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1、我们 在此为您服务! thethe bestbest serviceservice toto you!you! 本册包括入院服务指南及健康宣教二部分,入院服务指南 p4-p28 健康宣教 p29 p40 请您认真阅读本册 。 there are two parts of knowledge in this handbook: service guide p40-p85 and health education p86- p127. please read it detailed. 肿肿 瘤瘤 基基 因因 科科 入入 院院 服服 务务 指指 南南 肿瘤基因科入院服务指南目录肿瘤基因科入院服务指南

2、目录 科室简介:.4 出入院流程:.5 生活服务.6 温馨提示.7 患者每日医疗护理时刻表.9 肿瘤科常见操作告知.10 附页 1:病房配置物品清单.11 附页 2: 医院内营养食堂菜谱.12 附页 3:院外餐厅菜谱及定餐电话.16 附页 4 福奈特洗衣店地址、电话及服务项目.19 附页 5:其它便利服务.20 附页 6:北京旅游景点简介.21 附页 7:北京著名景点图及使馆周边地形图.23 附页 8: 北京四季天气变化表.25 附页 9:各航空公司地址及电话.26 附页 10:部分国家驻华使馆名录 27 科室简介: 欢迎您来到海淀医院肿瘤基因科。我科位于海淀医院东楼一段病房楼 9 层, 共有

3、病床 34 张。依托海淀医院齐全完善的检查、诊断和治疗设备,依托其多 学科、综合性的诊疗体系和良好的服务保障体统, 我们为寻求各种微创手术 (氩氦刀) 、放疗、化疗、基因、中医、热疗等综合治疗的恶性肿瘤病人提供优 质的服务和快速准确的诊治。 肿瘤科禀承“志在高远、求索创新、务实敬业、科学严谨”的发展理念和 国际化的发展目标,已建设起既有临床经验和科研能力,又有创新思维、富有 朝气,颇具实力的专家和骨干医疗护理队伍。 我们不仅把肿瘤科看作是生病就医的地方,而且把它作为一个保持健康、 增加对疾病和预防知识了解的好机会。 在您就诊海淀医院期间,我们期待着为您提供优质的医疗护理服务。欲知详 情,请拨打

4、电话86-10-82619999-0924或访问我们的网站:。 海淀医院肿瘤基因科地址海淀医院肿瘤基因科地址:北京市海淀区中关村大街 28 号 邮编:100081 海淀医院肿瘤基因科网站海淀医院肿瘤基因科网站: 海淀医院肿瘤基因科邮箱海淀医院肿瘤基因科邮箱: 肿瘤基因科主任办公室电话肿瘤基因科主任办公室电话:8610-62647420 传真:8610-62647420 邮箱: 肿瘤基因科护士长办公室电话肿瘤基因科护士长办公室电话:8610-82619999-0922 肿瘤基因科医生办公室电话肿瘤基因科医生办公室电话:8610-82619999-0925 肿瘤基因科护士站电话肿瘤基因科护士站电话

5、:8610-826199990924 8610-62646366 肿瘤基因科接待室电话肿瘤基因科接待室电话:8610-826199990926 出入院流程: 您到达北京后,会有一名肿瘤基因科的护士接机,并负责安排您与家人的住 宿。 在入院时您需要准备 50000 元人民币及护照,办理入院手续。陪同您的护士 会协助您办理外币兑换业务。入院的同时,您需要支付 100 元人民币作为病号服 的押金,1500 元人民币作为您在肿瘤基因科住院期间餐饮、上网、打印传真资料、 国际电话等生活预付金。 在出院前一天会有护士通知您,您需要在出院前办理电话、餐饮、住院等费 用结帐,并将人民币兑换成外币。如有需要,护

6、士可以帮您订机票,并确认回程 机票的时间。 结帐前:请您与病区核实以下事项:(1) 检查、治疗完成情况(2) 是否 带出院药(3) 费用明细、补交金额。 结帐时:接出院部通知后,请持押金条、有关证件、补交金额到出入院部办 理出院手续。 结帐后:带出院药者请到西楼一层药房出院带药处领取。 住院处:位于西楼一楼东侧。 办理出院时间:星期一至星期五 8:0016:30 节假日上午 8:0011:00 。 生活服务 1 1 vip 病房具备的生活设施:每个房间备有彩电、冰箱、电脑、饮水机(免费 提供矿泉水) 、水杯、洗漱用品、餐巾纸、卫生纸等,并开通 201 卡国际、国内 长途电话服务。如果您需要 2

7、01 卡,请到护士站购买。房间内的电话上附有使 用说明。房间配置物品清单见附页 1 2 2 您需要自备的生活用品:睡衣、餐具、电压转换器、中国移动电话 sim 卡等。 3 医院内的营养餐厅向您推荐营养丰富的中西餐、小食品 ,见附页 2 注*如需要,请您于 9:00 订餐,并告知责任护士。晚餐于 17:00 告知责 任护士,她会尽全力帮您解决饮食问题。 4 4 如果您需要洗衣,我们已与福奈特洗衣店联系,见附页 3 5 5 您需要提供电脑租用、打印、复印、传真等服务时。请向责任护士说明或写 在留言条上。价目如下: 电脑 租金每日 20 元 打印 a4 纸每张 5 元 复印 a4 纸每张 1 元 传

8、真 a4 纸每张 20 元 6 6 我们为您提供定宾馆、定车、定机票等服务。 温馨提示 1 为了您的健康和安全,入院期间未经医生许可不得私自外出。如遇特殊情况 需外出时,必须经过主管医生、护士长同意,并由患者或家属填写请假条,告 知值班护士为您锁门。 (假条在本册最后一页,需要时请拿出填写交给责任护士) 外出期间请您务必与医院保持通讯畅通,但是院外发生任何病情变化或其它意 外,一律由本人负责。医院不承担任何责任。谢谢您的合作! 2 桌子上有留言卡和笔。如果您需要我们的帮助,请具体地写下来,并注明时 间,我们会尽全力帮助您。 3床头的呼叫器便于您在有治疗护理需求时使用它,护士会及时满足您的需要。

9、 4病房内固定生活配置请爱惜使用,如有损害,照价赔偿。办理出院后,我们 会重新整理房间,请您及时与责任护士核对固定配置无误方可离开,尤其不要 将放置贵重物品的钥匙带走,以免给下一位患者使用带来不便。 5为了您的安全,请不要在病房内做饭。如需要加热食物,可使用我们为您配 置的微波炉或公用微波炉。 (公用微波炉放在接待室内,请您用后拔除电源,以 免引起火灾。 ) 6来医院后建议您购买一张中国移动电话 sim 卡,并将卡号写在留言卡上, 以便您外出时医生、护士随时与您取得联系,保证在院治疗顺利。 7静脉输液时,若感到任何不适,请您立即使用床头呼叫器,责任护士会为您 解决问题。如:疼痛、局部肿胀、液体

10、外渗、液体不滴。当药液还剩下 30 毫升 左右时,请您及时按呼叫器,以保证治疗护理顺利进行,避免意外发生。 8在中国民用电压是 220 伏,如果与您的电器需求不符,建议您携带一个电压 转换器。 9在您出院前 2 日请将剩余的人民币兑换成外币,以免造成不必要的麻烦。 10 住院押金的使用是一个递减的过程,由电脑管理系统生成,一旦临界于 1000 元的时候会出现提示,医院的计算机系统将不再给相关科室继续发送您的 治疗、检查、护理信息,所以务必请您及时补充住院费用,以保证得到最完善 的治疗护理。关于费用信息可以咨询护士站的主班护士或您的主管医生和责任 护士。 11 中国的传统节日是:元旦 1 月 1

11、 日到 1 月 3 日 政府放假 3 天 春节 1 月底或 2 月初 政府放假 7 天 劳动节 5 月 1 日到 5 月 7 日 政府放假 7 天 国庆节 10 月 1 日到 7 日 政府放假 7 天 虽然节假日期间我们有 24 小时值班的医生和护士随时保证您在院期间的治 疗护理,但是节假日期间会有一些公司、政府部门放假,如银行、邮局、使馆 等。如果您有相关公司的服务,请提前做好准备。以免给您的生活、回程造成 不必要的麻烦。 患者每日医疗护理时刻表 新患者:新患者: 1 在您入院当天,护士会为您测生命体征、体重、身高,并询问您的简单病史。 2 在入院后根据医嘱进行相关检查。检查前一天护士会通知

12、您次日晨不要吃任 何东西(食物、水、药物) 3 6:00:会有护士为您留取血、尿、便、痰等标本,同时进行需要的护理治 疗。请您将尿、便、痰标本放在病房指定的位置,以方便工作人员及时送检。 (放置位置:公用的污物间内的小桌上) 4 6:30:夜班护士会协助您整理床单位,请您配合。如仍未醒,夜班护士将 会给下一位病人整理床位。 5 8:0011:00 或 13:0015:00: 我们会为您安排 x 线、b 超、心电 图、ct、mri 等常规检查。检查时责任护士会告知您注意事项,并安排护工带 您去,检查结束,等待护工送您回病房。 6 您的主管医生会为您进行体格检查,请您准备以前的检查治疗报告(如:

13、ct、mri 等)及病历。 每天治疗安排:每天治疗安排: 1 6:00:护士会为您测体温、进行晨间治疗。 2 8:0011:00 或 13:0015:00:是我们为您提供治疗护理的时间,请 您不要离开病房。 3 14:00:护士为您测试体温、脉搏、呼吸、血压,并询问大便次数(前一天 14:00当天 14:00) ,了解您身体的基本情况。16:00 左右护士会告诉您第 二天的治疗安排,请您不要离开。18:00 您将接受晚间治疗和护理,值班医生 和护士会定时查房。 4 夜间休息时,请您不要反锁房门,每 2 小时护士都会查房,查房时不会影响 您的正常睡眠和休息。医院内的保安 24 小时值班,您不必担

14、心您的人身安全。 肿瘤科常见操作告知 在您住院期间护士将为您提供优质的护理操作服务。并在操作过程中为您 做出相关的解释,最大限度的消除您心中的疑虑。现将我科一些常见操作介绍 如下: 1 留置针穿刺:住院期间,输液时我们会为您使用留置针,可以保留 5 天,让 您减少每天穿刺的痛苦。 2 吸氧:治疗过程中,根据病情需要,护士会为您吸氧,有利于缓解您的缺氧 症状,促进疾病早日康复。 3 雾化吸入:为预防肺部感染,护士会给您做雾化吸入,起到稀释痰液、促进 排痰的作用。 4 导尿:住院期间如果病情需要,护士会为您放置导尿管,以利于将膀胱内尿 液引出,解除尿潴留。 5 放置胃管:当您出现经口进食困难时,为

15、保证您的营养得到补充,护士会为 您放置一根胃管,各种营养物质将会以流质形式注入到你的胃中,保证 每日营养供给。 6 picc、静脉输液港、锁骨下静脉穿刺:当您需要每天输液,又有大量的化 疗药时,为了减少静脉穿刺的次数和减轻药物对血管的刺激,我们将会 给您作此项操作。 7 胸腔穿刺、腹腔穿刺:当您的病情需要,给您抽胸水或留取标本时,我们会 为您作此项操作。 8 腰穿、骨穿:当您的病情需要进一步诊断或留取标本时,我们会根据病情作 腰穿或骨穿。 仪器使用仪器使用 1、多参数心电监护仪:当您病情出现变化或治疗需要时,护士会遵医嘱为您使 用心电监护仪,全面监测您的生命体征。 2、微量注射泵、输液泵:治疗

16、过程中,有些药物为了保证用药的连续性和精确 度,护士会遵医嘱为您使用微量注射泵。 附页 1:病房配置物品清单 电动床 1 个(软枕 1 个,硬枕 1 个,被子 1 个,床垫 1 个) 普通床 1 个 (软枕 1 个,硬枕 1 个,被子 1 个,床垫 1 个) 被单 2 个 被套 2 个 枕套 4 个 病号服 2 套 床头桌 2 个 移动餐桌 1 个 软椅 2 个 多功能柜 1 个(钥匙 2 把) 冰箱 1 个 电脑 1 个(主机,显示器,摄像头,耳麦,网线,插销板,5 根线) 饮水机 1 台 桶一个 彩电 1 台(遥控器 1 个,闭路电视线 1 个) 插卡式电话机 1 个 玻璃茶杯 2 个 衣

17、架 4 个 浴室内物品(可带走):浴巾 2 个,毛巾 2 个,拖鞋 2 双,漱口杯 2 个,牙刷 2 个,牙膏 1 个 ,香皂 1 个,香皂盒 1 个,浴液 200 毫 升,洗发水 200 毫升,卫生纸 2 卷(随时可要) ,餐巾纸 2 盒 病房内固定配置请爱惜使用,如有损害,照价赔偿。出院时请 与责任护士核对固定配置无误方可离开,尤其不要将钥匙带走,以 免给我们带来不便。 附页 2: 医院内营养食堂菜谱及院外餐馆菜谱 welcome to our cafeteria! it is our pleasure to provide the following delicious dishes f

18、or you, and we can also make it according to your taste. our objective: satisfactory service, patients first! we heartily welcome comments and suggestions from you. 1.stir-fried shrimps 清炒虾仁 20.00 2.soft frittered shrimps 软炸虾仁20.00 3.shrimps with tomato sauce 番茄虾仁20.00 4.braised prawns 油焖大虾28.00 5.d

19、iced chicken with chili and peanuts 宫爆鸡丁14.00 6.diced chicken with cashew nuts 腰果鸡丁18.00 7.braised beef with potato cubes 土豆烧牛肉20.00 8.sauted beef with bitter cucumber 苦瓜炒牛肉20.00 9.stir-fried pork and egg 木须肉16.00 10. soft frittered pork fillet 软炸里脊16.00 11. braised pork chops 红烧排骨20.00 12. pork fil

20、let with special sauce 京酱里脊丝16.00 13. stir-fried diced pork 酱爆肉丁15.00 14. diced pork with chili 辣子肉丁8.00 15. cabbage with sweet and sour sauce 醋溜白菜10.00 16. braised eggplant 烧茄子10.00 17. winter melon with preserved shrimp 海米冬瓜14.00 18. braised bean curd, japan style 红烧日本豆腐14.00 19. fried minced meat

21、 with beans 肉末干煸扁豆12.00 20. braised chicken slices 红烧鸡块18.00 21. deep-fried chicken slices 炸鸡排18.00 22. braised chicken wings 红烧鸡翅18.00 23. sauted chicken shreds in sauce 溜鸡丝14.00 24. chicken cubes in brown sauce 酱爆鸡丁 14.00 25. braised beef 红烧牛肉 24.00 26. beef with oyster sauce 蚝油牛肉 20.00 27. sliced

22、 pork with chili pepper 水煮肉 18.00 28. sauted pork 溜肉片 14.00 29. sweet and sour pork fillet 糖醋里脊 16.00 30. pork fillet with gravy 滑溜里脊丝 16.00 31. stir-fried preserved pork with celery 腊肉炒西芹 15.00 32. shredded pork with garlic sprouts 肉丝蒜苗 12.00 33. shredded pork with water rice 肉丝茭白 12.00 34. pork sl

23、ices with lettuce 肉片青笋 14.00 35. sauted pork slices with beans 肉片炒扁豆 16.00 36. sauted pork shreds and bamboo shoots 冬笋肉丝 16.00 37. sweet and sour pork with spinach 菠萝古老肉 16.00 38. stir-fried preserved pork with beans 腊肉炒荷兰 10.00 39. potato shreds with pepper 尖椒土豆丝 10.00 40. potato shreds 土豆丝 8.00 41

24、. sweet and sour pork fillet 糖醋里脊 16.00 42. pork fillet with gravy 滑溜里脊丝 16.00 43. stir-fried preserved pork with celery 腊肉炒西芹 15.00 menu of nutrient cafeteria welcome to our cafeteria! it is our pleasure to provide the following delicious dishes for you, and we can also make it according to your ta

25、ste. our objective: satisfactory service, patients first! we heartily welcome comments and suggestions from you. 早餐 1.咖啡(杯)coffee ¥6.00 2.牛奶(合)milk(little box) ¥5.00 3.香蕉 banana¥3.00 4.巧克力奶 chocolate milk ¥5.00 5.黄油butter ¥4.00 6.煮鸡蛋(个) boiled egg ¥2.00 7.煎鸡蛋(个) fried egg¥3.00 8.炒鸡蛋(份) scrambled egg

26、¥5.00 9.红橙汁(杯) orange juice¥10.00 10.火腿片 ham slice¥8.00 11.奶酪 cheese¥4.00 12.小面包 bread¥3.00 中餐 1.宫保鸡丁 diced chicken with chili and peanuts¥18.00 2.番茄牛肉片beef slices with tomato¥25.00 3. 蔬菜沙拉 vegetable salad¥18.00 4.蛋炒饭 fried rice with egg¥15.00 5.三明治 sandwich¥10.00 6.炸薯条(份) french fries ¥8.00 7.牛肉面(碗

27、)beef noodles¥18.00 8.香蕉 banana¥3.00 9.鸡排(块)chicken steak¥15.00 10.清蒸鱼 steamed fresh fish¥22.00 11.素炒西兰花stir-fired italian broccoli¥15.00 12.香肠蔬菜沙拉 sausage you should check the goods with our nurses promptly. especially, remember: never get the key away. it will take the next patient inconvenient. 6

28、for your safety, do not cook in the ward. if you need heat the food, please use the microwave oven. (the public microwave oven is in the reception room. please plug out the power for keeping the fire away.) 7after you come to china, please buy a chinese mobile telephone card and tell the nurse your

29、chinese telephone number, to the effect that we can contact conveniently. 8any uncomfortable when venous transfusion, please open the call button at the head of the bed. the nurse will help you at once. when the liquid is lower of 30ml, please open the call button. this will avoid the accident. 9the

30、 civil voltage in china is 220v, which is different from western countries. if you bring some electric implements with you, please take an electric transformer. 10 please exchange the spare china rmb to foreign money in the last two days in hospital. 11 its a reduced procedure for deposit. the patie

31、nts information is stored in computer system. when it is low from 1000rm, the system will not send your treatment information to related department. so please supply the deposit in time. for the detail information about your fee, you could ask the doctors and nurses on duty. 12 chinese festival: new

32、 year: 1th jan. to 3th jan. 3 days free spring festival the end of jan. to the beginning of feb. 7 days free may day 1thmay. to 7th may. 7 days free national day 1th oct. to 7th oct. 7 days free in holiday days, some companies such as banks, post offices will not on duty. if you have business in the

33、se companies, please finish them before the holidays. daily nursing and treatment new inpatient: 1 in the first day of hospitalization, the nurse will check your physical symptom, weight, height, and your medical history. 2 follow the doctors advice to do the related examines. since the day before c

34、hecking day, do not eat anything, including food, water and medicine. 3 at 6:00 in the morning, the nurses will take the sample for test, such as blood, urine, stool and phlegm. please put the sample on the public desk. 4 at 6:30 in the morning, the nurse on night duty will help you arrange the bed

35、sheet for you. if the patient is still in sleep, the nurses will arrange for the next patient. 5 8:0011:00 or 13:0015:00, the doctor will arrange you to have all kinds of test: x ray, b ultrasonic waves, electrocardiogram, ct, mriwhen the patient tests, the nurse will explain to you the notice. afte

36、r testing, nurse will take you back. 6 your doctor would have healthcare test for you. please prepare the history treatment report. daily treatment arrangement: 1 at 6:30 in the morning, the nurse will test body temperature for you and have the morning treatment. 2 from 8:00 to 11:00 or 13:00 to 15:

37、00, it is the time in which we provide treatment. please stay in the ward. 3 at 14:00 in the afternoon, nurse tests body temperature, pulse, breath, and blood pressure and ask about the stool frequency (since 14:00 in last day to 14:00 current day). the test could get to know your body basic informa

38、tion. at 16:00, nurse will tell you the treatment arrange in the next day, please do not leave. at 18:00, you will get night treatment. the doctors and nurses will make the rounds of the wards. 4 when you have rest at night, please do not lock the door. the nurse will make the rounds of the wards ev

39、ery two hours. this will not influence your sleep. the ensure public security is on duty for 24 hours; so do not worry about the safety. treatment guide in the department of surgical oncology our quality commitment of “best outcome, best experience” underlines our promise to deliver the best possibl

40、e care to our patients. we will provide you with excellent curing and nursing service, explain all the operation to you to get rid of your worry. 1、reservation trocar:we will put a trocar in your vein which can function at least five days. it will not only help medicine to be easily injected into yo

41、ur vein, but also reduce the pain caused by inserting the needle into your vein each time. 2、oxygen inhale: during the curing process, nurses will let you inhale oxygen according to your situation. it will alleviate your lake of oxygen and accelerate curing process. 3、 atomization inhale: for perver

42、t your lung infection, nurses will give you atomization inhale which can function at diluted the phlegm and accelerate expel from. 4、 urine lead:during the curing process,if you need nurses will put the tube in your body according to your condition to discharge urine and relieve retention. 5、 gastri

43、c tube: if you have difficult to eat, the nurse will insert a tube from nose to stomach so the nutrition can be send into you body in liquid form. 6、 picc、port、clavicular venipuncture:if you have to get injection as well as chemotherapy everyday. we will treat you this way to reduce the times of inj

44、ection and side effect of the medicine. 7、 chest puncture:we will take this operation to get chest water or sample if needed。 8、 waist puncture、medullary puncture:we will perform this operation when we take further diagnosis or get sample. 9、chemotherapy、radiotherapy、heat-treatment:we will take this

45、 comprehensive treatment according to your situation. it can bring a better with gene treatment. use of apparatus 1、multi-data cardio-electric monitor: when your situation is not stable, nurse will use it to monitor your vital sign under the doctors order. 2、minus-quantity injection pump: this equip

46、ment can ensure medicine injected successively and accurately appendix 1 ward equipments television 1 refrigerator 1 microwave oven 1 computer machine 1 water dispenser 1 international telephone 1 appendix 2: menu of nutrient cafeteria welcome to our cafeteria! it is our pleasure to provide the foll

47、owing delicious dishes for you, and we can also make it according to your taste. our objective: satisfactory service, patients first! we heartily welcome comments and suggestions from you. 1stir-fried shrimps 清炒虾仁 20.00 2soft frittered shrimps 软炸虾仁20.00 3shrimps with tomato sauce 番茄虾仁20.00 4braised

48、prawns 油焖大虾28.00 5diced chicken with chili and peanuts 宫爆鸡丁14.00 6diced chicken with cashew nuts 腰果鸡丁18.00 7braised beef with potato cubes 土豆烧牛肉20.00 8sauted beef with bitter cucumber 苦瓜炒牛肉20.00 9stir-fried pork and egg 木须肉16.00 10 soft frittered pork fillet 软炸里脊16.00 11 braised pork chops 红烧排骨20.00

49、 12 pork fillet with special sauce 京酱里脊丝16.00 13 stir-fried diced pork 酱爆肉丁15.00 14 diced pork with chili 辣子肉丁8.00 15 cabbage with sweet and sour sauce 醋溜白菜10.00 16 braised eggplant 烧茄子10.00 17 winter melon with preserved shrimp 海米冬瓜14.00 18 braised bean curd, japan style 红烧日本豆腐14.00 19 fried minced

50、 meat with beans 肉末干煸扁豆12.00 20 braised chicken slices 红烧鸡块18.00 21 deep-fried chicken slices 炸鸡排18.00 22 braised chicken wings 红烧鸡翅18.00 23 sauted chicken shreds in sauce 溜鸡丝14.00 24 chicken cubes in brown sauce 酱爆鸡丁 14.00 25 braised beef 红烧牛肉 24.00 26 beef with oyster sauce 蚝油牛肉 20.00 27 sliced po

51、rk with chili pepper 水煮肉 18.00 28 sauted pork 溜肉片 14.00 29 sweet and sour pork fillet 糖醋里脊 16.00 30 pork fillet with gravy 滑溜里脊丝 16.00 31 stir-fried preserved pork with celery 腊肉炒西芹 15.00 32 shredded pork with garlic sprouts 肉丝蒜苗 12.00 33 shredded pork with water rice 肉丝茭白 12.00 34 pork slices with

52、lettuce 肉片青笋 14.00 35 sauted pork slices with beans 肉片炒扁豆 16.00 36 sauted pork shreds and bamboo shoots 冬笋肉丝 16.00 37 sweet and sour pork with spinach 菠萝古老肉 16.00 38 stir-fried preserved pork with beans 腊肉炒荷兰 10.00 39 potato shreds with pepper 尖椒土豆丝 10.00 40 potato shreds 土豆丝 8.00 41 sweet and sour

53、pork fillet 糖醋里脊 16.00 42 pork fillet with gravy 滑溜里脊丝 16.00 43 stir-fried preserved pork with celery 腊肉炒西芹 15.00 menu of nutrient cafeteria welcome to our cafeteria! it is our pleasure to provide the following delicious dishes for you, and we can also make it according to your taste. our objective:

54、 satisfactory service, patients first! we heartily welcome comments and suggestions from you. breakfast 1.咖啡(杯)coffee ¥6.00 2.牛奶(合)milk(little box) ¥5.00 3.香蕉 banana¥3.00 4.巧克力奶 chocolate milk ¥5.00 5.黄油butter ¥4.00 6.煮鸡蛋(个) boiled egg ¥2.00 7.煎鸡蛋(个) fried egg¥3.00 8.炒鸡蛋(份) scrambled egg¥5.00 9.红橙汁(

55、杯) orange juice¥10.00 10.火腿片 ham slice¥8.00 11.奶酪 cheese¥4.00 12.小面包 bread¥3.00 lunch 1.宫保鸡丁 diced chicken with chili and peanuts¥18.00 2.番茄牛肉片beef slices with tomato¥25.00 3. 蔬菜沙拉 vegetable salad¥18.00 4.蛋炒饭 fried rice with egg¥15.00 5.三明治 sandwich¥10.00 6.炸薯条(份)french fries ¥8.00 7.牛肉面(碗)beef nood

56、les¥18.00 8.香蕉 banana¥3.00 9.鸡排(块)chicken steak¥15.00 10.清蒸鱼 steamed fresh fish¥22.00 11.素炒西兰花stir-fired italian broccoli¥15.00 12.香肠蔬菜沙拉 sausage people visit the graves of their dearly departed relatives and clean their gravesites. they often burn ghost money (for use in the afterworld) for the dep

57、arted. it falls on 5 april in the gregorian calendar in most years; 4 april in leap years. the mid-autumn festival is also known as the moon festival and is the time families gather to eat tasty moon cakes. the festival takes place on the 15th day of the 8th moon (around september or october). publi

58、c holidays 1 may - international labour day 4 may - youth day 8 mar - international working womens day jan/feb - chinese new year 1 jan - new years day 1 jun - childrens day 1 aug - anniversary of the founding of the pla 1 july - anniversary of the founding of the chinese communist party 1 oct - nat

59、ional day attractions forbidden city the forbidden city, off-limits to most of the world for 500 years, is the best preserved cluster of ancient buildings in china. the old world of beautiful concubines and priapic emperors, ball-breaking (and broken) eunuchs and conspicuous wealth still hovers arou

60、nd the lush gardens, courtyards, pavilions and great halls of the palace. most of the buildings are post-18th century; there have been periodic losses due to an injudicious mix of lantern festivals and gobi winds, invading manchus and, in this century, pillaging and looting by both the japanese forc


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