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1、新译林英语小学升初中课外趣味阅读及练习题(十)课外趣味阅读精彩小故事(六篇)The RobotsRobots are becoming a big part of our lives. There may be half a million robots in the U.S 20 years from now. These machines are changing the way of work that is being done. Thousands of robots are used in factories. These robots are not like the robot

2、s in movies. They dont walk or talk. Instead, a robot may be just metal arm. The robot arm can do a certain job in a factory over and over again. it can do jobs that people may not want to do. A robot never gets tired of doing the same thing. Sometimes a robot gets to do more exciting work. In Canad

3、a, police are using a robot on wheels. This robots job is to take apart bombs that may go off.A Broken Mirror and Bad Luck.Will you have bad luck if you break a mirror? Many people believe this. There is an old story about breaking mirrors.Long ago, people happened to see their faces in ponds and la

4、kes. Some people were frightened. That must be my soul, a person would say.The mirrors were made of shiny metal. Later, people used glass mirrors. They were careful not to break them. Breaking a mirror would harm the soul. That is how a broken mirror came to mean bad luck.The bad luck is supposed to

5、 last for seven years. You may not believe this story. You may have no bad luck with mirrors. But you should handle mirrors carefully. A broken mirror could cut you.Hair and Beard.Lucy always wanted to become a teacher, because she liked children. When she was twenty-one years old, she began teachin

6、g in a small school. She was a good teacher, and she laughed a lot with the children in her class. They enjoyed her teaching.One day, one of the girls in her class asked her, “Why does a mans hair become grey before his heard does?” Mary laughed and answered,“I dont know, Helen.” Then one of the boy

7、s said, “I know! Mans hair becomes grey first because its sixteen years older than his beard.”A lovely weekend.It is a fine Saturday morning. Bob and his family get up later than usual, because he isnt going to school and his father arent going to work. They are all staying at home, but they are not

8、 idle. Each of them is doing a different thing.Bobs father is in the garage. He is washing his car. His mother is in the kitchen. She is busy preparing a good meal for the family.Sometimes, Bob helps his mum with the cooking, and sometimes he goes to the garage and watches his father wash his ear. H

9、is elder brother, Jack, usually stays in his study till lunchtime. His two sisters are listening to some beautiful music while theyre cleaning the house. His younger brother, Tom, is training his puppy. He is having a lot of fun. Around 12:30, the whole family is seated around the table enjoying a w

10、onderful meal.A bridge.Bridges are built for many reasons. Some bridges are built so that cars can cross over rivers. Others are made for trains to use. In the state of Washington, There is a very unusual bridge it was built for squirrels.The town of Longview has a very busy street. Many cars use it

11、 every day. Squirrels were being killed as they tried to cross the street. Mr. Peter built a bridge for squirrels one that would pass above thetraffic. For years now, the squirrels have been able to cross safely from one side of the street to the other.School in airMikle is nine years old and Jane i

12、s seven. They live at Mount Ebenezer. Their father has a big property. In Australia they call a farm a property.Mike and Jane like school very much. At school they can talk to their friends, but Mike and Jane cant see their friends. They live 100, perhaps 300 miles away. And like Mike and Jane, they

13、 all go to school by radio.Mount Ebenezer is in the centre of Australia. Not many people live in the Centre. School is a room at home with a two-way radio. The teacher also has a two-way radio. Every morning she call each student on the radio. When all the students answer, lessons begin.英语趣味谜语What i

14、s it:Has a mouth and does not speak,Has a bed and does not sleep?I sleep by day,I fly by night.I have no feathersTo aid my flight.It has four legs and a footAnd cant walk.It has a beadAnd cant talk.My face is pale, and full and fair;And round it beauty spots there are;By day, indeed, I seem less bri

15、ght,Im only seen sometimes at night.And when the sun has gone to bedI then begin to show my head.River bat bed moon小学生实用口语句子11.Remarkable非凡的12.IKnewYouCouldDoIt我知道你能做的13.ImProudOfYou我为你而骄傲14.Fantastic太奇妙了15.SuperStar超级明星16.NiceWork干得好17.LookingGood看上去不错18.YoureOnTopOfIt你是数一数二的19.Beautiful美极了20.NowYo

16、ureFlying现在你起飞了(进步了)小学生重点词汇积累重点句型12. Happy birthday. Thank you.13. Wheres my present ?Its in the hatIts on the hat.Its under the hat.14. How old are you?Im eleven.15. Is it a dog?Yes, it is./ No, it isnt.16. This is my mother.Shes a teacher.This is my father.Hes a doctor.This is my grandpa.Hes a pol

17、iceman.This is my grandma.Shes a driver.This is my brother.Hes a farmer.This is my sister.Shes a nurse.练习题(一)Dis-ComcertingI had been trying to get my friend Mike-a rock n rollfan-interested in classical music. When I offered to purchasetickets to a Mozart festival, he willingly agreed to accompany

18、meand seemed to enjoy the symphony.After the concert, I mentioned how Mozarts music moved me.At times, I can almost hear his voice in his music and I feel asthough hes talking to me, I said.Mike nodded his head in solemn agreement. Yes, he said. Iknow what you mean.Feeling very pleased that I had ma

19、de a convert, I asked whathe felt the music was saying to him.He replied, it said go to sleep, Michael. Go to sleep.Notes:(1) disconcert v.使窘困,使狼狈(2) a rockn roll fan 摇滚迷(3) offer to (do)主动提出(做)(4) purchase v.购买(5) Mozart 莫扎特(奥地利著名作曲家)(6) accompany v.陪伴,伴随(7) symphony n.交响乐(8) solemn adj.庄严的,严肃的(9)

20、convert n.归顺某宗教者(本文指转变兴趣的人)Exercises: 根据短文选择正确答案: What was Mikes interst?A. classic musicB. folk songsC. rock n rollD. pop music What were the tickets for?A. a moving film about MozartB. a concert given by MozartC. a Mozart festivalD. a rock n roll concert Why did Mike agree to accompany the author?

21、A. Because the author urged him again and again.B. Because the author ordered him to do so .C. Because Mike really enjoyed classical music.D. Because Mike wanted to show politeness since they werefriends. How did the author feel about the symphony?A. The author was disappointed.B. The author was ver

22、y happy.C. The author was excited.D. The author was moved. How did Mike think of the symphony?A. excitingB. movingC. tiringD. nice译文尴尬我一直设法让我朋友迈克一个摇滚迷对古典音乐感兴趣。我主动提出购买两张莫扎特纪念节的票,他很愿意伴随我,而且似乎喜爱上了交响乐。音乐会后,我捉到莫扎特的音乐如何感动了我。“有些时候,我几乎可以听到他在音乐中的声音,感觉到好像他在对我倾诉,”我说。迈克严肃地点点头表示赞成。“是的,”他说,“我懂你的意思。”我为已使他转变了兴趣而非常得

23、意,我问他是如何感受那音乐的。他回答说:“交响乐对我说:睡吧,迈克,睡吧。”(二)A Talk an the PhoneI teach computer courses, and my students often call me at homewith questions. One morning I was on the phone, explaining incomputer language the solution to a problem, while a repairman wasfixing my refrigerator. After an endless stream of

24、 C colon, backslash, greater than, cd, backslash, DOS, 0 colon and so on, I hungup and found the repairman staring at me. Lady, he asked, areyou p spy?Notes:(1) computer language 计算机语言(2) refrigerator n. 冰箱(3) backslash n. 回车(4) greater than 大于号(5) DOS 计算机语言中的DOS 处理Exercises: 根据短文回答下列问题: What does t

25、he teacher teach? With what do students call her at home? Who was in the teachers house when she was on the phone? Was it a long talk? Why did the repairman think she was a spy?译文电话交谈我教计算机课程,我的学生经常打电话到我家问我问题。一天早晨,我在电话里用计算机语言解释一个问题的答案,当时一个维修工正在给我修电冰箱。经过一连串的“C 冒号,回车,大于号,CD,回车,DOS,C冒号”等等,我挂上电话发现那位维修工在盯

26、着我。“女士,”他问,“你是个间谍吗?”(三)A Bad ImpressionMy husband and I are both writers. During dinner conversations,we often tell our children about our working days. It wasnt clearhow much they absorbed until one day I overheard my seven-yearold, Lucy, cry out in frustration at her five-year-old sister,Charlotte

27、, You, you. you editor!Notes:(1) impression n.印象(2) absorb v.吸收(知识等)(3) overhear v.偶然听到(4) frustration n.挫折Exercises: 根据短文判断下列句子正(T)、(F): The woman and her husband are both journalists. The parents try to educate their children during dinner. Lucy is the youngest of the children. Lucy had a quarrel with Charlotte. To Lucy, editor means a bad person译文坏印象我丈夫和我都是作家。晚夕谈话中,我们经常给孩子们谈到我们的工作。没人清楚他们听懂了多少。直到有一天,我偶然听到七岁的女儿卢希烦恼地向她五岁的妹妹喊道:“你,你你这个编辑!”.(四)Lose One PoundI complimented one of my co-workers on having lost ten pounds.However, I couldnt resist bragging that when I was 17, 1 weighed225


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