1、Unit 2, Book 3The JokerWarming up activities Encourage the students to tell some jokes and funny stories.Warming up activitiesEnjoy some English jokes and riddles: (tooth)Why should you never gossip in a stable? Because all the horses carry tails. (tail:尾巴;特务,暗探)2. What makes the Tower of Pisa lean?
2、 It doesnt eat much. (lean:倾斜;瘦的)Three men fell in the water, but only two got their hair wet. How come? One man was bald.4. What starts with a T , ends with a T and is full of T? Teapot.5. A: What do you call a fish with no eye? B: Fsh. TGIF vs SHIT A man met a blond in the elevator. He greeted her
3、: T-G-I-F“, but got the reply: S-H-I-T“. He was startled, but repeated T-G-I-F again, the reply was S-H-I-T“. He was frustrated and said: T-G-I-F, I mean Thanks God Its Friday“. The blond looked at him saying: S-H-I-T, I mean Sorry Honey Its Thursday“. When things go wrong, When sadness fill your he
4、art, When tears flow in your eyes, Just let me know, Cause I want to be there for you, I am selling tissues, buy one get one free.Text Analysis Comprehension questions When people attend a funeral, what do they usually feel about the deceased person? Why didnt anyone feel sad in Henrys funeral? Can
5、you tell one or two jokes in relation to Henry? What did Henrys friends think of Henry before he died? What was in his will? What jokes did the first and second person tell? Are the jokes funny? Did people laugh? Then, when Colin gave a dramatic sneeze, people _. Describe their laughter. How was Hen
6、rys fortune divided in the end? What kind of man do you think Henry Ground was? How do you comment on Henrys friends? How do you interpret the first sentence, “it was a very happy funeral, a great success”? “For the first time that day, there was a feeling of sadness in the air.” What does this sent
7、ence imply? Discussion Which, do you think, is more important, money or laughter?Text Analysis Structure analysisPart I (paragraphs 1-3) Henry Ground died. People who attended his funeral did not feel sad. Instead of talking about his kindness, people began to talk about the jokes he had given them
8、when he was alive.Part II (paragraphs 4-8) In Henrys testament, he left a large sum of money to one of his friends, and he also set them a competition of joke-telling. Part III (paragraphs 9-16) In order to inherit Henrys fortune solely, every one of the twelve guests held in his /her laughter when
9、others were telling their jokes. At length, it was Colins dramatic sneeze that made them burst out laughing. By then they came to realize that they had been wrong in taking money so seriously. Part IV (paragraphs 17-21) When the guests learned that they were to share Henrys fortune, they began to fe
10、el sad about their dear friends death.Text Analysis Cultural Notes1. Euphemism Even the sun shone that day for the late Henry Ground. late: dead, deceased 英语中表示“死亡”的委婉语有:go (e.g. Hes gone. ), depart, depart from the world for ever, decease, pass away, breathe ones last, go the way of all flesh, pay
11、ones debt to nature, go to a better world, be in (go to) Heaven, be with God, etc.Text Analysis Cultural Notes2. MGM: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (美国) 米高梅电影制片公司。Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer or MGM for short, is a large media company, involved primarily in the production and distribution of cinema and television prog
12、rams. Its principal subsidiaries are MGM (Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer Studios), United Artists Corporation, and Orion Pictures Corporation. It was acquired by Sony Pictures Entertainment for $US2.9 billion in September 2004. 2. MGM: Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer (美国) 米高梅电影制片公司。 好莱坞五大电影公司之一。 该公司拍摄了电影史上最出色的影片之一乱世佳人,创造出
13、历久不衰的银幕经典007,塑造了不朽的卡通形象猫和老鼠,发起成立了美国电影艺术与科学学院,并推出了学院奖(即奥斯卡)这个公司的雄狮利奥标志一度被当成了美国的象征,它旗下巨星云集,曾创造每周推出一部电影的神话。 2010年11月3日,拥有86年历史的米高梅影业宣布破产。近年来,由于一直没有推出成功的影片,加上积欠了40亿美元的债务,米高梅的前景十分惨淡。Text Analysis Difficult sentences 1. Well, by the time the last joke had been told, every one of the twelve was sitting per
14、fectly still, desperately holding in the laughter which was bursting to get out (L96). After the last joke was told, all the twelve friends of Henry sat completely quietly without moving. They were trying their best to control their laughter which was about to burst out at any moment. hold in: keep
15、in, confine, retain; keep silenceThey had never imagined that such a small boy could have held the secret in for so long.On reading the email, the new widow could not hold herself in and fell into a dead faint. 译文:不过,到最后一个笑话讲完,全体十二个人都静静地坐着,拼命憋着随时可以迸发的笑声。Text Analysis Difficult sentences 2. No, they
16、were laughing at themselves as it dawned on them that Henry Ground had led them into his last, and funniest, practical joke, setting their need to laugh against their greed for money (L114). No, they were laughing at themselves. At that moment, every one of them began to realize/understand that Henr
17、y Ground had played his last and funniest practical joke upon them. He made their greed for money fight against their need to laugh.dawn on/upon: if an idea or a fact dawns on you, you realize it; or it begins to be understood, felt, or perceivedeg. The idea that he had equal rights to the white had
18、 never dawned upon Uncle Tom. The truth at last dawned on him. 译文:不,他们在笑自己,因为他们都明白了,亨利格兰德把他们拉进了他一生中最后的也是最滑稽的恶作剧,让他们用自己对笑的需求来抵御对金钱的贪欲。Words and expressions Phrases related to laughing be in tears of laughter (79) make your sides ache (L87) burst out laughing (L110) burst into laughter /(tears) double
19、 up (L111) pull ones legs (L25) smile, laugh, grin, beam, giggle, chuckle, sneer, snigger/ snicker grin 咧嘴(露齿的笑) The boy grinned when I gave him an ice cream. beam 原意为发光、发热,比喻因高兴而微笑 giggle 咯咯的笑,傻笑 The girls whispered and giggled together. chuckle 暗自笑,表示由于高兴、满意而发出的低声轻笑 He was chuckling to himself ove
20、r what he was reading. sneer 嘲笑, 讥笑 You should ignore their sneers at your efforts snigger/snicker 暗笑,窃笑 表示以讽刺方式嘲笑 She sniggered at his folly. 她窃笑他干的蠢事。 Double up: 1) if you double up, you bend your body quickly or violently because you are laughing a lot. When he finished his story, he found all hi
21、s listeners were doubled up with laughter. 2) share something There were not enough textbooks in our class, so would you please double up?Words and expressions Late (L3) I was late for school. It is very late - I should be in bed. The dean returned in the late afternoon. 系主任是在傍晚时分回来的。 He began the w
22、ork in late May. 不久前的,最近的 the late government 上届政府 新近死亡的 his late wife 他新近亡故的妻子 新的;刚刚到的 some late news 一些新消息Words and expressions stay in touch (P1): contact by writing, telephoning or visiting; also: keep in touch, be in touch, get in touchThe organization will be in touch with him tomorrow.The rep
23、orters will keep in touch with the local government. be/keep/get in touch with sth: (a subject or situation): know the latest news or information about itThe department tries to keep the unemployed in touch with the job market.The leaders of the agency have managed to get in touch with the happening
24、s near the frontline. Words and expressions keep a straight face (P2): manage to look serious, although one wants to laugh I wonder how anyone could say that so seriously and meanwhile keep a straight face. What went through Jerrys mind I cant imagine, but he did manage to keep a straight face.Words
25、 and expressions settle down (P5) 1) become calmHe wishes that one day when the situation in Middle East settles down, he and his family may take a trip there. 2) start living a quiet life in one place, esp. when people get married or buy a houseBefore he settled down in New York, he had been travel
26、ing in Europe. 3) settle down to do sth.: prepare to do it and concentrate on itOur manager got his coffee, came back and settled down to listen to my report. Words and expressions Monotone(P8): sameness or dull repetition in sound, style, manner, or color. a cat with a monotone coat. 一色皮毛的猫 monoton
27、ous adj.单调的, 无变化的 Resume (P8) v. begin or take up again after interruption 重新开始,继续,中断后重新开始 resume our dinner 继续进行我们的晚餐 We resumed our work after a rest. 休息之后我们重新开始工作。n.摘要, 概略, 履历Words and expressions It is up to sb. to do (P9) its someones responsibility to do It was up to him to make it right, no m
28、atter how long it would take. It was up to Paula to sacrifice all she had to help his brother out. Words and expressions cover up (P10)1) cover sth./sb. up: you put sth. over it/him in order to protect or hide it/himThe tired traveler fell asleep in the front room so I covered him up with a quilt.2)
29、 conceal a crime; hide the truth about itWe suspected that there was a conspiracy to cover up the crime.Words and expressionsSet against (P15)make someone or something start to fight or quarrel with another person or another thingIn the nineteenth century, the bitter civil war set father against son
30、, or brother against brother. Henry had succeeded in setting his friends need to laugh against their love of pare. with.The salesman set the new washing powder against the old one. 3) be againstEver since the new policy was publicized, public opinions have been setting against it.4) consider somethi
31、ng in relation to another thingTo have a clear picture of the overall benefit, you should set gains against losses.Words and expressions Sink in (P19): be understood or realized fully The story was finished, but its implication took a while to sink in. The warning failed to sink in, and he got into
32、trouble as a consequence.Discussion What do you learn from this story?Translation 亨利一生喜欢开别人的玩笑。在遗嘱里他亨利一生喜欢开别人的玩笑。在遗嘱里他与朋友们开了最后一个玩笑。按照遗嘱,与朋友们开了最后一个玩笑。按照遗嘱,亨利给十二位朋友设立了一场讲笑话比赛。亨利给十二位朋友设立了一场讲笑话比赛。为了使自己独得亨利的财产,不给别人赢为了使自己独得亨利的财产,不给别人赢得比赛的机会,参赛者都尽力忍住不笑。得比赛的机会,参赛者都尽力忍住不笑。最后柯林的喷嚏使所有人都大笑起来。亨最后柯林的喷嚏使所有人都大笑起来。亨
33、利用他最后的笑话使大家认识到对欢乐的利用他最后的笑话使大家认识到对欢乐的喜爱远比对金钱的贪欲更重要。喜爱远比对金钱的贪欲更重要。 Henry loved to pull peoples legs all (through) his life. In his testament he played his last joke on his friends. According to his testament, Henry set a competition of joke-telling among his twelve best friends. In order to inherit He
34、nrys fortune all alone instead of letting others win the competition, the contestants tried their best to hold in their laughter. In the end, Colins sneeze made everyone burst out laughing. With his last joke, Henry made his friend aware that mans love of laughter (joy) is more important than his lo
35、ve of money. Supplement reading: The Fool in the Mirror by Tom Raymond The man sits wearily in front of the mirrorthe sound of laughter ringing in his earsa fool stares back at him. A faint grin tugs at his lipsas he wipes the smile off his faceand stores it back in the jar.The rest of the face soon followswaiting in the jars. The clown is no longer in the mirror.Is he? The man smiles, frowns, makes faces.The man is no longer the clown,yet the clown is still there. The lights go out, the mirror is silent.The jars of grease paint wait patientlyfor the soun
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