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1、九年级英语Unit1复习课件unit 1 Revision九年级英语Unit1复习课件抽认卡抽认卡 词汇词汇 大声地大声地 发音(动)发音(动) 发音(名)发音(名) 明确的明确的 熟记熟记 语法语法 不同地不同地 迅速地迅速地 使失望使失望 令人失望的令人失望的 补充,增加补充,增加 口语的口语的 缓慢地缓慢地 错误错误 犯错犯错 逗号逗号 挑战挑战 解答解答 以后以后 认识到认识到 要紧要紧 没关系没关系 害怕害怕 害怕去做害怕去做 嘲笑嘲笑 完全的完全的 秘密秘密 学习者学习者 flashcardvocabularyaloudpronouncepronunciationspecificm

2、emorizegrammardifferentlyquicklyfrustratefrustratingaddspokenslowlymistakemake mistakescommachallengesolutionlater onrealizematterIt doesnt matter.afraidbe afraid to dolaugh atcompletesecretlearner九年级英语Unit1复习课件做笔记做笔记 学期学期 使感动使感动 苦恼,麻烦苦恼,麻烦 快地快地 柔软的柔软的 文章文章 如果不如果不 不公平不公平 将将认为认为 解决解决 责任责任 容易地容易地 影响影响

3、 友谊友谊 失去失去 意见不合意见不合 发展发展 成年人成年人 士兵士兵 不重要的不重要的 查阅查阅 编造编造 处理处理 生的生的气气 时间过去时间过去 尽力做尽力做 中断中断 面对面对 心理学家心理学家take notestermimpresstroublefastsoftessayunlessunfairregardsolvedutyeasilyinfluencefriendshiplosedisagreementdevelopmentadultsoldierunimportantlook upmake updeal withbe angry withgo bytry ones bestb

4、reak offfacepsychologist九年级英语Unit1复习课件 1.Do you have any _( 单词卡) ? 2.I learn English by making_(词汇)lists. 3.Please read _ (大声地),I cant hear you. 4.Your _(发音) sounds good. 5.Who has more _(特别的)suggestions? 6.May feels _. (不同地) 7.English _ (语法)is very important. 8.He feels watching movies _(令人沮丧的)flas

5、hcardsvocabularyaloudpronunciationspecificdifferentlygrammarfrustrating 九年级英语Unit1复习课件 We hope the _ (友谊友谊) between our countries will last long. Yesterday he _(认识到认识到) that he made a lot of troubles at last. We should not be _(害怕害怕) of any outside challenges. He was very _(感动的感动的) by what his fathe

6、r did. If you are more careful, you will not make _(错误错误). I really dont know how to d_ with the problem. Listening and s_ are a little more difficult for Chinese English learners. I cant catch you because you speak too q_. His parents always r_ her as the cleverest of their children. Shes very good

7、 at making friends and i_ people.friendshiprealizedafraidimpressedmistakesealpeakinguicklyegardnfluencing九年级英语Unit1复习课件和朋友一起学习和朋友一起学习制作抽认卡制作抽认卡朗读课本朗读课本听录音机听录音机请教老师请教老师观看英语录像观看英语录像大声朗读大声朗读与朋友练习对话与朋友练习对话练习发音练习发音提高说话技能提高说话技能 work with friendsmake flashcardsread the textbooklisten to tapesask the teache

8、r for helpwatch English-language videosread aloud practice conversations with friendspractice pronunciationimprovemy speaking skills九年级英语Unit1复习课件 Revise: 1. 问某人某事问某人某事2. 做某事的最好方法做某事的最好方法3.流行歌曲的歌词流行歌曲的歌词4.有点帮助有点帮助5.看见某人做某事看见某人做某事6. 发现某人发现某人/某事怎样某事怎样7.过得愉快过得愉快8.一点也不一点也不9.对某事感到兴奋对某事感到兴奋10. 做某事告终做某事告终a

9、sk sb. about sth.the best way to do sththe words of pop songshelp a littlefind sb./sth. +adj.have fun =have a good timenot at allget /be excited about sth.end up doing sth.find sb doing sth九年级英语Unit1复习课件1. 你怎样为考试学习?你怎样为考试学习? 我通过听磁带而学习。我通过听磁带而学习。_ do you _ _a _? I _ _ _ _ tapes.2 你怎样学英语?你怎样学英语? 我通过大声

10、朗读学习。我通过大声朗读学习。 _do you _ English? I _ _ _ _.3你曾经和朋友练习对话吗?你曾经和朋友练习对话吗? 是的,它提高了我的说的能力。是的,它提高了我的说的能力。 Do you _ _ conversations _ friends? Yes, it _ my _ skills.4 你曾经和小组学习过吗?你曾经和小组学习过吗? 是的,我用那种方法学了很多。是的,我用那种方法学了很多。Have you _ _ _ a group? Yes, I _. Ive _ a lot _ _.5他学英语六年了。他学英语六年了。He has _ _ English _ s

11、ix years.6他发现看电影令人沮丧。他发现看电影令人沮丧。 He finds _ movies _.7做大量的听力练习是成为好的学习者的秘诀之一。做大量的听力练习是成为好的学习者的秘诀之一。 Doing lots of _ _ is one of the _ of _ a good language _. Howstudy forteststudy by listening toHowlearnlearn by reading aloudever practicewithimprovesspeakingever studied withhavelearnedthat waybeen le

12、arningforwatchingfrustratinglistening practicesecretsbecominglearner九年级英语Unit1复习课件8我们对某件事情感到兴奋,然后以说中文结束。我们对某件事情感到兴奋,然后以说中文结束。We get _ _ something and _ _ _ in Chinese 9时间流逝,好的友谊也失去了。时间流逝,好的友谊也失去了。 Time _ _, and good _ may be _.10把问题当作挑战。把问题当作挑战。 By _ problems _ _.11 在老师的帮助下,我们要尽力处理每一次挑战。在老师的帮助下,我们要尽

13、力处理每一次挑战。 We try our _ to _ _each _ _the help of our teacher.12向老师请求帮助。她很高兴我去问。向老师请求帮助。她很高兴我去问。 By _the teacher _ help. She was _ I _.13我经常在字典中查新单词。我经常在字典中查新单词。 I always _ _ new words _a _.14我的英语学习有麻烦。我的英语学习有麻烦。 Im having _ _English.15. 为何不加入英语俱乐部练习说英语?为何不加入英语俱乐部练习说英语? Why _ you _ an English languag

14、e _ to _ _English?excied aboutend up speakinggoes byfriendshiplostregardingas challengesbestdeal withchallengewithaskingforpleasedaskedlook upin dictionarytroubles learningdontjoinclubpractice speaking九年级英语Unit1复习课件-: How do you study for a test? -: I study by listening to tapes. -: How do you learn

15、 English? -: I learn by studying with a group.-: Do you learn English by reading aloud? -: Yes, I do.-: Do you ever practice conversations with friends? -: Oh, yes. It improves my speaking skills.-: Have you ever studied with a group? -: Yes, I have. Ive learned a lot that way.What about reading alo

16、ud to practice pronunciation? -: I do that sometimes. I think it helps.九年级英语Unit1复习课件1. by doing sth: 表示表示“通过通过方式、方法方式、方法”或或“借助某种手段借助某种手段”。“靠,用,靠,用,通过通过”1.他以写作为生。他以写作为生。 2.通过刻苦努力,我在本学期取得了巨大的进步。通过刻苦努力,我在本学期取得了巨大的进步。3.我们通过给钱和食物来帮助哪些穷人。我们通过给钱和食物来帮助哪些穷人。 He makes a living by writing. By working hard ,I

17、made great progress this term.We helped those poor people by giving them some money and food.用用how 提问提问How does he make a living?九年级英语Unit1复习课件voice : noise :sound : “声音、嗓音声音、嗓音”。指说话、唱歌等人。指说话、唱歌等人和物的比较动听的声音。和物的比较动听的声音。“嘈音、声音嘈音、声音”。强调人和物的吵。强调人和物的吵闹、喧哗等难听的声音。闹、喧哗等难听的声音。“声音声音”。泛指各种各样的声音。泛指各种各样的声音。请用请用v

18、oice , noise . sound 填空。填空。 She spoke to her mother in a soft (柔和的)柔和的)_ Dont make any _ in class. There is lots of _in the street . voicenoisesound2.九年级英语Unit1复习课件aloud : loud : loudly: 副词。副词。“出声地、大声地出声地、大声地”。为使人听见。为使人听见 而发声,而发声,声音不是很大。无比较级和最高级。声音不是很大。无比较级和最高级。 副词。副词。“高声地,大声地高声地,大声地”。强调声音响亮。强调声音响亮。

19、 副词。副词。“高声地,喧噪地高声地,喧噪地” 。有时可以和。有时可以和loud 互换,但有喧闹的意思。互换,但有喧闹的意思。 请用请用loud, aloud, loudly 填空。填空。 Li Lei, its your turn to read the words _ . Dont talk so _ . The baby is asleep. Please speak _ so that I can hear you clearly. Lots of people spoke _ in the street. It was too noisy . aloudloud / loudlylo

20、uderloudly九年级英语Unit1复习课件3. learn与与study learn 指指 “初学初学”或在老师指导下学习或在老师指导下学习;侧重于学习成果侧重于学习成果,有掌握了的意思有掌握了的意思, 也指也指通过学习获得知识和技能通过学习获得知识和技能. study 指在导师的指导下自己从事学习指在导师的指导下自己从事学习和研究和研究,侧重于学习过程侧重于学习过程. 注意注意: learn与与study都可接名词或代词作都可接名词或代词作宾语宾语,但但learn可接不定式可接不定式,study则不能则不能. The baby is learning to speak while hi

21、s father is studying the problem of math.九年级英语Unit1复习课件4. practice doing5. what/ how about doingThey practice listening and writing English every day.What/ How about going fishing tomorrow?6. mistake (名名) 错误错误 make a mistake make mistakes a spelling mistake He took the book by mistake. mistake (动动)

22、弄错弄错,误会误会 mistook mistaken I mistook what she said. mistake for 把把错认为错认为 They mistook him for his brother. I mistook that stick for a snake.九年级英语Unit1复习课件7. deal (dealt dealt) deal withWe must learn to deal with all kinds of difficulties by ourselves.8. unless (如果不如果不,除非除非) Unless you start soon, yo

23、u will be late.9. regardas 把把看做看做, 把把认为认为 We regard him as our brother.10. complain to sb of/about sth She often complains to me of /about his carelessness. complain that She complained that her husband was so lazy a man.九年级英语Unit1复习课件1现在完成时的基本句式是 “have(has)过去分词”。如: I have seen that film 我已经看过那部影片了。

24、 We have just finished our homework 我们刚刚做完家庭作业. She has gone home 她回家去了。 九年级英语Unit1复习课件 现在完成时的用法。 2.常与现在完成时连用的副词:already,just,yet,ever,never等。already,just多用于肯定句中,yet,ever,never多用于疑问句和否定句中。如: I have already finished my homework 我已经做完家庭作业了。我已经做完家庭作业了。 He has just had his meal 他刚吃过饭。他刚吃过饭。 They havent

25、started yet他们还没有动身。他们还没有动身。 We have never heard of it我们从来没有听我们从来没有听说过这件事。说过这件事。 九年级英语Unit1复习课件3现在完成时态既涉及过去,又联系现在,它可现在完成时态既涉及过去,又联系现在,它可表示动作或状态过去已经开始一直延续到现在,表示动作或状态过去已经开始一直延续到现在,和由和由 “for+时间段时间段” 或或 “since+过去时间点过去时间点/从句从句”引导的时间状语连引导的时间状语连用。例如:用。例如: We have lived here for five years 我们在这里住了五年了。我们在这里住了

26、五年了。 I have known him since he was a boy 我从他还是个孩子的时候就认识他了。我从他还是个孩子的时候就认识他了。 还有一个还有一个How long.? How long have you lived here?How long have you known him?九年级英语Unit1复习课件Complete the following sentences.完成下列句子完成下列句子:2. I talk to my friends a lot. Even though I .(犯错误犯错误) 3. I cant . (使得发音正确使得发音正确)4. What

27、 about to practice pronunciation.(大声地读英语大声地读英语)5. I cant understand .(英语口语英语口语)7. We should .(做大量的书写练习做大量的书写练习)6. I dont know .(如何运用逗号如何运用逗号)8. I need a friend to .(交谈交谈)1. Nick thinks I should .(参加一个学习小组参加一个学习小组)join a study groupmake mistakesget the pronunciation rightreading English aloudspoken E

28、nglishhow to use the commasget much writing practice talk with九年级英语Unit1复习课件1.Some students think studying grammar isnt helpful_.1.Some students think studying grammar isnt helpful_. A. Not at all B. at all C. all D. very A. Not at all B. at all C. all D. very2.Jean practices English by _ English-la

29、nguage videos.2.Jean practices English by _ English-language videos. read aloud B. reading aloudly read aloud B. reading aloudly C. read aloudly D. reading aloudC. read aloudly D. reading aloud3.I sometimes learn English by _ English-language videos.3.I sometimes learn English by _ English-language

30、videos.A. Watch B. watching C. looking D. looking atA. Watch B. watching C. looking D. looking at4.-_ do you study for an English test?- By making 4.-_ do you study for an English test?- By making vocabulary lists.vocabulary lists.A. What B. When C. How D. WhoA. What B. When C. How D. Who5.My pronun

31、ciation is not good._ reading aloud to 5.My pronunciation is not good._ reading aloud to practice pronunciation?practice pronunciation?A. How B. What C. What about D. CanA. How B. What C. What about D. CanBDBCC.九年级英语Unit1复习课件6. Mother told her son _ in the street.6. Mother told her son _ in the stre

32、et. A. not play B. to not play A. not play B. to not play C. doesnt play D. not to play C. doesnt play D. not to play7.He saluted her by_ his hat.7.He saluted her by_ his hat. A. raising B. to raise C. raise D. raised A. raising B. to raise C. raise D. raised8. I learn English _ writing letters _ my

33、 pen pal.8. I learn English _ writing letters _ my pen pal. A. in; to B. by; to C. in; with D. on; with A. in; to B. by; to C. in; with D. on; with9. This box is _ heavy _ I cant carry it.9. This box is _ heavy _ I cant carry it. A. too; to B. so; that A. too; to B. so; that C. very; that D. too; th

34、at C. very; that D. too; that10. Maybe you can _ vocabulary lists.10. Maybe you can _ vocabulary lists. A. made B. make C. do D. did A. made B. make C. do D. did DABBB九年级英语Unit1复习课件11. I have trouble _ these words in English. A. talking B. saying C. speaking D. telling12. Yao Ming is _ as one of the

35、 most popular basketball players in the world. A. regarded B. made C. kept D. watched13. Youll fail your next exam _you work hard at your studies now. A. because B. unless C. so D. why14. Jenny did quite well in the exam. She made _ mistakes. A. few B. a few C. little D. a little15. _ the help of hi

36、s good mother, he became a good student. A. Under B. On C. With D. In16. When we heard the _ news, we got _. A. excited B. excitingBABACAB九年级英语Unit1复习课件1.新学员常常犯语法错误 2.它不是最新款的手机之一它过时了3.最好的减肥方法就是少吃多运动 4.我在回家的途中碰到了简5.他们毫不困难的找到了他家. The new learners always make mistakes.It is not one of the latest mobile

37、 phones.It is out of style.The best way to lose weight is eating less and doing more sports. (exercising more).I met Jane on my way home.They have no trouble finding his home.九年级英语Unit1复习课件根据中文提示完成句子根据中文提示完成句子. 如果你没有听明白每一个词如果你没有听明白每一个词,那没有关系那没有关系. It _ _if you dont understand every word.2.听懂老师说的对我来说

38、很不容易听懂老师说的对我来说很不容易. It_ _for me to understand the teacher.3.开始她说得很快开始她说得很快. To_ _,she spoke too fast.4.我不敢在课上说英语我不敢在课上说英语,因为我认为同学会笑话我因为我认为同学会笑话我. I was afraid to speak English in class because I thought my classmates might_ _me.5.昨天起得太晚了昨天起得太晚了,没赶上头班车没赶上头班车. I got up _ late_ catch the first bus yesterday.doesnt matterisnteasybeginwithlaughattooto九年级英语Unit1复习课件6.The news is very interesting. _ _ the news is!7.Could you tell me how to pronounce the words correctly? Could you tell me how _ _ pronounce the words correctly?8.To study English well is not easy. _ _not


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