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1、高中英语课堂教学活动导入技巧的探讨on lead-in activities in english classroom of high schoolcontentsabstract.1key words.1.preface.2. the method and skill in lead-in classroom activities.2() free talk .2 1.1 free talk.2 1.2 morning report .3 1.3 conversation lead-in.3() self-introduction .3() gain new insight through

2、reviewing of old material.4() background knowledge.5() picture .5() set the question .6() languages spots lead-in .6() multimedia teaching.7 8.1. direct-viewing lead-in.7 8.2 music appreciation lead-in.7() human scene relation lead-in.8()game lead-in.8. the principle of lead-in in english classroom.

3、9. the problem that should be paid attention when using lead-in .10.conclusion .11references .12 on lead-in activities in english classroom of high school摘 要:导入是教学过程中最基本的也是非常重要的一步。俗话说,良好的开端是成功的一半。一堂课如果导入得当,就能直接吸引学生,引起学生的注意,从而使其产生良好的学习动机,极大地调动学生学习的积极性,使课堂气氛变得轻松活泼,课堂活动顺利进行。因此,我们应运用多种导入手段,充分利用学生的年龄特点和好

4、奇心理,并根据新的语言材料的特点来进行。对不同题材的语言材料,对不同年龄段的学生,应采用与之相适应的导入方法。在教学中,如果能恰当使用随意交谈、自我介绍、温故知新、背景知识、看图提示、创设问题等导入法,就能激发学生的兴趣和求知欲,拓展学生的思维,调动学生的学习积极性,从而提高课堂教学的效果。关键词:课堂活动,导入,语言材料abstract: lead-in is the most basic and important step in the teaching process. as the saying goes that, a good beginning is half success.

5、 if the teacher lead-in successfully, itll attract the students attention directly. thus causes them to have good motivation, arouses the students enthusiasm enormously. the classroom atmosphere changes with ease in a lively way and the classroom activities carry on smoothly. therefore, we should ut

6、ilize various kinds of lead-in methods; fully utilize the students characteristic and curiousity. and carry on this process according to the characteristic of the new language material. to the language material of different subject matter, students of different ages, we should adopt our lead-in meth

7、od. in the teaching process, if we use free talking, self-introducing, gaining new insight through restudying of old material, background knowledge, pictures, questions and answers and some other lead-in method, lead-in activities surely can inspire students interest and curiosity, expand students t

8、hinking, arouse students study enthusiasm, thus improve the effect of classroom activities.key words: classroom activity, lead-in, language teaching materialson lead-in activities in english classroomof high school.prefacelead-in activities in english classroom include pulling students attention bac

9、k to the lesson, reviewing the old lesson in order to lead-in the new lesson, and the transition to each step of new knowledge teaching.lead-in plays important role in the classroom activities, whether it is appropriate or not to concern the quality of the teaching directly. lead-in can make student

10、s do a good job of study on the psychology and knowledge in the proper way, keep students in a good studying state, stimulate the desire of students interest, then students will focus attention on studying the new content. it is dull and stiff if the lead-in method appears dull, stereotyped, then st

11、udents will produce weariness. so, the lead-in activities in english classroom cannot be ignored, it is the subject that is worth discussing.the method and skills of lead-in activities in classroom the design of lead-in classroom activities should intend to pay attention to, utilize students age cha

12、racteristics and curiosities and will go on according to the characteristic of the new language materials. refers to language materials and the students of different age with different level of knowledge, the teacher should use different lead-in methods. the lead-in activities sometimes come straigh

13、t to the content; sometimes indicate following the clues, or sometimes in real condition.()free talk 1.1 free talk. the teacher can talk (free talk) to the students for several minutes before the new lesson begins, so that students enter the new lesson unconsciously, e.g. while teaching adverbial cl

14、ause introduced by “before” and “after”, the teacher asks “who is on duty today?” “whats date today?” etc. after that, the teacher can begin with the following talk.t:what time did you get up this morning?s:i got up at six this morningt:what did you do after you got up? ( repeat the underline part,

15、bring students attention)s:after i got up,i washed my face(write on the blackboard and under-line the adverbial clause with red chalk, in order to help students strengthen memory)t: did you do any exercises after you washed your face?s: yes,i did some running exercises after i washed my facet: what

16、did you do after you did some running exercises?the teacher can ask another student :t:what did you do before you went to school? (repeat the before adverbial clause.)s:i had my breakfast before i went to schoolt: what did you do before you had your breakfast? (write on the blackboard and under-line

17、 the adverbial clause with red chalk, in order to help students to strengthen memory.)s:i did some exercises before l had my breakfast under this circumstance the teacher will choose kinds of lead-in according to the requirement. the free talk can make students interested in. at this moment, the tea

18、cher makes the best use of the situation; the new lesson has already begun. this method will make the lead-in activities naturally, also it can make students pay attention with unconsciously.1.2 morning report. the teacher asks a student to give a morning report. the content must based on different

19、students. e. g. the low-level student may repeat the text; the medium-level may talk about the topic of text. when the teacher teaches “earth, air and water” (sefc 1b ul9, l78), he or she lets the student prepare about pollutions according to the subject, thus it will get a good effect. therefore, t

20、he teacher must finish the full arrangement, the according to the students personality and the lecture subject, and exercise the students ability. at the same time, to lead-in the new lesson.1.3 conversation the conversation induct naturally starts from the conversation with students, and the discus

21、sion of life or study. but it does not mean with limitless discussion. the most importance thing is to revolve a subject; this subject is the text content. for example: the teacher may firstly ask students several questions when studying “my teacher” (sefc 2a u10).do you like your teacher? who is yo

22、ur best teacher?why do you like him/her so much?and then ask the students:do you know who is annie sullivan? whose teacher is she? how did she teach the author? now please read the material and try to find the answers. here, the students will look for the answer eagerly which can affirmly bring the

23、student to read the text unconsciously as well as complete the text inducting. () self-introduction self-introduction can create the mutual understanding between the teacher and student within a shorter time, lead-in the content of the new lesson wonderfully and inspire the students need for new kno

24、wledge as well. for example: teaching “the secret is out” (sefc 1b u19, l17), the teacher can introduce himself “i am an english teacher” to student first. “i have been here for ten years. i have taught english for fifteen years. how old am i? can you guess? when students cannot guess, the teacher t

25、ells students: “everybody has secrets. me too. what are my secrets? sorry, i cant tell you.” so far, the teacher has presents the key word (secret) of the text, then lead-in the new lesson “the secret is out”.the other example: while teaching the dialogue of “first aid” (sefc 2a u8), the teacher has

26、 led the lesson like this: the bell just rings, teacher comes suddenly covers the knee and breathes out “oh” painfully, the students feel very panic. some students asked, “whats the matter?” then the teacher tells them about the reason: “yesterday when i was playing in the street, i knocked into a b

27、ike and the girl on the bike fell down. i was hurt, and so was she”. then transit to the content naturally, and replacing “a child” in the article by oneself, the content will become the teachers personal experience, the students feel very cordial and interest.()gain new insight through reviewing of

28、 old materialthis is a kind of commonly used, traditional way. according to the way of writing of the textbook of high school, the general order of each unit is: lesson one “dialogue , lesson two, lesson three are the texts of a story or personal introduction, etc. the continuity of lesson two and l

29、esson three is very close, when the teachers teaching lesson three, they often use lead-in method of gaining new insight through reviewing old material , it is easy to make students link this content to the content that students have learned in the first class.using this method, make new and old kno

30、wledge combine closely. for example, the teacher uses humor way to tell the history of paper, “i was born two thousand years ago. i was one of the four most important inventions in chinese history. i can be white, red, yellow, blue, green or black. i may be big or small. people like writing things o

31、r drawing pictures on me. many secrets are kept on me. what am i? can you guess?”, and then let students guess the word and lead-in the new lesson “paper” (sefc 1b unit 20, l78). and for example, while teaching the new lesson jobs (sefc 1b ul9, l73), the teacher puts forward some questions at first,

32、 helps students to recall the dialogue studied in the past:t:what does your mother do?s:she is a teachert:what is your sisters job?s:she is a doctort:what do the chinese women do in china?s:they can be doctors,teachers,farmers,workers and soont:you are rightwe chinese women can do all kinds ofjobs,s

33、uch as policewomen,doctors,engineers and soonwhat do the women do in britain? lead-in the content: “today we are going to learn lesson 73.lets see what jobs the english women can dowhy do some companies prefer to employ women workers?” this method of lead-in new lesson can excite students study inte

34、rest, make students concentrate attention on the new content. meanwhile, train students to think in english.()background knowledgeregarding some text of historical themes, such as “abraham lincoln” (sefc1au13, l50), “karl marx” (sefc1bu21, l82), “albert einstein” (sefc2bu13, l50), “a tale of two cit

35、ies” (sefc2bu22, l86), “madame curie” (sefc3au1, l2), “captain cook”(sefc3au2, l6), “gandhi”(sefc3bu20, l78) and so on, the teacher may beforehand find the correlate material or the background knowledge through ways of internet ect, then makes them to the slide: show the key word, time sequence, or

36、picture. the teacher can uses by introduction the author, discuss text background for lead-in, lead the student in the real linguistic environment. ()picture this method which use pictures or simple strokes of a chinese character, perfection or other multimedia technology to attracting students atte

37、ntion. then put forward a series of questions around the picture, excite students curiosity, introduce the insertion way of the new lesson. the way to show the picture and questioning should be made according to the content of the new lesson and the teachers intention.when teaching the “chaplin” (se

38、fc 2a u5, l18), the teacher shows the portrait of charlie chaplin, or such as the cap, leather shoes, walking stick, etc.; while teaching necklace (sefc lb ul8, l69), the teacher shows the picture of the necklace or the material object in order to draw the story of the text. these methods can make g

39、ood effection.for example, the picture of “the green hills of tangsa” (sefc 1a u5,l18) the picture, may do as following lead-in:t: just have a look at the picture. what can you see?ss: two women, some young trees, and many big trees on the hillst: can you guess what nationality the women are?ss: ind

40、ian. (we can judge from their clothes.)t: what are they doing?ss: they are planting trees.t: whats the use of the trees? (have a discussion)ss: to make furniture, paper and so on. to keep the soil; to keep off the noise & strong wind; to keep the balance of the nature etc.t: ok. today were going to

41、read a true story that happened in tangsa village in north india. in the past people there cut down the trees and there were almost no trees left. later teams of women in this village carried out a forest programme. and the village has taken on a new look. lets go and visit the village now.() set th

42、e question创造问题情境势激发学生思维的一种方法。(王怀彬,1995). 问题也会产生悬念效果。(胡春洞,1990). for example while teaching albert einstein (sefc 2b u13, l50), the teacher can propose the questions “is einstein wise or not? is einstein rich or not? is einstein an inventor or a scientist?” etc., make the students mind active, in ord

43、er to have mental preparation to the conclusion that albert einstein is a great man and simple man. teaching “a tale of two cities” (sefc 2b u22, l86) this kind of legend or story material, general use “long ago”, or “there was” or “once upon a time”, then stop, make a suspense to attract students a

44、ttention, then ask “what happened?” let students guess. for example, while teaching “karl marx” (sefc ib u2l, l82), the teacher shows marxs portrait first, uses english to introduce marxs life, and then ask: “who was the man? when and where was he born? what was his native language? could he speak e

45、nglish? how did he learn english?”, “how carl marx learned foreign languages?” the other example: while teaching “the find of the century” (sefc 3b u23, l89), the teacher introduces the lesson like this: have you ever lost your way? the first question that i come straight to the point to draw studen

46、ts interest; it is an interesting topic about “lost”. “if you have, how do you feel?” the second question has evoked students positive thinking and active discussion, some one said, “worried , some one said “sad , and the atmosphere is unusually active. at this moment the teacher turns and develops

47、rapidly, “but sometimes, perhaps you will feel excited.” word make student mouth puzzled, want to listen to the teachers explanation urgently. for example, if you get lost, and happen to find an old tomb that dates from 1000 years ago, and in the tomb there are many treasures, dont you feel excited?

48、 hearing these, the students in whole room are burst into laugh. at this moment, the teacher lead-in the new lesson: today, well read a story about two boys who got lost. how did they feel? the students are very interested in, so eager to read the text. this lead-in new lesson method can increase st

49、udents interest.() languages spots lead-in. according to the main language spot in the text, the teacher would design how to lead-in, and make the dull language spot interesting, make the language spot easy accepted. such as “the summer holidays”(sefc 1a u1,l1), teacher can make following lead-in wh

50、ile having the lesson of reviewing:t:which schools were you in last term?sa: i was in no.6 middle school.t: what about you?sb: i was in no.6 middle school too.t: a was from no.6 middle school. so was b.() multimedia teaching at present, the usable multimedia has been very abundant, teachers can use

51、the multimedia technology selectively while lead-in the new lesson, strengthen the interest teaching through the sound, color and dynamic picture. for example, while teaching “disneyland” (sefc 2a u1), the teacher can let students watch video “mickey mouse” and “donald duck” first, the lovely smart

52、image make student ecstasies, then the teacher can write down the questions on the blackboard:1. who drew the cartoon characters like donald duckand mickey mouse?2. how did he get the idea for his first cartoon character?the students will become very excited when reading the text. 8.1. direct-viewin

53、g lead-in. direct-viewing lead-in use concrete material, picture, slide, sound recording, video recording, vcd. it can arouse students interest directly, concentrates students attention, the direct-viewing lead-in method is clearer than the spoken language description, and easier to arouse students

54、curiosity. such as “earthquake”(sefc 1a u7,l26), the teacher may beforehand find some related video recording or the vcd fragment, the showing disaster, let the student feel the true condition of the earthquake, thus students understands the text well. as “charlie chaplin”(sefc 2a u5,l18), showing t

55、he movie fragment which acts by himself, the student often laugh, they may want to understand background knowledge urgently. then we can see this is effective way. moreover “american english”(sefc 1a u3,l10), the teacher might fully use the radio and the tape recorder function, the selectivity has c

56、opied bbc and the voa english program, and play them to the students, then let them judge the british english and the american english in the pronunciation and the different use of words, deepened students perceptual knowledge.8.2 music appreciation lead-in. the teacher may get students appreciate the music or songs directly based on the texts need, then guide the students to discuss the author, the subject and so on. when teaching “country music”(sefc 1a u11,l42), let the student appreciate the mtv of “country road”, and through the picture and the


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