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1、青,取之于蓝而青于蓝;冰,水为之而寒于水人教版高三英语下学期期中试卷 以下是我为大家整理的关于,供大家学习参考! 新人教版高三英语下学期期中试卷 .阅读表达 1when something goes wrong,it can be very satisfying to say,“well,its soandsos fault.”or “i know im late,but its not my fault; the car broke down.” it is probably not your fault,but once you form the habit of blaming some

2、body or something else for a bad situation,you are a loser.you have no power and could do nothing that helps change the situation. 2however,you can have great power over what happens to you if you stop focusing on whom to blame and start focusing on how to improve the situation.this is the winners k

3、ey to success. 3winners are great at overcoming problems.for example,if you were late because your car broke down,maybe you need to have your car examined more regularly.or you might start to carry along with you the useful phone numbers,so you could call for help when in need. 4actually,cases of th

4、is kind are common occurrence.if your colleague causes you problems on the job for lack of responsibility or ability,find ways of dealing with his irresponsibility or inability _ simply blame the person.ask to work with a different person,or dont rely on this person.you should accept that the person

5、 is not reliable and find creative ways to work successfully regardless of how your colleague fails to do his job well. 5this is what being a winner is all aboutcreatively using your skills and talents so that you are successful no matter what happens.winners dont have fewer problems in their lives;

6、they have just as many difficult situations to face as anybody else.they are just better at seeing those problems as challenges and opportunities to develop their own talents.so,stop focusing on “whose fault it is”.once you are confident about your power over bad situations,problems are just steppin

7、g stones for success. 1.what is the best title of the passage?(no more than 5 words) a winners secret/the secret of winners/the winners key to success 2.how do you deal with a problem your colleague brings about?(no more than 15 words) i_will_find_a_better_way_to_handle_the_problem_instead_of_blamin

8、g_him/her. 3.please fill in the blank in the fourth paragraph with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(no more than 4 words) rather_than 4.if you are a winner,what will you take problems as?(no more than 10 words) i_will_take_them_as_chances_for_selfdevelopment. 5.what does the underli

9、ned word “this” (line 1,paragraph 5) probably refer to?(no more than 15 words) creatively_using_your_skills_and_talents_so_that_you_are_successful_no_matter_what_happens. .书面表达 假设你是你校学生会主席,请给你校高三学生发一则词数为120左右的通知。内容包括: 1.an english party with some students from new zealand; 2.show them around the cit

10、y at the weekend; 3.a journey to the oriental greenland together. 参考范文 notice to welcome the visiting students from new zealand,the students union plans to hold an english party inviting all senior 3 students.the party will be held at the weekend with complimentary snacks and drinks.after the party,

11、we should encourage our fellow students to show the visitors around the city.most of our visitors have been here for the first time and cannot speak chinese.your companion would be highly appreciated and very helpful to them.in addition to the city touring,we will also arrange a journey to the orien

12、tal greenland.the bus will leave from the students hall at 930 a.m.on sunday.please bring your student id for registration purpose.again,we would like to extend our warmest welcome to the visiting students from new zealand and wish everyone a very joyous weekend with friends from new zealand. .完形填空

13、could the internet be totally free and should it be?should the internet be regulated?the recent disorder in the arab world _1_ by a disputed(有争议的) video damaging the image of prophet(先知) muhammad shows the united states,which is busy _2_ global internet freedom,has paid a huge price _3_ the lives of

14、 its diplomats. in an unregulated internet world,cheating,violence or rumors can _4_ serious consequences.many countries across the world are periodically suffering from “rumors” _5_ by the internet and social media. the usled west always promotes internet freedom and _6_ any regulation as investiga

15、tion,but it should think twice if it calculates the heavy price that has been and has to be paid for “_7_ internet”.moreover,_8_ the internet in the west _9_ to be free,with no obvious _10_ and no limited sites,isnt the structure of the main pages already handcontrolled,with selected press agencies

16、and _11_ occupying clearly dominating(显著的) positions? the internet has helped fight injustice,_12_ corruption in places so far apart as indonesia,india and latin america.but the internet could be extremely _13_ as well.various racist or separatist organizations are using their internet sites to _14_

17、 strong feelings.those who are spreading hate are frequently using the internet as their tool.no country can _15_ to make the internet absolutely free. the question is how to keep free flow of information _16_ while protecting children from unhealthy works,common citizens from _17_ rumors and countr

18、ies from unfair and damaging propaganda(宣传) attacks.and who sets the limits? the _18_ is that there will never be a perfect system.every country will have to _19_ its own system,based on its culture,social _20_ and the degree of danger its facing. 1.a.led b.caused c.damaged d.attacked 答案b 解析本句意思是:最近

19、阿拉伯世界的混乱是由一部有争议的视频引起的。 2.a.helping b.processing c.promoting d.improving 答案c 解析此处指美国忙着推广全球的网络自由。promote促进;提升;推销;发扬。 3.a.for b.at c.with d.off 答案c 解析句意为:(这种自由)是它用外交官的生命作为代价的。 4.a.bring b.reach c.fetch d.take 答案a 解析句意为:在一个没有约束的网络世界里,欺骗、暴力和谣言会带来严重的后果。 5.a.spread b.exposed c.delivered d.passed 答案a 解析此处指谣

20、言传播。spread传播,伸展;expose暴露,揭露;deliver实现,传送,接生;pass传递。 6.a.supports b.follows c.opposes d.dislikes 答案c 解析句意为:以美国为首的西方国家提倡网络自由,反对任何的控制。oppose反对,符合句意。 7.a.free b.accessible c.available d.healthy 答案a 解析这儿指“自由的网络”。free自由的;accessible易接近的,可进入的,可理解的;available有效的,可利用的,可得到的;healthy健康的。 8.a.as if b.even if c.so

21、that d.in that 答案b 解析句意为:即使西方的网络看起来是自由的,没有明显的干涉和限制性的网站,难道网络的主页结构不是经过手控的吗?有精心挑选的新闻机构和资源占据网站的显著位置。even if即使,符合句意。 9.a.happens b.intends c.offers d.appears 答案d 解析见上题解析。 10.a.interruption b.interference c.defense d.preference 答案b 解析句意见第8题的解析。interruption打断;interference干涉,干扰;defense防御,防卫;preference偏爱,倾向。

22、 11.a.programs b.substances c.channels d.sources 答案d 解析句意见第8题解析。program项目,程序;substance物质,基本内容;channel通道,频道;source来源,资源。 12.a.uncover b.strike c.prevent d.avoid 答案a 解析uncover corruption揭露腐败现象。 13.a.beneficial b.useful c.sensitive d.destructive 答案d 解析从下文的例子可以推断出网络具有破坏性。beneficial有利的,有益的;useful有益的,实用的,

23、有帮助的;sensitive敏感的;destructive破坏的,有害的,消极的。 14.a.increase b.decrease c.upset d.strengthen 答案c 解析upset strong feelings*,扰乱(感情)。 15.a.refuse b.afford c.fail d.attempt 答案b 解析句意为:没有哪个国家能付出代价使网络完全自由。afford给予,提供,付得起,符合句意。refuse拒绝;fail失败;attempt企图,试图。 16.a.unpolluted b.unskilled c.unoccupied d.uninterrupted

24、答案d 解析这段话的意思是“问题是,怎样让免费的信息流不会被打断而又能保护孩子们远离不健康的作品,保护普通市民远离恶意的谣言,保护国家免受不公平的和有破坏性宣传的攻击呢?” 17.a.evil b.meaningful c.untrue d.effective 答案a 解析见上题解析。evil邪恶的,有害的,符合句意。meaningful有意义的;untrue不真实的,假的;effective有效的,实际的,实在的。 18.a.importance b.conclusion c.description d.possibility 答案b 解析最后一段是的总结,所以用conclusion。des

25、cription描述,描写。 19.a.develop b.invent c.change d.study 答案a 解析最后一句意思是:每一个国家都要根据自己的文化、社会环境以及面临的危险程度形成自己的系统。develop发展,开发,研发。 20.a.trends b.structures c.surroundings d.factors 答案c 解析见上题解析。 .阅读理解 a how far would you be willing to go to satisfy your need to know?far enough to find out your possibility of d

26、ying from a terrible disease?these days thats more than an academic question,as tracy smith reports in our cover story. there are now more than a thousand genetic(基因的) tests,for everything from baldness to breast cancer,and the list is growing.question is,do you really want to know what might eventu

27、ally kill you?for instance,nobel prizewinning scientist james watson,one of the first people to map their entire genetic makeup,is said to have asked not to be told if he were at a higher risk for alzheimers(老年痴呆症). “if i tell you that you have an increased risk of getting a terrible disease,that co

28、uld weigh on your mind and make you anxious,through which you see the rest of your life as you wait for that disease to hit you.it could really mess you up.” said dr.robert green,a harvard geneticist. “every ache and pain,” smith suggested,could be understood as “the beginning of the end.”“thats rig

29、ht.if you ever worried you were at risk for alzheimers disease,then every time you cant find your car in the parking lot,you think the disease has started.” dr.green has been thinking about this issue for years.he led a study of people who wanted to know if they were at a higher genetic risk for alz

30、heimers.it was thought that people who got bad news would,for lack of a better medical term,freak_out.but green and his team found that there was “no significant difference” between how people handled good news and possibly the worst news of their lives.in fact,most people think they can handle it.p

31、eople who ask for the information usually can handle the information,good or bad,said green. 1.the first paragraph is meant to_. a.ask some questions b.introduce the topic c.satisfy readers curiosity d.describe an academic fact 答案b 解析在第一段中通过两个问题引出本文要谈论的话题。 2.which of the following is true of james w

32、atson? a.he is strongly in favor of the present genetic tests. b.he is more likely to suffer from alzheimers disease. c.he believes genetic mapping can help cure any disease. d.he doesnt want to know his chance of getting a disease. 答案d 解析根据第二段“nobel prizewinning scientist james watson,one of the fi

33、rst people to map their entire genetic makeup,is said to have asked not to be told if he were at a higher risk for alzheimers(老年痴呆症).”可知,james watson要求如果他的基因表明他有很高的老年痴呆症的可能性不要告诉他。 3.according to paragraphs 3 and 4,if a person is at a higher genetic risk,it is_. a.advisable not to let him know b.impo

34、ssible to hide his disease c.better to inform him immediately d.necessary to remove his anxiety 答案a 解析根据这两个自然段可知,如果你提前被告知你将来可能患某种可怕的疾病,你可能会心情焦虑甚至精神崩溃。故a项符合。 4.the underlined part “freak out” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to “_”. a.break down b.drop out c.leave off d.turn away 答案a 解析根据划线词所在句子及

35、后一句可知,freak out的意思是break down(精神垮掉)。 5.the study led by dr.green indicates that people_. a.prefer to hear good news b.tend to find out the truth c.can accept some bad news d.have the right to be informed 答案c 解析根据第五段内容“in fact,most people think they can handle it.”可知答案选c项。 b people use their mouths f

36、or many things.they eat,talk,shout and sing.they smile and they kiss.in the english language,there are many expressions using the word “mouth”. for example,if you say bad things about a person,the person might protest(*) and say “do not bad mouth me.” sometimes,people say something to a friend or fa

37、mily member that they later regret because it hurts that person.or they tell the person something they were not supposed to tell.the speaker might say,“i really put my foot in my mouth this time.” if this should happen,the speaker might feel down in the mouth.in other words,he might feel sad for say

38、ing the wrong thing. another situation is when someone falsely claims another person said something.the other person might protest,“i did not say that.do not put words in my mouth.” some people have lots of money because they were born into a very rich family.there is an expression for this,too.you

39、might say such a person,“was born with a silver spoon in his mouth.” this rich person is the opposite of a person who lives from hand to mouth.this person is very poor and only has enough money for the most important things in life,like food. parents might sometimes keep a child off sweet food as a

40、form of punishment for saying bad things.for example,if a child says things she should not say to her parents,she might be described as a mouthy child.the parents might even tell the child to stop mouthing off. but enough of all this talk.i have been running my mouth long enough. 6.when will a perso

41、n probably say “do not bad mouth me”? a.when he feels down. b.when he is regretful. c.when he is spoken ill of. d.when he gets angry. 答案c 解析根据第二段第一句“for example,if you say bad things about a person,the person might protest(*)and say do not bad mouth me.”可知c项正确。 7.what will the person say if he feels

42、 sorry for what he has said? a.do not bad mouth me. b.stop mouthing off. c.do not put words in my mouth. d.i really put my foot in my mouth this time. 答案d 解析根据第二段中的“sometimes,people say something to a friend or family member that they later regret because it hurts that person.or they tell the person

43、 something they were not supposed to tell.the speaker might say,i really put my foot in my mouth this time.”可知d项正确。 8.if a person lives from hand to mouth,it implies that_. a.he is badlyoff b.he is hardworking c.he has lots of money d.he has enough to eat 答案a 解析根据第四段最后两句“this rich person is the oppo

44、site of a person who lives from hand to mouth.this person is very poor.”可知,此处指的是穷人。 9.by saying“i have been running my mouth long enough”,the speaker means “_”. a.i have run a long way b.i have talked too much c.i have learned a lot d.i have been a mouthy person 答案b 解析由最后一段的“but enough of all this t

45、alk.”可知选b项。 10.what is mainly talked about in the text? a.expressions about the word “mouth”. b.functions of the organ “mouth”. c.opinions about “mouthy people”. d.meanings of the word “mouth”. 答案a 解析第一段最后一句是主题句:in the english language,there are many expressions using the word“mouth”. .阅读理解 a scient

46、ists discovered 163 new species in southeast asias greater mekong region last year,but all are at risk of extinction due to climate change,the wwf said in a report released friday. the newly discovered creatures include a birdeating frog with fangs (毒牙),a bird that would rather walk than fly and a g

47、ecko (壁虎) whose alien appearance inspired the reports title of “close encounters”,the conservation group said. the report was released ahead of major un talks on climate change in bangkok next week,which are being held before a makeorbreak summit in copenhagen this december. “some species will be ab

48、le to adapt to climate change,and many will not,potentially resulting in massive extinction,” stuart chapman,director of the wwf greater mekong program,said in the report.“rare and endangered species like those newly discovered are especially vulnerable (易受伤害的) because climate change will further sh

49、rink their already restricted habitats,” he said. “the new discoveries in 2021 include 100 plants,28 fish,18 reptiles,14 amphibians,2 mammals and a bird,”the wwf report said.the area spans cambodia,laos,myanmar,thailand,vietnam and chinas yunnan province. “among the new species is the birdeating fan

50、ged frog,which remains hidden in a protected area of thailand despite the fact that scientists are studying there for 40 years,” the report said. the tigerstriped pit viper was discovered accidentally on an island off the coast of vietnam when a scientist was looking for a lizard and his son pointed

51、 out that his hand was on a rock right next to the snakes fangs.“we caught the snake and the gecko and they both proved to be new species,” researcher lee grismer of la sierra university in california was quoted as saying in the report.the leopard gecko,found on another vietnamese island,has the col

52、oring of a leopard and bizarre orange,catlike eyes and thin legs. the greater mekong region has proved a rich area for scientists.the wwf said in december 2021 that it had found 1,068 new species there between 1997 and 2021. 1.what is special about the newly discovered bird? a.it usually walks. b.it

53、 likes walking and flying. c.it can eat other birds. d.it can eat frogs. 答案a 解析细节理解题。由文章第二段第一句可知,这种新发现的鸟的独特之处是它喜欢行走,而不是飞翔。 2.stuart chapman believes that_. a.most of the newly discovered species can adapt to climate change b.climate change can cause massive extinction of the newly discovered species

54、 c.the newly discovered species are not so vulnerable to climate change d.many species have already died out because of climate change 答案b 解析细节理解题。由文章第四段可知,这些新发现的物种很少能适应气候变暖,因此会出现大量灭绝的情况。 3.when lee grismer discovered the tigerstriped pit viper,he probably felt_. a.frightened b.disappointed c.excite

55、d d.puzzled 答案c 解析推理判断题。由文章倒数第二段可知,这种蛇的发现很偶然,而且后来被证明是一个新的物种,因此发现者应该感到“惊喜”,故选excited。 4.the tigerstriped pit viper is probably a kind of_. a.frog b.lizard c.gecko d.snake 答案d 解析细节理解题。由文章倒数第二段第一句和第二句可知,这种tigerstriped pit viper是一种新的蛇类。因为文中有明确的提示“the snakes fangs”及“we caught the snake and the gecko.”,而t

56、he gecko的介绍在后面出现了。 5.what does the passage mainly tell us? a.the greater mekong region is a rich area for scientists. b.many rare species remain to be discovered in the mekong region. c.scientists have discovered many new species in the mekong region. d.climate change threatens mekong new species. 答案d 解析主旨大意题。由文章第一段可知,本文重点在于说明大湄公河次区新发现的物种面临受气候变暖濒临灭绝的危险,而不是强调新物种的发现,故选d项。 b comfort zone is t


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