状语从句 (3)_第1页
状语从句 (3)_第2页
状语从句 (3)_第3页




1、状语从句语法题1. Dont worry. The drug, _according to the directions, will have no side effect.(take).别担心,如果按照说明来服药, 这药不会有任何副作用。2. It is required that the young children should put things back _.(belong)3.Everying _, the environmental problem is worthy of our governments attention.(consideration)一切考虑进去,环境问题

2、值得我们政府关注。4.When first _,these products were widely accepted by consumers.(introduce)当初词被介绍到市场上时, 这些产品获得极大的成功。5.My father always bring some small nice gifts,_from his business trip.(time)我父亲每次出差回家总给我带一些漂亮的礼物。6.By the time _, he had set up his own lab.(be)他十二岁时, 已经建立了自己的实验室。7_,you will find the path l

3、eading to the park.(turn)转向左边,你将找到通向公园的小道。8.He applied three times _the key university.(admit)他申请了三次才被那所大学录取。9.We left the shopping mall_(moment)十二点的钟声一响,我们就离开了购物广场。10.The boy had become addicted to computer games_it.(aware)直到那个男孩玩游戏上瘾后, 他的父母才发觉。11. Im a terriblr coward_dealing with sick people.(com

4、e)我一和病人打交道就提心掉胆。12.He was led to the dark corner,_his old father.(seat)他被引进黑暗角落, 他的老父亲坐在那。13.He is leaving for the conference next week, all expences_by the company.(pay)他下周去参加会议, 所有费用将由公司支付。14. To tell you the truth, the more you explain, _.(confuse)说实话, 你越解释, 我越感到糊涂。15. _, one tin will last for si

5、x weeks.(use) 如果小心使用的话, 一罐可以用六周。16.Every time I go to the cinama, I make sure where the emergency are _(break)每次去看电影, 我查明紧急出口以防突然发生火灾。17.As far as Im concerned, education is about learning and the more you learn, _you are.(equip)在我看来, 教育就是学习, 你学的越多, 你就越能适应生活。18. Here are the first two volumes, the t

6、hird one _next month .(come)这儿是头两卷儿, 第三卷下个月出版。19.As a policeman, I find drugs are always behind it,_.(violence)作为一名警察我发现, 哪里有暴力, 哪里有毒品。20. _did mary fall aleep last night because of too much homework.(until) 由于作业太多, 玛丽昨晚直到午夜时分才入睡。21.The mountain village _from the outside for a long time, the village

7、rs here are still living the primitive and quiet life.(cut)22.With_, I cant give you a define answer now.(discuss)还有一些细节要讨论, 我现在还不能给你一个明确的答复。23.At dusk, we came to _a castle, where people might have a feast for the eyes.(call) 黄昏时分,我们来到了被称为城堡的地方,在那儿,人们可能享受视觉盛宴。24. -Where did you come across tom? -It

8、 was in the libray_some books the day before yeaterday.(read)-你在哪碰到Tom?-在我们前几天读过几本书的哪家书店。25.Today, we will begin_so that no point will be left out.(stop)今天,我们将在我们昨天停下来的地方开始,以便不会遗漏要点。26.Please remain seated _.(come)请坐在原位,直到飞机已经停下。27._which college to go, students should research the admission procedu

9、res.(decide)一旦他们决定上哪所大学,学生们应该研究入学程序。28.The girl had hardly rung the bell_suddenly, and her friend rushed out to greet her.(before) 这个女孩还未来及按门铃,突然门就开了。他的朋友出来迎接她。29.If you want to do the experiment again, youd be better more careful_(where)如果你想再做实验,你应该在犯错的地方更加仔细。30.he was told that it would be at leas

10、t three months _and return to work.(recover)他被告知至少要三个月才能康复并回去工作。31.In my opinion, life today is much easier_.(used)我认为,今天的生活要比过去荣膺的多。32.Pop music is such an important part of society _our language.(influence)流行音乐是社会生活如此重要的一部分,以至于它影响到我们的生活。33.My parents live in a small village. They always keep candl

11、es in the house _(there)我的父母生活在一个小村庄里。他们总是在家里北邮蜡烛,以防停电。34.Leave your key with a neighbor _(lock)请留一把钥匙在邻居那儿,以防那天你把自己锁在外面。35.Small boats can easily turn over in the water _(manage)一些小船如果不被小心地控制,它们容易在水中翻。36._, it is not practical. You cant wear it for work. (as)虽然这条连衣裙穿在你身上很漂亮,但是他不实用,你不能穿着它去上班。37.Youd

12、 better not leave the medicine_, which is too dangerous for them(reach)你再好不要把药放在孩子们能够着的地方,这对它们来说太危险。38. That was a really a splendid evening. Its years _.(enjoy)那是一个玩的真正开心的晚上。我已经有多年没有那么愉快了。39. This is a very interesting book. Ill but it, _.(cost)这是一本有趣的书,无论它可能花多少钱,我要买了它。40. So_that he was able to wo

13、rk out all the difficult problems.(clever)他是如此聪明的一个学生以至于他能算出所有的难题。状语从句语法题答案1 If(it is)taken2 Where they belong3 Taken into consideration4 Introduced into the market5 Every time he returns home6 He was twelve year old7 Turning left8 Before he was admitted to /into9 The moment the clock struck twelve10 Before his parents were aware of 11 When it comes to 12 Where was seated 13 To be paid 14 The more confused I feel 15 If used carefully16 In case a fir


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