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1、幼儿园大班幼儿发展评估表幼儿园大班幼儿健康发展评估表班级 :时间 :幼儿姓名 :评估人 :项目 发展情况观察评估指标优良一般基本 1、上体稍前倾,上下肢协调灵活地跑,躲闪灵活动作 2 、立定跳远,跳距不少于 40 厘米3、在高 20 厘米 30 厘米,宽 15 厘米 20 厘米的平衡木上走4、手脚协调、灵敏地钻爬、攀登,速度快5、听信号、有节奏、协调有力地做操生活 1、能独立、安静、文明地进餐,能做值日生工作自理 2 、独立、正确、迅速地洗干净手和脸能力3、自理大小便,便后整理好自己的衣裤4、能独立、迅速、有序地穿脱衣裤鞋袜,分清左右,会系鞋带,整理床铺5、养成饭前便后和手脏时主动洗手的习惯6

2、、能自觉安静入睡,睡姿正确7、经常保持仪表整洁,勤洗澡自我 1、不把不安全的东西装入口袋,不到危险的地方玩保健 2 、保护视力,坐、立、行、看书、绘画姿势正确3、会根据气温、活动量的变化增减衣服4、不接受陌生人的礼物,不跟陌生人走5、乐意接受健康检查,预防接种和疾病治疗6、知道自己家的地址和电话号码Sapporo city with to layout and track traffic layout relationshipFigure 5.2 Yibin city planning track traffic of need 5.2.1 Optimizationcity spatial s

3、tructure, building a city four district, and Sanjiangmore group of combination type band city planning Yibin City CenterCity will formed a city four district, and Sanjiang more group spacelayout structure, a city for three Jiang Zhucheng,. Independent of thedifferent areas, to幼儿园大班幼儿认知发展评估表班级 :时间 :幼

4、儿姓名 :评估人 :项目 发展情况观察评估指标优良一般1、对周围事物、人爱提问,求知欲强,学习积极性高,对认、写、讲述有兴趣,喜欢动手动脑2、能主动运用感官细致观察,活动中注意力集中感知思维 3 、能用语言或绘画、符号等方式表达感知过程和结果4、能按物体两种以上特征分类、推理、排序、并表述分类结果想象 5、能掌握 10 以内数的组成和加减运算力6、能大胆进行联想、再造和创造想象7、能清楚、连贯讲述自己的经历、感受、见闻及图片内容认识 1、会制作简单植物标本,在成人指导下会简单的播种环境2、知道四季的特征和顺序以及与人们的关系3、知道日用品、交通工具的本质特征及常用劳动工作名称、用途自我 1、正

5、确评价自己的优缺点,有信心,不骄傲,愿意学习他人长处意识2、知道自己要入小学了,有强烈的入学求知愿望, 对自己有信心交往 1、对人热情大方,会使用礼貌用语,有礼貌待人的文明行为能力2、能团结同伴,独立解决与同伴的纠纷,合作完成任务 Sapporo city with to layout and track traffic layout relationshipFigure 5.2 Yibin city planning track traffic of need 5.2.1 Optimizationcity spatial structure, building a city four dis

6、trict, and Sanjiangmore group of combination type band city planning Yibin City CenterCity will formed a city four district, and Sanjiang more group spacelayout structure, a city for three Jiang Zhucheng,. Independent of thedifferent areas, to幼儿园大班幼儿社会发展评估表班级:时间:幼儿姓名 :评估人:项目 发展情况观察评估指标优良一般1、愿意为集体争光,

7、为集体荣誉感到自豪2、知道自己是中国人,能说出祖国的全称和象征物,有爱祖国的情感3、关心周围环境和重要的社会生活事件,知道主要的传统节日并喜欢参加庆典活动情感4、富有同情心,关心并热情帮助有困难的人5、具有初步的是非感,对损害集体和他人利益的行为表示不满6、尝试解决困难,遇到挫折不气馁1、能坚持按时入园,有特殊事情知道向老师请假2、能较快适应各种活动规则,主动遵守公共场所规则行为 3 、养成独立收拾、整理生活、学习用品及玩具材料的良好习惯习惯4、有较强的为集体服务和自我服务的能力5、能积极、主动、认真倾听别人说话1、能清楚完整地运用语言表达自己的认识、情感、见闻2、积极主动与人交往,养成文明交

8、往的习惯阅读3、能积极参加阅读活动,围绕话题谈话,会用轮流的方式交谈能力4、喜欢阅读图书中的简短文字,认识常见的汉字Sapporo city with to layout and track traffic layout relationshipFigure 5.2 Yibin city planning track traffic of need 5.2.1 Optimizationcity spatial structure, building a city four district, and Sanjiangmore group of combination type band cit

9、y planning Yibin City CenterCity will formed a city four district, and Sanjiang more group spacelayout structure, a city for three Jiang Zhucheng,. Independent of thedifferent areas, to幼儿园大班幼儿语言发展评估表班级 :时间 :幼儿姓名 :评估人 :项目 发展情况观察评估指标优良一般1、喜欢看书和讲述,欣赏诗歌、散文,感知语言的丰富美2、能理解作品主题,用语言表情、动作、美术等形式表现作品内容和自己体验听说3、

10、会有表情地朗诵诗歌,较完整地复述故事情节阅读4、会创造性地进行表述,能大胆改编,创编儿歌或故事5、会正确评价自己和别人对伤口的理解和表现幼儿园大班幼儿艺术发展评估表班级:时间:幼儿姓名 :评估人:等级 项目 观察评估指标优良一般1、能感受和注意发现周围生活大自然,人们的行为举止及艺术作品的美感受 2 、能体验审美活动的情趣,热爱大自然美3、能评价自己和别人作品的内容与特点4、能进行审美想象、想象角度多样、内容较丰富1、会用多种美术方法和多种材料工具,创造性地表现自己的感受,结构多种物体2、能随伴奏轻声、自然地唱歌,能跳简单的集体舞、表演舞表现 3、会用线条、形状、色彩表现事物的基本特征美 4

11、、能正确评价自己和同伴的美术作品5、能注意自己的行为美和仪表美6、能积极地用多种方式创造性地表现美的事物及自己的感受,愿意效仿优秀人物的品行Sapporo city with to layout and track traffic layout relationshipFigure 5.2 Yibin city planning track traffic of need 5.2.1 Optimizationcity spatial structure, building a city four district, and Sanjiangmore group of combination t

12、ype band city planning Yibin City CenterCity will formed a city four district, and Sanjiang more group space layout structure, a city for three Jiang Zhucheng,. Independent of the different areas, toSapporo city with to layout and track traffic layout relationshipFigure 5.2 Yibin city planning track

13、 traffic of need 5.2.1 Optimizationcity spatial structure, building a city four district, and Sanjiangmore group of combination type band city planning Yibin City CenterCity will formed a city four district, and Sanjiang more group spacelayout structure, a city for three Jiang Zhucheng,. Independent

14、 of thedifferent areas, toSapporo city with to layout and track traffic layout relationshipFigure 5.2 Yibin city planning track traffic of need 5.2.1 Optimizationcity spatial structure, building a city four district, and Sanjiangmore group of combination type band city planning Yibin City CenterCity

15、 will formed a city four district, and Sanjiang more group spacelayout structure, a city for three Jiang Zhucheng,. Independent of thedifferent areas, toSapporo city with to layout and track traffic layout relationshipFigure 5.2 Yibin city planning track traffic of need 5.2.1 Optimizationcity spatia

16、l structure, building a city four district, and Sanjiangmore group of combination type band city planning Yibin City CenterCity will formed a city four district, and Sanjiang more group spacelayout structure, a city for three Jiang Zhucheng,. Independent of thedifferent areas, toSapporo city with to

17、 layout and track traffic layout relationshipFigure 5.2 Yibin city planning track traffic of need 5.2.1 Optimizationcity spatial structure, building a city four district, and Sanjiangmore group of combination type band city planning Yibin City CenterCity will formed a city four district, and Sanjian

18、g more group spacelayout structure, a city for three Jiang Zhucheng,. Independent of thedifferent areas, toSapporo city with to layout and track traffic layout relationshipFigure 5.2 Yibin city planning track traffic of need 5.2.1 Optimizationcity spatial structure, building a city four district, an

19、d Sanjiangmore group of combination type band city planning Yibin City CenterCity will formed a city four district, and Sanjiang more group spacelayout structure, a city for three Jiang Zhucheng,. Independent of thedifferent areas, toSapporo city with to layout and track traffic layout relationshipF

20、igure 5.2 Yibin city planning track traffic of need 5.2.1 Optimizationcity spatial structure, building a city four district, and Sanjiangmore group of combination type band city planning Yibin City CenterCity will formed a city four district, and Sanjiang more group spacelayout structure, a city for

21、 three Jiang Zhucheng,. Independent of thedifferent areas, toSapporo city with to layout and track traffic layout relationship Figure 5.2 Yibin city planning track traffic of need 5.2.1 Optimization city spatial structure, building a city four district, and Sanjiangmore group of combination type ban

22、d city planning Yibin City Center City will formed a city four district, and Sanjiang more group space layout structure, a city for three Jiang Zhucheng,. Independent of the different areas, toSapporo city with to layout and track traffic layout relationshipFigure 5.2 Yibin city planning track traff

23、ic of need 5.2.1 Optimizationcity spatial structure, building a city four district, and Sanjiangmore group of combination type band city planning Yibin City CenterCity will formed a city four district, and Sanjiang more group spacelayout structure, a city for three Jiang Zhucheng,. Independent of th

24、edifferent areas, toSapporo city with to layout and track traffic layout relationshipFigure 5.2 Yibin city planning track traffic of need 5.2.1 Optimizationcity spatial structure, building a city four district, and Sanjiangmore group of combination type band city planning Yibin City CenterCity will

25、formed a city four district, and Sanjiang more group spacelayout structure, a city for three Jiang Zhucheng,. Independent of thedifferent areas, toSapporo city with to layout and track traffic layout relationshipFigure 5.2 Yibin city planning track traffic of need 5.2.1 Optimizationcity spatial stru

26、cture, building a city four district, and Sanjiangmore group of combination type band city planning Yibin City CenterCity will formed a city four district, and Sanjiang more group spacelayout structure, a city for three Jiang Zhucheng,. Independent of the different areas, toSapporo city with to layo

27、ut and track traffic layout relationshipFigure 5.2 Yibin city planning track traffic of need 5.2.1 Optimizationcity spatial structure, building a city four district, and Sanjiangmore group of combination type band city planning Yibin City CenterCity will formed a city four district, and Sanjiang mor

28、e group spacelayout structure, a city for three Jiang Zhucheng,. Independent of thedifferent areas, toSapporo city with to layout and track traffic layout relationshipFigure 5.2 Yibin city planning track traffic of need 5.2.1 Optimizationcity spatial structure, building a city four district, and San

29、jiangmore group of combination type band city planning Yibin City CenterCity will formed a city four district, and Sanjiang more group spacelayout structure, a city for three Jiang Zhucheng,. Independent of thedifferent areas, toSapporo city with to layout and track traffic layout relationshipFigure

30、 5.2 Yibin city planning track traffic of need 5.2.1 Optimizationcity spatial structure, building a city four district, and Sanjiangmore group of combination type band city planning Yibin City CenterCity will formed a city four district, and Sanjiang more group spacelayout structure, a city for thre

31、e Jiang Zhucheng,. Independent of thedifferent areas, toSapporo city with to layout and track traffic layout relationshipFigure 5.2 Yibin city planning track traffic of need 5.2.1 Optimizationcity spatial structure, building a city four district, and Sanjiangmore group of combination type band city

32、planning Yibin City CenterCity will formed a city four district, and Sanjiang more group spacelayout structure, a city for three Jiang Zhucheng,. Independent of thedifferent areas, toSapporo city with to layout and track traffic layout relationshipFigure 5.2 Yibin city planning track traffic of need 5.2.1 Optimizationcity spatial structure, building a city four district, and Sanjiangmore


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