Analyzing the Differences of Animal Words Connotation Meaning Between Eastern and Western Culture动物词汇在东西方文化中的不同涵义_第1页
Analyzing the Differences of Animal Words Connotation Meaning Between Eastern and Western Culture动物词汇在东西方文化中的不同涵义_第2页
Analyzing the Differences of Animal Words Connotation Meaning Between Eastern and Western Culture动物词汇在东西方文化中的不同涵义_第3页
Analyzing the Differences of Animal Words Connotation Meaning Between Eastern and Western Culture动物词汇在东西方文化中的不同涵义_第4页
Analyzing the Differences of Animal Words Connotation Meaning Between Eastern and Western Culture动物词汇在东西方文化中的不同涵义_第5页
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1、analyzing the differences of animal words connotation meaning between eastern and western culture 内 容 摘 要在人类发展过程中,动物与人类一直保持着紧密的联系并对人类的生存、发展有着深刻的影响.但是由于受风俗习惯,宗教信仰,历史等因素的影响,在许多时候,英汉两民族对同一动物词也会产生不同的联想且赋予其不同的文化内涵。本文通过对动物词汇产生的文化背景的分析以及结合实例对其进行印证揭示了汉英文化中对动物词汇理解的异同,与此同时,也总结了一些翻译动物词汇的方法供大家参考。通过比较和举例,人们可以更清楚

2、地感受到英汉文化在动物词语上的文化差异,更好的进行交流打下基础。关键词:东西方;不同之处;文化背景abstract with the long process of historical development of mankind, the animals have been keeping closely relationship with humans being and they have a profound impact of the survival and development for mankind. however, many times, between china a

3、nd western countries that treat the same animals often cause different associations as well as endue different cultural connotation due to the influences of different social custom and habits, religions and history. this composition reveals similarities and differences of animal words between two cu

4、ltures though the analysis of cultural background and some examples. meanwhile, some ways can be showed as reference. though analyzing, we can feel differences more clearly and more easy to communicate.key words: china and western countries; differences; cultural backgroundcontentsacknowledgements.i

5、abstract in chinese.iiabstract in english.ii1. introduction of animal words. . . .11.1 in china.11.2 in western countries . .12. the source of animal differences between english and chinese . .2 2.1 cultural elements . .2 2.1.1 the differences of social customs and habits.22.1.2 the diferences of re

6、ligions 33. analyzing and comparing some typical examples.43.1 different understandings in english and chinese for“dragon” .43.2 differences of“dog”in english and chinese culture.53.3 different metaphors of other animals .64. comparative method for learning different animal words.74.1 definition of

7、comparative method .84.2 application of comparative method.8 4.2.1learning different cultural meanings .84.2.2 metaphrase.84.2.3 annotation method.95.conclusion .9bibliography.10analyzing the differences of animal words connotation meaning between eastern and western culture1. introduction of animal

8、 words1.1 in chinawith the long process of historical development of mankind, the animals have been keeping closely relationship with humans being and they have a profound impact of the survival and development for mankind. at the same time, people often find sustenance in certain feelings in animal

9、s. the use of animal words ensued. in china, it is also very significant for us to understand the meaning of animal words. we know, china, a having long historical civilized old country, has been developing very fast with other countries. we are proud of our country, however, at the same time, some

10、of problems appear. due to the different of the history, customs, values, religion and other aspects of cultural factors, both english and chinese languages have their specific cultural connotations. one of the important problems is that the same animals words between english and chinese exist diffe

11、rent understand, sometimes, their meanings symbolize happiness or sadness, even can represent some religions or some other things.with chinese economy development, especially after taking part in wto, english was widely used in social and economic aspects of our life. then, how we can use english ac

12、curately and appropriately to communicate is becoming extraordinary important.1.2 in western countrieswhat is the relationship between animal words and humans in western? after all, it is essential for us to know what relationship between animal and humans they are. in western countries, they have b

13、een accepting such an education from generation to generation, which is an animal are also sensitive nervous system and rich emotions as well as their lives are the same as people lives. between humans and animals need support and love each other. sometimes, animals have a capability, that is, when

14、an unhappy or fail people felt hopeless or he loss of confidence in the courage of life, the ones could help them. those values lead to the different of understanding about animal words with ours. in addition to different cultural background, although the same words, maybe we have completely irrelev

15、ant to a word, in the long course of human history, animals keep a close relationship with our human being and have a deep effect on human living and growth. this relationship brings people all kinds of complicated emotion such as love, sympathy, disgust and fear. moreover, people also

16、 often repose their mood on animals to express their feeling. as a result, there are lots of words and phrases of animals in both english and chinese. owing to the differences of geographical environments and customs, these words and phrases, whose denotations are similar in the two languages, have

17、different cultural backgrounds in english and chinese languages; consequently their cultural connotations will be different from each other.2. the source of animal differences between english and chinese2.1 cultural elements2.1.1 difference of social custom and habitscustom and habits is a regional

18、lifestyle, including lots of stuffs, involving every part of lives. on the condition that, as a national culture of a particular component,language must reflect the nations customs and habits. however, there exist different customs and habits for different national political environment, economic co

19、nditions, historical development and geographical adapt communicative with western counties, we need study and understand different national custom and habits. as long as like this, we can be better understand this nation. animal words are one of important facet for studying nation. a

20、ll along, animals and humans have very close relationship; every nation has its own favorite nation or dislike animals so that their attitudes for the animals also have distinct regional and national characteristics. next. i will take “fish”as an example for you. everybody knows that fish is not onl

21、y a very delicious dish, but also it can be delighted as a sight-fish for us, however, between english and chinese have different understand. there are a number of idioms and phrases. for example, “fish in troubled waters”;“go to the sea”;“ if you would fish well” ;“a big fish in a small pond”;“drin

22、k like a fish ”and so on。 one of the very important reasons is that most of western countries located near the ocean so that they often use some oceanic fish to express their feelings. the other reason is that most of them depend on ones to live. however, in their culture, just what i take the examp

23、le, fish often convey a negative message. such as “a cold fish”(冷血的人) “fishwife”(爱骂街的泼妇 )“fish in the air”(水中捞月)“the great fisher of souls (satan)”(掳取人灵魂的魔鬼撒旦 )、 china located in the continent of asia and belongs to agricultural culture. most of people live by live with cows and sheep, fish express

24、positive meanings. for example, while in chinese “鱼”(fish) pronounces the same as the word “余”, so on the eve of new year, there is fish certainly on the table. it is said that even in mountainous districts where has no fishes, people carve wood into fishes and put them on the tables, expressing the

25、ir fine wish of “年年有余(鱼)”(rich in materials every year). special pronunciations endow the fish plenteous cultural colors.another example, in chinese, it is saying that you only can get one of them between fish and the claws of bear. you can find that the fish stand for very valuable a word

26、, the difference of social custom and habits sometimes lead to different understands.2.1.2 the difference of religion every nation has their religion. on the one hand, religion represents feelings, thoughts and beliefs within a period of time. on the other hand, it reflects political and cultural id

27、eas during period of that time. however, we have the different understand for religion between western countries and china. next, i will introduce two kinds of religion for you. there are chinese religion and western fact, chinese religion and western religion are based on the image of p

28、eople and appeared when people feel emotional emptiness in real life. at the beginning of appearing, ruling class used them to control the feelings of the people. as the time pass away, it changed into gradually a pure culture rather than a tool, which was used by political power. it has been taking

29、 a significant role between western history and chinese history even modern society. however, due to geographical environment and historical background different, there exist two entirely different religious cultures. chinese religion propagates the canon that is “the harmony of human being and natu

30、re ”. it means that people need obey and adore nature and the harmony of one. these thoughts inevitably lead to the tendency of collectivism and other interests. people would rather sacrifice individual profits to achieve“thoughts before other thoughts, and enjoy themselves after everyone else”, and

31、 doing some things are often limited themselves as well as help others after themselves. at the same time, they are unwilling to offend people when they are doing some things. this is chinese religion.however, in the western countries, wresters recognize that human being and nature should be separat

32、ed. that is so-called “the separation of human being and nature”.it emphasizes which human being should have power to struggle the nature so that westerners extremely adore individualism and personal development and self-expression. therefore, they realize if a person could not reach their own dream

33、s at the end of working on some things, it was not destiny, but because of their own laziness or being lack of a spirit that be struggle with nature. that is why they need leave their parents to live individually when they are 18 years old in most western countries.those thoughts and ideas of religi

34、on impact westerns and chinese. of course, they are associated with their cultures as well as the understanding of the words. because of those differences, it provided preconditions to mutual learning and progress together between chinese and western.3. analyzing and comparing some typical examples3

35、.1 different understand in english and chinese culture for “dragon”the differences between western countries and china lead to different understand for the same animal words in the same culture background. at the same time, it brings different associations for people. dragon is one of the best examp

36、les. there are two kinds of dragons; one is bio-dragon, and the other is cultural dragon. bio-dragon is a creature one that lives in nature. people create cultural dragon and those dragons do not exist in nature. (何星亮 2009). now i will tell you about the latter. in our country legend, the dragon is

37、a kind of omnipotent animal that can control wind and rain. it is made up of eight animals that are snakes, birds, horses, deer, fish, and eagles so that they can fly in the sky and walk in the road even swim in the water. at the same time, folk people are giving them a number of symbolic significan

38、ces. on the one hand, dragon is considered as a symbol of good luck, authority, dignity and prosperity in the society. on the other hand, it stands for an outstanding people.meanwhile, in chinese culture, the dragon is the image of a totem in chinese history. chinese is regarded as “literally the de

39、scends of dragon”. china is considered as oriental dragon. in feudal society, because of dragon standing for a good fortune, noble, strong and majestic in chinese eyes, therefore, the dragon is a symbol of the emperor, and emperors regarded themselves as true sons of the dragon” that they are avatar

40、s of dragon”. therefore, it is easy to find that some idioms or phrases concern” dragon” are not a lucky thing but have close relations with the royal family in chinese. such as, “生龙活虎” can translate into “strong and healthy”. it means activity and passion when people were working on something. take

41、 a folk for example. parents are all “望子成龙” which means parents hope that children can amount to something when they grow up, so many parents would like to name their sons with “龙”(成龙, for example, who is a well-known action act in the world). it shows that dragon in china has very high status. toda

42、y, the dragon in the hearts of the chinese people is still paramount. however, in the western culture, people thought “dragon”was hideous and terrible monster who could spit fire and swallow smoke. it was devil and symbol of disaster so that many of them dislike and give them a very bad impression.

43、in fact, westerners think “dragon” is the representative of devil, which has historical roots.long time ago, the western “dragon”could not translate into“dragon”. but the “seraphim”that came from ancient hebrew. “seraphim” in the old western countries, represented the power of justice. this creature

44、, dating back to ancient legend, has a very strong power and magic capabilities and various kinds. compared to the chinese dragon, they are no less than chinese ones. therefore, some of capabilities went beyond chinese ones. it is known that “dragon” has “nine sons, each sons has different in china”

45、. but “seraphim”has “100 children, each of them has differences in western legend”. and then they lived in the deep sea and slept in the volcano and so that time, “seraphim” had the same status, role, and significance in western mythology and religion as chinese dragon had. before long, they u

46、sed “dragon” to replace “seraphim”. yet it still represented the power of justice. celtics adored them as a worship symbol.until the birth of christianity, “dragon” became a synonymous with “satanas”. we know that most of westerners believed in christianity. jehovah was their god and they believed t

47、hat jehovah was trapped by “satanas” who was a devil. the “satanas” was called “the great dragon”. it was recorded in bible. for example, he, the god, caught the “dragon” who was devil and “satanas”, and tied it a thousand years. in fact, new religion will inevitably conflict with old religion. drag

48、on could not escape the fate. therefore, in speaking countries, some of words about “dragon”almost express a bad information. such as, if you heard that a person said:“ you are a dragon man”. it means that “you are a fierce people or a ruthless guardian.” if it described a woman, “a dragon woman”, t

49、hat means “she was a tough even terrible woman.” however, just what i said it means nice. we need pay attention the differences when we read or translate. take the “four little tigers” for example. sometime the famous “四小龙”(singapore, malaysia, hong kong, and taiwan) in southeast asia was translated

50、 to “four little dragons”. in deed, it is inaccurate to translate “dragon” to “龙”. therefore later it was replaced by the “four little tigers”,having the same means that luck and nobility.therefore, when we use animal words to communicate with westerners. we needed understand the background of their

51、 culture.3.2 the differences of“dog”in english and chinese culture around the world, most of people like dogs wherever they live. dogs can help us to guard our house and bring us happiness as well as other feelings. however, there existed different cultural connotation between china and western coun

52、tries about speaking countries, dogs not only undertake to protect the security of our house, but also became“companion”of elder people who may be no children or disables. you know that life often influences culture so that people express their loves for dogs. many a words about dogs is comm

53、endatory in their languages. for example, if someone said:“you were as faithful as dog”, it means that you are trustful person. you shall feel happy. just like phrases have a lot. we know that westerners not only think their dogs honest and loyal, but also praise them even regarded them as a “person

54、”. for example, “a luck dog”(幸运儿) is saying that “a lucky man”. “a clever dog”(聪明的小孩) means that “a clever boy”. “a top dog ”(有优势的人)tells us “a person has advantage for doing some things”. “a jolly dog”(开心的人)is “a happy people”and so on. at the same time, dogs always impact all aspects. take “love m

55、e, love my dog”as example. as we know that means “爱屋及乌”in chinese. it is saying that “love me, you need love my everything”. using the “dog”this word inside of “everything”. it shows its importance. just this sentences, we can find a lot in english languages. such as: “every dog has his or its days”

56、(凡人皆有得意日). as well as “a good dog deserved a good bone”(应该奖励那些有功劳的人) is saying that a man who contributes to the country should gets award.however, in eastern culture, most of people have opposite ideas about dogs. long time, they have been keeping dogs only to guard their houses in case losing their passions and called them “watchdog”. therefore, the words of dogs often associated with negative images in chinese. phrases with “dog” are always in derogatory sense, such as “狗东西”, “狗胆包天”,“狗急跳墙”,“狼心狗肺”,“鸡鸣狗盗”,“狐群狗党”, “狗血喷头”,“狗屁不通”and so on.take oth


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