1、TPE/PE系列微热再生/吸附式空气干燥机操作、使用、维护说明1.启动步骤正确提供三相电源和气源。将出口截止阀关闭,慢慢将两个干燥塔加压到管网压力。检查有无泄漏,此时进口气动阀全部自动打开,而再生排气阀自动处于关闭状态。合上电控箱内的分断开关后,电源指示灯亮,液晶显示屏自动初始化并自动进入主画面,如右图,在该画面将会显示干燥器型号以及公司联系方式,说明整个干燥机准备就绪。触摸欢迎画面上的任意位置进入流程显示画面,如右图。显示各阀门的开关状态、 加热器入口温 度和出口温度、出口露点温度等。在完成参数设定后,通过面板的启动按钮使干燥机投入运
2、行。再生排气阀应打开,两个干燥塔中的一个将降压。就程显示出口露点0启停我态; 运行方応 报警伏蕊 揑制方式停止时间控制正常现场控制七态显示掺数设置控制方式报警记录碳回若上述第7步未动作,请等待10分钟,干燥机可能正处于阶段。当系统相关参数达到设定值时,自动停机并报 警。当选择远程控制时面板上的启动停止控制按 钮无效。触摸下方的相关按键, 选择进入相应的画面,或返回前一画面。按状态显示”键,进入状态显示画面,显示 A/B塔工作时间以及时序周期等工作状态,如右图。当口令等级为工程师级别以上口令时,按“时序快进”键,可以跳过当前剩下的加热或冷吹时间。调整与设定将净化压力调至推荐值,一般为0.45MP
3、a。按“参数设定”键,进入参数设定画面,如右图。根据需要修改相关的参数设定。节能时限=分钟分钟彷时流程显示技术支持触屏设置恢境出厂设置控制方式露贞掙制*4.当前口令等级不够时,系统自动弹出口令输入窗口,如右图。按键盘打开按钮,弹出键盘,正确输入口令后按回车键;3. 口令等级符合修改权限后,触摸参数的设定值,弹出参数修改键盘,正确输入设定值后键盘自动隐藏。6.操作员的口令为1111 ;5.7. 当口令等级为工程师级别以上口令时(口令等级不足时改键无效),按“恢复出厂设置”键,所 有参数的设定值被修改为出厂设定值。加热时间 和冷吹时间恢复为出厂设定值(加热时间为147分钟,冷吹时间为86分钟;再生
4、温度设定为150, 加热出口温度设定为 180。)8. 加热和冷吹的时间设定值应该在0240分钟之间,若修改的设定值超过 240分钟,则无法写入 控制器。9. 按“控制方式”键,进入控制方式选择画面,点击触摸控制方式来选择现场远程控制和常规露点控制方式,如右图。 注意1 .请勿随意修改时间的设定!只有在调试或实际需要时方可修改。2 .如果在干燥机运行过程中修改设定值,则修改后的设定值将在下一时序周期或停机后再次开机时方为生效。3. 只有在需要远程控制干燥机时才选择远程控制,在选择远程控制后,现场的启动控制无效。4. 请在停机时完成远程控制的选择,以免发生非正常停机或意外。10. 若配有露点仪,
5、微微打开露点仪探头仓处的截止阀,让少许空气流经露点仪探头。11. 故障报警在显示任何画面,当有报警信号时,电气箱面故障报警灯亮。如果需要检查报警信息,按“故障记录”键,然后故障报警记录画面,则可以显示具体故障信息和发生时间,如进气压力过低报警等,如图所示。报警记录L进气压力过低厂工剧 ZT1淸空再生温度过低23加热器敌障45干扰加热器停,联系厂家6加热器进气遍度过高7111ON 1HEATEROFF 11150 l241|390LON 1DENAND CYCLEOFF4LEFT TOWERONREPRESSURIZINGff|1 241 !476 |_JRIGHT TOWfRON 1REPRE
6、SSURIZINGOFF !I12364 I ciPURGE ISOLATIONON |(HIGH PRESSURE)ff ;11 2431 l:PE SERIES TIME SEQUENCE DIAGRAMDRAWN Btaura1. GENERALA. In stall dryer on a level base, in doors or un der a shed.B. During shipment, flange and connecting bolts can come loose. All bolts should be checked and tighte ned as n e
7、eded.C. Make sure whe n the pip ing is in place that no un due stress is placed on dryer connections.Union joints or flexible connections are recommended to relieve stress. Also, properly support the pipes as n eeded with han gers or brackets. Air pip ing must be in stalled by an experie need pipe f
8、itter.D. Equip dryer with inlet and outlet isolati on valves and a bypass valve for ease of servic ing and start up.E. Conn ect electric power to the dryer through a properly sized fused disc onn ect switch.F. Reactivation exhaust may be piped away from the dryer, making sure proper pipe size is use
9、d. The pipe size should be in creased by one size at the valve, and one additi onal pipe diameter size for every ten- foot run to reduce back pressure.G. ElectricalConnections:Follow the recognizedlocal and municipal electrical codes. Allcompo nents must be load rated as approved by NEC, NEMA, CSA,
10、and UL.H. During shipment, wire connection may become loose. Per U.L. specification, torque screwsin side en closure to 20 in. lbs.I. GROUNDING: It is mandatory that the dryer be grounded.Use an adequate ground with the con ductor size to NEC.J. STORAGE: In case of extended storage period before the
11、 installation, follow these simple procedures.a. Seal or cover all the partsb. Wrap the electrical en closure c. Wrap the mufflerse. If the desicca nt is shipped loose, store it in side to avoidany rain or water damage.f. Prior to start up, check the heater eleme nt resista nee. The eleme nt (phase)
12、 to ground should exceed the resista nee value by 20 MEG. OHMS. If this value is not in dicated, energize the heater at low voltage to drive the moisture from the element insulation. Remove the cover to vent the moisture from the heater term inal en closure.K. STEAM CONNECTIONS: For units with optio
13、nal steam heat exchanger, the steam connections are supplied as flan ges for both inlet and conden sate retur n.L. WATER CONNECTIONS: For units with optio nal watercooledaftercooler, connect the water supply and drain lines.M. LOW PRESSURE SHUT DOWN FEATURE: The electrical co ntrol o n the air dryer
14、 system is set up with low pressure shut dow n switch. The con trols, in cludi ng the heater and blower shall stay cle-e nergized as long as the dryer system is not pressurized above 50 PSIG. This feature safeguards the system aga inst the loss of air flow.N. LEAK TEST All the dryers are tested at t
15、he factory for any leaks before shipment. An air leak could develop duri ng tran sportati on or in stallati on. Pressurize the system and check for any leaks.2. START UP PROCEDURE1. Leave the power switch in the OFF position.2. Keep ing the dryer outlet isolati on valve closed, slowly pressurize bot
16、h the adsorbe nt chambers to the line pressure.3. Check for any leaks in the system.4. When the towers are at line pressure, turn the power switch to the ON position.5. One inlet valve will close, and the chamber purge valve will ope n and depressurize. This may take as long as 10 minu tes.6. Adjust
17、 the purge pressure to the recomme nded setti ng, and lock the valve lock ing mecha nism in place.7. Slowly open the dryer outlet isolation valve to pressurize the downstream system.8. Use the manual adva nee butt on to cycle the dryer through the valve seque nces.3. SHUT DOWN PROCEDUREExter nally H
18、eateddryers are typically in stalled in 24 Hr.operations. The dryers operate on a standard time cycle of 8 hours, 4 hours drying and 4 hours rege nerat ing. This cycle should not be in terrupted (except for servici ng). If the dryer n eeds to be shut dow n for a certa in shift or weeke nd; the dryer
19、 should be tur ned off at the end of the 4 hour regenerating cycle, and with both towers at line pressure.1. If servic ing is required adva nee the time seque nee so the purge valves close, and pressurize both towers.2. If the compressed air system has bee n piped with a bypass around the dryer the
20、n the follow ing should be completed:Open the bypass valve to allow process flow to continue downstream, then close the dryer outlet isolati on valve.? Turn the dryer ON/OFF switch to the OFF positio n.? Close the dryer inlet isolationvalve on the dryer bypass piping. At this time the dryer isisolat
21、ed and can be depressurized for servici ng.3. If the compressed air system has not bee n piped with a bypass the n the follow ing should be completed:? Turn the power switch to the OFF positio n.? The tower switchi ng valves are n ormally ope n valves; therefore, with the power off the in let valves
22、 to the towers will be ope n, and the purge valves will close. This will give you exte nded dry ing time un til desicca nt chambers are saturated.4. ADJUSTMENTS & SET71NGSA. Adjust the purge pressure to the recommended level PSIG.B. get -heater thermostat TH1.390F. (Located in the bottom ofthe heate
23、r shell)C. Set over temperature thermostat TH2. 200F. (Located in thetop of the heater shell)D. Set desicca nt bed thermostat TH3/TH4. 250FE. Set heater failure thermostat TH5. 300F (Located in thebottom of the heater shell) Opti onalF. Set heater failure time delay relay 3 HRS. Optio nalG. Set fail
24、ure to shift time delay relay TDR 5 HRS. OptionalH. Check and set the dew point mon itor Setpo int Sett in gs.Opti onalI. Open the bleed valve on the opti onal dew point sen sor probe.J. Dew Poi nt Dema nd Setpoi nt (SP1):High Humidity Alarm Setpoi nt (SP2):WARNINGDisc onnect power and depressurize
25、unit completely before starti ng maintenance procedures.5. MAINTENANCEA. During the first mon th, clea n or replace the pilot air filter eleme nt and repeat periodically.Also clean the exhaust mufflers. Replace mufflers if the tower pressure gauge reads any back pressure duri ng the rege nerati on c
26、ycle,B. Every three (3) mon ths, close the purge adjust ing valve mome ntarily to check for any leaks in the inlet an d/or check valves in dicated by air coming through the exhaust mufflers.C. No lubricati on is required for any system.DAILYD. Check auto drain on prefilter every shift.WEEKLYE. Check
27、 the dryers seque nee of operati on, and valve operati on.F. Check the purge control setting.G. Check the operati ng con diti ons; inlet pressure, inlet temperature and the flow rate.H. Check the moisture indicator, BLUE color indicates DRY conditions. If the color is PINK, refer to the moisture ind
28、icator chart on alarm conditions for probable cause. (Optional equipme nt).I. Check the purge mufflers for blockage. Possible indication is back pressure on tower under regeneration. Replace if necessary.J. Check the pressure drop across prefilter and afterfilter. Replace the elements when the diffe
29、rential reaches 5-10 PSID.MONTHLYJ.Check the pilot air filter element. Replace if necessary. THREE MONTHSK. Check the prefilter and afterfilter eleme nts for excessive cloggi ng or possible damage. Replace as n ecessary.L. Blow down relief valves.M. Check outlet dew point con diti ons.TWELVE MONTHSN
30、. Close the inlet and outlet valves on the dryer or bypass the dryer completely depressurize the dryer system. Open the desiccant fill port and check visually. If desiccant is contaminated with oil or broke n, replace the desicca nt.O. Remove the outlet check valves. Repair or replace asn ecessary.R
31、.Remove the in let switchi ng valves and purge exhaust valves.Clea n and replace worn out seats and seals.Q.Check the heater thermostats and heater operati on. Repair or replace as n ecessary.R.In spect the pilot air cyli nders for leaks or worn out seals. Repair or replace as n ecessary.S.Check rep
32、ressuriz ing valve. Repair or replace as n ecessary.T.Check pilot air sole noid valves for possible defects.U.Replace diaphragms in valves on economy EE-Series dryers.See parts list for sizing.6. DEW POINT SENSOR (OPTIONAL)A. It is recomme nded to recalibrate the sen sor probe annu ally to maintain
33、accuracy. Con tact your local distributor or factory for excha nge policy.7. MUFFLERSA. Purge mufflers are in stalled to reduce the no ise level. The mufflers tend to plug up and in crease back pressure over time due to oil 6arry over and con tam inants from compressor, or due to desicca nt dust at
34、the in itial start up. To elim in ate back pressure, replace muffler after three mon ths, or whe n the back pressure in creases in the rege nerati ng tower.8. SEQUENCE OF OPERATIONThe sequenee of operation of the External Heat Reactivated Dryer can be readily followed by referring to the following f
35、low schematic and timing sequenee.During initial start-up with the power switch in the OFF position, and the towers pressurized with air, both in let valves stay in the OPEN position (standard with models PE-300 and larger) and the purge valves stay in the CLOSED position. This type of fail safe val
36、ve operation allows the air to dry through both the towers, without any purge in the eve nt of loss of power to dryer. This will give you extended drying time until desiccant chambers are saturated.The desiccant is designed to handle air saturated with water vapor only. Any liquids or slugs of water
37、 tend to decrease the efficiency of the desiccant and retard the regeneration process to provide the desig ned dew point.With the power switch in the ON positi on at time equal to 0.0 hr,the left tower air in let valve isope n to allow the air to pass through the left tower. The right tower in let v
38、alve is closed. The saturated compressed air/gas passes through the desiccant in the left tower where the desiccant adsorbs the moisture, and the dry air at a pressure dew point of -40F or less exits through the left outlet check valve and goes out into the plant air system through the afterfilter.A
39、t time equal to 5 minu tes, the right lower purge valve depressurizes the right tower so that the desiccant is not disturbed. (on high pressure dryers depressurization is accomplished by a designated valve) At the same time the heater is energized to commence the heating cycle.NOTE: As soon as the p
40、urge valve has opened, adjust the purge adjustment valve to the recomme nded purge con trol sett ing. This adjustme nt should only be required on ce, and the n the lock ing mecha nism should be locked in place.The temperature of the purge air is con trolled by the heater con trol thermostats to main
41、tain the preset temperature. The hot and dry purge air passes through the right purge flow check valve and en ters the desicca nt bed at the top of the tower and removes the previously adsorbed water vapor from the desiccant and purges out through the right purge valve, and is exhausted into the atm
42、osphere through the exhaust muffler.NOTE: During the regeneration air flow through the desiccant bed, the tower pressure gauge should read 0 PSIG. Any higher pressure is an indication of a plugged muffler, which will retard the regeneration of desiccant. During the heating cycle, the bed temperature
43、 should rise to 250F (121C) in approximately two hours. The heater con trol thermostats will cycle the heater to maintain this 250F bed temperature.At time equal to 2 hr. 30 minutes, The heater is de-energized, and the cooling cycle begins to reduce the temperature in the desiccant bed and prepare i
44、t for the drying cycle.At time equal to 3 hr. 50 mi nu tes,the right tower purge valve will close. With this valve closed, theflow of purge air repressurizes the right tower and prepares it for switch overAt time equal to 4 hr., the right tower in let valve ope ns, and left tower in let valve closes
45、, so the flow of wet air/gas is switched from left chamber to the right chamber.At time equal to 4 hr. 5 minu tes, the left tower purge valve ope ns and depressurizes the left tower.The above seque nce is the n repeated on the opposite towers.选配件详介声音报警声音报警由蜂鸣器及复位按钮构成。用于当再生机工作不正常时提供一个声音警报,如“换塔失败”或“高露
46、点警报”。换塔失败报警:换塔失败报警由报警指示灯,在预定时间内干燥塔、再生塔不互相切换的动作失误,并配有中间继电器便 于远距离控制。高露点报警(一般设为-25C),露点仪给出一个报警信号至当露点仪探头探测到干燥机出口气流的露点高于某设定值时 高露点指示灯。同时配有中间继电器便于远距离控制。注意露点仪及其探头应每季度校验四水份指示器:水份指示器由一个小的透明度良好的过滤器壳体内装入变色硅胶而构成。少许来自干燥机出口的气流流经 变色硅胶,当露点低于-23.5 0C时,硅胶呈粉红甚至无色表示潮湿。五. 液晶控制器液晶控制器,也是本公司干燥机的一种标准配置,特别是当用户需进行露点控制时,必须选此项。六
47、. 露点控制功能:露点控制是为了节能,当露点仪探头探测到的出口气流露点低于(即满足)用户的设定值时,(一般设为-400C) ,PLC可编程控制器自动延长干燥塔工作时间,同时停止再生塔的再生。而当露点仪探头探测到的露 点高于设定值时,PLC自动控制干燥塔、再生塔立刻进行切换,进入下一个正常循环周期。全部功能包含以下项目:数字式露点仪露点设定按钮常规循环指示高露点报警指示/中间继电器OPTIONS LISTING WEXPLANATIONAUDIBLE ALARM (All types of rege nerative dryers)The Audible Alarm con sists of a
48、 buzzer with reset push butt on and ON/OFF selector switch.The audible alarm provides an audible warning to alert an operator that the dryer is not functioning properly, This option is used with options such as Failure to Shift Alarm or High Humidity Alarm.FAILURE TO SHIFT ALARM (All types of rege n
49、erative dryers)The Failure to Shift Alarm consists of an alarm light that illuminates if the desiccant towers fail to shift at a prescribed time. Dry con tacts are provided for remote annun ciati on.HEATER FAILURE ALARM (PE & EE series dryers)The Heater Failure Alarm consists of an alarm light that illuminates if the heater fails to reach design temperature during regeneration. The time delay relay shall be set at 3 hrs. and the thermostat set at 200F. Dry con tacts ar
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