1、Unit 5 Writing如何写游记一、什么是游记?游记,顾名思义,就是记游,也就是对一次出行、游览、参观等的记录。在这里,游的含义有多种:游历、游玩、游览、参观、访问、考察等。二、游记的分类:记叙型游记;抒情型游记;写景型游记;说理型游记。不管哪种游记,都是通过对自然风光、风景名胜、城市景观、景观中的人与事进行描绘,来达到记事、抒情、说理等目的。三、游记的写作方法1. 游记中的线索要有一条合理的线索贯穿其中,这条线索也可以说是写作的顺序。2. 游记中的主体主体指的是做这件事的人或者集体。对游记中的主体的点明有多种方式,一般在一开始就点明。3. 游记中的写景人是主体,景是客体。要有选择,有重
2、点的写景物。对重点景物,要注意详细描写。写出它们的位置、大小、动态、静态、颜色等。游记中的景物描写最好配合文章的主题。4. 游记中的地点:说明游览或参观的地点。5. 游记要分清主次:重要的行程、有特色的景观、对表现文章主体有重要作用的事物等,要重点描写,其他的则应一笔带过,或者干脆不写。6. 略写前后,情、理、景相结合开头交代清楚时间、地点、人物,结合议论或抒情的方式写下自己的感受。这样写的文章有头有尾,读起来给人一个完整的印象。这样写的文章融情于景,使外在的自然风光与作者内心的特殊感受相结合,从而能更强烈地打动读者。1. 写游记所用词汇:travel across, on the way,
3、by train/ bus, pass through, all the way, arrive, from.to, scenery, mountain, rivers, ocean, tower, stadium, restaurant, sigh.2. 表示感想的词汇:excited, afraid, terrified, worried, tired, pleased, happy, impressed, surprised, amazed, satisfied.3. 句式:Itskilometers fromtoWithin kilometers of.Its about .kilom
4、eters northeast of.is close toIt is / lies in / to / on the east ofWe visited , which isWhen we arrived in, we sawWe spent.visiting.写作任务:根据要求写一段游记,内容包括:写作任务:根据要求写一段游记,内容包括:1. 地点:地点: 加拿大加拿大 (Toronto-Montreal)2. 人物:人物: My cousin and I 3. 乘火车一路看到很多风光乘火车一路看到很多风光4. 穿过层峦叠嶂的群山,看到灰熊、山羊穿过层峦叠嶂的群山,看到灰熊、山羊5. 经过
5、小麦种植区经过小麦种植区6. Thunder Bay 是位于加拿大中心的港口,船只往来如梭是位于加拿大中心的港口,船只往来如梭7. 在在Toronto登上登上CN Tower看了尼亚加拉瀑布看了尼亚加拉瀑布8. 参观体育馆,游览唐人街,并在那里就餐参观体育馆,游览唐人街,并在那里就餐9. 在蒙特利尔,看到用法语写的标牌、广告在蒙特利尔,看到用法语写的标牌、广告10. 下午逛商店下午逛商店11. 想再次参观想再次参观写作思路:1. 人称:第一人称2. 时态:多用一般过去时3. 要点:(1) travel across Canada(2) saw many things of Canada(3)
6、passed through the Rocky Mountains and saw wild scenery, a grizzly beer and some goats(4) a wheat-growing area(5) a port in the centre of Canada(6) ships can come all the way(7) went up the CN Tower, saw the mist from Niagara Falls(8) visited stadium, Chinatown, had dinner there(9) saw sighs and ads
7、 in French(10) spent the afternoon in shops(11) would like to go back for another visit(1) My cousin and I traveled across Canada by train.(2) We saw many things from the train on the way across.(3) We passed through the Rocky Mountains and saw wild scenery, a grizzly beer and some goats.(4) Canada
8、is empty in the centre, which is a wheat-growing area.(5) The city of Thunder Bay is a port in the centre of Canada.(6) ships can come all the way to the top of the Great Lakes.(7) In Toronto, we went up the CN Tower and saw the mist from Niagara Falls.(8) We visited covered stadium.(9) We saw China
9、town and had dinner there.(10) We saw sighs and ads in French.(11) We spent the afternoon in shops.(12) There is so much to see and do on one trip, so we would like to go back for another visit.构思谋篇文章开头:介绍人物、地点、事件:my cousin and I travel by train across Canada乘火车所见:Rocky Mountainswild scenery, a griz
10、zly beer and some goatswheat-growing areaa port CN TowerIn Toronto: Niagara Falls, stadium, Chinatown sighs and ads in FrenchIn Montreal: old Montreal spent the afternoon in shops结尾: so much to see and do 表达“没看够,希望再来”的愿望: would like to go backWhat we saw in Canada My cousin and I traveled across Can
11、ada by train from west to east. We saw many things form the train on the way across, and in the cities of Toronto and Montreal. Some of the most important and interesting things that we saw are included in this report. We passed through the Rocky Mountains on the train, and saw wild scenery, a grizz
12、ly bear and some goats. Canada is very empty in the centre, which is a wheat-growing area. The city of Thunder Bay is a port in the centre of Canada. Ocean ships can come all the way to the top of the Great Lakes. In Toronto, we went up the CN Tower and saw the mist from Niagara Falls. We visited th
13、e covered stadium, which is the home of several famous basketball teams. We saw Chinatown and had dinner at the Pink Pearl restaurant. When we arrived in Montreal the next day, we saw many sighs and ads in French. Then we went to Old Montreal and sat in a buffet restaurant beside the St Lawrence River. We spent the afternoon in shops and visiting artists in their workplaces. There is so much to see and do in Canada on one trip. We saw only a few things, but
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