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1、新牛津8A Unit 1 随堂测试(Part I)Exercises for “Comic Strips” & “Welcome to the Unit”一、根据句子意思和所给提示,完成下列单词1. He often tells us funny _ (笑话).2. Jack is not _ (有礼貌的) to others. Nobody likes him.3. Reader is a popular _ (杂志) in China. Many people like reading it.4. Those kinds of books sell well among _ (teenag

2、e).5. Can you tell your good friend everything about _ (you)?6. Mr. Green is a _ (humor) man. He often makes us laugh a lot.7. They clean their classroom to keep it clean and t_.8. Mum, Im t_ after a days hard work. Please give me something to drink.二、单项选择1. -_ honest girl you are! -Thank you!A. Wha

3、t an B. What C. How an D. What a2. There is _ with your MP4 because it works OK.A. wrong something B. wrong nothing C. something wrong D. nothing wrong 3. There is not enough bread for supper. We need to buy _.A. much more B. many more C. some more D. some most4. Amy is good at drawing. I think she

4、can _ an excellent (优秀的) artist in the future.A. take B. make C. became D. have5. Its so difficult a question. I think he will have problems _.A. work it out B. working it out C. to working out it D. to work out it三、根据汉语意思,完成下列句子,每空填一词1. 喝点咖啡怎么样?_ _ _ _ coffee?2. 你可以信任他,因为他从不说谎。You can _ him because

5、 he _ _ _.3. 西蒙总是关心别人,大家都很喜欢他。Simon always _ _ others, _ everyone likes him.4. 你刚刚说的话让我很伤心。_ _ _ just now _ _ very _.四、根据对话内容和所给的首字母,写出所缺的单词(Miss Lee is talking with her students in class.)Miss Lee: Its important for you to have a good friend. What do you think a good friend should be like?Simon: A

6、good friend can make you h_1 when you are sad and he or she can share your j_2 when you are happy.Millie: Thats right. And I think good friends should be h_3 to each other and they never tell a lie, so they can b_4 what their friends say.Sandy: I think good friends can give you a h_5 when you have p

7、roblems. Miss Lee: Yes! Friends should be h_6. Oh, Amy, what qualities of a good friend are i_7 to you?Amy: I think good friends can talk to each other about a_8 and there is no secret between them. They can keep s_9 for each other.Miss Lee: Yes, thats t_10! I hope you will have many good friends. R

8、emember a saying “A friend in need is a friend indeed” (患难见真情).(Part II)Exercises for “Reading”(1)一、根据句子意思和汉语提示,用合适的单词填空1. We all know the earth is _ (圆的) .2. She looked at me and _ (微笑) sweetly.3. My sixth_ (感觉)told me to stay here and wait.4. My cousinisa_ (惹人喜爱的)littlegirl. We all like her.5. _ (

9、几乎) all the young people like chatting on the Internet.二、根据句子意思和首字母提示补全单词,使句子意思完整、正确1. Be careful not to k_ the glass off the table.2. The cat is so fat that it cant f_ in the box.3. The old woman is very g_. She often raises money for Project Hope.4. As_line(线) istheshortestdistance (距离)betweentwop

10、oints (点).5. Sandys v_ sounds great. Many people think she will make a good singer.三、根据句子意思,用所给单词的适当形式填空1. Sandy is the _ (slim) girl in our class.2. Are you _ (will) to help me with my maths?3. Stephen Chows films are always full of _ (humorous).4. Adele is one of the most popular _ (sing) at the m

11、oment.5. Im really _ (bore), because there is nothing interesting to do.四、单项选择1. Lei Feng was always _ to help others.A. willing B. ready C. glad D. A, B or C2. Ifyouhaveanyquestions, youcancomeandaskme _.A. any time B. in any time C. at some time D. in sometime3. -Is John very tall? -Yes. He is _.

12、He is good at basketball.A. 1.85 metre tall B. 1.85 metres tall C. 1.85 metre high D. 1.85 metres high4. Miss Jones makes her class _ and she always makes the students _.A. interesting, laughing B. interesting, laughC. interested, laugh D. interested, laughing5. The long ruler _ in the pencial case.

13、A. isnt fit B. didnt fit C. cant fit D. dont fit 6. Millie always shares things _ others and helps people _ need. A. with; in B. with; on C. to; in D. for; in7. -How old are you, madam? -_.A. I do not want to tell you B. Do not ask me such a question C. Ah, it is a secret D. I do not know五、选用方框内的单词或

14、词组填空,其中有一个单词或词组是多余的onto; in need; is ready to; grows up; personality; say a bad word about; worries; shorter than1. My best friend May is _ I.2. Theyarecollectingmoneyforfamilies_.3. Jill wants to travel around the world when she _.4. When something _ Tom, he always comes to me.5. My neighbours neve

15、r _ anyone. We are like a big family.6. Millie is really helpful. She _ help when we have problems.7. A hundred andfiftyemptybottles fell_thefloor. They were everywhere.(Part III)Exercises for “Reading (2)”一、单项选择1. Its _ of you to knock at the door before going into a room.A. happy B. honest C. gene

16、rous D. polite2. My best friend Daniel always _ at others and it makes him look kind.A. smiles B. talks C. tells D. speaks3. Millie is generous _ us and she often helps us _ English.A. for, about B. to, about C. for, with D. to, with4. Dont _. When something _ you, you can ask me for help. A. worry,

17、 worry B. worried, worries C. worry, worries D. worries, worried5. Jack is so careless that he often _ my books off when walks _ my desk.A. knocks; across B. knock; across C. knocks; past D. knock; past6. -What are Johnsons family like? - _A. His family is just like mine. B. They all like sports and

18、 games. C. Oh, its really a big one. D. They are all kind and helpful.二、同义句转换,每空填一词1. My cousin is a 1.7-meter-tall boy.My cousin is a boy of 1.7 _ _.2. Mary and her sister live in the same bedroom. Mary _ a bedroom _ her sister.3. Nobody believes her words. Nobody believes _ _ _.4. Daniel never tel

19、ls my secrets to others.Daniel always _ _ _ me.5. Max wears small round glasses. They make him look smart.Max _ _ _ his small round glasses.三、根据汉语意思,完成下列句子1. 一个真诚的朋友不会说任何人不好的事情。A _ friend _ says _ _ _ _.2. 海伦有美妙的嗓音。她将来想成为一名歌手。Helen has a good _. She wants to be a singer _ _ _.3. 长长的直发使她看上去很漂亮。The st

20、raight long hair _.4. 他很有幽默感。和他在一起我从来不感到无聊。He _. I _ with him.5. 她很可爱,经常微笑。 _6. 你想选谁作你最好的朋友?_7. 她乐意任何时候帮助需要帮助的人。_四、用括号中所给动词的正确形式填空,使短文完整David is one of my best friends. He 1_ (be) sixteen years old. He is the tallest in our class-almost 1.78 meters and weighs 65kg. He wears round glasses. That makes

21、 him 2_ (look) really smart. David is helpful. If someone has problems, he is always ready 3_ (help). Last week, an old man was suddenly ill and 4_ (fall) in the street. He sent the old man to the hospital at once. David does well in 5_ (play) the violin. He says he wants to be a violinist when he 6

22、_ (grow) up.(Part IV)Exercises for “Grammar” 一、根据句子意思和所给提示,完成下列单词1. Sec. is short for _.2. They are good at swimming. They are all good _ (swim).3. The _ (weigh) of her daughter at birth was just over seven pounds.4. Thetwobuildingsareaboutthesame_ (高).5. We will have an English _(测试) tomorrow after

23、noon.6. I believe you will do very well in the coming Maths _(比赛).二、写出下列形容词的比较级和最高级原级比较级最高级原级比较级最高级bigmuchgenerousnicehealthyfarcarefuleasyillpopular三、用所给词的适当形式填空1. I am _ (thin) than Kitty.2. Summer is the _ (hot) season in a year.3. China is one of _ (large) countries in the world.4. Who has the _

24、 (many) books, Tom, Amy or Daniel?5. Those flowers are much _ (beautiful) than these ones.6. The busier he is, the _ (happy) he feels.7. The piano is too _ (expensive). I dont have enough money to pay for it.四、同义句转换,每空一词1. Tom is 15 years old. Jim is 16 years old. Jim is _ _ Tom.2. My English is bet

25、ter than Davids.Davids English is _ _ _.3. Chinese is more important than any other subject.Chinese is _ _ _ of all the subjects.4. Amy is the slimmest of the six girls.Amy is _ _ the other five girls.五、单项选择1. Which is _, a pencil or a pen? A. cheap B. cheaper C. more cheaper D. cheapest2. The box i

26、s _ of the three boxes, I think.A. the heavy B. the heavier C. the heaviest D. heaviest3. -What bad weather! -Yes. The radio says it will be even _ later on.A. bad B. badly C. worse D. worst4. His wring is _ better than mine, I think.A. more B. very C. a lot of D. much5. John is cleverer than _ in h

27、is class. A. all the boys B. the all girls C. all the other boys D. all boys and girls6. Lucys hair is _ of the two girls.A. long B. longer C. longest D. the longer7. The Changjiang River is one of _ in the world.A. the long river B. the longest river C. the longest rivers D. longest rivers(Part V)E

28、xercises for “Integrated Skills”&“Study skills”一、根据句子意思和所给提示,完成下列单词1. Thechildrenin poor areas need_ (社会的)help.2. What are your _ (计划) for this weekend?3. The boy likesto wearhishairin a_ (马尾辫). How strange!4. Qi Baishi is one of the most famous _ (art) in China.5. Students should listen to teachers

29、 _ (careful) in class.6. Maryisas_girl.She is afraid of speaking in front of people.二、根据词义和词性,把下列表格中的单词分类station; practise; good-looking; honest; hospital; thirsty; orange; short; listen; pretty; postman; cake; dumpling; doctor; pear; policeman; tired; polite; helpful; watermelon; hamburger; school;

30、 excited; travelFeelings: _ Jobs: _Actions: _ Looks: _Personality: _ Places: _Food: _ Fruit: _三、单项选择1. The girl _ Daniel is my little sister.A. next B. next to C. close D. close to2. -Do you know what he _ two years ago? -Yes, he was short then.A. likes B. liked C. is like D. was like 3. Toms Englis

31、h is as _ as Mikes.A. good B. well C. better D. best4. If it _ tomorrow, I will stay at home and watch TV. A. rains B. will rain C. is raining D. rained5. Cindy is very popular _ the students in Class 4 because he is generous and humorous.A. on B. between C. among D. at四、根据汉语意思,完成下列句子1. 我们都需要更多地互相了解

32、。Weallneed_ _ _ _each other.2. 她长大后想当一名社会工作者。She wants to be a _ _ when she _ _.3. 学会如何交朋友是很重要的。 Its important _.4. 他们总是对人们很善良,认真倾听他们的问题。 They are always _ and _.5. 我们正在谈论我们的未来计划。_A. What would she like to be in the future?B. That is Julie. She is very pretty.C. Me too.D. And she is the most hard-wo

33、rking student in our class.E. Whats she like?五、选用所给句子完成对话Jane: Who is the girl on the left?Bill: _1Jane: Yes, I think so.Bill: Does she work hard?Jane: Yes, she does. _2Bill: _3Jane: She is very friendly and polite. _4 Bill: She would like to be a teacher.Jane: _5(Part VI)Exercises for “Task” & “Sel

34、f-assessment”一、根据句子意思和所给提示,完成下列单词1. A _ (微笑) can run around.2. Hehasa_ (方形的)face and abignose.3. He is a _ (英俊的) singer, and he has a lot of fans.4. That sounds like an _ (极好的) idea to me.5. Doctors and nurses should be _ (耐心的) with the sick people.6. He is a little _ (fat) than he was three years a

35、go.7. Millie looked _ (happy) because she lost her pet dog.8. Jenny is a h_ student. She always works hard at all her subjects.二、选用方框内的单词或词组的适当形式填空smile; meet; good-looking; tallandslim; asmileononesface; work with children; dark brown1. Heistall and _,andalsoveryrich.2. I first _ her in Shanghai si

36、x years ago.3. Mr. Greenansweredthevisitorssomequestions with_.4. Nancyis_ with afriendlysmileon herlovelyface.5. Vivien has _ eyes and a small nose. She looks pretty.6. My mother is a primary (小学的) teacher. She likes to _.7. Lin Tao, my cousin has a pair of _ eyes behind his round glasses.三、同义句转换,每

37、空一词1. Jill likes to help others.Jill _ _ _ help others.2. Lindas hair is long and her eyes can smile. Linda has _ _ and _ _.3. She always worries about her fathers health.Her fathers health _ _ all the time.4. Im good at skating. Amy is good at skating, too._ Amy _ I _ good at skating.5. Shanghai is

38、 the largest city in China.Shanghai is larger than _ _ _ in China.四、单项选择1. -How are you today, Mike? -Im _ now. I dont think this medicine is good for me. A. badly B. better C. well D. worse 2. David is _ student in our class. Nobody is taller than him. A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest3.

39、-Why does Tina look so _ today?-Shes won the first prize in the English competition.A. happier B. happy C. happiest D. happily4. The children looked _ at the teacher when he told them the good news.A. sadly B. happily C. happy D. sad5. My mother doesnt like this dress. She thinks it makes her _ fat.

40、 A. look B. to look C. looks D. looking6. Lindas father hates waiting in long lines. I think hes just not very _.A. patient B. generous C. popular D. handsome7. Mary is so _ she comes to you whenever youre in trouble. A. useful B. careful C. helpful D. thankfulKeys:(Part I)一、1. jokes 2. polite 3. ma

41、gazine 4. teenagers 5. yourself 6. humorous 7. tidy 8. thirsty二、1-5 ADCBB三、1. What/How about drinking some; 2. trust; never tells lies 3. cares about; so 4. What you said; makes me; sad四、1. happy 2. joy 3. honest 4. believe 5. hand 6. helpful 7. important 8. anything 9. secrets 10. true(Part II)一、1.

42、 round 2. smiled 3. sense 4. sweet 5. Almost二、1. knock 2. fit 3. generous 4. straight 5. voice三、1. slimmest 2. willing 3. humour 4. singers 5. bored四、1-5 DABBC 6-7 AC五、1. shorter than 2. in need 3. grows up 4. worries 5. say a bad word about 6. is ready to 7. onto(Part III)一、1-5 DADCC 6 D二、1. meters tall 2. shares; with 3. what she says 4. keeps secrets for 5. looks smart in三、1. true; never; bad things about anyone/anybody 2. voice; in the future 3. makes her look pret


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