ASP.NET MVC4用法MongoDB制作相册管理__第1页
ASP.NET MVC4用法MongoDB制作相册管理__第2页
ASP.NET MVC4用法MongoDB制作相册管理__第3页
ASP.NET MVC4用法MongoDB制作相册管理__第4页
ASP.NET MVC4用法MongoDB制作相册管理__第5页




1、ASP.NET MVC4用法MongoDB制作相册管理_ 这篇文章主要介绍了ASP.NET MVC4用法MongoDB制作相册管理的相关资料,感爱好的小伙伴们可以参考一下 ASP.NET MVC4用法MongoDB制作相册管理实例分享 TIPS:1.Image转成Base64保存到mongodb字段 2.数据模型是嵌套的关联 首先定义Model层: public class Photo : IEquatablePhoto Required public string PhotoName get; set; Required public string PhotoDescription get;

2、 set; public string ServerPath get; set; public Photo() public Photo(string name, string desc) PhotoName = name; PhotoDescription = desc; public bool Equals(Photo other) return string.Equals(PhotoName, other.PhotoName); public interface IAlbumIterable bool HasNext(); Photo Current(); Photo Next(); p

3、ublic interface IPhotosAggregable IAlbumIterable GetIterator(); public class AlbumIterator : IAlbumIterable private Album collection; private int count; public AlbumIterator(Album album) collection = album; public Photo Current() if (count collection.Count) return collectioncount+; else throw new In

4、dexOutOfRangeException(); public bool HasNext() if (count collection.Count - 1) return true; else return false; public Photo Next() if (HasNext() return collection+count; else throw new IndexOutOfRangeException(); public class Album : IPhotosAggregable BsonId public ObjectId Id get; set; Required pu

5、blic string Name get; set; Required public string Description get; set; public string Owner get; set; public Photo TitlePhoto get; set; BsonDateTimeOptions(Kind = DateTimeKind.Local,Representation =BsonType.DateTime) public DateTime CreationTime get; set; public IListPhoto Pictures get; set; public

6、Album() Pictures = new ListPhoto(); TitlePhoto = new Photo(); public Album(string name, string owner, Photo pic) Name = name; Owner = owner; TitlePhoto = pic; Pictures = new ListPhoto(); TitlePhoto = new Photo(); public bool InsertPicture(Photo pic) if (!Pictures.Contains(pic) Pictures.Add(pic); ret

7、urn true; else throw new ArgumentException(); public bool InsertPictures(ListPhoto photos) foreach(var photo in photos) if (!Pictures.Contains(photo) Pictures.Add(photo); else throw new ArgumentException(); return true; public bool RemovePicture(Photo pic) Pictures.Remove(pic); return true; public i

8、nt Count get return Pictures.Count; public Photo thisint index get return Picturesindex; set Picturesindex = value; public IAlbumIterable GetIterator() return new AlbumIterator(this); Services层的MongoAlbumPerformer.cs和ServerPathFinder.cs代码如下: public class MongoAlbumPerformer protected static IMongoCl

9、ient client; protected static IMongoDatabase database; private static IMongoCollectionAlbum collection; private string collectionName; public MongoAlbumPerformer(string databaseName, string collectionName) client = new MongoClient(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStringsmongoDB.ConnectionString); data

10、base = client.GetDatabase(databaseName); this.collectionName = collectionName; collection = database.GetCollectionAlbum(collectionName, new MongoCollectionSettings AssignIdOnInsert = true ); public void SetCollection(string collectionName) this.collectionName = collectionName; collection = database.

11、GetCollectionAlbum(collectionName); public void CreateAlbum(Album album) var document = new Album Name = album.Name, Owner = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name, Description = album.Description, CreationTime = DateTime.Now, TitlePhoto = album.TitlePhoto, Pictures = album.Pictures ; collection.Ins

12、ertOne(document); public ListAlbum GetAlbumsByUserName(string username) var projection = BuildersAlbum.Projection .Include(a = a.Name) .Include(a = a.Description) .Include(a = a.TitlePhoto) .Include(a=a.CreationTime); var result = collection .Find(a = a.Owner = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name

13、) .ProjectAlbum(projection).ToList(); return result; public Album GetPicturesByAlbumName(string albumName) var projection = BuildersAlbum.Projection .Include(a = a.Pictures); var result = collection .Find(a = a.Owner = HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name a.Name = albumName) .ProjectAlbum(projecti

14、on).FirstOrDefault(); return result; public void UpdateAlbumAddPhoto(string albumName, Photo photo) var builder = BuildersAlbum.Filter; var filter = builder.Eq(f = f.Name, albumName) builder.Eq(f = f.Owner, HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name); var result = collection.Find(filter).FirstOrDefault(

15、); if (result = null) throw new ArgumentException(No album of supplied name: 0, albumName); else var picture = new Photo PhotoName = photo.PhotoName, PhotoDescription = photo.PhotoDescription, ServerPath = photo.ServerPath, ; var update = BuildersAlbum.Update.Push(a = a.Pictures, picture); collectio

16、n.UpdateOne(filter, update, new UpdateOptions IsUpsert=true ); public void DeletePhotoFromAlbum(string albumName, string photoName) var builder = BuildersAlbum.Filter; var filter = builder.Eq(f = f.Name, albumName) builder.Eq(f = f.Owner, HttpContext.Current.User.Identity.Name); var result = collect

17、ion.Find(filter).SingleOrDefault(); if (result = null) throw new ArgumentException(No album of supplied name: 0, albumName); else var update = BuildersAlbum.Update .PullFilter(a = a.Pictures, BuildersPhoto.Filter.Eq(p = p.PhotoName, photoName); long count = collection.UpdateOne(filter, update).Match

18、edCount; public class ServerPathFinder public string GetBase64ImageString(HttpPostedFileBase file) string mime = Regex.Match(file.ContentType, (?=image/)w+).Value; byte bytes = new bytefile.ContentLength; file.InputStream.Read(bytes, 0, file.ContentLength); return string.Format(

19、,mime, Convert.ToBase64String(bytes); AlbumController.cs代码如下: public class AlbumController : Controller MongoAlbumPerformer mongod = new MongoAlbumPerformer(test,albums); HttpPost public ActionResult AlbumPreview(Photo model, HttpPostedFileBase file, string albumName, string delete, string phot) if

20、(delete = false) if (file != null) if (!file.ContentType.StartsWith(image) ModelState.AddModelError(file, 选择正确的格式照片!); else ServerPathFinder finder = new ServerPathFinder(); model.ServerPath = finder.GetBase64ImageString(file); if (ModelState.IsValid) mongod.UpdateAlbumAddPhoto(albumName, model); Mo

21、delState.Clear(); else mongod.DeletePhotoFromAlbum(albumName, phot); foreach(var error in ModelState.Values) error.Errors.Clear(); ViewBag.AlbumTitle = albumName; ViewBag.PhotoList = mongod.GetPicturesByAlbumName(albumName).Pictures; return View(); public ActionResult AlbumPreview(string Name) var a

22、lbum = mongod.GetPicturesByAlbumName(Name); ViewBag.AlbumTitle = Name; ViewBag.PhotoList = album.Pictures; return View(); HttpPost public ActionResult Create(Album model, HttpPostedFileBase file) if (!file.ContentType.StartsWith(image) ModelState.AddModelError(file, 选择正确的格式照片!); else ServerPathFinde

23、r finder = new ServerPathFinder(); model.TitlePhoto.ServerPath = finder.GetBase64ImageString(file); if (ModelState.IsValid) model.Owner = HttpContext.User.Identity.Name; mongod.CreateAlbum(model); var albums = mongod.GetAlbumsByUserName(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name); ViewBag.Albums = albums; retur

24、n View(); public ActionResult Create() var albums = mongod.GetAlbumsByUserName(HttpContext.User.Identity.Name); ViewBag.Albums = albums; return View(); 部分view视图: Create.cshtml ViewBag.Title = Create; h2我的相册/h2 Html.Partial(_MyAlbums, (ListAlbum)ViewBag.Albums) using (Html.BeginForm(Create, Album, Fo

25、rmMethod.Post, new enctype = multipart/form-data ) Html.AntiForgeryToken() div class=form-horizontal h4创建新相册: /h4 hr / Html.ValidationSummary(true, , new class = text-danger ) div class=form-group Html.LabelFor(model = model.Name, htmlAttributes: new class = control-label col-md-2 ) div class=col-md

26、-10 Html.EditorFor(model = model.Name, new htmlAttributes = new class = form-control ) Html.ValidationMessageFor(model = model.Name, , new class = text-danger ) /div /div div class=form-group Html.LabelFor(model = model.Description, htmlAttributes: new class = control-label col-md-2 ) div class=col-

27、md-10 Html.EditorFor(model = model.Description, new htmlAttributes = new class = form-control ) Html.ValidationMessageFor(model = model.Description, , new class = text-danger ) /div /div div class=form-group Html.LabelFor(model = model.TitlePhoto, htmlAttributes: new class = control-label col-md-2 )

28、 div class=col-md-10 input type=file name=file id=file style=width: 100%; data-val=true data-val-required=要求标题图片./ Html.ValidationMessage(file,new class = text-danger ) /div /div div class=form-group div class=col-md-offset-2 col-md-10 input type=submit value=Create class=btn btn-default / /div /div

29、 /div section scripts Scripts.Render(/bundles/jqueryval) script type=text/javascript $(img).click(function (data) ); /script AlbumPreview.cshtml ViewBag.Title = AlbumPreview; using (Html.BeginForm(AlbumPreview, Album, FormMethod.Post, new enctype = multipart/form-data) Html.AntiForgeryToken() Html.R

30、enderPartial(_Preview, (ListPhoto)ViewBag.PhotoList); div class=form-horizontal br / h4添加新的照片:/h4 hr / Html.ValidationSummary(true, , new class = text-danger ) div class=form-group Html.LabelFor(model = model.PhotoName, htmlAttributes: new class = control-label col-md-2 ) div class=col-md-10 Html.Ed

31、itorFor(model = model.PhotoName, new htmlAttributes = new class = form-control ) Html.ValidationMessageFor(model = model.PhotoName, , new class = text-danger ) /div /div div class=form-group Html.LabelFor(model = model.PhotoDescription, htmlAttributes: new class = control-label col-md-2 ) div class=

32、col-md-10 Html.EditorFor(model = model.PhotoDescription, new htmlAttributes = new class = form-control ) Html.ValidationMessageFor(model = model.PhotoDescription, , new class = text-danger ) /div /div div class=form-group label class=control-label col-md-2选择照片:/label div class=col-md-10 input type=f

33、ile name=file id=file style=width: 100%; data-val=true data-val-required=请选择图像 / Html.ValidationMessage(file, new class = text-danger ) /div /div div class=form-group div class=col-md-offset-2 col-md-10 input type=submit value=Create class=btn btn-default / /div /div /div input type=hidden name=albumName id=albumName value=ViewBag.AlbumTitle / input type=hidde


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