Unit1 Friendship-单元复习讲述_第1页
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1、1.重点单词拼写1) She is 70 years old, and the skin has become l.【答案】loose2) It is aidea to play football all day without a break. 【答案】crazy3) We usually use g, such as waving, nodding our heads, to talk to people who is far away.【答案】gestures4) To avoid this pollution disaster in the future, we should not

2、iit anymore and please try to pay more attention to our atmosphere. 【答案】ignore5) Thank you for your cabout the matter of the hawkers in Tak Tai Street. 【答案】concern6) The Smiths are tired of moving now and then and when they got to this little town of California, they finally sdown. 【答案】settled7) Mos

3、t of the farmers in my hometown go out to work at dawn and get back at d.【答案】dusk8) Unlike the grown-ups, most of the tin middle schools are more sensitive than rational.【答案】teenagers9) Sorry, Im not so sure. If you could give me some t, perhaps I could know the answer.【答案】tips10) “Oh, Sam, Im only

4、having you on. No need to be u.” said Frodo.【答案】upset2. 重点词词形变换1) It would beto demand of a person who is lack of power of to become a detective. Thats one of thewhy I think he is more suitable to be a worker. (reason)【答案】unreasonable; reasoning; reasons2) Joanna is quite angry that she wasby the bo

5、ss in this task. But in fact I think if she thinks so, she is merelyfor she is completely inof this task. (ignore)【答案】ignored; ignorant; ignorance3) No man can imagine thehe got when he lost the game. In fact he was a. He had the ability to win, but he was forced to lose the game. It wasfor him. (su

6、ffer)【答案】sufferings; sufferer; insufferable4) All the members came to anthat Kitty had anvoice and that only when sheto, should we ask someone else to represent our school to take part in the speech contest. (agree)【答案】agreement; agreeable; disagreed5) The doctor asked the patient to be confident in

7、 hisfrom the disease, for this kind of disease is, and he was strong enough tofrom it soon. (recover)【答案】recovery; recoverable; recover6) The new-born baby was anto the family. “And it brings somecost to the family.” the mother. (add)【答案】addition; additional; added7) Though Tom and John are not very

8、, they can in sign language, which is a common method of between the blind. (communicate)【答案】communicative; communicate; communication8) Though Shella tried her best to win the praise of the master on, she still failed it. She was so upset that she wandered in the street. (purpose)【答案】purpose; purpo

9、selessly9) As far as Im, the accident is noof mine, but it my friend. (concern)【答案】concerned; concern; concerns10) The twoclaimed to be born in, and that they knew no other language but. (German)【答案】Germans; Germany; German返回单元菜单add up 把某物加起来get sth done 让某事被做calm down 安静下来;让某人安静下来be concerned about

10、 关心;担心go through 经历;遭受;检查;讨论;被通过set down 放下;记下;让某人下车a series of 一系列to do with 处理on purpose 故意地;有目的地at dusk 黄昏时face to face 面对面no longer 不再take no notice of 不注意1.短语积累suffer from 受某事之折磨get tired of 对某事感到厌烦have trouble with 做某事有麻烦at the moment 目前;现在get along with 与某人相处fall in love with 爱上某人make friends

11、 with 与某人交朋友2. 从上面列举的短语中选择适当的,填入下面的空格中 1) When youthese numbers, you will see how many points you have got.【答案】add up 2) Although he is 20 years old now, he stillliving alone. He even doesnt know how to wash clothes.【答案】has trouble 3) Because heof what the teacher said, he didnt know what he should

12、do.【答案】took no notice of4) When John and his wife had some arguments, they would sit down together and discuss the problem.【答案】face to face5) Sorry. I didnt mean to hurt you. I had wanted to throw at the dog.【答案】on purpose6) Our parentsus all the time while we children seldom take care of them. 【答案】

13、are concerned about7) He was too scared and didnt know whatthe accident.【答案】to do with 8) At the first sight the boythe pretty girl although he didnt know whether she loved him.【答案】fell in love with9) You area little baby. You must learn to look after yourself now.【答案】no longer 10) Itoo much bad luc

14、k. I dont care to have one more.【答案】have gone through返回单元菜单1. But your friend cant go until he/she finishes cleaning his/her bicycle.(P1) not.until句型:“直到才”,主句动词一般需要用短暂性动词,如:finish, hand in, die, go, begin等等。【词汇网络】not.until可以变化为更加地道的英语句型:Not until.did/will sb do sthIt was/is not until.that sb did/wil

15、l do sth即时强化练习:用not until翻译下列句子,每句至少用三种句式。 1)直到我去到百货商店我才发现没带钱包。【答案】1) I didnt find out that I forgot to bring my wallet until I got to the department store.Not until I got to the department store did I find out that I forgot to bring my wallet.It was not until I got to the department store that I fo

16、und out I forgot to bring my wallet.2)直到她的先生消失在她的视线范围之外,她才痛哭失声。【答案】2) She didnt burst out into tears until her husband went out of sight.Not until her husband went out of sight did she burst out into tears. It was not until her husband went out of sight that she burst out into tears.2. It /This/That

17、 is (was) the first/second/third/last time that.某人第一(二,三,最后等)次做某事在此句型中,若主句时态是一般现在时,即用is,以that引导的定语从句常用现在完成时态。若主句时态是一般过去时,即用was,以that引导的定语从句常用过去完成时态。This is the first time that I have ever enjoyed this kind of food.这是我第一次吃这种食品。It was the third time that he had been informed of the change of the meeti

18、ng.这是他第三次被告知会议作了改变。即时强化练习:翻译下列句子:1) 那已经是我第五次离开家到广州去学习。【答案】1) That was the fifth time that I had left for Guangzhou for study. 2) 这是我第一次有机会跟你们面对面地交流。【答案】2) This is the first time that I have had the chance to talk with you face to face.1. Ignore the bell and go somewhere quiet to calm your friend dow

19、n.(P1) calm v. & adj. 1) vt.使平静,使镇静使平静,使镇静The nurse calmed the little boy by giving him some candy.保育员给那小男孩一些糖果,使他安静了下来。He took a deep breath to calm himself. 他深吸了一口气以使自己平静下来。2) vi.平静下来,镇静下来The excited football fans calmed down at last.激动的足球迷最终平静了下来。3) adj. (心境)平静的,镇静的,沉着的; (天气)平静无风的;(时代)和平安宁的The se

20、a was calm after the storm.经过这场风暴后,大海平静下来了。After the storm it became calm again.暴风雨过后,天气又恢复了平静无风。He was calm when I told him the bad news.当我告诉他这个坏消息时,他很平静。【词语辨析】calm, quiet, still与silentcalm 平静的,沉着的。指无风浪的或人心情不激动的。quiet 平静的,安静的。指不吵闹的或心境不烦躁的。still 静止的,不动的。指(人体等)不运动的。silent 沉默的,缄口的,寂静的。指不讲话或没有声音的。【拓展】c

21、alm down 平静下来,镇定下来(既可作不及物动词短语也可作及物动词短语)The crying child soon calmed down. 哭闹的小孩不一会就安静下来了。It was difficult to calm down the football fans.要使足球迷们平静下来是有困难的。 (注意:前例句的calm是不及物动词,后例句的calm是及物动词。)2. Add up your score and see how many points you get.add vt. & vi. 增加:添加;(数字等)加(起来);补充说Add more hot water, pleas

22、e. 请多加点热水。If you add 4 to 3, youll get 7. 四加三得七。Add up these figures, please. 请把这些数字加起来。I should like to add that we are pleased with the test result. 【派生词】addition n. 增加,附加物;adder n. 计加法器【词汇网络】与add 有关的词组:add sth. to sth. 把加到(进)add to(=increase)增加add up to共计(无被动语态);意味着,等于说add sth. up/ together把加起来,合

23、计3. Tell your friend that you concern about him/her.concern v. & n. 1) vt. to have sth. to do with or relate to 涉及,关系到(一般不用于被动时态)This concerns the healthy growth of children deeply.这事对孩子们的健康成长关系极大。2) vt.使担心(挂念),使忧虑(常用于被动语态)Were rather concerned about fathers health. 我们相当担心父亲的健康。3) n. 所关切的事,关心,担心,担忧I

24、ts no concern of mine. 这事与我无关。His mothers only concern was how to make him study even harder.他妈妈心里想的全是如何使他学习更刻苦。【词汇网络】有关concern 的短语还有:with concern 关切地show concern for sb. 对某人表示关心have no concern for 毫不关心as/so far as.be concerned 就而言of much concern 很重要,很有关系of no concern 无关紧要,没有意义it is no concern of mi

25、ne/yours. 这不关我(你)的事。be concerned about (for) 关心,挂念We are all concerned for (about) her safety. 我们大家都担心着她的安全。我们需要注意,在这里从中文角度考虑,应该是主动,但是英语中却必须用被动,类似这样常用被动来表示中文的主动意义的词组还有:be associated with 与联合、联系 be attached to 附加于、隶属于be based on 以为基础 be composed of 由组成be connected with 与连结、连接 be divorced from 和某人离婚be

26、 educated from 从学校等毕业 be employed in 从事于be engaged to 和某人订婚 be exposed to 暴露于,面临于be faced with 面对 be fed up 吃得过饱,对极其厌倦be honored withtobe(phr) 被授予;因做而感到荣幸be involved in 卷入、陷入;专心于 be married to 和某人结婚be prepared to do sth 准备好了去做某事 be rooted in 扎根于be set in 以为背景 be used toving(phr)习惯于be hidden in 藏在某地

27、be dressed in 穿着be seated 坐在另外还有表示情感情绪的动词,当表示“感到”时,用过去分词,这类动词有:amazed,amused, annoyed,astonished,concerned,confused,delighted,disappointed,discouraged, disgusted,distressed,excited,frightened,interested, irritated,moved,pleased, puzzled,relieved,shocked,touched。4. It was the first time in a year and

28、 a half that I had seen the night face to face. (P2)face to face 面对面地,类似的“名词+介词+名词”的结构还有:hand in hand,手牵手地 arm in arm 手挽手地,side by side 肩并肩地 mouth to mouth 嘴对嘴地back to back 背靠背地,背对背地,一个接一个,连续地;see eye to eye 看法完全相同,完全同意,面对面看着(与see连用);face to face 面对面地,当面地,对立地;front to front 面对面地;hand to hand 短兵相接地,逼

29、近地,肉搏地;head to head 头对头地,面对面地,促膝地,交头接耳地;heart to heart 开诚布公地,心连心地,贴心地,推心置腹地,坦率地,诚恳地;knee to knee 膝靠着膝地,促膝地;man to man 个人对个人地,一对一地,人盯人地,私下地,坦率地,真诚地;nose to nose 面对面地,迎面(相遇);shoulder to shoulder 肩并肩地,齐心协力地,互助,一致,团结;5. I stayed awake on purpose. (P2)stay vi. & link v. 1) vi. 停留;逗留The doctor told him th

30、at he would have to stay in hospital for another two weeks. 医生告诉他,他还得在医院住两个星期。2) link v.保持,持续不变 (=keep)How can you stay so cool and calm after such a hot argument?这样一场激烈的争论过后,你怎么还能保持如此冷静沉着呢?【词汇网络】系动词的分类记忆:“变化”类:become,turn, go, get, grow, fall, run, come“感官”类:feel, smell, taste, look, sound“显现”类:look, appear, seem“状态”类:keep, stay, remain, stand, sit, proveon purpose 故意地;有意地;有目的地I dont think he did it on purpose, for he is really a kind person. 我认为他不是故意这样做的,因为他真的是一个好人。on 在这里表示处于某种状态或在某个方位,类似的短语还有:on board 乘(车,飞机) on call 听候召唤on duty 值班 on earth 到底on fire 着火 on foot 步行on guard 在岗 on hire 雇用on h


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