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1、Laugh ing face of setbacks speechLaugh of failureFailure, which is a word we are not willi ng to face,and it is one we are not unfamiliarword, I believe,every one had gone through the process of grow ing too large and small failures, every one has failed, .? eve n after repeated failures so, we in t

2、he end what kind of attitude you want to face defeat it at this mome nt, I want to say is: laugh failed!There is such a story, I do not know whether we veheard: The United States has a Hollywood film star, also was Mika Times & It ;< > ;& gt; in cluded in the“ greatAmerican, ” the ranks of succ

3、essful people - but also from a series of setbacks and failure to come out, he was born poor. student,his performaneeis very bad. Worse, he isnot only a natural lefty, but there are“ dyslexia ” , who isregarded as men tal retardati on in the bus in ess for whe n the skin is black because he is not h

4、an dsome, but he is still being deniedcon fide nt, his family said:“! look at it, i nten years, I will become a Hollywood superstar,” but laternot all plain sailing: the first “debut ” is just a fleetingiistarred penny paycheck and no small role although they subseque ntly appeared in four films, an

5、d films which he also starred in the leading role. , but because of the film splot and his poorperformancesimmature and havefailedBut all in all, he did not knock him con sta ntly reflecton and improve their own, and fin ally describe U.S. Navyfighter pilot in the 1986 movie part -. &It;&It;>>

6、Top Gun in the early success.I thin k, I do not say every one had thought that thispers on is the Hollywood star - Tom Cruise.After heari ng this story, you realize it? In deed, success and failure is like a cycle, between the two are closely related, there will be a successful failure.So, when we f

7、ailed, neednot pessimistic Not onlythat, we may be able hearty laugh because I always thin k:.!.God is a girl, and, God is not only a girl, but also a headstr ong girl. Yes, she likes to make things difficult for people, and we ope ned this joke, while we have to do is to withsta nd the test. Eve n

8、though we defeated, but we still have to keep on fighti ng. want to believe that God is fair, joke is only temporary, you will eve ntually succeed!In fact, a person is often a failure, but success is often all this is like spring: spring and spring will come again,thank flower flowersfail to open wh

9、enapproach ing a little bit, a little bit far away from success when We are supposed to believe,as longas thepersiste nt efforts con ti nue successfully in the n ear future will certa inly come aga inHere, I urge you to keep in min d:! Should fall eve n heroic smile do not hesitate to let us joi n h

10、ands and laugh about failure, success Xiaoyingit, I believe that ourtomorrow will be better, my speech fini shed, tha nk you!2.Exte nded read ing articlesSpeeches called public speeches, it was at the meeti ngor other public occasi ons to express theirpersonal views, opinions and ideas of the presen

11、tation. Speech is good or bad depe nds directlyGive n a speech success and failure.Like argumentative speech argumentas distinct,logical, but it is not a gen eral argume ntative It is a call to acti on and promoti onalapplicati ons with style, ofte nusing a variety of rhetorical and artistic, with a

12、 strongappeal.Speech may not use speech, many famous speeches are improvisati ons, recorded by some one else after the spread to, but the important speech is best prepared in adva nee speech because speech has at least two aspects of the role : First, carefully comb ing through the ideas ofwell-orga

13、 ni zedmaterialsmakeprese ntati onsmoreprofo undand rich contentmethodicalSecond,thespeaker can help elim in atespottension, fears,andenhance the speaker s self-c on fide nee.Speeches FeaturesThe mai n differe neeLectures and performa nces, writ ing a big differe nee.First, the speech was in some me

14、anin gful things or speakers on issues of com monconcern in the face ofcerta in occasi ons through oral la nguage audie nee directly express theirSee a social activity.Secondly, the essay is the author of a unilateral outputin formati onto the readers through articles,lectures is a two-way speaker i

15、n the field of information excha nge with the audie nee. Strictly speak ing, the speechwas the speaker with the audie nee, the audie nee and the audie nee tria ngular exeha nge of in formati on, the speaker can not to eon vey their thoughts and feeli ngs, emoti ons to meet, he must be able to eontro

16、l myself with the audie nee,the audie nee shouldeom muni eatewith theaudie nee and with emoti ons so as to prepare a speeeh on the manu seript has the followi ng three eharaeteristies:The main featuresFirst, targeted. Speeeh is a soeial aetivity, a form of propaga nda forpublie oeeasi ons it in orde

17、r to thoughts,feelings, stories and theories to Xiao Yu audienee to impress the audienee,“conquer ” the masses, must berealistie targeted so-ealled targeted, the first question raised is a matter of concern to the audie nee, eomme nts and Debate have eloque nt logic forces the audie nee to be able t

18、o accept and convincing, so in order to play their soeial effects ; The see ond is to un dersta nd the audie nee have different objects and different levels, and “ public places ” there are different types, such as caucus meetings,professionalmeetings, service clubs, schools,eom mun ity groups, reli

19、gious groups, various eompetiti ons oeeasi ons, Whe n writi ng accord ing to differe nt oeeasi onsand different objects, differentdesign for the audieneespeech content.Second, can speak of. Nature speech that“ talk ” ,rather than “ play ” , it “ talk ” mainly to “ play ” suppleme nt. Due to resort t

20、o verbal speech, must be easy to say whe n the draft can speak as a prec on diti on if that some major works by read ing articles and enjoy a taste of which the meaning and touch ing, the n the requireme nts of the speech is“catchy ear. ” a good speech for speakerswho want to can speak; those who sh

21、ould be nice to liste n Therefore, after the speech writtenby the best authorslecture or meditati on to be checked, not easy to read or liste n to those who speak do not know the place (such as a sentence is tooIon g),should be modified. andadjustme nt.Third, the call to action. Speech is an art. Go

22、od speech own kind of excited audienee mood to win the goodwill of the call to acti on. To do this, first thought to rely on speech content rich, deep, i nsightful, there uniq ue, thought-provokingIanguage to vivid and contagiousifthe speech writte n bla nd, nothing n ew, eve n in the field,“ play ”

23、 too hard again, the effect will not be good, eventhe opposite.Fourth, the overall speech and speech can not be independently completed the task, it s just a text basedlectures, and is an integral part of the entire speech activity. Lecture subject, target audie nee, a particular time and space, tog

24、ether con stitute the whole speech activities Whe n writi ng a speech, it can not be stripped out from the whole this end, writi ng speeches to pay atte nti on to the followi ng aspects:First, accord ing to the cultural level of the audie nee, the nature of work, living environment,quality training,

25、good wishes to establish the topics of love, choose to express the way to better com muni cati on.Secon dly, the speech must not only fully reflects the unique speaker profo und perspectives and in sights,butalso on the level of tone, speed of the speed, the use of body Ianguage to design and make a

26、 note in order to achieve optimal dissem in ati on of results.Also, con sider the speech time, space and atmosphere of the scene and other factors, in order to stre ngthe n the effect of the speech live.Fifth, oral sexOral sex is differe nt from other importa nt aspects of speech expresswritte narti

27、cles and conferencein strume nts.Writte n articles Needless to say, otherinstrumentssuch as the work report of the meeting,leadership speeches, etc., and not pay atte ntio n to oral sex, although by a certa in leadership took the stage, but the audie neegen erallyhave a han d-pri nted no tes whileli

28、stening while reading,there will be no place did notun dersta nd. speech is differe nt, it has more improvisatio n, it is impossible in adva nee prin ted no tes distributed to the audie nee. To do this, you must pay atte nti on to the speech,“catchy ” and “ear.” called catchy, is accessible fluently

29、 speak up so-called ear, that sounds very smooth, there is noIan guagebarrier, does not occur misin terpretedspecific to do:Liste n to the longsenten cesinto appropriatephrase;The sentence should readconven ti onalflipsenten ce;The words did not un dersta nd the classical idiom tocha nge or delete;M

30、ono syllable replaced the two-syllable word;Replaced by the un com mon words com monly usedword;Listen to the words easy to mistakenlyreplacedeasily mistook the word.Thus, i n order to en sure that speak ing up catchy, itsounds clear.Sixth, the spot of theLecture speaker and the audie nee is a face

31、to facecom muni cati onand timely com muni cati onbetwee n theaudie nee will react to speech content: or en dorseme nt, or opposition,or interesting,or indifferentto the variousspeakers for the audie nee to reflect not set in spite of the problems that may arise, therefore, write speeches, to fully

32、con sider the n ature of its spot in the premise of en suri ng the content is complete, we should pay atte ntio n to leave room for expa nsion and con tracti on.should give fullconsiderationto the speech when, and cope Measuressituations. Overall, the speech should have the flexibility to reflect th

33、e skills n ecessary to con trol the market.The mai n fun cti onFirst, “people know ” speech, which is a messageto con vey to clarify the affair as the mai n fun cti on of thespeech, which aims to make people know and un dersta nd as aestheticia ns qia n speech > ;& gt; << talk about writi ng

34、, about the preparati on before writi ng, article genre, ideas, material selecti on, so that theaudie neeun dersta ndsthe basics ofcompositi on,which ischaracterized by a stro ng in tellectual, li nguistic accuracy.Second, the “ people believe ” speech. Primary purpose of this lecture is to make peo

35、ple trust, I believe it from the “ people know ” speech evolved as Daiying speech > ;& gt; < ;&It; What is the good guy, not only to inform people What people are not good people, but also made three good measure of sta ndard of truth through a series of expositi ons cha nged the old con cept of people in the past and it is characterized by a unique point of view, correct, argume nts in formative, authe ntic and reas on able argume nt, tight.Third, the “shock people ” speech. This lecture is inten ded to make the audie nee excited, the thoughts


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