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1、资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!河北衡水中学2021届高三第一次联合考试英语 “一分耕耘,一分收获。不要怕得不到,英勇地去面对,努力地付出。你种下一棵树种,它终会成为一棵攀天大树;你种下十棵树种,它们也会成为攀天大树,这就是你的收获。播种的越多,收获得越多,只要肯拨下种子,就能开花结果。下面给大家带来一些关于河北衡水中学2021届高三第一次结合考试,盼望对大家有所关心。 河北衡水中学2021届高三第一次结合考试 英 语 命题单位:河北衡水中学 天舟教科院 总分值150分,考试时间120分钟 第一局部 听力(共两节,总分值30分)(略) 其次局部 阅读理解(共两节,总分值 40 分)

2、第一节(共 15 小题;每题 2 分,总分值 30 分) a if youre looking to fully experience africas breathtaking scenery ,andhave an eye for adventure,then theres only one place to be.here,inside africapicks four of the best hikes from across the continent. 1.kilimanjaro make it to the top of tanzanias 5,895-meter kilimanj

3、aro, and youll bestanding at africas highest point.the mountain is africas most-visited hikingdestination, attracting tens of thousands of tourists and adventures everyyear. you dont have to a technical climber to climb mount kilimanjaro;you justneed not be pretty physically fit. there are six route

4、s to choose from.difficulty, scenery and success. no special equipment 2.atlas mountains the high atlas is an impressive mountainous range in central morocco thathosts north africas highest peak. mount toubkal , at 4, 165 meters. theres avariety of routes to follow during your climb but inexperience

5、d climbers shouldnote that the hike through the mountains challenging zones is quitedemanding. 3. mount kenya a long-extinct volcano. mount kenya is africas second-highest peak, at5,199 meters. lying just south of the equator, the mountains deep valleys and diversewildlife will guarantee you wonderf

6、ul scenery and a fantastic hikingexperience. the climb, however, to the mountains steep ice-capped peaks is quitechallenging, making it the most technical, probably, in that east africanarea. 4. mount meru mount meru may forever exist in the shadow of its neighbor,kilimanjaro, buttanzania s second-h

7、ighest mountain (4,565 meters) has its own devotees. its less known, but mount meru is for the true enthusiast who wants toexperience what very few people actually do. mount meru is often used by mountaineers to accustom themselves beforetrying to conquer kilimanjaro, or by those wanting a hike with

8、 the localmassai. 21. what do we know about kilimanjaro? a. its comparatively easy to climb. b. its africas second highest mountain c. its six routes are equally difficult. d. it lies to the east of tanzania. 22. why do mountaineers climb mount meru first before they dokilimanjaro? a. to avoid big c

9、rowds of climbers. b. to hike with the local massai. c. to get used to the situation. d. to experience what most people do. 23.which is the lowest of the four? a. kilimanjaro. b .atlas mountains c. mount kenya. d. mount meru b lebanese filmmaker nadine labaki has become the first female artist in th

10、earab world to be nominated (提名) for an academy award ,or oscar. labaki directed the film capernaum, a film about a syrian refugee (难民)boyand a kenyan baby who live without parents on the streets of beirut. h wasnominated for best foreign language film. labaki will be one of the few female directors

11、 to compete for an oscar thisyear. she told the associated press i wish there were a lot more womenfilmmakers this year represented,nominated inthe oscars. but i am sure in a fewyears we wont be having this problem anymore. unlike in the west, women filmmakers are industry leaders in lebanon. capern

12、aum received a 15-minute standing ovation (热闹欢送) at this yearscannes film festival. it won the jury prize the third-highest award given atcannes. the united nations has publicly praised the film. lebanons foreignminister said capernaum put a lebanese touch on the international filmindustry. the osca

13、r nomination of capernaum is the second for lebanon in two years inthe film group. it demonstrates the countrys rising star power. labaki called making the movie a life-changing experience. she saidcapernaumhelps humanize the real struggles of refugees only briefly talked aboutin the news. we can t

14、help but acknowledge that there is a fear of refugees in generalaround the world andthere are these walls we are building, and this fear thatkeeps growing, labaki said. capernaum will compete against four other films for the oscar, includingawards season favorite roma. directed by mexicos alfonso cu

15、aron, it earned 10oscar nominations, including for best picture. 24. where does labaki come from? a. syria. b. kenya. c. lebanon. d. mexico. 25.what do we know from labakis words in paragraph 3? a. few women directors have been nominated in the oscars. b. she was the first female artist to compete f

16、or an oscar. c more women directors will enter for oscar this year. d. female directors have problems with their films. 26. which of the following best describes capernaum ? a. it is the best foreign language film. b. it shows the rising power of women. c. it has won the first prize at cannes. d. it

17、 is highly thought of. 27. what does the underlined s it in the last paragraph refer to? a capernaum. b. the oscar. c. roma. d. best picture. c being highly successful in any field is pretty rare. it takes a combinationof natural talent, luck,determination, and plenty of outside support for someonet

18、o make it big in sports, entertainment, or business. but what if competing isall that matters to you, whether you are likely to succeed or not? this was thegoal of michael eddie the eagle edwards, and that he reached that goal was anamazing achievement. born in the u.k. in 1963, michael was an enthu

19、siastic downhill skier whosedream was to compete for britain in world-class competitions. he would haveliked to represent his country in the1984 winter olympics, but there were alarge number of downhill competitors, and edwards didnt qualify. seeing hischance elsewhere, he switched to ski jumping. s

20、ki jumping didnt cost nearly asmuch, and there was almost no competition for a place on the britain team. but a number of hurdles (障碍)could have meant the end of edwards dream. heweighed more than most competitors, which put him at a disadvantage. he had nofinancial support for hi, training. poor ey

21、esight meant that he had to wearglasses under his goggles (护目镜)- not a good thing when they steamed up at highaltitudes. but he couldnt let any of this discourage him. he saw himself as atrue lover of the sport who simply wanted the chance to compete.winning wasntthe point. having the opportunity to

22、 try was all he cared about. and nothingcould stop him from trying. in the end, edwards took 55th place in the 1987 world championships. hethen went on to the calgary olympics in 1988, where he finished last in both ofhis events. many athletes would have been embarrassed by this result, but he ispro

23、ud of his achievement to this day. his determination to fight against all theodds made him a global hero, and in 2021, the inspiring film eddie the eagle wasmade about his life. 28. what is the purpose of the first paragraph? a. to add some background information. b. to uncover the secret of success

24、. c. to expect an answer from readers. d. to introduce the topic. 29. why did michael edwards choose ski jumping? a. it took less skill. b. the equipment was cheaper. c. there was little competition. d. it was easy to win the championship. 30. after the calgary olympics, edwards_. a. felt he had rea

25、ched his goal b. was embarrassed by his results c. switched to film making d. was glad it was over 31. what made michael edwards outstanding? a. his determination to win. b. his enthusiasm for the sport. c. his attitude towards the olympics. d. his ability to overcome physical disabilities. d the wo

26、rlds first hydrogen- powered trains have begun running in germany.they began carrying passengers monday in germany s northern lower saxonystate.the new train will run100-kilometer trips and can travel up to 140kilometers an hour. a french railroad company called alstom built the two trains. team ing

27、ermany and france cooperated on the project,which was supported by the germangovernment.the new train model ,called the coradia ilint, signals the beginning of efforts ingermany and other nations to move away from pollution-producing diesel(柴油)trains. the coradia ilint is designed to run on non-elec

28、trified train 1ines withlow levels of noise. it uses a process that combines hydrogen and oxygen to produce electricalpower. if the system produces more energy than the train needs at that time, itcan store the extra energy in batteries. the only emissions(排放物) are water andsteam. a single tank of h

29、ydrogen can run a coradia ilint train for about 1,000kilometers. this is very similar to the distance a diesel-powered train can runon with a single tank. hydrogen-powered trains cost more than diesel trains to build. but alstomofficials say the operating costs are much lower. the company plans to p

30、rovideanother l4 coradia ilint trains to lower saxony by 2021. the head of railroad operations in the area ,carmen schwabl,praisedreplacing diesel trains with hydrogen. she said the move was an important firststep in using clean-burning technologies to reach climate protection goals. officials say t

31、he areas many wind turbines (涡轮机) will produce part of theenergy to create the hydrogen to power the trains. alstom says several other european countries have also expressed interestin developing hydrogen train systems. france has already said it wants its firsthydrogen train to be operating by 2022

32、. 32. why did germany build the new trains? a. to replace diesel trains. b. to carry more passengers. c. to make traveling much easier. d. to develop friendship with france. 33. what is one advantage of the coradia ilint? a. it runs without making any noise. b. it doesnt use electrical power. c. it

33、costs much less to run. d. it is cheaper to make it. 34. it can be concluded that hydrogen trains _. a. are widely used b. are environmentally friendly c. can stop air pollution d. can produce water and oxygen 35. what might be the best title for the text? a. saving natural resources b. efforts to r

34、educe emissions c. worlds first hydrogen trains d. a new way to make electricity 其次节(共 5 小题;每题 2 分,总分值 10 分) 依据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最正确选项。选项中有两项为 多余选项。 try this at home! are you looking for a new pastime that will create a balance betweenphysical activity and relaxation? then yoga may be the perfec

35、t choice for you.yoga can be practiced by people of all ages and levels of fitness. _36_its a great way to strengthen your muscles and become more flexible. in the 1930s, indian sri tirumali and k. pattabhi developed one of the mostpopular forms of yoga practised worldwide today. they worked togethe

36、r using anancient sansknt text called yoga korunta to create a set routine of yogamovements and breathing exercises. _37_ ashtanga is different from other forms of yoga. it is a very powerful formof aerobic (有氧的) exercise which creates deep heat in the body. _38_ inother forms of yoga, however, the

37、routine can change each time and thestretching exercises arent aerobic. _39_ as well as making you stronger and more flexible, it can alsohelp you to stay calm.by focusing on your breathing while doing physicalexercise, you are able to get a balance between mind and body. in addition, yogahelps to m

38、ake us healthier so we are less likely to get common illnesses likecolds. furthermore, yoga encourages you to think about what youre doing. oftenyou will close your eyes while doing certain movements. _40_ after a fewlessons youll stop looking at what the others around you are doing. you willstop co

39、mparing yourself and start focusing on yourself. a. it can also be done anywhere at any time. b. the result of their co- operation was ashtanga yoga. c. whatever kind of yoga you choose, there are many long-term benefits. d. this allows you to concentrate better and it makes you lesscompetitive. e.

40、every time someone practices ashtanga, he or she does exactly the samemovements. f. if youre interested in yoga, but can find a class near you, then itmight be an excuse to travel. g. recently, it has become extremely common for beginners as well asadvanced yoga students to go on yoga holidays. 第三局部

41、 语言学问运用(共两节,总分值 45 分) 第一节 完形填空(共 20 小题;每题 1.5 分,总分值 30 分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的a、b、c 和 d四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处最正确选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 i had driven home to celebrate my 38th birthday with my mother. when iarrived,i found her _41_ proudly at the kitchen table, a chocolate cakeand two boxes wrapped orange ribbon (丝带)in

42、 front of her. happy birthday! shesaid, _42_ at the boxes. open them. as she knows me _43_ than anyone, shed gotten me exactly what iwanted running clothes. i _44_ her and thanked her and proceeded 接着 ) toeat the cake. too many _45_, i said, not really caring.youll run them offtomorrow, mom said. ma

43、ny adult children with a parent suffering from _46_ memory willtell you there was. one day that _47_ to them that their relationship withtheir mother or father would be forever changed. for me that day _48_ two weeks later, when i drove back for anothershort _49_. l came upon exactly the same _50_:

44、my mom sitting at thekitchen table; a chocolate cake resting next to two51_ wrapped in curly ribbon.the ribbon was green this time. that was the only 52 happy birthday!my momsaid. i was totally _53_. whats going on? i asked. o smiled. “cant icelebrate my daughters birthday? this was no _54_. this wa

45、s real life, and since my mother clearlyonly wanted to make me _55_, i pushed aside my fear and fulfilled my roleas the _56_ daughter. i hugged her, thanked her and _57_ theclothes. i did not mention to her that wed done all this two _58_ago. my house is her world now. my mother and i have the _59_

46、conversationroughly 10 times a day. _60_, i consider it a pleasure, because everyminute is new for her. 其次节(共 10 小题;每题 1.5 分,总分值 15 分) 阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 monkeys do not like it when others get more food _61_ they do,according to a new study. researchers from yale and harvard univer

47、sities found capuchin monkeyspunish monkeys _62_ get more food. this sort of, if i cant have it, noone can response is because _63_ psychological spite (怨恨), and it was_64_ (previous) thought unique. to humans, said kristin leimgruber ofharvard university. she is a co-author of the research study. t

48、he researcherswatched as some capuchin monkeys _65_ (give) more food than others. theyfound that monkeys getting the _66_(small) share pulled a rope to fold upa table holding the other monkeys bigger share. another lead researcher, laurie santas, _67_ (explain) over email, ithink what we can conclud

49、e about humans is that some of our more embarrassingtendencies have relatively deep _68_(root). santos said the spitefulresponse was not present with another member of the ape species chimpanzees(黑猩猩). an earlier study, she said, showed chimpanzees would fold up the table ofother chimpanzees _69_ (s

50、teal) food from them. but they would not punishchimpanzees who just happened _70_ (have)more food, santos said. in otherwords, it was fine if another chimpanzee had more food as long as they did notsteal it. 第四局部 写作(共两节 ,总分值35分) 第一节 短文改错(共10小题;每题1分,总分值10分) 请修改下面的短文。短文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的

51、增加删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号() ,并在其下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线()划掉。 修改:在错的词下面一横线 并在该词下面写上修改后的词。 留意:1. 每句不超过两个错误; 2. 每处错误及其修改均仅限词; 3. 只允许修改10处多者(从第11处起)不计分。 it was raining light when i got up yesterday. after a quick breakfast, itook a umbrella with me and went to school in a hurry. it was fifteen minutesafter

52、school began. i was running quickly when i see an old man walking slowlyin the rain. i stopped, wondered whether to help him or not, as i might be latefor school. then i made a decision (to) walk him home. about ten minutes late.we arrived at his house. he thanked for me again and again. i smiled an

53、d said itwas nothing. i was late when i got to school. hearing my story, the headteacher, that was giving his lecture, praised me before all the student. 其次节 书面表达(总分值25分) 假定你是李华给你开网店的英国伴侣peter寄去了一包自家产的有机(organic)绿茶,并附有一份该茶的说明。请你给peter发封邮件,要点如下: 1.请他品茶; 2.说明该茶的特点(有机、绿色等);3.请他帮助代卖该茶。 留意: 1.词数100左右; 2.

54、可以适当增加详情,以使行文连接; 3.开头语和结尾语已为你写好。 _ 英语试题参考答案 第一局部 听力(略) 其次局部 阅读理解 第一节 a 语篇解读本文是一篇应用文。文章介绍了非洲四座名山及登山的相关状况。 21.a 解析归纳总结题。由全文可知,攀登kilimanjaro 相对较为简单,故答案为a 22.c 解析 详情理韶题。依据文章最终一段 mount meru is often used by mountaineers toaccustom themselves before trying to conquer kilimanjaro可知答案为c。 23.b 解析比照归纳题。依据四座山的

55、高度比照,确定atlas mountains高度最低,故答案为b. b 语篇解读本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。文章主要介绍了黎巴嫩女导演nadine labaki及其导演的电影capernaum 的相关状况。 24.c 解析详情理解题。依据第- -段中的 lebanese fil m maker可知,nadinelaba如是黎巴嫩人,故答案为c。 25.a 解析推理推断题。依据labaki的话可知,她盼望今年能有更多的女导演被提名奥斯卡奖,并盼望今后不再有类似问题。由此可以推断近几年没有几位女性导演被提名奥斯卡奖,所以答案为a。 26.d 解析推理推断题。依据文中第五、六、七段可知,capernaum这部电影获得了来自各


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