已阅读5页,还剩9页未读 继续免费阅读




1、c#及数据库的开发一、 c#的介绍c#在某种程度上可以看作是.net面向windows环境的一种编程语言。在去去的十几年里,microsoft给windows和 windows api添加了许多功能,vb和c+也经历了许多变化。虽然vb和c+最终已成为非常强大的语言,但这两种语言也存在问题,因为它们保留了原来的一些内容。对于visual basic来说,它的主要优点是很容易理解,许多编程工作都很容易完成,基本上隐藏了windows api和com组件结构的内涵。其缺点是visual basic从来没有实现真正意义上的面向对象,所以大型应用程序很难分解和维护。另外,因为vb的语法继承于basic

2、的早期版本(basic主要是为了让初学者更容易理解,而不是为了编写大型商业应用程序),所以不能真正成为结构化或面向对象的编程语言。另一方面,c+在ansi c+语言定义中有其自己的根。它与ansi不完全兼容,因为microsoft是在ansi定义标准化之前编写c+编译器的,但已经相当接近了。遗憾的是,这导致了两个问题。其一,ansi c+是在十几年前的技术条件下开发的,因此不支持现在的概念(例如unicode字符串和生成xml文档),某些古老的语法结构是为以前的编译器设计的(例如成员函数的声明和定义是分开的)。其二,microsoft同时还试图把c+演变为一种用于在windows上执行高性能任

3、务的语言 在语言中避免添加大量microsoft专用的关键字和各种库。其结果是在windows中,该语言成为了一种非常杂乱的语言。让一个c+开发人员说说字符串有多少个定义方式就可以说明这一点:char*、lptstr、string、cstring (mfc 版本)、cstring (wtl 版本)、wchar_t*和 olechar*等。现在进入.net时代 一种全新的环境,它对这两种语言都进行了新的扩展。microsoft给c+添加了许多microsoft专用的关键字,并把vb演变为vb.net,保留了一些基本的vb语法,但在设计上完全不同,从实际应用的角度来看,vb.net是一种新语言。在

4、这里,microsoft决定给开发人员另一个选择 专门用于.net、具有新起点的语言, 即visual c# .net。microsoft在正式场合把c#描述为一种简单、现代、面向对象、类型非常安全、派生于c和c+的编程语言。大多数独立的评论员对其说法是“派生于c、 c+ 和java”。这种描述在技术上是非常准确的,但没有涉及到该语言的真正优点。从语法上看,c#非常类似于c+和java,许多关键字都是相同的,c#也使用类似于c+和java的块结构,并用括号()来标记代码块,用分号分隔各行语句。对c#代码的第一印象是它非常类似于c+或java代码。但在这些表面上的类似性后面,c#学习起来要比c+

5、容易得多,但比java难一些。其设计与现代开发工具的适应性要比其他语言更高,它同时具有visual basic的易用性、高性能以及c+的低级内存访问性。c#包括以下一些特性: 完全支持类和面向对象编程,包括接口和继承、虚函数和运算符重载的处理。 定义完整、一致的基本类型集。 对自动生成xml文档说明的内置支持。 自动清理动态分配的内存。 可以用用户定义的特性来标记类或方法。这可以用于文档说明,对编译有一定的影响(例如,把方法标记为只在调试时编译)。 对.net基类库的完全访问权,并易于访问windows api。 可以使用指针和直接内存访问,但c#语言可以在没有它们的条件下访问内存。 以vb的

6、风格支持属性和事件。 改变编译器选项,可以把程序编译为可执行文件或.net组件库,该组件库可以用与activex控件(com组件)相同的方式由其他代码调用。 c#可以用于编写asp.net动态web页面和xml web服务。应该指出,对于上述大多数特性,vb.net和managed c+也具备。但c#从一开始就使用.net,对.net特性的支持不仅是完整的,而且提供了比其他语言更合适的语法。c#语言本身非常类似于java,但其中有一些改进,因为java并不是为应用于.net环境而设计的。在结束这个主题前,还要指出c#的两个局限性。其一是该语言不适用于编写时间急迫或性能非常高的代码,例如一个要运

7、行1000或1050次的循环,并在不需要这些循环时,立即清理它们所占用的资源。在这方面,c+可能仍是所有低级语言中的佼佼者。其二是c#缺乏性能极高的应用程序所需要的关键功能,包括保证在代码的特定地方运行的内联函数和析构函数。但这类应用程序非常少。二、 数据库开发过程基于信息工程的信息系统规划是数据库开发项目的一个来源。这些开发新数据库的项目通常是为了满足组织的战略需求,例如改善客户支持、提高产品和库存管理或进行更精确的销售预测。然而许多数据库开发项目更多的是以自底向上的方式出现的,例如信息系统的用户需要特定的信息来完成他们的工作,从而请求开始一个项目,又如其他信息系统的专家发现组织需要改进数据



10、系统开发生命周期的阶段和数据库开发步骤之间不存在一一对应的关系,概念数据建模发生在两个系统开发生命周期阶段之间。企业建模 数据库开发过程从企业建模(系统开发生命周期中项目论证和选择阶段的一部分)开始设定组织数据库的范围和一般内容。企业建模发生在信息系统规划和其他活动期间,这些活动确定信息系统的哪个部分需要改变和加强并概述出全部组织数据的范围。在这一步中,检查当前数据库和信息系统,分析作为开发项目主体的业务领域的本质,用非常一般的术语描述每个信息系统在开发时所需要的数据。每个项目只有当它达到组织的预期目标时才可以进行下一步。概念数据建模对一个已经开始的信息系统项目而言,概念数据建模阶段分析信息系





15、装处理数据库的程序。设计人员可以使用标准的编程语言(如cobol、c或visual basic)、专用的数据库处理语言(如sql),或专用的非过程化语言来编程,以产生固定格式的报表、显示结果,可能还包括图表。在实现阶段,还要完成所有的数据库文档,培训用户,为信息系统(和数据库)的用户安装程序。最后一步是利用现存的信息源(遗留应用中的文件和数据库以及现在需要的新数据)加载数据。加载数据的第一步经常是将数据从现存的文件和数据库中转到一种中间的格式(如二进制或文本文件),然后再将这些中间数据加载到新的数据库中。最后,运行数据库以及相关的应用以供实际的用户维护和检索数据。在运转期间,定期备份数据库,并

16、当数据库损坏或受到影响时恢复数据库。5、数据库维护数据库在数据库维护期间逐渐发展。在这一步,为了满足变化的业务条件,为了改正数据库设计的错误,或数据库应用的处理速度而增加、删除或改变数据库的结构特征。当一个程序或计算机发生故障而使数据库受到影响或损坏时也可能应该重建数据库。这一步通常是数据库开发过程中最长的一步,因为它持续数据库及相关应用的整个生命周期,每次数据库的发展都可看作一个简略的数据库开发过程,其中会出现概念数据建模、逻辑和物理数据库设计以及数据库实现以处理提出的变化。三、 数据库开发的三层模式体系结构在本文前面关于数据库开发过程的解释中提到了一个系统开发项目上建立的几个不同的、但是相

17、关的数据库视图或模型: 概念模式(在分析阶段建立)。 外部模式或用户视图(在分析阶段和逻辑设计阶段建立)。 物理模式或内部模式(在物理设计阶段建立)。图7描述了数据库这三个视图之间的关系,重要的是要记住,它们是同一个组织数据库的视图或模型。也就是说,每一个组织数据库都有一个物理模式、一个概念模式以及一个或多个用户视图。因此,三层模式体系结构用观察同一数据集的不同方式定义数据库。概念模式 关于全部数据库结构的、与技术无关的规格说明。概念模式定义了整个数据库而不涉及数据怎样存储在计算机的二级存储器中。通常,概念模式用实体-联系(e-r)图或对象建模符号这样的图形格式来描述,我们把这种类型的概念模式

18、称为数据模型。另外,概念模式的规格说明作为元数据存储在信息库或数据字典中。物理模式 包括概念模式的数据怎样存储在计算机二级存储器中的规格说明。对数据库分析员和设计人员来说,重要的是物理数据库(物理模式)的定义,它提供了关于分配和管理存储和访问的数据所在的物理二级存储器空间的数据库技术的全部规格说明。数据库开发和数据库技术是以数据库这三个模式间的区分为基础的。数据库开发项目的一个角色可能仅需处理与这三个视图中的一个相关的工作。例如,一个初学者可能设计用于一个或多个程序的外部模式,而一个有经验的开发者将设计物理模式或概念模式。数据库设计问题在不同的层次上有很大的不同。四、 三层数据库定位体系结构显



21、境,其中服务器上(称作数据库服务器或数据库引擎)的数据库软件执行来自客户工作站的数据库命令,每个客户的应用程序专注于它们的用户接口功能。实际上,整个概念数据库(以及访问这些数据库的应用处理例程)作为一个分布式数据库或单独但是相关的物理数据库而分布在本地的pc工作站、中间的服务器(工作组或部门)和一个中心服务器(部门或企业)上。简单地说,使用客户/服务器体系结构的原因是: 它可以在多个处理器上同时处理同一个应用,因此改善了应用的响应时间和数据处理速度。 它可以利用每个计算机平台最好的数据处理特性(如pc的高级用户界面与小型机和大型机的计算速度)。 可以混合使用各种客户端的技术(装配intel或m

22、otorola处理器的个人计算机、网络计算机、信息站等)和共享公共数据。另外,你可以在任何层改变技术而仅对其他层系统模块的影响很小。 能够使处理靠近需处理的数据源,从而改进响应时间并减少网络通信量。 它允许和鼓励接受开放系统标准。对于数据库开发而言,使用一个多层的客户/服务器体系结构开发数据库最有意义之处在于易于将数据库开发和维护数据库的模块与向最终用户表示数据库内容的信息系统模块分隔开。表示例程能够使用像powerbuilder、java和visual basic这样的语言来提供易于使用的图形化的用户界面。通过中间件,表示例程能够通过层间相互作用来访问例程,该例程访问所需数据并分析这些数据以

23、形成所需信息。作为一个数据库开发人员和程序员,你可以在这三层中的任何一层工作,开发必需的软件。c# and database development一、 the introduce of c#in one sense, c# can be seen as being the same thing to programming languages as .net is to the windows environment. just as microsoft has been adding more and more features to windows and the windows api

24、 over the past decade, visual basic and c+ have undergone expansion. although visual basic and c+ have ended up as hugely powerful languages as a result of this, both languages also suffer from problems due to the legacies of how they have evolved.in the case of visual basic 6 and earlier, the main

25、strength of the language was the fact that it was simple to understand and didnt make many programming tasks easy, largely hiding the details of the windows api and the com component infrastructure from the developer. the downside to this was that visual basic was never truly object-oriented, so tha

26、t large applications quickly become disorganized and hard to maintain. as well as this, because visual basics syntax was inherited from early versions of basic (which, in turn, was designed to be intuitively simple for beginning programmers to understand, rather than to write large commercial applic

27、ations), it didnt really lend itself to well-structured or object-oriented programs.c+, on the other hand, has its roots in the ansi c+ language definition. it isnt completely ansicompliant for the simple reason that microsoft first wrote its c+ compiler before the ansi definition had become officia

28、l, but it comes close. unfortunately, this has led to two problems. first, ansi c+ has its roots in a decade-old state of technology, and this shows up in a lack of support for modern concepts (such as unicode strings and generating xml documentation), and in some archaic syntax structures designed

29、for the compilers of yesteryear (such as the separation of declaration from definition of member functions). second, microsoft has been simultaneously trying to evolve c+ into a language that is designed for high-performance tasks on windows, and in order to achieve that theyve been forced to add a

30、huge number of microsoft-specific keywords as well as various libraries to the language. the result is that on windows, the language has become a complete mess. just ask c+ developers how many definitions for a string they can think of: char*, lptstr, string, cstring (mfc version), cstring (wtl vers

31、ion), wchar_t*, olechar*, and so on.now enter .neta completely new environment that is going to involve new extensions to both languages. microsoft has gotten around this by adding yet more microsoft-specific keywords to c+, and by completely revamping visual basic into visual basic .net, a language

32、 that retains some of the basic vb syntax but that is so different in design that we can consider it to be, for all practical purposes, a new language. its in this context that microsoft has decided to give developers an alternativea language designed specifically for .net, and designed with a clean

33、 slate. visual c# .net is the result. officially, microsoft describes c# as a “simple, modern, object-oriented, and type-safe programming language derived from c and c+.” most independent observers would probably change that to “derived from c, c+, and java.” such descriptions are technically accura

34、te but do little to convey the beauty or elegance of the language. syntactically, c# is very similar to both c+ and java, to such an extent that many keywords are the same, and c# also shares the same block structure with braces () to mark blocks of code, and semicolons to separate statements. the f

35、irst impression of a piece of c# code is that it looks quite like c+ or java code. behind that initial similarity, however, c# is a lot easier to learn than c+, and of comparable difficulty to java. its design is more in tune with modern developer tools than both of those other languages, and it has

36、 been designed to give us, simultaneously, the ease of use of visual basic, and the highperformance, low-level memory access of c+ if required. some of the features of c# are: full support for classes and object-oriented programming, including both interface and implementationinheritance, virtual fu

37、nctions, and operator overloading. a consistent and well-defined set of basic types. built-in support for automatic generation of xml documentation. automatic cleanup of dynamically allocated memory. the facility to mark classes or methods with user-defined attributes. this can be useful for documen

38、tationand can have some effects on compilation (for example, marking methods to becompiled only in debug builds). full access to the .net base class library, as well as easy access to the windows api (if youreally need it, which wont be all that often). pointers and direct memory access are availabl

39、e if required, but the language has been designedin such a way that you can work without them in almost all cases. support for properties and events in the style of visual basic. just by changing the compiler options, you can compile either to an executable or to a library of.net components that can

40、 be called up by other code in the same way as activex controls(com components). c# can be used to write asp.net dynamic web pages and xmlweb services.most of the above statements, it should be pointed out, do also apply to visual basic .net and managed c+. the fact that c# is designed from the star

41、t to work with .net, however, means that its support for the features of .net is both more complete, and offered within the context of a more suitable syntax than for those other languages. while the c# language itself is very similar to java, there are some improvements: in particular, java is not

42、designed to work with the .net environment.before we leave the subject, we should point out a couple of limitations of c#. the one area the language is not designed for is time-critical or extremely high performance codethe kind where you really are worried about whether a loop takes 1,000 or 1,050

43、machine cycles to run through, and you need to clean up your resources the millisecond they are no longer needed. c+ is likely to continue to reign supreme among low-level languages in this area. c# lacks certain key facilities needed for extremely high performance apps, including the ability to spe

44、cify inline functions and destructors that are guaranteed to run at particular points in the code. however, the proportions of applications that fall into this category are very low.二、 database development process based on information engineering information systems planning database is a source of

45、development projects. these new database development projects is usually in order to meet the strategic needs of organizations, such as improving customer support, improve product and inventory management, or a more accurate sales forecast. however, many more database development project is the bott

46、om-up approach emerging, such as information system user needs specific information to complete their work, thus beginning a project request, and as other information systems experts found that organizations need to improve data management and begin new projects. bottom-up even in the circumstances,

47、 to set up an enterprise data model is also necessary to understand the existing database can provide the necessary data, otherwise, the new database, data entities and attributes can be added to the current data resources to the organization. both the strategic needs or operational information need

48、s of each database development projects normally concentrated in a database. some projects only concentrated in the database definition, design and implementation of a database, as a follow-up to the basis of the development of information systems. however, in most cases, the database and associated

49、 information processing function as a complete information systems development project was part of the development. 1、 system development life cycle guide management information system development projects is the traditional process of system development life cycle (sdlc). system development life cy

50、cle is an organization of the database designers and programmers information system composed of the panel of experts detailed description, development, maintenance and replacement of the entire information system steps. this process is because waterfall than for every step into the adjacent the next

51、 step, that is, the information system is a specification developed by a piece of land, every piece of the output is under an input. however shown in the figure, these steps are not purely linear, each of the steps overlap in time (and thus can manage parallel steps), but when the need to reconsider

52、 previous decisions, but also to roll back some steps ahead. (and therefore water can be put back in the waterfall!) figure 4 on the system development life cycle and the purpose of each stage of the product can be delivered concise notes. the system development life cycle including each stage and d

53、atabase development-related activities, therefore, the question of database management systems throughout the entire development process. in figure 5 we repeat of the system development life cycle stage of the seven, and outlines the common database at each stage of development activities. please no

54、te that the systems development life cycle stages and database development steps一一对应exists between the relationship between the concept of modeling data in both systems development life cycle stages between. enterprise modeling database development process from the enterprise modeling (system develo

55、pment life cycle stage of the project feasibility studies, and to choose a part), organizations set the scope and general database content. enterprise modeling in information systems planning and other activities, these activities determine which part of information systems need to change and streng

56、then the entire organization and outlines the scope of data. in this step, check the current database and information systems, development of the project as the main areas of the nature of the business, with a very general description of each term in the development of information systems when neede

57、d data. each item only when it achieved the expected goals of organizations can be when the next step. conceptual data modeling one has already begun on the information system project, the concept of data modeling phase of the information systems needs of all the data. it is divided into two stages.

58、 first, it began the project in the planning stage and the establishment of a plan similar to figure 1. at the same time outlining the establishment of other documents to the existing database without considering the circumstances specific development projects in the scope of the required data. this

59、 category only includes high-level data (entities), and main contact. then in the system development life-cycle analysis stage must have a management information system set the entire organization details of the data model definition of all data attributes, listing all data types that all data inter-entity busin


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