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1、An alysis of Teach ing Man ageme nt An alysis for the status of teach ing evaluati onPaper Keywords:quality of teach ing teach ingevaluationAbstract: Student Ratingsof Teaching inuni versity teach ing quality man ageme nt system plays an importantrole is to ensure the quality of teaching is animport

2、a ntmeasure. Teach ing evaluatio n of uni versityteach ing quality assessme nt as an esse ntial part of play ing an increasinglyimportant role. Universities should avoidweak nesses, and play an active role in teach ing evaluatio n, promotio n of teachers to improve their teach ing methods to improve

3、 the quality of teachingquality assessment is the use of educational evaluation theory and tech no logy,the teach ing process and itsresults are to a certain quality requirementsmade valuejudgme nts. teach ing quality assessme nt must evaluate the developmentof the basic principles

4、of scienee andrati onal developme nt ofteach ing qualityevaluati onsystemin order tobetterplay itsteachingquality ofteachers, guida nee, mon itori ng and facilitati ng role.Teaching quality is the lifeline of institutionsofihigher lear ning, teach ing evaluati on is an esse ntial part of teach ing q

5、uality evaluati on, to test the quality of teach ing and promoti ng the developme nt of an importa nt means of teach ing, but with the deepe ning of educati on al reform and the popularizati onof highereducati on,higherinstitutionsalso began teachingevaluation mechanismfaced with new problems and ch

6、alle nges.Online teaching evaluation work has been the active support of the majority of stude nts, to improve the quality of teach ing have a more active role, but the results of assessme nt to teach stude nts not fully reflect the views of the quality of classroomteaching,to develop in linewith th

7、e cog nitive level of the evaluati on in dex system is particularly importa nt.An evaluationof the quality of teachingthemeaning and content Evaluation of teachingqualityevaluati on is an importa nt part of educati on, in order to play its role in educationand teachingin the correctdirecti on,you mu

8、st carry out scie ntificassessme nt ofteach ing quality.1) the quality of teach ing content of the qualityof teaching is not just the level of student test scores, in cludi ngteachersoutli neun dersta nding,grasp ofmaterial, selection of teaching content organization, the choice of teach ing methods

9、, the use of teach ing methods and stude nt emotio nalcom muni cati on cha nnelforcom muni cati onof in formatio n,etc., it not on ly by thequality of teachers, work attitude, emoti onal impact, but also on the teach ing object, teach ingen viro nment,teach ing con diti ons and other factors.2) to e

10、valuate the meaning of teach ing qualityassessment,educationalevaluation is the useof thetheory and tech niq ues of teach ing process and its resultsare to acertain qualitymade value judgments,aimstopromotethecontinuousimprovementof the qualityofteachingandevaluationof the objectbeing tomakeaCertifi

11、cation.teaching quality evaluationcan be referredto as teach ing evaluati on is an esse ntial part of teach ing.3) to evaluate the purpose of teaching theprocess of teaching evaluation is an important and indispensable part by teaching evaluation, teachers can get feedback on stude nt lear ning, che

12、cki ng the quality of teach ing and lear ning problems for stude nts to con sta ntly improve their teach ing,stude nts can un dersta ndtheirown lear ning problems, and thus help improve their learning, and lear ning from the success of incen tives.4) the role of evaluation of teaching quality evalua

13、ti on has multiple fun cti ons, but in order to promote the con ti nu ous improveme nt of the quality of teach ing as its primary function the teaching evaluationis oriented,iden tificatio n and mon itori ng role, but also regulate, diag no sis,and stimulat ing,no doubt,teach ingqualityassessment in

14、 the teaching process plays an important and active role, the system has become an importa nt part of teach ing activities and orga nic comp onen ts.2 stude nts to participate in improv ing teach ingqualityassessme ntsto teachthe positiveimpact ofTeachstude nts toparticipate inassessme nt,evaluati o

15、nresultsand timelyfeedback, toimprove thequality ofteachinghas a positive role in promoting.Teachingevaluati on of moder n educati onal theories and con cepts of reflecti on is to improve the protecti on of the quality of teaching,teachingevaluationwill not only help schoolsget the most timely real

16、feedback, adjust all aspects of the work to improve the quality of teaching, but also help stude ntsobserve,an alyze,ide ntify problems andresp on sibility, so reas on able to carry out importa nt work of teach ing evaluatio n.3 limitations of teachingevaluationIn theactual evaluationof teachingproc

17、ess, teaching qualityand studentperception of teachingeffectiveness andevaluation,by itself and various externalfactors, makingthe results of assessme nt of the actual teach in g, reduc ing the credibility of so teaching evaluationresults can onlymake decision-makingprocess, and can not be the onlyb

18、asis. Many factors affect the teachingevaluation, thereare objective reas ons and subjective reas ons, mai nly in the follow ing areas.(1) to teach3.1 factors stude nts themselvesthe stude nts un dersta nding of the sig ni fica nee of the lack of assessme nt (2) stude nt motivati on, in terest in le

19、ar ning, and lear ning the basis of pers onal feeli ngs affect the level of teacher evaluation.(3) teachingevaluationby thelimited level of kno wledge.3.2 Properties of coursesStude nt evaluati onof courses of differe ntn atureis also a lack ofcomparability highly abstract theoreticaldiscipli neisus

20、ually stron ger tha n the applied experie nee of teach ing more difficult subjects, but the effect is ofte n not obvious. http:/ en 3.3 teachers in their own factorsAccording to the survey, the teacher s age, gender, job title, pers on ality characteristics and in terpers onal skills and other non-a

21、cademic factors may affect the evaluatio n of students. Teachers with high titles, easy to get students to respect and esteem, better evaluation, while the titles of the low but the teaching ability of teachers evaluati on of a low, strong com muni cati onskills, strongaffin ity, teachers focus on e

22、n terta inment, but also easy to get students recognition, addition, teachingevaluationprocess judge a book rema ins widespread, young andbeautiful, lively pers on ality, relative to the average teacher of teachers obta ined a higher evaluatio n.3.4 teaching evaluation system is imperfect Evaluati o

23、nshould be desig nedwith the times, forscientific, can not use the same evaluationcriteria to allprofessi on al, all-grade teachers. Con trary to the prin ciples of scientific evaluationof teaching,teachingassessmentwill lead to bias.Four pairs of large teach ing evaluati on Suggestions4.1Designa sc

24、ientific andrationalevaluati on systemTeach ing evaluati on in dex ofscie ntific,rati onaland feasibleevaluati onresultswilldirectly affect the authe nticity and credibility.Teachingevaluationshould be conducive to theimplementationof quality education,help students takethe initiativeto develop, sho

25、uld be based on differentcontent, appropriate evaluati on methods, give full play to the teach ing of positive evaluati on in teach ing the guid ing role.4.2 do a good job teach ing assessme nt publicity Prior to teach ing evaluati on, the releva nt departme nts of educati onal admi nistratio n shou

26、ld activelycarry out the assessme nt in stude nt teach ing to promote to stude nts the sig nifica nee of a correct un dersta nding of teach ingassessme nt, further correct the attitude ofteach ing assessme nt, teach ing evaluati on in dex system to understandthe content, teaching methods to master a

27、reas on ableassessme nt for stude nts to objectively andfairly evaluate the basis for teach ing.4.3 multi-cha nnel multipleevaluati onofteach ing and teach ing evaluati on comb inedEvaluatio nof teaching at different times, may lead to different evaluationresults, such as teaching assessment exam,st

28、udents prone to panic psychological fear to teacherevaluationwill not affect their high test scores, if takenafter the test assessme nt to teach, will so easy to producesome of the students revenge mentality, because test scores are not ideal teacher will teach discontentto gointo the assessment is

29、recommendedto take mid-termevaluationof teaching, teachingevaluationperiod, thecomb in ati on of un certa in Comme ntary way to teach, try to avoid the final word adverse results. In addition, the assessme nt should be to teach on li ne, teach ing evaluatio n questio nn aires,discussi onevaluati ono

30、f teach ingmethods to teach a variety of assessmentcombine tomake up for lack of a single evaluationof teachingmethods.4.4 Assessment informationshould be timelyfeedback to teach Teach ing evaluatio n is con cluded, the releva ntdepartme ntsshould make the results of theevaluationfeedback to teachers, teachers can use thisin formati onto keep abreast of all aspects of theirperforma nee, ide ntify their stre ngths and weak nesses, to adjust their focus and directi on to improve t


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