都要讲吗?教材上所有的东西都要讲吗? 老师的词汇量是不是在减少?老师的语言老师的词汇量是不是在减少?老师的语
5、言能力是不是在退化?能力是不是在退化? 中招考教材吗?教材上的语言和试卷上的中招考教材吗?教材上的语言和试卷上的语言是对等的吗?语言是对等的吗? 教材的作用是什么?教材的作用是什么? 老师能否将学生带进教材后再走出教材?老师能否将学生带进教材后再走出教材? 什么是教材?只有发到手中的是教材什么是教材?只有发到手中的是教材吗?吗? 3. 以考代教以考代教 现实现实:教与学都是为了考试教与学都是为了考试。频繁的考试严重冲。频繁的考试严重冲击了教学的正常秩序,挤占了大量教学时间,造击了教学的正常秩序,挤占了大量教学时间,造成教学时间大幅度缩水,教师该讲的没好好讲,成教学时间大幅度缩水,教师该讲的没好
6、好讲,学生该学的没好好学,学生的知识与能力欠账很学生该学的没好好学,学生的知识与能力欠账很多。多。 为什么要有那么多的考试?为什么要有那么多的考试? 考试是为了解决问题还是创造问题?考试是为了解决问题还是创造问题? 考试反映出的问题解决了吗?考试反映出的问题解决了吗? 频繁的考试为中招服务吗?频繁的考试为中招服务吗? 你给学生命题吗?想让学生考好吗?你给学生命题吗?想让学生考好吗? 4. 让学生背单词让学生背单词 学生愿意背单词吗?学生愿意背单词吗? 老师是怎么让学生背单词的?老师是怎么让学生背单词的? 中招考背单词吗?中招考背单词吗? 中招对词汇是怎么考的?中招对词汇是怎么考的? 中招哪些题
7、型涉及词汇?中招哪些题型涉及词汇? 通过语篇进行词汇教学,赋予词汇生命;通过语篇进行词汇教学,赋予词汇生命;让学生通过足量阅读和词汇多次见面,还愁学生让学生通过足量阅读和词汇多次见面,还愁学生记不住吗?记不住吗? 5. 为了讲语法而讲语法为了讲语法而讲语法 语法是从哪里来的?语法是从哪里来的? 能否把语法给学生讲明白?能否把语法给学生讲明白? 学生知道为什么要学那些语法吗?学生知道为什么要学那些语法吗? 讲语法是为了让学生记规则还是规范运用语言讲语法是为了让学生记规则还是规范运用语言? 讲语法要不要考虑语言的语用问题?讲语法要不要考虑语言的语用问题? 语法是一种现实,语法是一种选择。语法是一种
8、现实,语法是一种选择。 He has failed many times. He never loses heart.根据这两个句子、在不改根据这两个句子、在不改变意思的前提下尽可能变意思的前提下尽可能多地写出其他句子来。多地写出其他句子来。(不要替换句子里的词(不要替换句子里的词汇。)汇。) 1. Although he has failed many times, he never loses heart. 2. Though/Although he has failed many times, he never loses heart. 3. He never loses heart t
9、hough he has failed many times.4. He has failed many times, but he never loses heart. 5. Having failed many times, he never loses heart. 6. He has failed many times. He never loses heart, though. 7. He has failed many times. However, he never loses heart.8. He has failed many times. He, however, nev
10、er loses heart. 9. He has failed many times. He never loses heart, however. 10. He never loses heart even if/ though he has failed many times. 6. 热衷于热衷于“三轮三轮”复习复习 “三轮三轮”都复习了什么?都复习了什么? 复习是不是要把所有的语言知识再过一遍?复习是不是要把所有的语言知识再过一遍? “三轮三轮”复习效果大吗?很好玩?复习效果大吗?很好玩? 三、三、 切实培养语言能力的教与学案例分享切实培养语言能力的教与学案例分享 A Private
11、Conversation Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman an
12、grily. They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. I cant hear a word! I said angrily. Its none of your business, the young man said rudely. This is a private conversation! (101 words) 有无单词?有无短语?有无句型?有无语法?有无单词?有无短语?有无句型?有无语法? 能否作听力训练能否作听力训练 ? 能否作单选训练?能否作单选训
13、练? 能否作完形训练?能否作完形训练? 能否作词语运用训练?能否作词语运用训练? 能否作补全对话训练?能否作补全对话训练? 能否作书面表达训练?能否作书面表达训练? 阅读理解建立在什么基础上?上面的能力都达到了,阅读理解建立在什么基础上?上面的能力都达到了,语言能力到了足够的高度,理解还会有问题吗?语言能力到了足够的高度,理解还会有问题吗? A Private Conversation Last week I _(go) to the theatre. I _(have) a very good seat. The play _(be) very interesting. I _(do) no
14、t enjoy it. A young man and a young woman _(sit) behind me. They _(talk) loudly. I _(get) very angry. I _(can) not hear the actors. I _(turn) round. I _(look) at the man and the woman angrily. They _(do) not pay any attention. In the end, I _(can) not bear it. I _(turn) round again. I _(cant) hear a
15、 word! I _(say) angrily. Its none of your business, the young man _(say) rudely. This _(is) a private conversation! 思考题:思考题:文中用了什么时态?文中用了什么时态? 你怎么知道用了那样的你怎么知道用了那样的时态?为什么要用那样的时态?用这样的时态要注意什时态?为什么要用那样的时态?用这样的时态要注意什么?么?A Private Conversation Last week I went to the _(theatre). I had a very good _(seat).
16、 The _(play) was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young _(man) and a young _(woman) were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the _(actor). I turned round. I looked at the _(man) and the _(woman) angrily. They did not pay any _(attention). In the end
17、, I could not bear it. I turned round again. I cant hear a _(word)! I said angrily. Its none of your _(business), the young _(man) said rudely. This is a private _(conversation)! 思考题:思考题:文中名词的形式一不一样?有什么不同文中名词的形式一不一样?有什么不同的形式?什么决定了名词不同的形式?的形式?什么决定了名词不同的形式? 依据?依据? A Private Conversation Last week I we
18、nt to the theatre. I had a very good seat. The play _(be) very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman _(be) sitting behind me. They _(be) talking loudly. I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily. They did not pay
19、 any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. I cant hear a w o r d ! I s a i d a n g r i l y . Its none of your business, the young man said rudely. This _(be) a private conversation! 思考题:思考题:be动词为什么有时是动词为什么有时是was有时是有时是were,有时还是有时还是is?你的依据是什么?使用?你的依据是什么?使用be动词时需动词时需要注意什么?要注
20、意什么? A Private Conversation Last week I went to the theatre. I had a very _(good) seat. The play was very _(interest). I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking _(loud). I got very _(angry). I could not hear the actors. I turned round. I looked at th
21、e man and the woman _(angry). They did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. I cant hear a word! I said _(angry). Its none of your business, the young man said _(rude). This is a private conversation! 思考题:思考题:括号里的词和空格里的词形式一样吗?括号里的词和空格里的词形式一样吗?为什么有的一样,有的不一样?形容词
22、和副词有为什么有的一样,有的不一样?形容词和副词有什么作用?什么作用? 使用形容词和副词时要注意什么?使用形容词和副词时要注意什么? A Private Conversation Last week I went to the theatre. 1 The play was very interesting. I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. 2 I got very angry. I could not hear the actors. 3 I looked at the man
23、 and the woman angrily. They did not pay any attention. 4 I turned round again. I cant hear a word! I said angrily. Its none of your business, the young man said rudely. 5 A. I turned round. B. They were talking loudly. C. I had a very good seat. D. This is a private conversation! E. In the end, I c
24、ould not bear it. 思考题:思考题:你的顺序和文中的顺序一样吗?有什么不一样?谁的顺你的顺序和文中的顺序一样吗?有什么不一样?谁的顺序好?你的依据是什么?句子还原需要注意什么?序好?你的依据是什么?句子还原需要注意什么? A Private ConversationA: Hey, Bob! What did you do last week?B: I went to the theatre. A: Wow! Im sure you had a good time.B: A good time? I did have a very good seat and the play w
25、as very interesting, but I did not enjoy it. A: What happened?B: A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry, you know. I could not hear the actors. A: What did you do then?B: I turned round. I looked at the man and the woman angrily, but they did
26、 not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it. I turned round again. I cant hear a word! I said angrily.A: What did they say?B: Its none of your business, the young man said rudely. This is a private conversation! A Private Conversation Last week I went to the theatre and I had a very good
27、 seat. The play was very interesting, but I did not enjoy it. A young man and a young woman were sitting behind me. They were talking loudly. I got very angry because I could not hear the actors. I turned round and looked at the man and the woman angrily, but they did not pay any attention. In the end, I could not bear it, so I turned round again. I c a n t h e a r a w o r d ! I s a
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