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1、sales and marketingdepartmentstandard operating procedures市场销售部标准工作程序目 录房价结构管理 s&m-001门市价管理 s&m- 002促销和包价管理 s&m- 003 商务协议价管理 s&m-004协议价格体系 s&m- 005政务价指引 s&m- 006 旅行社职员价 s&m- 007旅游行业价(包括酒店员工) s&m- 008家庭价 s&m-009第三人价(加床) s&m-010免费房 s&m-011会展奖励计划 s&m-012取消宴会预订 s&m-013协议客户预定的修改和取消 s&m-014旅行社协议管理 s&m-015

2、签订新客户 s&m-016商务客户的房间预定 s&m-017团队预定和接待 s&m-018担保政策 s&m-019授权 s&m-020押金 s&m-021升级 s&m-022市场销售划分 s&m-023客史系统 s&m-024销售会议 s&m-025礼品和客人赠品 s&m-026宴请和考察 s&m-027销售拜访 s&m-028电话销售 s&m-029酒店参观 s&m-030展会报价 s&m-031 展会和会议的布置规范 s&m-032广告 s&m-033会议团体的接待 s&m-034试菜 s&m-035park wise hotel tianjinsales&marketing polici

3、es & procedures manual市场销售 - 制度和流程指南subject: rate structure主题: 房价结构ref: 参考号:s&m-001prepared by: director of sales and marketing起草:市场销售总监date: august 28,2007日期:2007- 8 28approved by: general manager批准:总经理date: august 28,2007日期:2007- 8 28objective 目的- to establish guideline for the selling price of di

4、fferent market segments 建立针对不同市场群体的有区别的价格执行规范。procedures 流程1. rate structure includes:价格结构包括:- rack rate门市价- corporate rate商务价- government rate政务价- aircrew航空公司价- domesitc fit leisure 国内旅游价- inbound fit leisure 入境旅游价- group团队价2. all rates will be valid for a minimum of 6 months to one (1) year所有房价的施行

5、有效期为六个月到一年。3. proposed rates or any rate changes must be approved by the general manager建议房价和执行房价的任何变化必须经总经理批准。4. corporate rates/wholesale/group/consortia rates offered require the approval of the director of sales & marketing, in his/her absence, the hotel manager.采用任何公司协议价、国内价、团队价、国外价, 必须通过市场销售总监

6、批准,如其不在岗,则由酒店经理批准后执行。5. all rates offered will be reviewed annually.所有执行的房价每年度审查修订。park wise hotel tianjinsales&marketing policies & procedures manual市场销售 - 制度和流程指南subject: rack rates in distribution channels 主题: 门市价管理ref: 参考号:s&m-002prepared by: director of sales and marketing起草:市场销售总监date: august

7、28,2007日期:2007- 8 28approved by: general manager批准:总经理date: august 28,2007日期:2007- 8 28objective 目的- to ensure rack rates in the various distribution channels (gds, internet etc.) are valid and up-to-date- 确保通过各种媒介公布的门市价格是有效可行的并能及时更新。procedures 流程1. to maintain rack rates in the various distribution

8、 channels for the next twelve months as a minimum. 确保在各种媒介上发布的未来十二个月内的门市价格是最低的。2. in the absence of a rack rate increase, the current rack rates should be automatically extended to meet the twelve-month minimum requirement.公布的门市房价不上涨的情况下,现行的价格可以自行上调以适应未来十二个月内的需求。3. rates confirmed prior to any rate

9、change notification should be honored.任何调整后价格的发布的必须预先确认。park wise hotel tianjinsales&marketing policies & procedures manual市场销售 - 制度和流程指南subject: promotion/package 主题:促销及套票价管理ref: 参考号:s&m-003prepared by: director of sales and marketing起草:市场销售总监date: august 28,2007日期:2007- 8 28approved by: general ma

10、nager批准:总经理date: august 28,2007日期:2007- 8 28objective 目的- to generate business to improve room occupancy and revenue during soft periods淡季拓展业务以提高酒店入住率和收入.procedures 流程1. promotion and package should be planned as part of the hotels annual marketing plan.酒店年度的市场销售计划中应包括促销价的施行计划。2. director of marketi

11、ng will submit a proposal outlining the special rate offered, the validity, the targeted audience and the benefits included to general manager for approval.市场总监应向总经理提交施行大纲,阐述特殊房价执行的有效性、目标消费群体和收益情况,获得批准后方可执行。3. a detailed plan contained the budget of costs incurred for the promotion as well as the st

12、rategy should also be attached.随件应附促销推广计划和策略,推广计划中必须包含执行促销价所需费用的预算。4. if the proposed promotional offer is approved, a copy of which should be distributed to all concerned.提议的促销方案批准后,需抄送相关部门。5. all promotion or package will be valid for 6 months only.所有促销价只能执行六个月。6. any promotion or package required

13、 for extension beyond 6 months, approval must be obtained from the general manager. 经总经理批准可延长促销价的执行期。park wise hotel tianjinsales&marketing policies & procedures manual市场销售 - 制度和流程指南subject:contractual agreement主题: 商务协议价管理ref: 参考号: s&m-004prepared by: director of sales and marketing起草:市场销售总监date: au

14、gust 28,2007日期:2007- 8 28approved by: general manager批准:总经理date: august 28,2007日期:2007- 8 28objective 目的- to ensure the rates and conditions agreed by the hotel and the clients (corporation/travel agency/airline) are clearly specified 确保与协议公司、旅游机构、航空公司既定的房价清晰明确,宜执行。procedures 流程1. all contractual ag

15、reements must be in writing and are not considered valid unless countersigned by the general manager. 所有的价格协议必须书面化,以合同形式体现,经总经理审查批准后方有效。2. a contractual agreement must never be drawn up for longer than a one-year period. 所有的价格合同有效期为一年。3. copies of the signed contracts should be forwarded to the dire

16、ctor of financial, the director of rooms division. and in some cases the food & beverage director. 签署的价格合同应抄送财务总监、房务总监。特殊情况下还应抄送餐饮总监。4. all contracts, which should be regarded as confidential documents, should not be discussed with a third party. 价格合同属于机密文件,不得外泄。5. all contracts are to be reviewed 3

17、 months prior to the actual expiry date. 所有价格合同到期前三个月应予以审查。6. no contract should be entered into for a period less than 3 months. 任何执行期少于三个月的价格合同不予签署。7. companys policy on credit and credit worthiness is to be duly incorporated in such agreements. 签署价格合同要审查协议公司的信用度。park wise hotel tianjinsales&marke

18、ting policies & procedures manual市场销售 - 制度和流程指南subject: corporate rate structure主题: 公司协议价体系ref: 参考号:s&m-005prepared by: director of sales and marketing起草:市场销售总监date: august 28,2007日期:2007- 8 28approved by: general manager批准:总经理date: august 28,2007日期:2007- 8 28objective 目的- to establish corporate rat

19、e guideline for commercial companies based on their business potential 建立健全的协议价格体系,向较大商业潜力的客户提供公司规范的商务价格。procedures 流程1. corporate rate structure: 公司协议价体系:room rate (rmb) room nights required房价(人民币) 房晚preferred首选 corporate a corporate b corporate c 2. 40% discount off all club rooms & suites会所客房和套房给

20、于40%折扣。3. all rates are non-commissionable. 所有商务房价不可转让他人使用。4. all room rates will be valid for one (1) year. 所有公司协议价有效期为一年。5. all rates proposed require approval from the director of marketing/general manager before implementation. 公司协议价执行前必须经市场总监和总经理批准。6. all rates offered will be reviewed annually

21、.所有公司协议价每年度审查。7、将客户订于某一个级别应考虑以下条件:为酒店提供实际客人的总量,整体看客人的分布或与酒店的关系。商务客户的等级决定销售人员的周期,(如:多少时间去拜访一次何种级别的商务客户)提供的房价(一般情况,高产量的客户应提供优惠的价格),付款的方式、特殊的优惠待遇等。8、以下表格显示商务客人的等级,以及销售周期,一般情况下,酒店不应有很多的“好客户”,有多少商务客户或商务客户级别,取决于需要。客户等级 定义 价格 销售周期“” 很多客人 有待商议的价格 至少一个或两个星期“” 客人来源适中 一般价格 两至三个星期 固定的合作价格“” 低客人来源 一般价格 四个星期 有潜力客

22、户 建议“”价格 三个星期有可能无客源的客户 建议“”价格四个星期估计将无客源的客户 建议“”价格视具体情况而定无客源的客户 取消记录代办9、如何划分商务客户的级别划分商务客户等级,应以客源数量做依据,具体分析如下:l 酒店可提供的房间l 度假者及商务旅行者的旅行方式l 商务客户在该地区的经营种类l 商务客户在该地区的市场经营范围l 可望提供酒店的直接竞争者l 特殊酒店的直接的竞争者l 全面的经营管理目标10、建立价格结构 提供给不同等级的客户的房间价格要依据需求而定,要考虑酒店的季节性,房间出租能力,如:公司无客源提供给店方或提供客源非常有限以至无法达到店方规定的最低限额,应考虑放弃这个客户

23、,运作程序如下:1)检查该客户客源提纲情况的原始记录,查明是否属以下三种情况 a无客源 b有少数客源c有一段时间无客源 如果属于a,该客户应立即取消 如果属于b、c,应加强联系尽力挽回客源2)取消名单 被取消客户的名单应定期制定方案,并交由市场销售总监申请批准。一旦市场销售总监批准所申请的客户取消名单,应将此客户在电脑数据库中的所有信息取消,并将报告递交销售经理及销售人员传阅。3)善后工作 保持往来,继续关注其动向,偶尔予以拜访。park wise hotel tianjinsales&marketing policies & procedures manual市场销售 - 制度和流程指南su

24、bject: government rate guideline主题: 政务价格指引ref: 参考号:s&m-006prepared by: director of sales and marketing起草:市场销售总监date: august 28,2007日期:2007- 8 28approved by: general manager批准:总经理date: august 28,2007日期:2007- 8 28objective 目的to minimize confusion and standardize the eligibility for government rates at

25、 park wise hotel避免混乱和制定政务价格。procedures 流程1. all prc government employee whether traveling on business or leisure will be extended the special government rates subject to room availability.所有政府雇员不论是出差还是旅行都可在所需房型充足时享受政府价。2all reservation generated from government unit and payment to be settled by the

26、government unit, special government rates will apply. 所有政府部门预定或及付账的房间,将申请执行政府价。3should be reservation is generated from a government unit however payment on guests account, corporate a rate will apply. 通过政府预定,如果是私人付账,将执行公司协议价a。4. a letter from the government unit to support the reservation request i

27、s required with clear information of mode of payment, guest name, arrival and departure date. 政府发来的预定信件必须明确付款方式、 客人姓名、 到店和离店日期等信息。5special government rates also apply to employees of military and educational institutions. 政府价格适用于:由政府提供基金的军事和教育机构。6government rate is also available to cost-reimbursabl

28、e contractors who produce a letter of eligibility from the government unit.对于提供政府出具要求执行政府价的人士,也执行政府价。park wise hotel tianjinsales&marketing policies & procedures manual市场销售 - 制度和流程指南subject: discount to travel agency personnel主题: 旅游社职员价ref: 参考号:s&m-007prepared by: director of sales and marketing起草:市

29、场销售总监date: august 28,2007日期:2007- 8 28approved by: general manager批准:总经理date: august 28,2007日期:2007- 8 28objective 目的to provide clear guideline when extending special discount room rate authorized travel agency personnel.针对旅行社授权的员工住店时执行特殊价格和折扣制定的规范。procedures 流程1. authorized travel agency personnel

30、will be granted a minimum of 50%room rate reduction based on space availability (85% and below)有授权的旅行社员工可更具酒店入住情况,享受最低50%的房费减免。(入住率在85%以下)2. reservation must be confirmed with an indication of the rate discounted and the travel agency personnel must produce travel agency id card or letter of authori

31、zation from his / her company upon check-in to obtain discount.所做的预定必须详细确认所使用的价格和折扣,旅行社员工只有在登记入住时出示员工卡或由其单位出具的授权信才能适用特殊价格和折扣。3 request for further reductions, extension of length of stay or complimentary accommodation are to be transmitted with the reservation and will be granted at the direction of

32、 the director of marketing. 如果需要更多优惠折、 延长入住时间或免房费,必须联系订房部,经市场销售总监的审查批准进行。4travel agency personnel who arrive at the hotel without prior reservation will be granted a 50% room rate reduction at the discretion of the hotel. 旅行社员工如在无预定的情况下到店,可按酒店规定享受50%的房费减免。park wise hotel tianjinsales&marketing polic

33、ies & procedures manual市场销售 - 制度和流程指南subject: discount to travel industry (including hotel personnel)主题: 旅游行业价(包括酒店员工) 折扣价ref: 参考号:s&m-008prepared by: director of sales and marketing起草:市场销售总监date: august 28,2007日期:2007- 8 28approved by: general manager批准:总经理date: august 28,2007日期:2007- 8 28objective

34、 目的to provide a guideline when extending special discount of 50% off room rate to travel industry personnel针对向旅游行业员工执行50%折扣制定的规范procedures 流程1. all travel industry personnel will be entitled to a minimum 50% room rate reduction at park wise hotel based on space availability.(85% and below)旅游行业员工在酒店入

35、住率低于85%时,住店可减免50%房费。2. reservations are to be transmitted as confirmed with clear indication of rate reduction, affiliation of the traveler and the expectation for publicity, if known.预定将会被视作已经确认了价格的预定,3. hotel personnel must present valid id card or letter of authorization from the hotel upon check

36、-in to obtain discount.酒店员工必须在登记入住时出示有效员工证以获得折扣。4. request for further rate reduction or complimentary accommodations are to be transmitted with the reservation and will be granted at the discretion of the director of marketing.如果需要进一步的折扣或免房费,须联系预定部后经市场销售总监审查批准。5. request for guest room rate reducti

37、ons from bona-fide print and broadcast travel writers, travel editors and photographer should be directed to the communications manager for handling.印刷出版业 旅游广播电台作者,编辑以及摄影师如要求享受减免房费,应直接交予公关部经理处理。park wise hotel tianjinsales&marketing policies & procedures manual市场销售 - 制度和流程指南subject: family plan主题: 家

38、庭计划ref: 参考号:s&m-009prepared by: director of sales and marketing起草:市场销售总监date: august 28,2007日期:2007- 8 28approved by: general manager批准:总经理date: august 28,2007日期:2007- 8 28objective 目的to provide clear guideline when extending family plan.为“家庭计划”价格的实行提供指导规范。procedures 流程1. family plan provide childre

39、n under 18 free accommodation when staying in the same room with their parents.“家庭计划”是如果18岁以下儿童与其父母住一间房,儿童的房费全免。2. in the event that more than one room is required to accommodate the children, each room will be made available at the single room rate.如果儿童独立使用一间房,则房价与其父母所适用的房价不同。3. extra bed to be pro

40、vided only when it can physically be accommodated in the room.如果房间足够父母和孩子共同使用时,会在房间内加床。park wise hotel tianjinsales&marketing policies & procedures manual市场销售 - 制度和流程指南subject: third person rate主题: 第三人价格ref: 参考号:s&m-010prepared by: director of sales and marketing起草:市场销售总监date: august 28,2007日期:2007-

41、 8 28approved by: general manager批准:总经理date: august 28,2007日期:2007- 8 28objective 目的to provide guideline for staff to better understand the cost of third person.为使员工更好的了解第三人价格提供指导规范。procedures 流程1. it is the policy of park wise hotel to charge a third person sharing the same room with other 2 adults

42、.酒店规定第三人可以与另两名成年人共享一间房。2the room supplement rate for third person will be imposed regardless of an extra bed is require or not. 不论需不需要另加床,酒店都会按第三人适用的房价收取房费。3exceptions are for family plan and suite occupancy. 家庭计划和入住套房除外。park wise hotel tianjinsales&marketing policies & procedures manual市场销售 - 制度和流程

43、指南subject: complimentary rooms主题: 免费房ref: 参考号:s&m-011prepared by: director of sales and marketing起草:市场销售总监date: august 28,2007日期:2007- 8 28approved by: general manager批准:总经理date: august 28,2007日期:2007- 8 28objective 目的it is the hotels policy that prior to confirming complimentary rooms to guests and

44、 house-use rooms, the relevant approval procedures shall be observed wherever appropriate.酒店的政策是要明确免费房及酒店自用房申请的各项条件,并按照要求程序进行审批。scope定义 complimentary rooms are referred to room stays given free for business promotion purposes such as familiarisation groups and travel agents, and complimentary rooms

45、accorded to brand hotel employees for leisure. 免费房是指为了酒店促销活动免费向有需要了解酒店设施的旅行社、个人或团体提供住房以及给集团公司的工作人员提供的住房。 house use rooms are non-revenue producing guestrooms occupied either on a temporary or permanent basis. 酒店自用房是指临时或长期不实现收入的房间。 temporary house use rooms are rooms that provided on a complimentary

46、basis to members of staff for temporary use of less than 6 months, to consultants for business purposes relating to the hotel and musicians/entertainers contracted to perform at the hotel outlets. also complimentary rooms provided temporarily to other brand hotels staff on official visits such as vi

47、ce-presidents, directors of hotel operation/finance, internal auditors, etc. 临时酒店自用房是指暂时或6个月内提供给酒店内部人员、酒店业务方面顾问以及与酒店签约的演艺者居住的房间。临时酒店自用房也包括提供给酒店集团的领导层使用的房间。 permanent house use rooms are house use by staff living in the hotel for a minimum period of 6 months or those rooms that converted into offices

48、 for hotel management use. 酒店长期自用房是指供给酒店员工至少6个月居住用的房间以及业已改成酒店办公场所的房间。procedures 流程 department concerned shall prepare the complimentary/house-use room request form by completing the details required (minimum): 相关部门需要提供免费/ 酒店自用方申请单:complimentary roomstemporary house usenamename of guestname of employ

49、eecompanyname of companydepartmentcheck-in datecheck-out dateroom typeinclusive of breakfast etc. (be specific)where applicablewhere applicablepurposes/reasonse.g. familiarisation group, organising committeee.g. executive-on-duty, in-house musicians免费房临时house-use房姓名顾客姓名员工姓名公司公司名称部门入店日期离开日期房间类型在申请表格中

50、说明是否包含早餐等适用处适用处是由(申请原因)例如:酒店有潜在业务的旅行社代表、组委会等例如:值班行政人员、从事表演的乐师等 department heads (e.g. director of sales, hotel manager etc.) shall signed confirm the request and thereon forward the request for approval. 各部门领导(如:销售总监,酒店经理等)对申请表进行签字确认,提交审批。 complimentary room requests shall be approved by the hotel m

51、anager and the general manager. 免费房的申请需要经过酒店经理及总经理的批准。 temporary house-use room requests shall be approved by the hotel manager. 酒店临时自用房的申请需要经过酒店经理的审批。 subsequent to the approval, the said request forms shall be forwarded to: 通过审批之后,申请表需要提交以下几个部门:o reservation department who will input the request into the pms accordingly,o front office who will keep the form attached wit


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