



1、一、交际用语are you on holiday here? c. no, we arent. we live hereare there any good shows on tv tonight?b. titanic is the movie channel are you feeling better today, mrs. silver? d. yes, thanks doctor. but i still fell dizzyare you sure about that? d. oh, yes. im absolutely positive are there any drug-st

2、ores around here? yes, theres one on the left corner ami, id like this report typed today.a. itll be really in the afternoon, sir. afternoon, sir. where to?a. please get me to the airport could i talk to prof. lee? a. yes, speaking. could you please tell me how to get the nearest bus stop? c. its on

3、 the right corner just ahead can you tell me where i can park the car?c. well, just over there.can you help me clear up the mess?d. no problem can you tell me how much a t-shirt like this costs?c. about forty-five dollars can i help you to get it off? c. thanks. its so nice of you do you mind if i r

4、ead newspaper on the table? b. go ahead, please do you think the exam will be put off?c. not likely dont take too long at the coffee shop. its 14:15.b. i see. ive got 30 minutes leftexcuse me, which bus goes to the city museum?b. you can take no. 102 bus excuse me, which is the express train to toky

5、o?d. on your right. itll leave in 5minutes excuse me, i didnt mean to bother you.c. thats quite all right excuse me, does this bus go to the bookstore?c. no. youd change at the next stopexcuse me, when is the next flight from london due to arrive?a. in half an hourexcuse me. is this table taken?c. y

6、eah. im saving these seats for friendsgo that way and take a seat. b. thanks, but id rather standhow was the journey to london? a. it went very well. how are you this morning? c. very well, thank you. how often do you have listening classes in a week?d. every monday and fridayhow much is it altogeth

7、er?d. its freehows the movie? interesting?c. far from. i should have stayed home watching tv how long will you be away from italy?b. about a month have you ever been to tokyo? b. no, but i hope to go there next yearhave you got a table for four, waiter?b. yes, sure. this way, pleasehave a nice holid

8、ay, ted.c. thank you, and you toohelp! can i get a seat on the 8 pm flight to detroit?c. im sorry, but its completely bookedhelp yourself to the steak, maggie. b. thank you, helen. its been a nice dinnerhey, barbara. you look so pale.a. im just getting over the fluhurry up. the lecture begins at 2:0

9、0. a. dont worry. weve got 20 minutesid like to know if everybody is here. c. everyone except tomi dont think im late. excuse me, whats the time?a. it says 8:00. but its 5 minutes slowi dont like the sports programs on sundays.b. neither do iive got 2 tickets for the match. shall we go and watch it

10、together?c. why not? lets goive ordered pizza and salad. what else do you want?c. a beer is fine for me. im not hungry yeti feel quite ill. b. youd better have a resti really enjoy pop music. whats your favorite.d. well, actually i like classical music i wish you success in your career. d. the same

11、to you i heard your motorcar was stolen.d. mine wasnt but bills wasi have an appointment with dr. johnson.c. please wait for a minute. he is busy nowi have got a pain in my neck.c. im sorry to hear thati havent seen belly for 10 years.b. neither have ii hope the weather will stay fine tomorrow.b. i

12、hope so tooi think the internet is very helpful. a. yes, so do i i wonder if tim could control the situation. d. well, if he cant control it, no one can is my tv program disturbing you?c. yes, im trying to write my paper im sorry ive returned your book late.d. thats all right im sorry. bobs not in h

13、is office.a. can you take a message for meim sorry to be late. thank you for waiting.b. oh, i dont mind. ive been here 10 minutes im trying to call marie, but theres no answer.a. really? maybe shes out.is there anything i can do for you? b. yes. its very kind of youis there anything serious, doctor?

14、c. no. just stay in bed and drink more waterit is a great race! do you agree?d. yes, its really excitingin my opinion, youd better take a couple of days off.a. ill take your advicelet me help you carry this. thats ok. i can manage look, 25% off. the 2,500 camera is on sale today.d. yeah, a surprisin

15、g bargain. ill buy itlinda, can you give me a lift after work? d. no problem. we go the same directionoh, the box is too heavy.b. can i help you to carry itplease give me a hand, wont you?d. no problemplease tell david not to drink too much. b. i seesam, this is my friend, jane.c. glad to meet you,

16、jane. so sorry to trouble you.a. its a pleasure thanks a lot. youve gone to so much trouble. a. its no trouble at all may i use your bike to go shopping? b. certainly. there it is. may i speak to jack please?d. im afraid youve got the wrong number.northwestern airlines.my camera isnt working properl

17、y.a. maybe theres something wrong with it may i help you? a. yes, id like some information about morning.may i help you, madam?d. yes, id like 2 kilos of oranges may i know your address? a. sure. here you aremrs. johnson. ive come to say good-bye.b. have a pleasant journey. ill miss youwhats the far

18、e to museum? d. five dollarswhat do you think of his suggestion? b. its hard to say, actuallywhats the date today?d. the second of julywhat time is the next flight to washington? c. its 1:45 pmwhats the weather like in this area? b. its rainy whats the matter with you?c. i feel a bit sick what about

19、 another coffee?a. no, thank youwhats the best way to get to the empire hotel from here?b. walking through the woodwhat was your journey like?a. it was terribly interestingwhat if my computer doesnt work?b. ask anne for helpwhat should we have for dinner?c. how about fish? its very freshwait here an

20、d ill get my car. we go there together.d. why bother? its within walking distance?why not have a glass of beer? a. thats greatwhy are you so late? b. i came across an old friendwhere are you from? b. britainwill you please turn down the tv?d. sorry. i havent realized youre sleeping.will you have som

21、e desert, judy? a. no, thank you. im on a dietwill you go on a picnic with us tomorrow? b. sorry. i have an appointment with dr. brownwould you like to order now?b. yes. id like a fish and a soupwould you like to see the menu? a. no, thanks. i already know what to orderwould you like a tea? a. yes,

22、pleasewhen does the next bus leave for glasgow? c. they leave every houryou may have seen this film.c. actually, i havent.your scarf feels soft and warm. whats it made of?a. wool.二、词汇与结构after stopping for a few minutes, the bus moved_d. on to its next stop. all the team members tried their best. we

23、lost the game, a. however.boggis little secret was that she wanted to see herself the c. twelve-year-old girl.by next year, he d. will have worked in new york for five years.do you think tommy is c. telling the truth?how the fire in the dance hall started b. remains _ a mystery. he, as well as i, d.

24、 is a student. he spoke so quickly that i didnt d. make out what he said.he has lived here for years b. though nobody knows what he is.hardly a. had i got home when it began to rain.having heard so much about mr. smith, they were a. eager to meet and have a chat with him.i dont want you to make any

25、trouble, c. on the contrary, i urge youto solve the problem.i know this is the secret between you and me, and i promise never to a. mention it to anyone else.i tried b. finishing the book in a few days, but actually i couldnt, just because of too much work for me.i havent read b. the whole book, but

26、 i read half of it. at least i know something about thei scarcely know him, so i cant tell you anything about him.i wonder why they d. charged you so much money for such a book.i will never forget the time a. when we both stayed in the little village.i hope hes remembered b. to buy_ some bread, ther

27、es hardly any left.i spent half an hour a. working on this difficult math problem.i must tell you how a. pleased i was to receive a letter from you.i didnt know what to do but then an idea suddenly a. occurred to me.im old enough to wash _my clothes by myself. you can just wash yours if we d. adopt

28、the plan you suggest, we are more likely to be successful.if there were life on mars, such life forms c. would be unable to survive on earth. if you dont promise to help build more house, ordinary people a. will not benefit.if you go to america, you will find that there are better c. communications

29、by road, rail and.in this factory each worker must receive a _a. two-month_ training course. in china, children c. have to start school at seven.it was unwise of him to b. refer to the unreliable date in his speech.it is because english is useful b. that we study it hard .it is difficult to a. carry

30、 on a conversation with all this noise around us.dr. hoffman proposed that we a. put off the meeting until next week. dont worry, your watch d. is being repaired and you can have it in no time. dont forget to write to me, a. will you?edgar began b. work as an office boy years ago.everything d. would

31、 have been destroyed if albert hadnt called the fire brigade.one day while mr. king was working, he had a /an b. accident and his leg was.on his first sea d. voyage , he was still quite young but showed great courageplease leave the key under the door a. in case you go out. peter often makes himself

32、 d. understood by gesturing with his hands. please look after my parents during my a. absence.unfortunately the poor girl cant do anything but b. sell all her belongings at a low price.lets not wait any longer, he might not b. turn up at all. lets finish our homework in a few seconds; its time we a.

33、 played football.last month, he paid a visit to the village a. where he had once worked for five years. look at the terrible situation i am in! if only i b. had followed your advice.mother was busy. although she was not watching the basketball on tv, she a. was listening to it.mark is a clerk b. wit

34、h a job in a top bookstore.not always b. can people do what they want (to).no sooner had they got the goods covered up b. than it started raining hard.no one can possibly recall any detail about . it is at least five years since it c. took place.now helen works a. more carefully than before.john fel

35、l asleep c. while he was listen to the music.john c. used to be a teacher before the war, but now he works in a hospital.john, b. having lost the bet, had to pay for the dinner.some pop singers have much influence d. on the young people today.sorry, i didnt know he is a friend of a. your brothers.si

36、nce this road is wet and slippery this morning, it c. must have rained last night.sadam b. was married for 25 years.the roof of our house is broken, so it needs b. repairing .the population of the city is increasing fast. one third of the population here are workers. the work a. will have been done

37、by the time you get there. the farmer caught the boys a. stealing _ his apples. the sun heats the earth, c. which is very important to living things.the heavy rain stopped us d. from arriving at the station on time. the mistake was b. caused by the carelessness of the assistant.the mother didnt know

38、 a. who to blame for the broken glass as it happened while she.the children c. are taken good care of by the nurse.the president claimed the terrorists should be held responsible a. for the explosions that happened.the united states is composed of fifty states, two of c. which are separated from the

39、 others.the teacher spoke so fast that it was hard for the students to a. take in what he was saying.the lab was being a. rebuilt when we visited the university.the big man has always been eating on the go, a. so he has got stomachache.the father wished the twins to be doctors, but b. neither of the

40、m wanted to study medicine.the old man is used to a. exercising early in the morning. the hall was almost empty. there were c. few people in it.they handed in their paper d. in turn 。theres no need to be frightened of the dog. hes quite d. harmless.three people, c. including a child , were injured i

41、n the accident. thats the .c. very gentleman ive been telling you abouttennis is a a. game invented by an englishman one hundred years ago.we consider b. it necessary that the instrument be adjusted each time it is used. we are. b. confident in the future of our motherlandwe are going to have our of

42、fice c. rearranged to make room for a new engineer.we have our house b. cleaned every week by a cleaner.while a. raising money, he had to work very long hours.wealthy as he is, he is not b. generous with his money, unwilling to help others in troubles.what time is the c. last train to london?you b.

43、ought to lock the door at night.your brother has made an a. appointment for you to see the lawyer at three this afternoon.young children soon d. pick up words they hear their elders use.your tutors will be making sure you a. keep up with your work.d. what i saw was two men crossing the street.a. unl

44、ess he studies hard, he will never pass the examb. what they are doing has never been done before.c. the majority of people are highly against the pollution in this city.c. each of them has a bedroom and a study.c. having received an answer, he decided to write another letter to them.a. what do you

45、think is the richest man in our city?三、完形填空buck and his mother and all the men smoked(while) (was living) (was never heard) (but) (that) (to travel) (off) (share) (had never seen) (of)before the 20th century the horse provided everyda.(replaced) (nearly) (afford) (in) (average) (purchasing) (income)

46、 (cost) (superior) (as) can you imagine how you would feel if.(position) (where) (lives) (to) (if only) (no) (make) (other) (as) (therefore)frank knew he was very ill. he spent days walking, (sometimes) (in) (mind) (listened)(be admitted) (remember) (nobody)(whenever) (only) (like)higher education i

47、n america is mostly about hml. (ironically) (concepts) (interaction) (therefore)(plenty) (that) (an effort) (concerned) (means) (which)historically, the real cowboy was a simpl(raise)(markets)(look after)(railroad)(long)(unmarried)(understood)(towns)(free)(likely)in the in the american family the hu

48、sband (old) (what) (independent) (too) (suit) (break away from) (reached) (problems) (beyond) (set up)in some cities, workaholism is so common that.(normal)(serious) (probably) (hate) (physical) (failure) (always) (why) (more than) (made) jules vernes most famous book is “twenty thousand. (meaning)

49、(invented) (at) (story teller) (to be) (who) (easy) (ways)(as well as)(sometimes)most children with healthy appetites are ready. (unless)(way)(whether)(discuss)( anybody) (supposed)( idea)( allow) (soon) (no)many teachers believe that the student should(if) (context) (one) (learning) (with) (assigne

50、d) (minimum) (students) (sources) (other than) mr. smith, a passenger on the transcontinenta(avoid) (and) (of) (take) (immediately) (borders). (rest) (view) (accept) (reason) no man can change the weather. nobody can contro.(what) (make) (such as) (sign) (air) (on) (that) (weather) (above) (eyes)pla

51、nts are very important living things. (were) (food) (therefore) (types) (main) (covered) (no) (without) (float) (fall) people used to say, “the hand that rocks the(behind) (both) (sons) (fairly) (men) (stand behind) (beside) (a higher) (far) (position)paris is the capital of france. it is also one o

52、f the (most famous) (all over) (educational) (cross) (is located) (on top of) (such as) (must be) (called) (where)smoking may be a pleasure for some people. (however)(discomfort)(on)(in fact)(suffer) (surely) (persuade) (entirely) (rather) (sense).the red cross is an international organization.(in)

53、(be aided) (around) (share) (to help) (wounded)(how people were) (regardless) (protects) (demonstrating)there are many different methods of studying. what works (obviously) (after) (anybody) (follow) (after) (handed in) (at all) (excuse) (expense) (case) up until about one hundred years ago, newspap

54、ers.(about) (changed) (bought) (exciting) (added) (came) (than) (reduced) (anyone elses) (draw) 四、英译汉are you for or against the proposal?你是赞成这个建议还是反对这个建议?at first i didnt know how to do it. by and by i have got used to it.起初我不知道怎样做,但渐渐地我就习惯了。although she was very poor, the woman set aside part of he

55、r income for the education of her child.这位妇女虽然很穷,但是她还是把一部分收入储存起来,用于孩子的教育。by taking exercise, we can always stay healthy.通过体育锻炼,我们能够始终保持健康。让我们轮流来做这个实验。every student has free access to all the resources in the library.每一位学生都可以自由利用图书馆的一切资源。he is ready to give a hand to anyone in need. 他随时准备帮助有困难的人。he f

56、ound this pair of trousers too long and had it shortened by one inch.他发现这条裤子太长了,只好请人改短一寸。he walked by me without speaking.他走走过我的身旁没有说话。he had not slept all night and was completely worn out.他整整一夜没睡觉,累坏了。he saved the little girl at the risk of own life and set a good example to us.他冒着生命危险救了那个小女孩,为我们树

57、立了一个好榜样。his hard work made up for his lack of experience.他的勤奋弥补了他经验的不足。he is fond of chatting on the internet in his spare time.他在业余时间里喜欢在互联网上与人聊天。he left very early for fear of missing the train.他担心会误了火车,所以早早就出发了。the more books we read, the more learned we become.书读得越多,我们就越有学问。habits and customs vary from place to place.风俗习惯因地而异。hardly had i gone out of the building when it began to rain.我刚走出大楼天就下雨了。i did not have the courage to cope with the problems then.我当时没有足够的勇气来应对面临的问题。i hap


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