



1、。Hello, dear friends, Im glad you can be here today. Before I begin my speech, I want to ask you a question, who knows thetheme ofthisMilitaryGames?, yes The answer is “ ShareFriendship, Promote Peace ”。 Here, I would like to briefly introduce the Military Games to you.各位亲爱的朋友们,你们好 , 很高兴大家今天能够来到这里,在

2、开始我得演讲之前, 我想问大家一个问题, 有谁知道本届军运会得主题?是的,我刚刚听到了正确答案,那就是“分享友谊,促进和平”,在此,我想简单为大家介绍一下军运会。as we know CISM was founded in 1948 aftertheWorld War II,andsince that time, it has continued developing.and started the1TH MilitaryGamesin 1995 in Rome。Thereisno doubtthatthe CISM isincreasingly valuable around theworl

3、d 。And Itwasastonishingnews that Chinas Wuhan city will host the 7thCISM World Summer Games in this year.正如我们所知, CISM成立于 1948 年第二次世界大战后, 从那时起, CISM一直在发展并于1995年在罗马举办了第一届军运会,毫无疑问,CISM 在全时间变得越来越有价值。并且,一个令人惊喜得消息是今年中国武汉将会举办第7节军运会。I think China is a great country and I believe it is capableof holding this

4、 event. Wuhan has met all requirements for holding a high-level sports event and has shown strong wish eration, passion and expectation when preparing for it.Aboveall, The Military Games are not only A match but alsoA symbol of powerful and civilized force。This is also theworldsexpressiono

5、frespectand awe forChina,whichisgrowing stronger and stronger. Today, I am proud of myself.Because Ican attendthis grand event ofpeace, friendshipandjoy. Today, I am proud of the city. the river city of Wuhan,seizingeveryopportunityforinnovativedevelopmentandpresentingitselftothe world ina new look.

6、 ,Today, I amproudof Our Army,Because Our soldiersdefend thesacredinviolableterritorywithbloodandsweat 。 Today, Iam proudofmymotherland, BecauseThewhole worldapplaudstherapiddevelopment of this great country.我认为中国是一个伟大的国家,我相信它有能力举办这一活动。武汉已经满足了举办高水平体育赛事的所有要求,并在准备时表现出强烈的合作,热情和期望。更重要得是,军运会不仅仅是一场比赛,更是强大

7、,文明力量得象征。是世界对日渐强大的中国表达它的尊重与敬畏。今天我为自己骄傲,因为我能参加这场和平,友谊和欢乐得盛会,今天,我为这座城市而骄傲,因为江城武汉,正抓住每一个创新发展的机会,以崭新的面貌向世界展示自己。今天,我为军人骄傲,因为他们用热血和汗水保护着神圣不可侵犯得领土。今天,我为祖国骄傲,整个世界都在为飞速发展得中国而喝彩。2。in a word,For our country, the Military Gameswill be a great gift ,Its an opportunity to show our countrys strength and prosperity

8、, and to build good relations with other countries. Wuhan is a city with strong technological abilities, alsoabundant culturalresourcesand a very long history ,WebelieveWuhan will present a fabulous event to the world, and thatsthe purpose of the MilitaryWorld Games. At the end ofmy speech,I hope all thepreparationwillgo well,and everyonewill showtheir abilitytothe world.Letus seizeopportunitiesand givea big smile to challenges.总而言之,对我们国家来说,军运会会是一个巨大的礼物。是展示我们国家强大和富足得一次机会,同时也能和其他国家建立良好得关系。武汉是一座技术力量雄厚、文化资源丰富、历史悠久的城市,我们相信武汉将


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