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1、英语四级备战实用500高频短语,四级考试不发愁above all首先,尤其是【语境】Mostpeople agree that the present role of women has already affected U.S. society.Above all, it has affected the traditional role of men.大多数人都认同,妇女目前的地位已经影响了美国社会,尤其影响了男子的传统地位。above board光明正大的,公开的【语境】Hisbusiness dealings were above board.他的生意来往都是光明正大的。above/o

2、ver ones head难以理解;越级【语境】The boardchairman said that it was done over his head.董事长说那件事是未与他商量而做的。a case in point有关的事例,例证【语境】The stateof our inner-city schools is a case in point.我们内城区学校的状况就是一个恰当的例子。after all毕竟,终究,究竟【语境】Maybepeople do believe they can buy happiness after all.或许人们真的认为,钱可以买到幸福快活。all but几

3、乎,差不多;除了都【语境】Thatchampion all but broke the world record.那位冠军选手几乎破了世界纪录。all in all从各方面说,总的说来【语境】All inall, we cannot live without computer network now.总之,我们无法现在居住没有计算机网络。allow for考虑到,顾及,为留出余地【语境】We allowfor wear through friction in designing the parts of every machine.我们设计每台机器的部件时,都考虑到了磨擦造成的损耗。allow

4、 of容许,容许有的可能【语境】Thecurrent situation allows of no delay.目前的情况不允许我们耽误。all the way一直,完全【语境】The dogfollowed me all the way home.在我回家的路上这只狗一直跟着我。and so on/forth等等【语境】They workto make enough money for food, house, clothes, and so on.他们工作以赚取足够的钱来支付食物、房子、衣服等的费用。answer for对负有责任【语境】We allmust answer for our

5、behaviors.我们都必须对自己的行为负责。as a matter of fact实际上,事实上【语境】As amatter of fact, the worlds largest carpet manufacturer has already developed acarpet that is fully and safely recyclable.事实上,世界上最大的地毯生产商已经发明了一种完全可以安全循环利用的地毯。as far as到程度,就【语境】The parkextends as far as the river.这个公园一直伸展到河边。as for /to至于,关于【语境】

6、As fortheir other differences, please see Question No 134.有关它们的不同处,参看问题第134。aside from除之外(别无);除之外(尚有)【语境】Asidefrom being praised, he received a lot of money.除了获得表扬之外,他还得到一大笔钱。as if /though好像,仿佛【语境】She talkedas if she knew all about our plans.她说得就好像完全知道我们的计划似的。as it is实际上【语境】Theyagreed to buy the hou

7、se as it is.他们同意按房子的现状买下这幢房子。as it were可以说,某种程度上【语境】In manyways children live, as it were, in a different world from adults.从许多方面讲,小孩子可以说是生活在一个跟成人不同的世界里。as/so long as只要,如果;既然,由于【语境】He willsurely finished the job on time so long as hes left to do it in his own way.只要让他按照自己的方式来做,他一定会按时完成工作。as soon as一

8、就,刚便【语境】We mustreturn to school as soon as possible.我们必须尽可能快地返回学校。as well as除之外(也),既又【语境】As wellas the danger from enemy action, people had to cope with a severe shortage offood, clothing, and almost everything.人们不但要应对来自敌人行动的危险,还必须应对严重的食物、衣服等几乎一切东西的短缺。as well同样,也【语境】Thechildren dance well and sing a

9、s well.这些孩子舞跳得好,歌唱得也好。at all events不管怎样,无论如何【语境】At allevents, Americas strategy has changed.无论如何,美国的策略已经有了改变。at all times随时,总是【语境】We mustat all times keep abreast of changing conditions.我们在任何时候都要适应变化了的情况。at all(用于否定句)丝毫,一点【语境】Manypeople are asking whether traditional research universities in fact ha

10、ve anyfutureat all.许多人都在质疑,传统的研究型大学实际上是否还有将来。at a time每次,一次【语境】Takethree pills at a time.每次服三粒。at hand近在手边,在附近【语境】We mustbe prepared to take care of the issues at hand.我们必须着手考虑手边的问题了。at length详细地;最终,终于【语境】The teacherexplained the language points of the new lesson at length to the students.老师把课文中的语言点

11、详细地解释给学生。at no time从不,决不【语境】At notime can we give up learning.在任何时候,我们都不能放弃学习。at one time曾经,一度【语境】It issaid that at one time a highwayman lived in the house.据说从前某个时候,有个拦路强盗在这栋房子里住过。at times有时,间或【语境】Everyonemay make mistakes at times.每个人都会犯错误。back and forth来回地,反复地【语境】Childrengrow up feeling unsettled

12、 as they are moved back and forth between parents.孩子在这种被父母推来推去的环境中感到动荡不安。back out退出,撒手;食言【语境】You promisedto help, you shouldnt back out now.你答应过要帮忙的,你不应该自食其言。back up(使)倒退;支持【语境】Themanager is expecting us to back him up at the meeting.经理期待我们在会议上支持他。be about to (do)刚要,即将【语境】Want tosolve this problem.

13、Be about to do it from him.想要解决这个问题,就要从他开始。bear down竭尽全力;压倒,击败【语境】Its adifficult task; we must bear it down.这是个艰巨的任务;我们必须全力以赴。bear on/upon对有影响,和有关【语境】Those arematters that bear on the welfare of the community.那些是影响社会福利的原因。bear out证实【语境】I hopeyou will bear out what I tell him.我希望你能证实我对他讲的话。bear up支撑下

14、去,振作起来【语境】Its noteasy to bear up under such circumstances.在这样的环境下咬紧牙关坚持是不容易的。bear with忍受,容忍【语境】Thepatient is very irritable, but we try to bear with him.那病人极易发怒,但我们尽量容忍他。be in for遭到(麻烦等);参加(竞争等)【语境】They maybe in for some bad weather.他们可能会遇到坏天气。beside the point离题的,不相关的【语境】Hisremarks about gardening w

15、ere beside the point.他对园艺的评论简直是文不对题。block off封锁,封闭【语境】If youblock off the exit, they cannot get out of there.如果你把出路给堵住,他们就出不来了。block up堵塞,挡住【语境】Theytried to block up these holes in the wall.他们设法堵塞这些墙洞。break away突然离开,强行逃脱【语境】It isdifficult to break away from a habit.改掉坏习惯是很困难的。break down损坏;(健康等)垮掉,崩溃

16、【语境】Modernforms of transportation and communication have done much to break down theisolation of life in Alaska.现代交通及通讯方式在很大程度上打破了阿拉斯加的与世隔绝生活状态。break even不赔不赚【语境】Thecompanys business just managed to break even last month.上月这家公司的生意收支平衡。break into非法闯入,强行进入【语境】Computervandals can break into any system.

17、电脑破坏分子能闯入任何系统。break in非法闯入打断,插嘴【语境】She brokein on our conversation.她突然插话,打断了我们的谈话。break off中断,突然停止【语境】Letsbreak off for half an hour and have some tea.让我们小憩半小时喝点茶。break out爆发,突然出现;逃脱,逃走【语境】When didthe second World War break out?第二次世界大战是什么时候爆发的?break the ice打破僵局【语境】The hosttold a joke to his guests t

18、o break the ice.为了打破僵局,主人给客人们讲了个笑话。break through突围,冲破;取得突破性成就【语境】Althoughshe tried hard, she still cant break through.虽然她努力尝试,但是还是不能突破。break up打碎,粉碎;散开,驱散;终止,结束【语境】Theirmarriage broke up last month.他们的婚姻关系上月破裂了。bring about导致,引起【语境】Computertechnology will bring about a revolution in business administ

19、ration.计算机技术会带来工商管理的革命。bring around/round说服,使信服;使恢复知觉(或健康)【语境】Hebrought her around to my point of view.他说服她同意我的观点。bring/carry/put into effect实行,实现,使生效【语境】Thesesuggestions were adopted and put into effect.这些建议得到了采纳,并付诸于实行。bring down使落下,打倒;降低,减少【语境】Thecompany is trying every means to bring down the wh

20、olesale price of itsproducts.这家公司正想方设法降低其产品的批发价。bring forth产生,提出【语境】The goodnews brought forth a cheer.这则好消息令人欢欣鼓舞。bring forward提前;提出,提议【语境】Theybrought forward a meeting.他们把会议召开日期提前。bring into play使活动,使运转,启动【语境】How tobring into play the initiative of teachers and students fully?如何最大限度地发挥教师和学生的积极性?br

21、ing off使实现,做成【语境】It was adifficult task, but we bring it off.任务艰巨,但是我们圆满完成了。bring on引起,助长,促进【语境】Thatincident will surely bring on a crisis.那个事件肯定会导致一场危机。bring out出版,推出;使显出;激起,引起【语境】They arebringing out a new edition of the dictionary.他们正要出版这部词典的新版本。bring through使(病人)脱险,使安全度过【语境】Herillness was seriou

22、s but the doctors managed to bring her through.她病情严重,医生好不容易使她转危为安。bring to使恢复知觉【语境】When Jacknearly drowned, they brought him to by artificial respiration.当杰克快淹死时,他们用人工呼吸使他恢复知觉。bring up养育,教养;提出【语境】Theteachers brougt the pupils up on stories about the Old East.教师们用古老的东方冒险故事来教诲小学生们。build into使固定于,使成为的一

23、部分【语境】She hasbuilt these scraps of metal into a sculpture.她把这些金属下脚料制成一尊雕刻品。build in使成为固定物,使成为组成部分【语境】Theworkers are building in with bricks the hole on the side of the house.工人正在用砖把房子一侧的空洞堵住。build on/upon把建立于,以为思想(或行动等)的基础【语境】Myhappiness builds on all kinds of credit.我的快乐建立在各种信任上。build up逐步建立;增进,增强;

24、逐渐积聚,集结【语境】Thesevitamin B and C pills are to build up your resistance.这些维生素B和C片是给你增强抵抗力的。burst in on突然出现(或到来)【语境】He burstin on the meeting.他突然闯进来打断了会议。burst into闯入;突然起来【语境】Theentire hall burst into applause.整个大厅爆发出一阵掌声。burst out大声喊叫,突然起来【语境】Whenhearing the funny joke, we burst out laughing.当听到那个好笑的笑

25、话时,我们立刻大笑出来。but for倘没有,要不是【语境】But forthe help of their group, we would not have succeeded in the investigation.要不是因为他们组的帮助,我们的调查不可能取得成功。by all means当然可以【语境】We willhelp balance your energy, we will hug you, and by all means we will love you.我们将帮助你平衡你的能量,我们将拥抱你,并且当然的,我们将会爱你。by and by不久,迟早【语境】By and by

26、it will become colder again.渐渐地天气又将冷起来。by and large大体上,总的来说【语境】I cannottotally take your point, but by and large I think yours is reasonable.我不能完全认同你的观点,但是从大体上来看,我认为你的观点还是有道理的。by any chance万一,也许【语境】Could youby any chance giving me a lift home?你有没有可能让我搭个便车回家啊?by chance偶然,碰巧【语境】I met oneof my old frie

27、nds by chance yesterday.昨天我偶然遇到了一个老朋友。by far到目前为止【语境】In my opinion, hes by far the mostimaginative of all the contemporary poets.在我看来,他是当代诗人中最有想象力的一个。by means of用,依靠【语境】Someanimals communicate with one another by means of cries.一些动物通过哭喊进行交流。by no means绝不,并没有【语境】Thesefeatures are by no means unique t

28、o Japan.这些特征绝不是日本所独有的。by the way顺便地,附带地说说【语境】By theway, can I get a bus to the center from here?顺便问一声,我在这儿能不能搭到去市中心的公共汽车?by turns轮流地,交替地【语境】When Georgehad a fever, he felt cold and hot by turns.乔治发烧的时候,感到一阵冷一阵热。by way of经过,经由;通过的方法【语境】Satellites sent back the photographs of other planets to earth by

29、 way of radio.卫星通过无线电波把它们所拍的其他星球的照片送回地球。call back回电话【语境】Pleaseask her to call back my parents tonight.请你转告她今晚给我父母回电话。call for叫(某人)来;要求,需要【语境】Thisarticle calls for more attention to the problem of cultural interference inforeign language teaching and learning.这篇文章要求我们对外语教学和学习中的文化干扰问题给予更多的关注。call in叫进

30、来,召来【语境】We hadbetter call in a specialist at this critical moment.在这个关键时刻我们最好请一位专家来。call it a day今天到此为止【语境】Maybe weshould just call it a day.也许我们今天该到此为止了。call off取消【语境】Shecalled off her trip to New York because she was ill.因为生病她取消了去纽约的旅行。call on/upon访问,拜访;号召,要求【语境】Ourmanager is calling on an importa

31、nt customer now and he will be back thisafternoon.我们经理正在访问一位重要客户,今天下午才能返回。call up打电话(给);召集;使人想起【语境】Thegirls face called up in his mind the image of his dead wife.这个女孩的面貌使他回想起他死去的妻子的形象。carry forward推进【语境】To carryforward this peace project, House arrived in London on January 6, 1916.为执行这项和平计划,豪斯于1916年

32、1月6日到达伦敦。carry off拿走,夺走【语境】Thefever, if not stopped, might and would carry off the young fellow.情况十分严重,高烧若不及时制止,会使年轻人失去生命。carry on继续,进行【语境】If youcarry on in that way, youll get the school a bad name.如果你仍然那样胡闹下去的话,你就会败坏学校的声誉。carry out实行,执行;完成,实现【语境】Threestudents were chosen to carry out the experimen

33、t.挑选了三名学生进行这项实验。carry over(使)继续下去,将延后【语境】The habitcarries over from my childhood.这个习惯是从我的童年时代保留下来的。carry through实现,完成,坚持下去;使度过困难(或麻烦等)【语境】All thesemeasures must be carried through without delay.所有这些措施必须及时完成,不得延误。cast aside把丢一边,去掉【语境】He castaside all his old books.他把所有的旧书都扔掉了。cast off抛弃,丢弃,摆脱【语境】The

34、hardwinter has gone, and now we can cast off our winter clothing.严冬已过,现在我们可以摆脱冬装了。cast out赶出,驱逐【语境】Thevillagers cast the thief out of the temple.村民们把那个小偷赶出庙外。catch at试图抓住,拼命抓【语境】Thedrowning boy caught at a rope thrown to him, but missed it and sank.落水的男孩试图抓住抛向他的一条绳子,但是没抓住,沉没了。catch/get/take hold of抓

35、住;理解【语境】Do youcatch hold of our teaching methods now?你现在对我们的教学方法理解了吗?catch on流行起来;懂得,理解【语境】Pleaserepeat what you said, I didnt quite catch on.请把你的话再说一遍,我没十分听明白。catch out发觉有错误(或做坏事)【语境】They willtry to catch you out, so have all your answers well prepared.他们想挑你的毛病,所以你要把所有的回答都准备好。catch up with赶上;对产生恶果【

36、语境】Workerswill want their money wages to catch up with the recent inflation.工人们将要求他们的工资增长跟上近期通货膨胀的程度。chance on /upon偶然找到,偶然遇到【语境】If youhappen to chance upon that document, let me know.如果你碰巧发现了那个文件,请通知我。check in(在旅馆、机场等)登记,报到【语境】Wechecked in at the airport an hour before our plane took off.我们在飞机起飞前一小

37、时到达机场办理登机手续。check out结账离去,办妥手续离去【语境】Theychecked out ten minutes ago.他们十分钟前就结账走了。check up (on)检查,核实【语境】Youdbetter ask the doctor to check you up.你最好请医生给你作全身检查。clean out把打扫干净【语境】Its timeyou clean out the drawers of your desk; they are full of old paper.是应该把你的抽屉清理干净的时候了,里面全是废纸。clean up(把)收拾干净;清理,清除(犯罪现

38、象等)【语境】Its yourturn to clean the classroom up.该轮到你们打扫教室了。clear away把清除掉,收拾【语境】If youdont clear away the rubbish regularly, it will just accumulate.如果你不经常清理垃圾,这将会越积越多。clear off离开,溜掉【语境】Theburglar saw the policeman and cleared off immediately.窃贼看见警察就立刻溜掉了。clear out清除,把腾空;走开,赶出【语境】Thepolice cleared all

39、 the people out of the cinema.警察让所有的人离开了电影院。clear up清理;澄清,解决;(天)放晴【语境】It willprobably clear up this afternoon.今天下午天气大概将晴朗。come about发生,产生【语境】Thissituation should never have come about.这种情况本来不应该发生。come across偶然遇见,碰上【语境】When youcome across something important, write it down.当你遇到重要的事情时,把它记下来。come along

40、出现,发生;进步,进展【语境】Do youmind if I come along sometime?如果什么时候我和你一起去你介意吗?come apart破碎,崩溃【语境】If yousit on that chair it will come apart!如果你坐那把椅子,它就散架了。come around/round苏醒,复原;顺便来访【语境】Shesfainted. Throw some water on her face and shell come round.她晕过去了。在她脸上洒些水她就会醒过来。come at攻击,冲向;达到,了解【语境】It was along time b

41、efore we came at the truth.过了很长时间我们才了解到真相。come between分开,离间;妨碍(某人做某事)【语境】They aregood friends and nothing can come between them.他们是好朋友,没什么能使她们分开。come by得到,获得;访问,看望【语境】Bestthings are worst to come by.最美好的事物总是最难得。come down to可归结为【语境】Ourchoices come down to staying here or leaving here.我们的选择实际上就是留在这里还是

42、离开这里两条道路。come down(物价等)下跌;落魄,潦倒【语境】Hertemperature came down in the evening.到了晚上她的体温就降下来了。come in for受到,遭到【语境】Thedesigner came in for a lot of criticism.这位设计师受到很多批评。come off脱落,分开;结果,表现【语境】A buttonhas come off my shirt.我的衬衣掉了一颗扣子。come on(表示鼓励、催促等)快,走吧;进步,进展;发生,开始【语境】Theres astorm coming on. Wed better

43、 get home.暴风雨快来了,我们最好回家吧。come out出现,显露;出版,发表;结果是【语境】The newshas just come out that the president is going to visit China next month.刚有消息传出说,总统将在下个月访问中国。come through经历仍活着,安然度过【语境】Civilization will never come through another period of mechanical inventionthat improved life on earth for humans so much.

44、文明永远不会经历另一个给人类在地球上的生活带来如此改变的机械发明时代。come to a head(事情等)达到危急的关头【语境】Everything is probably going to come to a head tonight. Ill keep you informed.今晚一切都可能到了紧要关头,我会让你及时了解情况的。come to light显露,暴露【语境】The factssurrounding the murder have finally come to light.有关这起谋杀案的实情终于显露出来。come to terms (with.)妥协,和解;容忍【语境】

45、We shouldlearn to come to terms with those we dislike.我们应该学会容忍那些我们不喜欢的人。come to苏醒;总数为,结果是;涉及,谈到【语境】In a fewminutes he suddenly came to.过了一会儿他突然苏醒过来。come up against突然(或意外)碰到(困难、反对等)【语境】We havecome up against an unexpected problem.我们碰到了一个意想不到的问题。come up to比得上,达到(标准等)【语境】Thispiece of work does not come

46、 up to your usual standard.这件作品达不到你们平常的标准。come up with提出,想出,提供【语境】When youneed help, come up with another man.遇到问题需要帮忙时,想到别的人。come up出现,发生;走上前来【语境】Somethingmust have come up that day.那天一定是出什么事了。count against(被)认为对不利【语境】For thatjob her lack of experience may count against her.她缺乏经验可能对她申请那份工作不利。count

47、down(发射火箭等时)倒读数【语境】Thespaceship is already being counted down.宇宙飞船已开始倒计秒数。count in把算入【语境】We havecounted you in.我们已经把你算进去了。count on/ upon依靠,指望【语境】Besides,viewers could count on justice to win.除此之外,观众们还可以指望正义战胜邪恶。count out逐一数出;不把算入【语境】There areso many stars in the sky that none can count out.天空中这么多的星星

48、,没有人数得清。count up算出的总数,共计【语境】Mary cancount up to ten in German.玛丽能够用德语数到十。cut across抄近路穿过,对直通过【语境】There isa short cut across the field.到田野对面去有一条近路。cut back急忙返回;削减,缩减【语境】The filmcut back to the earlier scene so that we understood her reasons.影片倒叙往事,这样我们就了解到了她的原因。cut corners走捷径,省钱(或人力、时间等)【语境】Dont cutc

49、orners. Money is no object.不要偷工减料。钱不是问题。cut down削减,减少;砍倒,杀死【语境】Thisarticle is too long, you have to cut it down to 1000 words.这篇文章太长,你得把它压缩到一千字才行。cut in插嘴,打断;超车抢挡【语境】He cut inat the head of the line.他在队列的最前头加塞。cut off切断,阻断;使分离,使隔绝【语境】Wang Pingcut off the electricity quickly, preventing an accident.王

50、平立即切断电源,避免了一个事故。cut out切去,删去;戒除,停止服用【语境】Youshould cut out the unimportant details.你应当删除掉这些不重要的细节。do away with废除,去掉【语境】They havedecided to do away withphysicalpunishment in all local schools.他们决定在地方学校消除体罚现象。do ones bit做自己份内的事【语境】Everyonemust do his bit for his country.每个人都必须为国家尽自己的一份力。do without没有也行,

51、用不着,将就【语境】Peoplecan do without a lot of things but they cannot do without food.有许多东西人们没有也能过得去,但没有食物不行。do with(与could,can连用)想要,需要;(与what连用)对待,处理;与有关;以对付过去(或凑合着用)【语境】Herdiligence must have something to do with his success.她的勤勉和她的成功一定有某些关系。draw in(天)渐黑,(白昼)渐短;(汽车或火车)到站【语境】In autumnthe days begin to dra

52、w in.到了秋天,白天开始渐渐短起来。draw on/upon吸,抽(烟);动用,利用;临近,接近【语境】She hadrecently left a job and had helped herself to copies of the companys clientdata, which she intended to drop upon in starting her own business.她最近辞去了一份工作,并擅自取走了该公司的客户资料,打算自己开公司时使用。draw up起草,拟订;(使)停住【语境】Individual sports are run by over 370

53、independent governing bodies whosefunctions usually include drawing up rules, holding events, selecting nationalteams and promoting international links.单项体育运动由370多个独立的管理机构掌管,他们的责任是起草规章制度、举办赛事、选拔国家队以及加强国际间的联系。drop by/in顺便(或偶然)访问【语境】Could Idrop by today to talk over your contract?我想今天顺便来找你谈谈你的合同,行吗?dr

54、op off入睡;(让)下车,把放下;下降,减少【语境】Themembership of the club began to drop off.这个俱乐部会员开始减少。drop out (of)退出,退学【语境】Teenagerswho drop out of high school have trouble finding jobs.中学辍学的青少年难找工作。even if/though即使,虽然【语境】Jack andhis brother differ in appearance even if their differences in age are notsignificant.尽管

55、杰克和他的哥哥在年龄上相差不大,但他们的外表却不同。every bit从头到尾,完全【语境】Shesevery bit as clever and able as her sister.她完全像她姐姐一样聪明能干。fall back on借助于,依靠【语境】You maywell smile, but a little outside investment will at least give us something tofall back on.你也许觉得很好笑,但少量业务以外的投资至少会给我们一些可依托的东西。fall back后退,退却【语境】We chargedand the ene

56、mys front line fell back.我们发起了冲锋,敌人的前线被迫后退。fall behind落后,落在的后面【语境】He didntwant to fall behind in his studies.他不想在学习上落后于别人。fall for受的骗,对信以为真;对倾心,迷恋【语境】Dick fellfor baseball when he was a little boy.当迪克还是个小孩时,他就迷恋上了棒球运动。fall in with同意,赞成,符合;与交往【语境】Themeasure falls in with popular demand.这种方法适合大众的要求。fall on/upon袭击,攻击;由承担【语境】The bulkof the work will fall o


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