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1、The introduction of eks flight attandent阿联酋航空集团机组人员简介Everyone likes to be part of a winning team. As Emirates Cabin Crew, you will be part of an airline that has won more than 400 international awards for excellence, awards that say Emirates is the best. We are certainly committed to the best and we

2、 start by selecting the finest people.每个人都想成为好团队中的其中一员。作为阿联酋航空集团的机组人员,你们都是属于已经赢得了400多个国际优秀奖的航空组织中的成员,人们都说阿联酋航空集团是最好的。我们致力于成为最好的航空公司,因此我们会选取最优秀的人员。Our Cabin Crew are drawn from more than 120 countries and speak more than 80 languages. They operate the latest wide-bodied Boeing and Airbus aircraft to

3、a constantly growing network of key cities on every continent. Find out more on destinations we currently fly to.我们的机组人员分别来自120多个国家,讲80多种语言。他们使最新的波音飞机和空中客车顺利地飞到不断扩大航线网络的目的地,它们都是位于各大洲的重要城市。他们会找出更多即将到达的目的地的信息。Emirates cabin crew enjoy high standard apartments, full medical care and state-of-the-art fa

4、cilities in training and at work. We give a lot but we ask a lot, too. We want our Cabin Crew to be dynamic and as passionate about being the best as we are; innovative and tireless in seeking to exceed our customers expectations.阿联酋航空集团的机组人员在培训和在职时能享受到高标准的公寓,完善的医疗服务,一流的设施。我们给予那么多的同时也希望大家能努力的工作。我们希望

5、机组人员能像我们一样有活力有激情,成为最好的人员。希望大家能以创新和孜孜不倦的精神达到我们客户的期望。lLocation and Facilities位置和设施As Emirates Cabin Crew, you will be based in Dubai, a city renowned for its high standard of living, its shopping, tourist and leisure facilities.作为阿联酋航空集团的机组人员,你们将会以迪拜作为基地,迪拜在高标准的生活,购物,旅游和休闲设施上拥有很高的声誉。You will train in

6、a dedicated, state-of-the-art training center, part of the Emirates Aviation College. On duty, you will use a purpose-built departures and arrivals terminal, exclusive to Emirates Flight and Cabin Crew, complete with their own Duty Free, Security and Immigration services.你们将会在一个专门的,国家里最先进的培训中心、阿联酋航空

7、集团的飞行学院中进行培训。在值班时,你们将会使用一个专用道,这是专门为阿联酋航空集团的航班和机组人员所准备的,在那里你们能到免税店购物,享受到安全服务和办理移民服务。You will work on a roster basis, involving a variety of short, medium and long-haul flights, some returning to Dubai within the same working day, others incorporating a stay in one of our exciting overseas destination

8、s. Free transport to and from work is provided in Dubai and at your flights destination.你们将轮流在短途,中途还有长途航班上工作,有些将会在同一天工作日中会返回迪拜,有些将会留在令人振奋的海外目的地上。在工作的时候,我们将会提供免费的运输到迪拜和你们服务的航班所到达的目的地。The Cabin Crew Training facility is a seven-storey purpose-built, state-of-the-art center dedicated to a single idea p

9、roducing the finest cabin crew in the air.机组人员培训设施是七层楼高的、国家里最先进的专门的培训中心,我们的目的在于提供最优秀的空中机组人员。Training covers safety and emergency procedures, inflight service, the importance of image and uniform, fitness and nutrition, leadership, security procedures and medical training that has been accredited by

10、the Royal College of Surgeons of Edinburgh.培训包括安全,紧急措施,空中服务,形象和制服的重要性,健身和营养,领导能力,安全程序和已经得到英国爱丁堡的皇家外科学院认证的医疗培训。The facilities provided are second to none. For safety and emergency training, state-of-the-art full motion simulators of all the aircraft types in the Emirates fleet are used. These are equ

11、ipped with smoke simulators, visual and audio displays that provide trainees with the most realistic simulations of every possible emergency scenario from decompression to emergency evacuation on land and water.这里提供的设施都是首屈一指的。对于安全和紧急措施的训练,阿联酋航空集团所使用的是国家里最先进的所有机种的全动态模拟器。这些模拟器都配有烟雾模拟器和影音设备,这些都能使受训人员感受

12、到每一可能出现的紧急情况下的最真实的模拟,通过减压装置紧急疏散到陆地或者水中。Cabin crew service training ranges from full silver service for fine dining to mixing the perfect cocktail and takes place in 14 scale replicas of the different Emirates cabins. These include a 32-metre upper deck section of Emirates Airbus A380 that is believe

13、d to be the largest in the world.机组人员服务培训的范围从全优质服务提供美食到完美的鸡尾酒,这些都体现在14个不同规模的阿联酋航空集团机舱中。这些包括了阿联酋航空集团A380空中客车32米长机舱,A380被认为是世界上最大的空中客车Specialty training rooms include one that provides full information on the wide range of duty free products. There is also an Arabic majlis with a perfect setting for t

14、he introduction to Arab culture and customs.专业培训室里提供有关免税物品的范围广阔的信息。那里还有一个拥有一流环境的阿拉伯会议室,来介绍阿拉伯的文化和习俗。lRequirements报名条件When recruiting cabin crew, we look for people who are dynamic, professional, outgoing and open to new challenges.当招聘机组人员时,我们都会挑选那些有活力的,专业的,开朗的,并且愿意面对新挑战的人。We seek professionals who c

15、an adapt to a new environment and can provide excellent service as part of a team of people with different cultural backgrounds.我们寻找那些能适应新环境和提供好服务的人才,能成为我们其中拥有着不同文化背景的团队的其中一员的人。We need people who have the following:如果你拥有以下条件,我们竭诚欢迎你加入我们:A positive attitude and empathy for others积极向上并乐于为他人服务A minimum

16、 age of 21 years on joining年满21岁A minimum arm reach of 212 cms when standing on tip toes so that you can reach emergency equipment on all aircraft types踮足而立时手指可触及212厘米以摸到各机种的紧急设备Tattoos are not permissible on any part of the body where the tattoo would be visible in uniform. Bandaging is not permitt

17、ed身上制服以外的能显而易见的地方都不能有纹身。用绷带遮住也是不允许的。Education to high school standard at least具备高中以上学历Physical fitness sufficient to meet aircrew requirements身体健康符合空中机组人员要求Fluency in written and spoken English (fluency in another language is an asset)具备流利的英语书写和口语能力(具备其它流利的外语水平也可以作为考察标准)Previous experience in the se

18、rvice/ hospitality industry is an advantage有客户服务经验以及护理经验的优先lEmployee Benefits员工福利With People as one of the Groups core values, we offer a range of generous benefits to assist permanent employees who are recruited globally to live in Dubai. Our Remuneration Policy focuses on developing compensation a

19、nd benefits policies through detailed research and analysis. Our main focus is to ensure that the Emirates Group remains competitive within the market it operates in, to ensure we attract and retain the right talent.以“人”作为我们集团的核心价值之一,我们提供优厚的福利待遇给我们的长期雇员,那些我们从全球招聘来迪拜的员工。通过仔细的研究和分析,我们的薪酬政策的着重于开发补偿和福利政

20、策。我们的主要目标是确保阿联酋航空集团集团在运作的市场中仍然有竞争力,能吸引和保留合适的人才。This section of The Emirates Group Career Centre is designed to give you, as a prospective applicant, an understanding of the total package you may be offered if you are successful in your application as Cabin Crew based in Dubai. Our total reward packa

21、ge comprises of not only cash, but also non-cash elements.这部分的阿联酋航空集团的员工中心是特意为你们而设计的,作为一名申请者,就是如果你们成功应聘成迪拜的机组人员,你们可能会对此部分要有所了解。我们付给您的总报酬不仅包括现金这一项,也包括非现金的这一部分。The summary below highlights the key elements of the Emirates Group total reward package for employees based in Dubai, however please note tha

22、t this is indicative only as the range and level of benefits which are subsequently offered to successful candidates will vary depending upon an individuals unique personal circumstances. The items identified below do not form an exhaustive list and qualifying periods may apply for certain benefits.

23、 Should you be successfully shortlisted the respective Recruitment Specialist can provide further details.对于以迪拜为基地的阿联酋航空集团员工的报酬方案如下。但是请注意,这仅是提供参考的员工待遇范围和水平,因为这还要根据不同的个人环境而定。以下确定的项目并没有形成一个完整的清单,排位赛期间可以申请一定的福利。当你成功的应聘成我们的员工后,我们可以提供更进一步的细节。As Cabin Crew you are employed on a 3 year renewable contract.

24、Upon completion of the 3 year contract a bonus payment is awarded.作为我航的机组人员,你们将会签订一个三年期的合同。合同到期后,我们将会给你一定的奖励。1.Cash ElementsThe following benefits are applicable to all Staff:Competitive Tax Free Basic Salary Monthly Starting Salary Dhs 3,915Your fixed monthly cash payment related to your position a

25、nd based on the knowledge and competencies you bring to the role. Salaries are benchmarked for all employees against relevant Industries and are reviewed on a regular basis to ensure they remain competitive.1现金以下福利适用于全体员工:基本工资都是免税的每个月的基本工资是Dhs3915你每月的固定工资与你的职位有关,也是以你的相关知识和能力为基础的。工资是以相关行业的员工的工资为基准的,并

26、且会定期检讨确保保持竞争力。Company Provided AccommodationYou will be provided shared (same gender) furnished company accommodation, with allocation of your own individual bedroom.公司提供住宿你们将会与其他同性别的员工合住家具设施齐全的公寓,里面会有属于自己的个人房间Company Provided Transport/Transport AllowanceA free transport service is provided if you

27、are residing in Company Provided Accommodation. If you opt to reside outside then a Transport Allowance will be paid on a monthly basis.公司提供交通/交通津贴如果你住在公司提供的公寓,我们会提供免费的交通服务。如果你选择住在外面,公司会每月都会付给你一定的交通津贴。Hourly Flying PayOn completion of your basic training, an hourly flying pay is paid on the block ho

28、urs worked.飞行小时费在完成基础培训后,你们会有飞行小时费这一项的薪酬。Profit Share SchemeThe Company operates a profit share scheme based upon the profit results of the Company for the financial year. A qualifying period is applicable.The eligibility of the following benefit is dependant upon the applicants unique personal circ

29、umstances:利润分享计划公司有利润分享这一计划,这基于公司本财政年度的利润结果。一个合格的时期是适用的。以下的福利资格取决于各位申请人不同的个人环境:Exchange Rate Protection Scheme50% of Basic Salary is protected against adverse exchange rate fluctuations between the UAE Dirham and your currency classification. This is not applicable to currency classifications that a

30、re pegged against the USD.汇率保护计划基本工资的50%,为了防止不利阿联酋多哈姆和你们各国币类之间的汇率波动。但是这不适于那些要与美元挂钩的币类。2.Non Cash Elements2非现金福利The following benefits are applicable to all Staff:以下福利适用于全体员工:Annual Leave30 calendar days.年假30天Leave TicketsFree annual leave tickets are provided to approved leave destinations for the e

31、mployee.休假机票我们会提供免费的年假机票给那些获准休假的员工。Personal Life and Accident Insurance个人人寿及意外保险Medical and Dental Provision提供医疗及牙科服务A premium is payable by the employee.额外费用由雇员支付。Government Pension SchemeEligible UAE National and GCC citizens are enrolled into their respective Government Pension Scheme, employees

32、and Company contributions are payable.政府退休金计划合资格的阿联酋和海湾合作委员会的公民都参加到他们各自的政府的退休金计划,员工和公司的捐献都由公司支付。End of Service GratuityIn accordance with UAE Labour Law, on leaving the company you will be provided with an end of service (gratuity) payment calculated as 21 days basic salary per annum for the first 5

33、 years of service and then 30 days basic salary per annum for each year of service beyond 5 years of service. Eligibility for End of Service (gratuity) payment is subject to completion of the initial 3 year contract.服务期满酬金根据阿联酋的劳动法,在离开公司的时候你见会有一项服务期满酬金,也就是前5年每年都会有项额外的21天的基本工资;在该公司工作超过5年后,每年都有额外的30天的

34、基本工资。但是要合资格拿到服务期满酬金的必须要完成最初的3年合同。3.Additional Privileges额外特权Concessional TravelA range of ticket options are available for staff and their eligible dependants on Emirates Airlines routes which now encompasses over 100 destinations. Some elements of concessionary travel are available immediately upon

35、 joining, but eligibility for others is subject to completion of a probationary period.旅行优惠一套阿联酋航空集团的机票,给予员工及其直系家属,能到达超过一百个目的地。有一些旅行优惠当你加入我们后就能立刻使用,但是其它的,就要等你过了实习期再能使用。Emirates CardBy virtue of being an Emirates Group employee you can avail of attractive discounts at over 100 retail, hotel and leisu

36、re outlets in Dubai and the UAE.lAccommodation in Dubai迪拜的住宿Depending on your budget and requirements, finding properties in Dubai is not difficult. You can contact any one of the numerous estate agents who advertise a large number of properties both for sale and rent, or refer to the classifieds se

37、ction in the daily newspapers, or even check out the bulletin board at the local supermarkets. No matter what your requirements, you are sure to find what you need.根据你的预算和要求,在迪拜找公寓并不是很困难。你可以联系那些地产代理商,它们会列出很多广告关于卖房和租房的,或者你也可以在日报上看看有没有,还有你可以在一些当地超市的公告板上查查。无论你有什么要求,你都会很快找到你所需要的。The price of accommodati

38、on in Dubai depends on numerous factors, ranging from whether you are looking for an apartment or a villa and the facilities offered. Villas in a compound often have access to a gym, swimming pool, tennis courts and park; whereas single villas would have no additional facilities.迪拜的公寓价格取决于很多原因,从你找的公

39、寓或者别墅还有它们所提供的设施。在复合别墅里,一般都会用健身房,游泳池,网球场和花园;而单层别墅就没有别的设施了。As far as villas go, the ones in up market areas like Jumeirah, Umm Sequiem and Safa tend to be more expensive, while the one ones in Mirdif, Al Barsha and Al Quoz offer more value for money. Expatriates also have the choice of buying or renti

40、ng properties in a number of suburban complexes like The Meadows, The Greens, The Springs, The Lakes, Arabian Ranches, Jumeirah Islands, Emirates Hills and the famous Palm.至于别墅,那些在Jumeirah, Umm Sequiem和Safa这些地方的的价格会比较贵,而那些在Mirdif, Al Barsha和Al Quoz价格则会比较合理。外籍人士也可以选择在郊区买房或者租房,像瑟梅多斯,绿党,泉水,湖泊,阿拉伯牧场,朱美拉

41、岛,阿联酋山和著名的棕榈这些地方。If its apartments you are looking for, youll find that the ones around Bur Dubai, Sheikh Zayed Road and more recently, the Dubai Marina are most popular; at the same time, these are the more expensive properties, with facilities like gyms and pools built into the costs. Cheaper acco

42、modation can be found in Deira, Satwa and Karama.如果你在寻找公寓,你可以发现那些在柏迪迪拜的Sheikh Zayed路和一些近一点的,迪拜码头这些地方的公寓是最受欢迎的;同时,这些也会比较贵,里面都有配套的设施,像健身房和游泳池,都是被算进成本里的。德拉,萨特沃和卡拉马这些地方的公寓则会便宜点。Candidates who are successful in their applications with Emirates, may be eligible for an accommodation allowance, or supplied

43、with a furnished villa or apartment. (As a general indication, a two bedroom apartment costs between AED 50,000-70,000 per year, while a three bedroom villa, can go as high as AED 170,000). Utilities, such as power, air-conditioning and water are mostly additional costs to be borne by the candidate.

44、成功应聘进阿联酋航空集团的考生,可以申请拿住宿津贴,或者选择住在配备有家具的别墅或者公寓。(一般来说,一间两卧室的公寓每年的花费在50,000-70,000迪拉姆间,而一间三卧室的别墅,价格可以高达170,000迪拉姆)。公用事业,如电,空调和水这些额外的费用都是由考生自己付的。For more information, visit:如想了解更多,可以浏览下列网站:www.afrealestawww.gulf-www.mymovedubalWhat are t

45、he opportunities for Cabin Crew in Emirates?Being based in Dubai, Emirates offers its Cabin Crew an international lifestyle, an attractive tax-free salary, free quality accommodation and the opportunity to work with an award-winning multicultural team. Salaries for Cabin Crew are competitive and pac

46、kages of attractive travel benefits and excellent professional development opportunities are available.阿联酋航空集团的机组人员能有什么机遇?以迪拜为基地,阿联酋航空集团提供其机组人员一种国际化的生活方式,一份吸引的免税薪水,免费的高品质住宿和与赢得了多项奖的国际化团队一起工作的机会。这份薪水对于机组人员来说是非常有竞争力的,吸引人的旅行优惠套票和优秀的专业发展机会都是可行的。lIs this a rewarding career path and why?Working with Emira

47、tes will give you endless opportunities: to meet and work with people from over 120 nationalities; to increase your skills and rapidly advance your career. Currently, high performing Cabin Crew have been able to attain the position of Flight Purser within five years and many have also become trainer

48、s in cabin service. Many people in middle and upper management joined the airline as Cabin Crew and now work in other departments. Opportunities abound: waiting for you to pursue them, based on performance of course!这是一份有价值的职业道路吗?为什么?在阿联酋航空集团工作,你能得到无数的机遇:与超过120个国家的人一起工作;你的工作能力和职业生涯都得到提升;现在,专业能力很强的机组

49、人员在这5年内都达到了比较好的职位,他们中的大多数也成为客舱服务的教员了。很多在中上层管理的人加入了航空公司做机组人员,现在在别的部门工作。这份工作充满机遇:等着你去追求它们,当然这也要以你的工作情况为基础!lWhat is Dubai like as a lifestyle destination?From a country that relied on pearl diving, Dubai has now developed into an international tourism and regional business hub. It is a modern cosmopoli

50、tan city where people of many cultures and religious backgrounds live and work in harmony. Dubai offers many advantages and prides itself on being one of the most exciting cities in the world. Dubai is a city of contrast, a land where the old and the new, traditional and modern, east and west blend

51、seamlessly to produce a fascinating, mysterious, exciting place with a distinct personality all of its own. There is an endless variety of superb restaurants and sports and leisure facilities catering for all tastes.作为一个有自己生活方式的地方,迪拜是怎样的呢?从一个依靠于珍珠潜水的国家,迪拜现在已经发展成为一个国际旅游和区域商业中心了。迪拜是一个现代化的国际大都会,许多不同文化背

52、景、不同宗教背景的人都在这里和睦的工作与生活。作为全世界最有激情的其中一个城市,迪拜有许多优势和傲人之处。迪拜是一个有着鲜明对比的城市,一个新与旧,传统与现代,东方与西方的融合,催发出一个迷人的,神秘的,刺激的其自己所有的一个个性鲜明的城市。这里有琳琅满目的一流餐厅,运动和休闲设施,能迎合各种不同的生活品味。lHow long is the contract and is it binding?In accordance with current Dubai Government regulations, the contract is a three-year non-binding one, renewable with agreement by Emirates management and crew member


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