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1、资料来源:来自本人网络整理!祝您工作顺利!英语必修二第二单元知识点 英语作为一门必修的主要科目。必修二的学问点你都把握了吗?下面我给你共享英语必修二其次单元学问点,欢送阅读。 英语必修二其次单元学问点 一、重点短语 1.the ancient olympic games 古代奥运会 2. stand for 代表;表示;主见;支持;拥护 3. take part in 参与有组织的、重大的活动 join in参与在进展着的活动或嬉戏(球赛,嬉戏,舞会等) join参与团体、党派、组织、某人 join sb. in doing sth.参加某人做某事 attend参与婚礼、典礼、讲座、会议、上课

2、等(wedding, ceremony, lecture, meting, class, school) 4. come on a magical journey 做梦幻之游 come on (表劝告,鼓舞等)来吧,走吧;开头 5. be a volunteer for 做志愿者 volunteer to do sth. 自愿做某事 6. nowadays当今,如今 7. used to do sth.过去经常做某事 be used to do sth.被用来做 get/be used to (doing) sth.习惯做. 8. every two days, every second da

3、y, everyother day每两天/每隔一天 every few meters每几米 9. on a regular basis定期地 10. together with和一起 11. host n.主人,主持人 v. 主办,进行 12. admit(admitted, admitting )成认,包容,接纳 be admitted as 作为被承受 admit n./doing sth./having done sth./that从句 成认某事/(已经)做了某事 be admitted to/into 被录用,被允许、接纳进入 admit sb./sth. to be 成认某人/某物是

4、 13. as well 也;又;同样 as well as (除.之外)也,既.又 conj. 以及,又 14. take responsibility for be responsible for对负有责任,负起对的责任 15. replace(=take the place of ) replacesb./sth.取代某人/某物 replacewith/by 以取代 16. put forward 呈上;提出;提早 come up with提出,相出 17. advertise sth.打广告 18. be in/under sbs charge= in /under thecharge

5、 of sb.由负责/管理 in charge of 或take charge of负责,掌管 free of charge=for free免费 charge sb. some money for sth. 因某事/物而向某人索价 get charged充电 charge sb. with (doing) sth.控告某人(做)某事 19. physical exercise 体育熬炼 20. be fined+金钱被罚款 21. win glory for sb. 为某人赢得荣誉 22. hopeless无望的 23. bargain讨价还价,廉价货 make a bargain with

6、 sb.与某人达成协议/成交 24. pick up 捡起来;接某人 25. be in pain痛苦 take great pains to do sth.煞费苦心做某事 26. promise许诺,容许;预示,有望 promise (sb.)to do sth. 容许(某人)做某事 promise (sb.)sth. 容许某人某事 promise (sb.)that从句 make a promise 许诺 keep a promise 遵守诺言 carry out ones promise 履行诺言 break ones promise不遵守诺言 27. marry v.结婚,嫁,娶 ma

7、rried adj.已婚的 marriage n.婚姻 be/get married to sb与某人结婚 marry sb. to sb.把某人嫁给某人 a marry b a娶了/嫁给b 28. one after another 一个接一个地,接连不断地 (连续性) one by one逐一地 (挨次性) 29. deserve vivt.应受(报答或惩处),值得 deserve to do sth理应做,值得做 deserve to be done= deserve doing应当,值得 (主动形式表示被动意义) deserve sth.应得 deserve to be rewarde

8、d /punished 该奖罚 deserve punishment应当受罚 二、重点句型 1. no other countries could join in, norcould slaves or women. 别的国家不能参与,奴隶和妇女也不能参与。 (否认词置于句首,句子倒装。) so+情态动词/助动词/be动词+主语 也是的一样的, 强调后者同前者确定状况一样。 neither/nor+情态动词/助动词/be动词+主语也不 , 强调后者同前者否认状况一样。 so+主语+情态动词/助动词/be动词 确实如此啊,对前面状况的确定。 2. women are not only allow

9、ed, but playa very important role in gymnastics not onlybut (also)不但。而且。 (1) 引导并列构造:引导主语时,谓语动词就近原那么。 (2) 引导并列句时,not only句倒装,即前倒后不倒。 例如:not only did they take photos, but also theyhad a bid dinner. 3. there is as much competition among countries to host the olympics as to win olympic medals.国与国之间争取奥运

10、会承办权的竞争就跟争夺奥运奖牌一样地剧烈。 (1) as/so + 形容词/副词原级 + as 例如:he is astall as his brother, but he doesnt study as/so well as his brother. (2) as/so + 形容词+ 不行数名词/可数名词复数+ as 例如:he gave meas valuable advice as you did. (3) as/so + 形容词+ a/an +可数名词单数 + as 例如:tom is astall a boy as harry. 英语必修二其次单元练习题 1. -would you

11、like to _ us in celebrating johns return from america tonight? - id like to, but i have to _ a meeting. a. join; attend b. attend; join c. take part in; attend d. join; join in 2. in my opinion, life in the twenty-first century is much easier than . a. that used to be b. what it is used to c. what i

12、t was used to d. what it used to be 3. why not try your luck downtown, bob? thats the best jobs are. a. where b. what c. when d. why 4. john as well as his brothers, to the party. a. have gone b. had gone c. has gone d. go 5. it wasnt until nearly a month later i received th managers reply. a. since

13、 b. when c. as d. that 6. after two hours of swimming, smith and john came to was called bird-island. a. the place where b. the place what c. what d. that 7. she reached the top of the hill and stopped on a big rock by the side of the path. a. to have rested b. resting c. to rest d. rest 8. it is ge

14、nerally believed that teaching is it is a science. a. as art much as b. much an art as c. as an art much as d. as much an art as 9. at this time tomorrow over the atlantic. a. were going to fly b. well be flying c. well fly d. were to fly 10. do you know why they organized the club? - no, to know about it. a. nor i want b. nor do i want c. i nor want d. i want either 11. the windows are too small enough light and fresh air into the room. a. to admit b. to be admitted c. for admitting d. for being admitted 12. as is


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