外研版初中英语七年级上册教案:Module5 Unit 2(初一上)_第1页
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外研版初中英语七年级上册教案:Module5 Unit 2(初一上)_第5页




1、module 5 healthy food unit 2 a lesson in good healthy? 教材:英语(新标准)七年级上册课时:2课时课型:reading and writing一、教材分析本模块以食品为话题,在让学生学会各种食品英文表达的同时学会健康饮食,十分符合学生的日常生活实际。教学中应结合学生生活实际情况,灵活掌握教学过程,组织教学内容,丰富学生知识,拓展学生视野。二、教学目标设计1、知识目标(1) key vocabulary: favourite, noodles ,candy, coke, fish, hamburger, ice cream, rice, ea

2、t, drink(2) key structure: meat and fish are healthy food, but hamburgers and candy arent healthy food.eat noodles or rice and some vegetables.whats your favourite food and drink? are they healthy?2、能力目标reading skill: to get information from the reading material about healyhy food.writing skill: to

3、write about healthy food with but and and.3、情感目标we can realize how to be healthy and give others some good advice about eating and drinking.四、教学重点和难点重点:1、introduce the words of food and drinks. 2、learn a short passage about healthy food and drink. 难点:能写出有关食品的短语,掌握but的连词功能五、教学策略1、充分利用学生已有知识和经验,创设生活化的

4、真实情境和半真实情境,引导学生在运用语言中学习语言,然后在学习新的语言知识后创造性地运用语言。2、开展各种任务教学活动,给学生提供交流合作的空间和时间,促使学生为完成任务和同学进行合作,为完成任务进行探究学习。六、教学准备ppt、图片、录音机及其它直观教具七、教学过程设计教学过程 教学过程教学过程教学步骤教师活动学生活动活动目的step1 :warming- up task 1:free talk free talk. 1. greet to the ss.2. introduce myself to the ss.3. explain the match rules in this less

5、on.task2: word gameshow the ss some pictures and let them say it out quickly.task3:guessing game let the ss play a guessing game .greet to the teacher and get ready to have this lesson.task 2 look at the picture and say out the names of the food quickly.task 3 : play a guessing game . guess out what

6、s in the fridge .use the sentence :have you got any ?渲染气氛,导入新课step 2:pre-tasktask 1:presentation of key words1. show the ss some pictures and teach the new words.2. let the ss read the words together.task 1 :1.look at the pictures and answer the teachers questions. they can answer all together, or a

7、 group, or one by one.2.read the words together task 2 : divide the pictures into two lists.(healthy and unhealthy)1.let two students come to the blackboard to have a competition .2.let the ss check their answers.3.look and sayt: to be healthy. we should eatdrink.we should not eat drinktask 2 :1. tw

8、o students put the healthy food together, and put the unhealthy food together.(see which group is the fastest?)2. check the answers with teacher.3.read words with teacher.用图片引出新单词,解决对话和听力中出现的语言障碍让学生在游戏和对话过程中熟练掌握新句型step 4 while-task task 1 : listening1. play the tape. let the ss listen and do activit

9、y 3 .2. let them check their answers .task 2 : group work1. let the ss read the passage then complete the table .2. let them check their answers .3.let the ss read the passage by themselves, and solve the difficult points.4.ask two groups to act it out5. according to the table, let the ss to retell

10、the passage by themselves. then check several students.6. retell the passage by the whole-class.task1:1. listen to the tape and do activity 3 .2. check the answers one by one .task 2 :1. read the passage and finish the table .2. check the answers by four ss.3.read the passage by themselves, and find

11、 out some difficult points, then raise up.4. two groups act it out. and choose the best group.5. several students to retell the passage.6. the whole-class retell the passage together.能够听取信息,训练和培养学生细节听力技巧step4make a survey1. let the ss work in groups . one interviews the other three or six students a

12、bout their favourite food and drink .2.let the ss do a report according to the information .3.ask three or four ss to report their surveys . let other ss listen and choose the best reporters.1. work in groups of three or six. use the questions : a: whats your favourite food drink ?b: my favourite fo

13、oddrink is.a: is it are they healthy food drink ?b: :2.after finishing it they must do a report.3.three or four ss report their surveys to the class. the other ss listen and choose the best reporters.用调查报告形式更容易巩固所学知识点step 5 post-tasktask 1:disducssing:let the ss look at the picture find out whats wr

14、ong with the boy?discuss the pictures with classmates.step6sum upsum up总结 归纳 识记消化课堂知识step 7homeworklet the ss finish the exercises in the paperfinish the exercises in the paper板书设计:module 5 healthy food unit 2 a lesson in good healthy healthy unhealthy图片图片图片图片图片图片图片图片教学反思:1. 课堂设计由学生完成healthy & unhealthy竞赛活动中,在鼓励学生大胆发言,增强集体合作意识和发扬互助学习的精神,老师在学生的整个学习过程中起引导作用,改变了过去以老师为主体,学生被动学习的局面,有利于激发学生主动学习的意识和活跃课堂教学气氛.2. 课堂教学活动的设计调动了学生学习的积极性,达到一


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