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1、1 本节着重介绍: 有关减速机的基础概念 罗西公司的基本情况 Preparatory technical course 技术教程 Drive/驱动 Theoretical fundamental concepts 基本概念 Gear reducer/齿轮减速机 Size/规格 Gear pairs and train of gears 齿轮副和齿轮系 Design and mounting position 设计和安装方式 Designation/名称 ROSSIMOTORIDUTTORI 3 驱动 P1 0,12 kW M1 n1 10003000 min-1 P2 M2 240 000 d

2、aN m n2 0250 min-1 Q 马达马达 减速机减速机 被驱动机器被驱动机器 传动传动 4 DRIVE Motors/马达 - asynchronous/异步 -a.c. + inverter 交流变速 -d.c. + convert. 直流变速 - brushless/无刷电机 Gear red./减速机 - worm/蜗杆 - coaxial/同轴 - parallel/平行轴 - right angle/直角轴 - planetary/行星式 Machines/ 机械 适用于几 乎所有类 型的机械 或系统 Transmissions/传动 Direct connection 直

3、接连接 联轴器 齿轮副 带驱动 链驱动 减速机降低速度、增加扭矩的公式减速机降低速度、增加扭矩的公式 P kW = MdaN m n / 955 5 联轴器简介 主要使用弹性联轴器 弹性套柱销联轴器 弹性梅花形联轴器 6 PHILOSOPHY BY ROSSIMOTORIDUTTORI Standard product/一流产品 Wide range of types /产品范围广 Compactness, reliability, modular 简洁,可靠,模块化 construction, flexibility/结构适应性强 Compliance to standards/服从标准 M

4、odernity/现代化 7 基本概念 Force F :/力三要素:大小,方向,作用点 单位: N, daN, kN Torque M :力矩 ( M = F b )/力x力臂 单位: N m, daN m, kN m Mass m : /质量为材料的特性 单位: kg Moment of inertia of mass J : /转动惯量 圆周运动时产生 与旋转半径有关J = m r 2 单位: kg m2 F M F b m r 8 转动惯量简介 9 GEAR REDUCER/减速机 减速,增加扭矩减速,增加扭矩 高速轴 (输入轴) 低速轴(输出) P1 kW P2 = P1 P1 P1

5、 P2 输入功率 输入速度 n1 min-1 n2 = n1 / i M1 轴径 1 mm 2 1 转动惯量 J1 kg m2 J2 =J1i2 J1 10 GEAR REDUCER High speed shaft P1 , n1 , M1 Low speed shaft P2 , n2 , M2 高速轴直径小 低速轴直径大 传动比i = n1 / n2 1 构成:箱体,齿轮副,轴承,轴,密封圈, 等等。 (说明减速机质量时,需从构成上分别说明) 常用输入速度: n1 = 900 3000 min-1 3000rpm基本为罗西的最大容许输入速度 11 GEAR REDUCER GEAR RE

6、DUCER 减速机(减机) GEAR MOTOR WITHOUT MOTOR 无马达减速马达 GEARMOTOR 减速马达(减马) 12 Size/规格 The size of a gear reducer is given by the centre distance of final reduction 减速机的规格由末级减速的中心距给定 (EP02:最后一级减速箱体的外径) 例如: R 2I 125 表示,减速机的末级减速中心距为表示,减速机的末级减速中心距为125 13 Gears and trains of gears 齿轮和齿轮组 罗西公司设计、加工和研磨以下类型的齿轮。 圆柱齿轮

7、,用I表示,主要应用于平行轴和同心轴减速机 ,也用于其它类型。 伞齿轮,用C 表示,用于直角轴减速机 蜗杆,用V 表示,用于蜗杆减速机 例如 : R 3I, R ICI, R V, MR 2IV, MR C2I 14 罗西型号中各种符号的含义 15 Casehardened and hardened (greater load capacity, smaller overall dimensions) 经渗碳硬化和表面硬化(更大的承载能力,更小的总体尺 寸) Ground profile /外形轮廓经过研磨 Load capacity (according to ISO 6336): 承载能力

8、(达到ISO6336标准) Verified to pitting for an unlimited life 工作状况下永不锈蚀 Verified to breakage/经过破坏验证 Optimised dimensioning/尺寸经优化 Cylindrical gears I I 圆柱齿轮圆柱齿轮 16 圆柱齿轮材料: 16 CrNi4 or 20 MnCr5 (UNI 7846-78) fs =1 per 25 000h imax = 6,3(单级最大传动比) = 0,98(单级传动效率) 在冷热情况下,均可持续运转 Cylindrical gears I I 17 imax = 6

9、,3 = 0,98 Spiral toothing Gleason/格里森螺旋齿 材料:16 CrNi4 or 20 MnCr5 (UNI7846-78) 经渗碳硬化和表面硬化 齿外形经研磨(规格为 C 160 . C 320的产品) profile finished to skiving (sizes C 400 . C 500) 齿外形经刮磨(对于规格为C400-C500的产品) Possibility of reduced angular clearance 可减少角形间隙 Bevel gears C C 伞齿轮伞齿轮 18 几种表面加工工艺的表面粗糙度 Rz,微观不平度十点高度 粗车、

10、粗刨、粗铣:不大于80,(微见刀痕)。 车,刨,铣:1040(微见加工痕迹) 车,磨:6.3 (可辨加工痕迹方向) 磨,刮:3.2 (微辨加工痕迹方向) 精磨,研磨:1.6 (不可辨加工痕迹方向 ) 19 Worm gears V/蜗齿轮 imax = 63 扭矩大小取决于速度大小(速度越小,Mn2越大) 效率随输入功率,运转时间同向变化(功率越大,效 率越高,运转时间越长,效率越高) 噪音低 Reducing vibrations and shocks 震动与冲击小 Possibility of reduced angular clearance of low speed shaft 可以减

11、小低速轴的角形间隙(基本可以满足较高精度 传动的要求) 20 Worm gears V Worm made of16 CrNi4 or 20 MnCr5/材料 casehardened and hardened, ground and superfinished, involute profile ZI 经过渗碳硬化和表面硬化,研磨和超级压光的渐 开线轮廓 Worm wheel made of phosphor bronze (PB2 BS 1400-85) and hub of spheroidal cast iron or steel 蜗轮由磷青铜PB2 BS 1400-85制成,蜗轮轴由

12、球 墨铸铁或钢制成。 21 蜗杆、蜗轮材料选用依据及保养注意 Maag Oerlikon Opal 800 圆柱齿形控制机器圆柱齿形控制机器 Klingelnberg WNC 30 伞齿形控制 23 Careful control of gears: 圆柱齿轮: Klingelnberg PNC 100, PNC 33 伞齿轮: Klingelnberg PNC 100, PNC 33 and Gleason tester for rolling test 2 Klingelnberg PNC 1 Olivetti Inspector 1 Dea Gamma 3D 1 single flank

13、 rolling test machine Klingelnberg PSE 1 Gleason Tester 1 Mitutoyo Metallographic laboratory 2700 tools.世界上 最好的,最贵的检 测仪器, Quality control 25 Advantages of grinding/研磨的 优点 Constant quality /质量恒定 Avoiding thermal deformations/避免热变形 Optimisation of teeth form (corrections of profile and helix) /优化齿性(校正

14、外形和螺旋) Low noise level/噪音低 Maximum efficiency/获得最大效率 Interchangeability and smaller overall dimensions/可换性强,总体尺寸小 Higher load capacity/高承载能力 技术教程 (第二部分) Efficiency/效率 Thermal power/热功率 Lubrication/润滑 Fastening systems/紧固装置 Nominal performances and fs 额定性能和服务系数 Selection of drive/驱动类型选择 Radial and ax

15、ial loads/径向和轴向荷载 ROSSIMOTORIDUTTORI 27 Efficiency / /效率效率 of gear reducer is given by the ratio between output power P2 and input power P1 and it is always 1 ( 1) 减速机的效率是输出功率与输入功率的比率,总是小于1。 = P2 / P1 = PN2 / PN1 0 0,5 1 035070010501400 n1 Campo di irreversibilit Ingranaggi cilindrici o conici Vite

16、motrice Vite condotta (rendimento inverso) 0,98 28 效率 Plost = P1 - P2 depends on: 效率损失取决于 Frictions ( m ) /摩擦 Splash (oil level mounting position) 飞溅(油位安装方式) Ventilation, lubrication pump/通风,润滑泵 Cylindrical and bevel gear: 圆柱齿轮和伞齿轮 = 0,98 恒定 Worm gear:蜗轮 0,90 variable变化的 29 蜗杆减速机效率表 30 效率 For the wo

17、rm gear if : 如下情况,蜗轮效率会上升: Increasing worm speed n /增加蜗杆转速 Decreasing oil viscosity /减小油粘度 Using synthetic oil/使用合成润滑油 The gear reducer is warm/对减速机进行预热 31 效率 Efficiency of external transmissions: 常用外部机构的传动效率 belt 0,95/带传动 chain 0,98/链传动 gears 0,96/齿轮传动 hydraulic coupling 0,95/液力联轴器 32 润滑 润滑作用包括: 减小

18、摩擦系数 m m 减少热损失 Q= P1 - P2 增加效率 降低油温 toil 减少材料磨损 润滑方式: oil splash溅油方式 circulation强制油循环 33 润滑 油润滑油润滑 : 矿物油矿物油 (tmax = 95C) 或合成油 (tmax = 125C) (对于衬底有特殊要求) 特性: 粘度 ( ), 粘度系数, 滑动点, 最大容许温升 脂润滑脂润滑 : 合成脂 (tmax = 125C) 特性: 耐久性, 滴点, 最大容许温升 34 润滑 粘度选用所需考虑参数 n 齿轮类型 (蜗杆减速机要考虑安装方式) n 速度: 速度大时,要求粘度小n n 扭矩: 扭矩大时,需要粘

19、度大M 35 润滑 使用合成油的好处 - 效率 升高 - 润滑间隔大大增加 - 应用领域增大 - 最大容许温度 升高 - 购买成本增加 36 Fastening systems固定方式 地脚安装 法兰安装 37 Fastening systems固定方式 特点: - 结构紧凑 - 经济 - Adequate to deforming and/or slightly precise structures 空心低速轴 地脚安装 法兰安装 轴安装 38 三种固定方式的根本区别 39 Nominal performances and fs 额定性能和安全系数额定性能和安全系数fsfs In the c

20、atalogues we state the nominal performances PN1, PN2, MN2 They considered nominal as they are valid for the nominal service, that is at fixed values: Duration of running h (25 000圆柱, 12 500蜗杆) Uniform load (M2 = const.) “low” frequency of starting start/h Asynchronous three-phase motor 40 M2max,M2,M

21、n2的区别 额定值的定义 41 Nominal performances and fs Service factor fs: parameter quantifying the different nature of real running conditions compared to nominal performances. fs = MN2 / M2 = PN2 / P2 Nominal performances fs = 1 Real service Nominal service (fs 1) On the catalogues see the table for the calc

22、ulation of fs 42 Nominal performances and fs Is it right to do the comparison between the performances of the gear reducers of 2 different manufacturers with the same fs? 如何正确的比较两个不同的制造商的安全系数是否相同, fs = 1 for manufacturer A and B ONLY IF: Nominal performances defined in the same way (considering the

23、same nominal service) Using the same standards and methods of calculation otherwise fsA fsB For fs 1 the comparison between A and B is possible only if they have the same law of variation for fs Preparatory Technical Course (3rd part) Materials材料 Noise噪音 Torque limiters扭力限制器 Standards 标准 Rossi Motor

24、iduttori优势 Modular system Quality systems质量 ROSSIMOTORIDUTTORI 44 Materials/材料 箱体 : 通常为球墨铸铁 G 200 UNI ISO 185 某些平行轴或直角轴减速机 (Cat. H02) 使用电镀复合 钢 高速轴:渗碳硬化和表面硬化合成钢 低速轴:渗碳硬化和表面硬化合成钢 空心低速轴:钢 圆柱齿轮材料:16CrNi4 or 20MnCr5 其他部件: 轴承品牌: 密封圈品牌: 45 钢材性能比较 46 Noise Lw1 sorgente limitrofa fonometro macchina rumore di

25、 fondo riverbero Lw2 Lw3 Lp Lriverbero Lfondo Ambiente Industriale Lw1, Lw2, Lw3, Lfondo, Lriverbero Lp 47 Gearmotor/减速马达 马达与减速箱直接连接. 48 Torque limiters Devices acting in case of overloads of M in order to save the drive. Possible types: electronic : wattmetric relais inverter mechanical : Friction

26、torque limiter (output) Module of friction torque limiter (MLA) Module of ball type torque limiter (MLS) 49 Torque limiters (output) Mounting of external friction type torque limiter intermediate a), (output) b) a)b) 50 Modules of torque limiters (input) Mounting of module between gear reducer and m

27、otor (input), in the combined groups between gear reducer and gearmotor MLAMLS A richiestaobbligatorio 51 points of strength优势 Complete range Standard products Modular system模块化 Maximum compactness Standardized motors to IEC Complete documentation Total control of industrial process Certified quality system Technical assistance 分别对应于客户什么样的问题 52 Complete range Worm gear reducers and gearmotors Coaxial gear reducers and gearmotors Parallel shaft gearmotors and gear reducers Right angle shaft gea


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