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1、小学英语语法基础习题三practice:b:用“is this” 或 “are these”完成问句,用“its”或“theyre”回答问题。1 is this an apple or a pear? its a pear.2 a desk or a chalkboard? .3 dogs or horses? .4 a boat or a car? .5 dresses or coats? .c:用“is that”或“are that”完成问句,用“its”或“theyre”回答问题。1. is that a skirt or a pair of pants? its a skirt.2.

2、 calculators or computers? .3. an elephant or a horse? .4. a bird or an airplane? .5. cars or buses? .vocabulary: boat island letter mailbox refrigerator stamp stove thatthats those12. 基数词和序数词基数词用来数数,通常用来回答由疑问词“how many”提出的问题。基数词 0 zero 零 10 ten 十 20 twenty 二十 1 one 一 11 eleven 十一 21 twenty- one 二十一

3、 2 two 二 12 twelve 十二 22 twenty- two 二十二 3 three 三 13 thirteen 十三 23 twenty- three 二十三 4 four 四 14fourteen 十四 24 twenty-four 二十四 5 five 五 15 fifteen 十五 25 twenty- five 二十五 6 six 六 16 sixteen 十六 26 twenty- six 二十六 7 seven 七 17 seventeen 十七 27 twenty- seven 二十七 8 eight 八 18 eighteen 十八 28 twenty- eigh

4、t 二十八 9 nine 九 19 nineteen 十九 29 twenty- nine 二十九 30 thirty 三十 101 one hundred one 一百零一 31 thirty- one 三十一 102 one hundred two 一百零二 40 forty 四十 200 two hundred 二百 41 forty- one 四十一 201 two hundred one 二百零一 50 fifty 五十 300 three hundred 三百 60 sixty 六十 400 four hundred 四百70 seventy 七十 500 five hundred

5、 五百80 eighty 八十 1000 one thousand 一千90 ninety 九十 1001 one thousand one 一千零一100 one hundred 一百 2000 two thousand 两千“加”的表达法: two plus three is five.is ,equals 2+3=5 二加三等于五。five plus six is eleven. 5+6=11五加六等于十一。“减”的表达法: seven minus four is three. 7- 4=3 七减四等于三。 nine minus five is four. 9 -5=4 九减五等于四。“

6、乘”的表达法 two times eight is sixteen. 2*8=16 二乘以八等于十六。 four times seven is twenty eighty. 4*7=28 四乘以七等于二十八。“除”的表达法: eight divided by four is two. 8/4=2 八除以四等于二。 twenty divided by two is ten. 20/2=10 二十除以二等于十。序数词序数词如:first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth, eleventh, tw

7、elfth 用来表示事物的位置与顺序。this is my first english class.这是我的第一堂英语课。i live on the twelfth floor. 我住在十二楼。practice:a. 用正确的数词填空并大声朗读句子。1 there are three dogs.2 there are earrings.3 there are movie star.4 there are bananas.5 there are bananas.6 there are cars.7 there are floors.8 there are books.b. 用正确的序数词完成句子

8、。1. lucy is in the first seat.2. bill is in the seat.3. fred is in the seat.4. alice is in the seat.5. jack is in the seat.6. susan is in the seat.7. nobody is in the seat. 8. judy is in the seat. vocabulary: add equal hundred seven ten twelve divide fifteen minus seventeen tenth twenty eight fifth

9、nine seventh third zero eighteen fifty nineteen seventy thirteen eighth first ninety six thirty eighty forty ninth sixteen thousand eleven fourteen plus sixth times eleventh fourth second sixty twelfth13. 表示时间 ;金钱 1what time is it by this clock? its four oclock. 表上的时间是几点?是四点。 2. what time is it now?

10、 its ten after three.现在几点?三点十分。 3 what time is it now? its a quarter after three. or its three fifteen. 现在几点?三点十五分。4.what time is it now? its half past three. or its three thirty. 现在几点?三点半或三点三十分。5. what time is it now? its twenty to four. or its three forty.现在几点?差二十分四点或是三点四十分。6. what time is it now?

11、 its a quarter to four. or its three forty- five. 现在几点?差十五分四点或是三点四十五。7. what time is it? its 7 a.m 几点了?上午七点。8. what time is it? its 10 p.m. 几点了?晚上十点.9. dollars are usually made of paper. 美元通常是纸做的。10. cents are metal coins. 分币是金属硬币。11. a penny is worth one cent. 一便士值一美分。12. a nickel is worth five cen

12、ts. 一镍币值五美分。13. a dime is worth ten cents. 一角硬币值十美分。14. a quarter is worth twenty-five cents. 二角五分硬币值二十五分。15. a half-dollar is worth fifty cents. 半美元值五十美分。16. there is also a dollar coin. 也有一美元硬币。practice:a. what time is it?b. how much is it?c. 用完整的句子回答问题。1 how much is a nickel worth?2 what is the n

13、ame of the ten-cent coin?3 how much is a penny worth?4 what is the name of the twenty-five-cent coin?5 which coin is worth fifty cents?6 what are dollars usually made of?7 how many cents are there in a dollar?8 here are five different coins. what are their names? 9 what time is it now?10 what time i

14、s your english class?11 what time is your favorite tv program?12 what time is lunch?vocabulary: after dollar money p.m.a.m. favorite nickel programcent half oclock quarterclass lunch p.m. timeclock made of paper worthcoin metal pastdime midnight penny14.形容词形容词用来修饰和描述名词,并且通常放在名词之前。 a big box a little

15、 box 一个大盒子 一个小盒子无论是修饰单数名词还是修饰复数名词,形容词的形式都是一样的。 an old car 一辆老式汽车 two old cars 两辆老式汽车形容词也可以放在be动词之后做表语,用来叙述和说明主语。 the car is new. the cars are new. 这辆小汽车是新的。 这些小汽车是新的。1. this is a tall person. 这是一个高个子的人。2. this is a short person. 这是一个矮个子的人。3. this is a full glass. 这是一个装满水的杯子。4. this is a empty glass.

16、 这是一个空杯子。5. thats a white cat. 那是一只白猫。6. thats a black cat. 那是一只黑猫。7. this window is open. 这扇窗户是开着的。8. this window is closed. 这扇窗户是关着的。9. this umbrella is wet. 这把雨伞湿漉漉的。10. this umbrella is dry. 这把雨伞干爽。practice:a. 用最能说明图片的形容词填空。1 these are full glasses.2 thats an shirt.3 this is a umbrella.4 this is

17、 a car.5 those are trees.6 thats an glass.7 this a dog.8 those are socks.b. 用下列短语造句,把形容词放在be动词之后。1. that long skirt that skirt is long.2. the white flowers the flowers are white.3. the closed envelopes4. the big tv5. this little fly6. those wet people7. these hungry children8. this thirsty dogvocabu

18、lary: black closed dry empty full hungry new old open tall thirty wet white15.名词所有格单数名词和专有名词所有格的构成是词后加“s”.mr. smiths telephone is old. 史密斯先生的电话是旧的。the accountants telephone is new. 会计的电话是新的。以s 结尾的复数名词的所有格的构成是s 后加 the boys shirts are white. 男孩们的衬衫是白色的。 the girls shirts are black. 女孩们的衬衫是黑色的。后面不以s 结尾的

19、不规则复数名词的所有格的构成是在名词后加s the childrens coats are short.孩子们的外套是短的。the womens coats are long. 女士们的外套是长的。用疑问词 whose 对所有格进行提问。whose drink is that? 那是谁的饮料?its jims drink. 是吉姆的饮料。1 bills shoes are dirty. 比尔的鞋脏。2 sams shoes are clean. 萨姆的鞋干净。3 sarahs car is fast. 莎拉开的车快。4 ricks car is slow. 里克开的车慢。5 the rabbi

20、ts ears are long. 兔子的耳朵长。6 the cats ears are short. 猫的耳朵短。7 the childrens drinks are cold. 孩子们的饮料是凉的。8 the mens drinks are hot. 男人们的饮料是热的。9 mr. wilsons books are heavy. 威尔逊先生搬的书重。10 mrs. greens books are light. 各林太太拿的书轻。practice:a. 用名词所有格及所给词替换句子。example:marys books are on the desk. (the boys) the b

21、oys books are on the desk. 1. the children 4. henry 7. jane and joe 2. mrs. wilson 5. the girl 8. the students 3. the lawyer 6. the girlsb.用完整的句子回答问题。 1whose dog is big? (the girl , the woman) the girls dog is big. whose dog is little? the womans dog is little. 2. whose boots are clean? (anne, judy)

22、 whose boots are dirty? 3. whose bicycles are fast? (the men , the women) whose bicycles are slow? 4. whose tail is long? (the rabbit, the cat) whose tail is short? 5. whose suitcase is heavy? (patty, tim)whose suitcase is light? 6. whose television is old? (mr. smith, mr. wilson) whose television i

23、s new? 7. whose desk is small? (the teacher ,the student) whose desk is big? clean cold dirty drink fast heavy hot light slowtail telephone whosevocabulary: 16.review 复习a把动词由单数变为复数,其他成分做相应变化。 1there is a key in the drawer. there are keys in the drawer. 2. this is a computer.3. the child isnt hungry.

24、4. thats a fly.5. its a black horse.6. is this dish clean?7. is there an apple in the bowl?8. this is janes book.9. is the glass on the table?10. im not thirsty.b把陈述句变为疑问句,并做否定回答。 1the plate is between the napkin and the spoon. is the plate between the napkin and the spoon? no, the plate isnt betwee

25、n the napkin and the spoon. 2. this is a full plate. 3. there is a banana in the bowl. 4. her suitcases are heavy. 5. there are some napkins in the drawer. 6. these cars are new. 7. the umbrella is wet. 8. his coat is on the chair.c. 用完整句子回答问题。 1. wheres the computer programmer? shes between the art

26、ist and the dancer. 2. where are the children? 3. whats this? 4. are the boots clean? 5. what time is it? 6. is the man in front of the chair? 7. where are the birds? 8. is the computer between the lamp and a calculator?d.用线把左边的每个单词和右边的相应名词所有格连上,然后用每一组造句。 judys mine your yours bobs his my hers her o

27、urs our theirs mary and sams hers example: this is judys car. this is hers.17.一般现在时肯定句一般现在时用来表示客观存在的事实和经常发生的行为。 jack likes apples.杰克喜欢吃苹果。一般现在时经常与表示时间和频率的短语连用。jack often walks to school. 杰克经常走着上学。 to walk单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称i walkwe walkyou walkyou walk heshe walksitthey walkhe often walks to school in

28、the morning. 早上,他经常走着上学。除了第三人称单数以外没,所有一般现在时的构成都是相同的。当动词以辅音或以 e 结尾时,第三人称单数加“s” he drinks coffee every morning. 他每天早晨喝咖啡。 she likes vanilla ice cream. 她喜欢吃香草冰淇淋。其他以元音(a, i, o, u)结尾或以ch, sh, s, x,或z结尾的动词加“es”kathy goes to work every day. 凯西每天去上班。rich does some homework every morning. 瑞兹每天早上写作业。sally wa

29、tches television every night. 萨莉天天晚上看电视。1 you eat breakfast every morning. 你每天早上都吃早餐。2 i walk to school every morning. 我每天早上都走者上学。3 he takes a bus to the office every day. 他每天乘公共汽车去办公室。4 she usually takes a subway to the office.他经常乘地铁去办公室。5 we often walk to work. 我们常步行去上班。6 you and rosa always walk

30、to school. 你和罗丝总是步行去上学。7 they always take a train to the city. 他们常乘火车去那个城市。8 ray goes to work every day. 雷每天都去上班。9 i have a new car. 我有一辆新车。10 he has an old car. 他有一辆旧车。practicea. 替换句中的主语。example:i usually walk to the store. (he) he usually walks to the store.1.you 5. he 9. jenny and i2 you and pegg

31、y 6. they 10.fran3. she 7. andy and rich 11. my friend and i4. we 8. that girl 12. the childrenb.按练习a中列出的词语顺序替换下列句子的主语。example:i always drink coffee in the morning. (he) he always drinks coffee in the morning.c 。按练习a中列出的词语顺序替换下列句子的主语example: i go to the city every day. (he) he goes to the city every

32、 day.d.按练习a中列出的词语顺序替换下列句子的主语。example:i have some keys. (he) he has some keys.e 括号里动词的正确形式填空。1i walk home every day. (walk)2. leland always to restaurants. (go)3. tom usually the mail on the desk. ( put )4. she the newspaper every day. ( read )5. i often to the movies.(go)6. i homework every evening.

33、 (do )7. ann always taxis. (take)8. we a bus to school in the morning.9. richard and i in new york. (live )10. bob usually breakfast. (eat)11. carol television every evening. (watch )12. they animals. (like )13. you always good books. (read)14. they e-mail every evening. (send )15. john new shoes. (

34、have )vocabulary: always city do e-mail go ice-cream mail new york put send take usually watch animal coffee drink evening have like morning night read store taxi vanilla work breakfast day eat every homework live movies often restaurant subway train walk 18.一般现在时否定句 否定句完整形式缩写式单数复数单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称i

35、do no walkwe do not walki dont walkwe dont walkyou do not walkyou do not walkyou dont walkyou dont walkheshe does not walkitthey do not walkheshe doesnt walkitthey dont walk一般现在时的否定形式是把“do not ”或“does not”放在动词之前。在否定句中,第三人称单数动词不加“s”he walks.他散步。 he doesnt walk. 他不散步。1i dont walk to school. i run.我不步行

36、去学校。我跑着去。2. you dont take the bus to work. you drive.你不乘车上班。你开车去。3. dike doesnt often go to the movies. he prefers the theater.迪克不常去看电影。他更喜欢看戏剧4. laura doesnt work in an office. she works in a factor劳拉不在办公室上班。他在工厂上班。5. the cat doesnt like dogs. it likes mice.猫不喜欢狗,它喜欢老鼠。6. nick and i usually dont tr

37、avel by train. we travel by plane.我和尼克不常乘火车旅行。我们乘飞机去旅行。7 you and maggie dont eat lunch at one oclock.你和麦其不在一点吃午餐。你们俩在中午吃午餐。 you both eat lunch at noon.8 norma and david usually dont eat dinner at home. they eat in a restaurant. 诺玛和戴维经常不在家吃晚餐。他们在餐馆吃。practice:a. 替换句子主语。example:we dont live in new york

38、. (george) george doesnt live in new york.1.joan and i 5. i 9. they2. pete 6.barbara 10. you and sid3. lee and amy 7. you two 11. you and i4. you 8.mrs. faro 12. she b.用缩写形式,把陈述句变成否定句。1i go to work by car . i dont go to work by car.2. we walk to walk.3. you like the movies.4. you two go to the facto

39、ry every day.5. lee eats lunch at two oclock.6. they often go to the theater.7. barbara works in the evening.8. we usually like to travel by plane.9. mr. crane works in a restaurant.10. i eat breakfast in the morning.c.对每个选择疑问句,做肯定和否定回答。1do you go to work by bus or by train? i go to work by train. i

40、 dont go to work by bus.2. does pete take the bus to work or does he walk?3. do you both usually go to the movies or to the theater?4. do they travel by train or by plane?5. do these people like chocolate or vanilla ice cream?6. does she like pears or oranges?7. do you have lunch at home or in a res

41、taurant?8. does ha put the mail on the desk or in the drawer?9. do liz and gary have a new suitcase or an old suitcase?10. do the students go to school by subway or by bus?11. does the child prefer cats or mice?12. does she eat lunch at one or two oclock?13. does he read a newspaper or a book in the

42、 morning?14. do the children have bicycles or cars?vocabulary: both by chocolate dinner factory mouse noon plane prefer run theater travel. 19.一般现在时疑问句一般现在疑问句的形式是将助动词do, does放在主语之前。 疑问句单数复数第一人称第二人称第三人称do i speak english?回答问题,先用 或 做简短回答,然后做具体回答。question: do you like animals? 你喜欢动物吗?answer: 肯定回答 yes, i do. or yes, i like animals. 是的,我喜欢。或 是的,我喜欢动物。 否定回答 no, i dont. or no, i dont like anima


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