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1、Sagefrog :2018 年 B2B 营销报告Sagefrog Marketing Group 发布了“ 2018 年 B2B营销报告”,调查发现: 超过半数的企业缺少正规的营销计划 B2B公司缺少对行业格局和市场机会的洞察力,这会大大降低营销的效果。 正式的营销计划至关重要, 企业可以根据自身的能力和行业需求创建固定或灵活 的计划。近 2/3 的企业外包全部或部分营销工作只有 1/5 的企业完全利用内部资源管理其营销工作。 外包则能整合专业的营 销服务和知识,优质的平台、工具和策略。自去年以来,外包营销工作的企业数 量在增长。超过半数外包营销采用保留协议( Retainer agreem

2、ent ) 虽然项目是执行宣传工作的有效方法, 保留协议能够提供持续和领过的管理 方式。 20%的受访者采用项目 +保留协议外包营销工作。1/3 的 B2B企业将 10%或更多预算用于营销 随着越来越多的高管和销售团队认识到品牌意识和潜在客户的需求, 公司正 在给营销部门分配更多的预算, 营销预算逐年增长。 但是, 营销预算应该适合公 司的规模和季度目标,并根据带来最高投资回报的策略进行优化。B2B营销人员在事件营销和网络营销方面支出最多 53%的受访者表示贸易展和活动是营销支出的最大领域。当然, B2B公司也 知道网络的重要性,因此也在投资网络开发和在线营销策略。推荐是 B2B优质潜在客户的

3、最大来源 绝大多数受访者将 2017 年产生的潜在客户归因于推荐,还有 51%的受访者 认为贸易展和活动也推动了潜在客户的产生。给销售团队带来更多潜在客户是最重要的营销目标大多数 B2B和 B2C营销人员更重视提高销量, 而不是获得潜在客户。 后者是 营销人员的第二更重要目标。社交媒体和电子邮件营销是最出色的营销策略调查发现, 营销人员将大部分时间用于创建和发送电子邮件, 在社交媒体上 保持在线,以及参加行业活动。LinkedIn 是 B2B营销人员最常用的社交媒体86%的 B2B营销人员领用 LinkedIn 与潜在客户取得联系并推广品牌Now in its eteventh year, t

4、he B2B Marketing Mix Report by Sagefrog Marceting Group compiles data from a survey of B2B marketing professionals in healthcare. technology arid business services industries. This report serves as a strategic planning tool to help marketing professiols optimize their marketing programs through emer

5、ging and competitive trends to maximize marketing ROI in the year ahead.A majority of those surveyed work for B2B companies. with one in five also serving consumers.Who We Surveyed8%27% Professionai &Business ServicesKtjrtngFhancW & insuranceOtherTechnology Advrtiting Marteting5M3Over half of busine

6、sses lack a formal marketing planWithout a strategic marketing plan in plate B2B companes lack insight into their industry landscape and actual martcet opportunity, which can greatty reduce the impact of markebng.A formal marketing plan is vital to an effective marketing strategy and can remain a ri

7、gid or ftoxblQ document gpnding on your capacities and industry needs. In addition o establishing martating priorites, a slid ptan sets SMART goals that help you reach your company long-term goak.Msrk妣a tasked vMfh budtng B2B brands - mpec比Oy businesses - afford to it* m 2018 Having a documented mar

8、keting plan, complete with market resMrch is tfe foundabon for success because it carves out your market opportunity to direct your martceting to rhe white space.*Mark SchmuMer, Co founder & CEO at SagefrogO2OI/2CCBNearly two-thirds of businesses outsource their marketingA majority of B2B companies

9、outsource at least some marketing. wh about a filth of these companies granting full management of their marketing program to an agency. Those that utilize the marketing capacity and capacity of an agency often see greater results than when managed n-house.Profoswonal martctmg wvic$ combing spciaUze

10、d industry expertise with premium ptatfocms. tools and tactics as well m dodcatod kil in branding, copywriting. pubic rations, creative design and marketing panning and execution.The percentage of B2B companies that outsource has grown since last year, according to data from the 2017 Marketing Mix R

11、epot.ln house:37%Outsourced& Both:63%Retainer& Both:54%l 46fJThe marketing agencieshme to get to knov thw cUenti and indusfry landscape so fhey cancapit&i on the wWfe spaceexists. This, in addition to dedicated marloting capability and what makes agencies the most effective choice for mos

12、t 828 companies.-Suzanne Moms, Co founder & Creative Orectorat SagefrogOver half of all outsourced marketing is executed via retainersTo set forth a consistent brand identity across all marketing channels, many B2B companies have retainer agreements wrth their markebng agenoes. While project work is

13、 an effective way to execute branding, websites and collateral, retainers provide an ongoing and flexible way to manage programs.20% of survey respondents said they outsource thir marketing through both rtainors and project contracts Oftentimes this means a company will ongago an agency for a brand

14、strategy or website and then continue the partnership through a retainer that supports n integrated marketing program.More companies are utilizing retainers to better regulate marketing results and form a lasting partnership with their marketing agency.One-third of B2B companies spend 10% or more of

15、 their company budget on marketingA$ more oxocutivos and mIm tcarm rocognizo tho nood for brand awaronost and load gonoration and as the demand for sidled marketing professionals grows - companies are allocating more money to their ma deeding departments and increasing marketing spend year over year

16、Most marketing plans can increase website traffic and leads, but only the proper investment can ensure that the traffic is relevant and the leads are qualified A marketing budget should be suited to the size of your company and the quarterly goals you set and be optimized based on the tactics that b

17、ring the most ROI.Percentage of Company BudgetAllocated to Marketingr- Greater than15 percent: 2%Change in Marketing Spend from 2017 to 2018Decrease: 4%Stay thesame:37%Irxrease:Top Areas of Marketing SpendB2B marketers spend big on event marketing and digital tacticsEven with the steady climb of inb

18、ound marketing strategies, B?B professionals are stil making large investments in traditional methods such as event marketing and print advertising.This year. 53% of those surveyed said tradeshows and events were a top area of marketing spend.B2B companes also know the mportance of web presence in t

19、he age of loT. which is why they are spendng more of ther marketing budget on building up a digital presence through web development and other online tactics such as search engine optimization (SEO) and search engine marketing (SEMXReferrals are the largest source of qualified leads in B2BTop Source

20、s of Sales and Marketing LeadsAn overwhekning majority of marketing and sales professionals attributed their 2017 leads to referrals - a powerful source of new B2B clients Budget set aside for hands-on rdustry events also paid off, wrth 51% of survey respondents naming tradeshows and events a top so

21、urce of leads.To obtain exprince-baMd, reputation-based and spedafization- baied referrals, cfmQ. a referral marketing strategy that optimizes the prMntation of your brand to potential dients. Build brand awareness by showcasing your companys unique value, success itories and industry expertiseIncre

22、asing leads for sales teams is todays most imports nt marketi ng objectiveTop 2018 Marketing ObjectivesHIGH PRIORITYMost marketng professionak across B2B and B2C markets place a greater importance on growing sales leads over marketing leads. This means that marketing teams are tasked with generating

23、 marketing qualified leads (MQLs) and bringing them through more of the funnel until they become sales qualified leads (SQLs). Our survey results underscored the confusion in modem B2B companies.Converting leads into customers was the second important obpctiv for another multifaceted task that has h

24、istorically fallen on sales professional. The lines between marketing and sales are blurred. but to combat role confusion. B2B companies should align both teams under one goal and clearly define lead scoring and handoff procedures.Most Implemented Marketing TacticsSomirwi & WetMnar, 37HSocial media

25、and email marketing are standout marketing tacticsWhat do marketers spend their time on every week? Data shows most are creating and sending emails, maintaining a presence on social media and participating n industry events.Digital marketing channoh will always remain popular, but um/oy faults (how

26、marketers st! implement print adverting and pubic relations to engage with audiencesLinkedln is on top of the B2B social media pyramidAlmost all of tho B28 profos$k)rul$ we surveyed tum to Linkedln to promoto thoir brand and mako connections with potential customers. Because the platform has heW ont

27、o its status as a professional channel, it has become a hub for B2B companies looking to attract leads through thought leadership and paid advertising.Most Used Social Media WebsitesDo not so social modiA: 2HAlthough the B2B community has found its social channel of choice, social media marketing do

28、es not hold a high importance in today s marketing plans. Stil. maintaining fresh feeds on all active profiles is vital to demonstrating reievance and availabilty to audiences.What B2B marketers can do with the2018 Marketing Mix ReportData is useful but what we do with it ts most important Use the f

29、indings from this years Marketing M(x to bolster your own research on marketng trends, spend allocations and popular tacbcs. Then compare everything youve teamed to your own marketing plan to learn how you stack up in your industry.Figuring out what works best foe your B2B company may mean optimizing existing tactics, testing new ones or staying on top of trends to beat out your competitors.See how your marketing strategy measures up to those of the marketers we survey


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