1、传输控制协议和网际协议的研究与应用一、 简介作为 internet 的网络协议, tcp/ip 的成功在很大程度上归功于它将不同大小的网络和不同类型的系统连接在一起的能力。这些网络被强制定义为具有预定义大小的三个主要类(还有其他一些类别),每一类都可以由系统管理员分成更小的子网。子网掩码用于将 ip 地址分成两个部分。一部分标识主机(计算机),另一部分标识它所属的网络。查看 ip(internet 协议)地址并研究它的组织方式可以帮助您更好地理解 ip 地址和子网掩码的工作方式。在 microsoft windows 计算机上配置 tcp/ip 协议时, tcp/ip 配置设置中需要 ip 地
2、址和子网掩码,通常还需要一个默认网关。要正确配置 tcp/ip ,有必要了解 tcp/ip 网络的寻址方式以及网络和子网的划分方式。本文旨在对 ip 网络和子网的概念进行一般性介绍。本文结尾包含一个术语表。ip 地址包括网络和主机,它是一个 32 位数字,它唯一地标识 tcp/ip 网络上的主机(计算机或其他设备,如打印机或路由器)。ip 地址通常以点分十进制格式表示,四个数字由句点分隔,例如。要了解子网掩码如何用于区分不同的主机、网络和子网,请查看以二进制表示的 ip 地址。例如,点分十进制 ip 地址 在二进制表示法中为 32
3、 位数字:110000000101000111101110000100此数字的含义可能很难理解,因此它被分成四个部分,每个部分有八个二进制数字。这些八位部分称为八位组。示例 ip 地址于是变成:11000000.10101000.01111011.10000100。此数字表示的含义只是稍微明白了一点,因此在大多数应用中,会将二进制地址转换为点分十进制格式 (。点分十进制数字是从二进制转换为十进制表示法的八位组。二、 ip的基本工作原理作为参考,请记住,ip是tcp/ip整套协议中的一个协议。tcp完成开放系统互连(osi)模型中传输层,即第四层的功能。它的主要责
5、附近的,并已被预先分配给发送者。如果发送端站确定目的地址不在本地,该包就被送到第一跳路由器,一般来说,该路由器是在附近的,并已被预先分配给发送者。该路由器检查包的ip地址,查找路由表,看看目的端点是否位于本地(物理位置)网络,它通常叫做ip子网,ip子网一般被分配到路由器的每个网络接口上。如果目的ip地址为本地的,该路由器就搜寻存储着ip地址和本地设备介质访问控制(mac)地址的内部存储器,这个存储器叫做地址分辨协议(arp)高速缓存。arp是把ip地址映射到mac地址的通用工具。如果目的地的mac地址出现了,该路由器就把这个mac地址装进包的报头中(取掉自己的mac 地址,因为不再需要它了)
6、,把该包送到目的端站。万一目的地的mac地址没有出现在arp高速缓存中(例如,有可能超时了),路由器必须向与包的目的ip地址有关的子网广播一个arp请求,拥有此ip地址的端站就作出响应,把mac地址发送回去,路由器因此更新高速缓存,把新的mac地址装进包的报头并发送该包。如果查找路由表显示包的目的地不在本地子网,路由器就利用下一跳路由器的mac地址把包转发给下一跳路由器。路由表由智能发现协议,如路由信息协议或者开放最短路径优先协议,不断地被建立和再建立。每个路由器的路由表显示了到达目的地址的最佳路径,对于要有几跳的地址,它显示出最佳的下一跳路由器。为了让 tcp/ip 广域网 (wan) 以一
7、个网络集的形式高效工作,在网络间传递数据包的路由器并不知道信息包的目标主机的确切位置。路由器只知道主机是哪一个网络的成员,并使用存储在路由表中的信息来确定如何将数据包送达目标主机的网络。当数据包被传送到目标网络后,该数据包就会被传送到相应的主机。为了让此过程顺利进行, ip 地址分为两个部分。 ip 地址的前一部分作为网络地址,后一部分作为主机地址。以 为例,将它分为这两个部分之后,会得到:(192.168.123.网络,.132主机)或(网络地址,主机地址)。三、 子网掩码子网掩码是 tcp/ip 正常工作所必需的。
8、tcp/ip 协议使用子网掩码确定主机是在本地子网中还是在远程网络中。在 tcp/ip 中,将哪部分 ip 地址用作网络地址和主机地址并不固定,所以除非您掌握详细的信息,否则无法确定上述网络地址和主机地址。此信息在另一个 32 位数字中提供,称为子网掩码。在本例中,子网掩码为。如果您不知道二进制表示法中的 255 等于 11111111,可能并不清楚该数字表示的含义;照此分析,子网掩码为:11111111.11111111.11111111.0000000。将 ip 地址和子网掩码排列在一起比较,就可以分清该地址的网络部分和主机部分:11000000.1010100
9、0.01111011.10000100-ip 地址(子网掩码(前24位(子网掩码中的数字1)被标识为网络地址,后8位(子网掩码中剩余的数字0)被标识为主机地址。据此可以得到:11000000.10101000.01111011.00000000-网络地址(主机地址(这样,我们就可以知道,在这个使用 子网掩码
10、的示例中,网络id为192.168.123.0,主机地址为0.0.0.132。当数据包到达192.168.123.0子网(从本地子网或远程网络),而且它的目标地址为192.168.123.132时,您的计算机将从网络接收它并对它进行处理。几乎所有十进制子网掩码都转换为左侧全部是一、右侧全部是零的二进制数字。其他一些常见的子网掩码有:十进制 二进制255.255.255.192 1111111.11111111.1111111.11000000255.255.255.224 1111111.11111111.1111111.11100000internet rfc 1878 描述了 tcp/ip
11、 网络中使用的有效子网和子网掩码。四、 网络类internet地址由管理internet的机构inter nic来分配。这些ip地址分成若干类。其中最常见的是 a、b 和 c 类。也有 d 和 e类,但是最终用户通常不会使用。每个地址类都有不同的默认子网掩码。可以通过查看 ip 地址的第一个八位组来识别该 ip 地址的类别。下面是 a、b 和 c 类 internet 地址的范围,每一类地址都有一个示例:a 类网络使用的默认子网掩码为255.0.0.0,第一个八位组为0-127。地址10.52.36.11就是一个a类地址。它的第一个八位组为10,介于1至126之间(包括1和126)。b 类网络
12、使用的默认子网掩码为255.255.0.0,第一个八位组为128-191。地址172.16.52.63就是一个b类地址。它的第一个八位组为172,介于128至191之间(包括128和191)。c 类网络使用的默认子网掩码为255.255.255.0,第一个八位组为192-223。地址192.168.123.132 就是一个c类地址。它的第一个八位组为192,介于192至223之间(包括192和223)。在某些情况下,由于网络的物理拓扑或因为网络(或主机)的数目在默认的子网掩码限制之下并不适用,所以默认子网掩码值可能不适合机构的需要。下一部分将解释如何使用子网掩码划分网络。五、 子网配置系统管理
13、员可以进一步划分a、b或c类tcp/ip网络或对这些网络进行子网配置。当您将 internet 的逻辑地址结构(ip地址和子网的抽象世界)与真实世界中使用的物理网络进行协调时,就有必要进行子网配置。接受ip地址块分配的系统管理员可以用轻松符合这些地址的方式管理未经组织的网络。例如,您有一个广域网,在该广域网中,tcp/ip 路由器连接的三个网络(位于不同城市)中有 150 个主机。这三个网络中的每个网络都有50个主机。向您分配了c类网络192.168.123.0。(此地址是为了便于说明,实际上来自internet中未分配的范围。)这意味着可以将地址192.168.123.1至192.168.1
15、网络中使用一个地址块的子网。在此情况下,使用使网络地址更大和可能的主机地址范围更小的子网掩码将网络分成四个子网。也就是说,您正在“借用”某些通常用于主机地址的位,并将它们用于地址的网络部分。子网掩码 给予您四个网络,每个网络有62个主机。由于用二进制表示255.255.255.192与 1111111.11111111.1111111.11000000 相同,所以此操作可以顺利进行。最后一个八位组的前两位数字变为网络地址,所以您获得了附加网络00000000(0)、01000000(64)、10000000 (128)和11000000(192)。(某些管理员只
17、,所以您不能使用最后一个八位组为0、63、64、127、128、191、192或255的地址。现在,看两个主机地址 和,您就会了解其原理。如果使用默认 c 类子网掩码,则这两个地址都位于 网络中。但是,如果使用子网掩码,则它们位于不同网络中; 位于 网络中, 位于 网络中。六、 默认网关如果tcp/ip计算机需要与另一个网络中的
18、主机进行通信,它通常通过称为路由器的设备进行通信。在tcp/ip术语中,主机中指定的、用于将主机子网链接到其他网络的路由器称为默认网关。本节解释tcp/ip如何确定是否将数据包发送到其默认网关以到达网络中的另一台计算机或设备。当主机尝试使用tcp/ip与另一个设备进行通信时,它会使用已定义的子网掩码和目标 ip 地址针对子网掩码和其自己的ip地址进行比较。此结果会告诉计算机目标是本地主机还是远程主机。如果此过程的结果确定目标是本地主机,则计算机只将数据包发送到本地子网。如果比较结果确定目标是远程主机,则计算机将数据包转发到其tcp/ip属性中定义的默认网关。然后,路由器负责将数据包转发到正确的
19、子网。七、 疑难解答tcp/ip网络问题通常是由计算机的tcp/ip属性中三个主要条目的错误配置导致的。了解tcp/ip配置中的错误如何影响网络操作后,您可以解决许多常见tcp/ip问题。错误的子网掩码:如果网络将默认掩码外的其他子网掩码用于其地址类,而客户端仍使用该地址类的默认子网掩码进行配置,则可以与远程网络进行通信但无法与某些附近网络进行通信。例如,如果创建四个子网(例如在子网配置示例中),但是在tcp/ip配置中使用错误的子网掩码255.255.255.0,则主机将无法确定某些计算机是否在与它们自己的子网不同的子网中。当发生此情况时,发送到作为相同c类地址一部分的不同物理网络中的主机的
21、地址已用完,还可使用一些解决方案进行处理,但已超出本文范围。错误的默认网关:使用错误的默认网关配置的计算机能够与其自己网段中的主机进行通信,但是无法与某些或全部远程网络中的主机进行通信。如果一个物理网络有多个路由器,且将错误的路由器配置为默认网关,则主机能够与某些远程网络进行通信,但是无法与其他远程网络进行通信。如果组织中有一个路由器连接到内部tcp/ip网络,另一个路由器连接到 internet,则此问题很常见。八、 参考tcp/ip 中的两个常用参考是:“tcp/ip illustrated, volume 1:the protocols”,richard stevens、addison
22、wesley,1994“internetworking with tcp/ip, volume 1:principles, protocols, and architecture”,douglas e. comer、prentice hall,1995极力建议负责tcp/ip网络的系统管理员至少使用其中一个参考。九、 术语表广播地址-主机部分全部为一的ip地址。主机-tcp/ip网络中的计算机或其他设备。internet - 连接在一起并共享公共范围的ip地址的全球网络集合。inter nic-负责管理internet中的ip地址的机构。ip-用于在tcp/ip网络或internet上发送网络
23、数据包的网络协议。ip地址-tcp/ip网络或internet主机的唯一32位地址。网络-在本文中,“网络”一词有两种含义。一种含义是指单一物理网段上的计算机组,另一种含义是指系统管理员分配的ip网络地址范围。网络地址 - 主机部分全部为零的ip地址。八位组-一个8位数字,4个八位组构成一个32位ip地址。它们的范围是 00000000-11111111,对应于十进制值0-255。数据包-通过tcp/ip网络或广域网传输的数据单位。rfc(request for comment,征求意见文件)-用于定义internet标准的文档。路由器-在不同ip网络间传输网络通信的设备。子网掩码-一个32位
24、数字,用于区分ip地址的网络部分和主机部分。子网-通过将较大的网络分成相等的部分而创建的较小网络。tcp/ip - 通常在 internet 和大型网络中广泛使用的协议、标准和实用工具的集合。广域网(wan)-大型网络,它是路由器分隔的较小网络的集合。例如,internet就是一个非常大的广域网。the research and application on transmission control protocol and internet protocolone) introductionthe success of tcp/ip as the network protocol of th
25、e internet is largely because of its ability to connect together networks of different sizes and systems of different types. these networks are arbitrarily defined into three main classes (along with a few others) that have predefined sizes, each of which can be divided into smaller subnetworks by s
26、ystem administrators. a subnet mask is used to divide an ip address into two parts. one part identifies the host (computer), the other part identifies the network to which it belongs. to better understand how ip addresses and subnet masks work, look at an ip (internet protocol) address and see how i
27、t is organized.when you configure the tcp/ip protocol on a microsoft windows computer, an ip address, subnet mask, and usually a default gateway are required in the tcp/ip configuration settings.to configure tcp/ip correctly, it is necessary to understand how tcp/ip networks are addressed and divide
28、d into networks and subnetworks. this article is intended as a general introduction to the concepts of ip networks and subnetting. a glossary is included at the end of article.ip addresses included networks and hosts, an ip address is a 32-bit number that uniquely identifies a host (computer or othe
29、r device, such as a printer or router) on a tcp/ip networkip addresses are normally expressed in dotted-decimal format, with four numbers separated by periods, such as to understand how subnet masks are used to distinguish between hosts, networks, and subnetworks, examine an ip addr
30、ess in binary notation. for example, the dotted-decimal ip address is (in binary notation) the 32 bit number:110000000101000111101110000100this number may be hard to make sense of, so divide it into four parts of eight binary digits. these eight bit sections are known as octets.the e
31、xample ip address, then, becomes 11000000.10101000.01111011.10000100. this number only makes a little more sense, so for most uses, convert the binary address into dotted-decimal format ( the decimal numbers separated by periods are the octets converted from binary to decimal notati
32、on.two) the basic working principle of internet protocolas a point of referenced, bear in mind that ip is a member of the tcp/ip protocol suite. tcp functions at the open systems interconnection(osi)transport layer, or layer 4.its chief responsibility is to ensure reliable endtoend connectivity. ip,
33、 located one layer down, at the osi network layer, or layer 3, communicates the addresses of each packet/s sender and receiver to the routers along the way. routers and layer 3 switches can read ip and other layer 3 protocols .this information, combined with routing tables and other network intellig
34、ence, is all it takes to get across the room or around the world via tcp/ip.the routing process begins with an ip address that is unique to the sending end station .end stations may be assigned permanent ip addresses or they may borrow them as needed from a dynamic host configuration protocol(dhcp)s
35、erver or other service. each packet carries a source address, which under current(ipv4)specifications is 32 bits long .in its header, each packet also carries the ip address of the final destination. if the sending end station determines that the destination address is not local, the packet goes to
36、a firsthop router, typically one that is close and has been press signed to the sender. the router inspects the packet/s ip address and performs a route table lookup to see if the destination end station resides on the local(physically connected)network, typically called an ip subnet .an ip subnet u
37、sually is assigned to each of the router/s network interfaces.if the destination ip address is local, the router searches an internal store of ip addresses and localdevice media access control(mac)addresses. this store is known as the address resolution protocol(arp)cache. arp is the universal tool
38、for matching ip addresses to mac addresses. if the destinations mac address appears, the router installs that mac address in the packet header(removing its own mac address because that/s no longer needed)and sends the packet to the destination end station. in the event that the destination mac addre
39、ss does not appear in the arp cache it might have timed out, for instance the router must broadcast an arp request to the subnet referenced by the packet/s destination ip address. the end station with that ip address responds, sending back its mac address .the router updates its cache, installs the
40、new mac address into the packet header and launches the packet.if the route table lookup shows that the packet is destined for a non-local subnet, the router forwards the packet to the nexthop router using the nexthop routers mac address. routing tables are continuously built and rebuilt by intellig
41、ent discovery protocols, such as routing information protocol or open shortest path first(ospf). each router/s routing table shows the best route to the destination address; for addresses that may be several hops away, it shows the best nexthop router.for a tcp/ip wide area network (wan) to work eff
42、iciently as a collection of networks, the routers that pass packets of data between networks do not know the exact location of a host for which a packet of information is destined. routers only know what network the host is a member of and use information stored in their route table to determine how
43、 to get the packet to the destination hosts network. after the packet is delivered to the destinations network, the packet is delivered to the appropriate host.for this process to work, an ip address has two parts. the first part of an ip address is used as a network address, the last part as a host
44、 address. if you take the example and divide it into these two parts you get the following: (192.168.123.-network,.132-host)or(, address).three) subnet maskwhich is required for tcp/ip to work, is the subnet mask. the subnet mask is used by
45、the tcp/ip protocol to determine whether a host is on the local subnet or on a remote network. in tcp/ip, the parts of the ip address that are used as the network and host addresses are not fixed, so the network and host addresses above cannot be determined unless you have more information. this inf
46、ormation is supplied in another 32-bit number called a subnet mask. in this example, the subnet mask is it is not obvious what this number means unless you know that 255 in binary notation equals 11111111; so, the subnet mask is:11111111.11111111.11111111.0000000.lining up the ip addr
47、ess and the subnet mask together, the network and host portions of the address can be separated:11000000.10101000.01111011.10000100-ip address( mask( first 24 bits (the number of ones in the subnet mask) are identified as the
48、 network address, with the last 8 bits (the number of remaining zeros in the subnet mask) identified as the host address. this gives you the following:11000000.10101000.01111011.00000000-network address( address( now you know, f
49、or this example using a subnet mask, that the network id is, and the host address is when a packet arrives on the subnet (from the local subnet or a remote network), and it has a destination address of, your computer will receive i
50、t from the network and process it. almost all decimal subnet masks convert to binary numbers that are all ones on the left and all zeros on the right. some other common subnet masks are:decimal binary255.255.255.192 1111111.11111111.1111111.11000000255.255.255.224 1111111.11111111.1111111.11100000in
51、ternet rfc 1878 describes the valid subnets and subnet masks that can be used on tcp/ip networks.four) network classesinternet addresses are allocated by the internic the organization that administers the internet. these ip addresses are divided into classes. the most common of these are classes a,
52、b, and c. classes d and e exist, but are not generally used by end users. each of the address classes has a different default subnet mask. you can identify the class of an ip address by looking at its first octet. following are the ranges of class a, b, and c internet addresses, each with an example
53、 address:class a networks use a default subnet mask of and have 0-127 as their first octet. the address is a class a address. its first octet is 10, which is between 1 and 126, inclusive.class b networks use a default subnet mask of and have 128-191 as their first o
54、ctet. the address is a class b address. its first octet is 172, which is between 128 and 191, inclusive.class c networks use a default subnet mask of and have 192-223 as their first octet. the address is a class c address. its first octet is 192, which is b
55、etween 192 and 223, inclusive.in some scenarios, the default subnet mask values do not fit the needs of the organization, because of the physical topology of the network, or because the numbers of networks (or hosts) do not fit within the default subnet mask restrictions. the next section explains h
56、ow networks can be divided using subnet masks.five) subnettinga class a, b, or c tcp/ip network can be further divided, or subnetted, by a system administrator. this becomes necessary as you reconcile the logical address scheme of the internet (the abstract world of ip addresses and subnets) with th
57、e physical networks in use by the real world.a system administrator who is allocated a block of ip addresses may be administering networks that are not organized in a way that easily fits these addresses. for example, you have a wide area network with 150 hosts on three networks (in different cities
58、) that are connected by a tcp/ip router. each of these three networks has 50 hosts. you are allocated the class c network (for illustration, this address is actually from a range that is not allocated on the internet.) this means that you can use the addresses to for your 150 hosts.two addresses that cannot be used in your example are and because binary addresses with a host portion of all ones and all zeros are invalid. the zero address is invalid beca
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