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1、 大学英语(2) 一、单项选择题(本大题共40分,共 40 小题,每小题 1 分)1. we asked high school students to ( ) an anti-drug campaign.a. part inb. join inc. participate ind. come in2. a funny thing happened ( ) to the communications revolution.a. on the wayb. in the wayc. by the wayd. through the way3. excuse me, can you tell me

2、where your general manager is? yes, of course, ( )a. here does our general managerb. here our general manager comesc. our general manager here comesd. here comes our general manager4. i think the headmaster is a rigid man who lacks of a _ of humour.a. airb. touchc. gasd. sense5. the new technology i

3、s rapidly becoming more _ to us customers in their own homes.a. availableb. comfortablec. reliabled. profitable6. ( )arrived ( ) she started complaining.a. hardly had he when b. hardly he had. whenc. he hardly .thand. hardly had be. than7. the commanders words ( )_ excitement in the students and enc

4、ouraged them to struggle for their motherland.a. stimulatedb. arosec. stirredd. tiggered8. the people at the party were worried about janet because no one was aware _ she had gone.a. where that b. of where c. of the place where d. the place9. i wish i ( ) in the sun by a swimming pool nowa. am lying

5、b. were lying c. am layingd. were laying10. when i reached the peak, my partners ( ) me.a. waited forb. were waiting forc. has waited ford. had waited for11. the ministers agree ( ) global warming is a serious world problem.a. what b. whichc. whend. that12. it ( ) for a week!dont worry! it ( ) be a

6、fine day tomorrow.a. rainsis suppose tob. is raining is suppose to c. has rainedis supposed to d. has been raining is supposed to13. it is quite necessary to make some ( ) when you cooperate with others.a. compromiseb. compoundc. compartmentd. comparison14. ( ) tonight, why not drop in and play ches

7、s with me?a. since you are freeb. for you are freec. because you are freed. if you would be free15. i wish i ( ) english fluently.a. could speakb. can speakc. spoked. would speak16. the girl who attempted to ( ) suicide was saved by the police.a. dob. make c. commitd. use17. i came across an old cou

8、ntry guide the other day. it listed all the tradesmen in each village in my part of the country, and it was impressive to see the great variety of services which were available on one s own doorstep in the late victorian countryside.nowadays a superficial traveller in rural england might conclude th

9、at the village tradesmen still flourishing were either selling frozen food to the inhabitants or selling antiques to visitors. nevertheless, this would really be a false impression. admittedly there has been a contraction (收缩) of village commerce, but its vigor is still remarkable.our local grocers

10、shop, for example, is actually expanding in spite of the competition from supermarkets in the nearest town. women sensibly prefer to go there and exchange the local news while doing their shopping, instead of queuing (排队) up at a supermarket. and the proprietor (店主) knows well that personal service

11、has a substantial cash value.his prices may be a bit higher than those in the town, but he will deliver anything at any time. his assistants think nothing of bicycling on the village street in their lunch hour to take a piece of cheese to an old age pensioner (领养老金 ) who sent her order by word of mo

12、uth with a friend who happened to be passing. the more affluent customers telephone their shopping lists and the goods are on their doorsteps within an hour. they have only to hint at a fancy for some commodity outside the usual stock and the grocer, a red-faced figure, instantly obtains it for them

13、.the village gains from this sort of enterprise, of course. but i also find it satisfactory because a village shop offers one of the few ways in which a modest individualist can still get along in the world without attaching himself to the big battalions of industry or commerce. the writer implies t

14、hat one disadvantage of town shops is that _.a. their prices are higherb. people cannot telephone themc. their staff may make less trouble to satisfy customersd. one has 10 queue up to pay in them18. great changes ( ) in china since 1978.a. have been taken placeb. have taken placec. has been taken p

15、laced. has taken place19. he wore dark glasses to avoid _.a. having been spotted b. to be spotted c. spotted d. being spotted20. from time to time she looked round ( ) searching for someone.a. as tob. asc. as ford. as if21. a man walked into a restaurant that advertised having the longest menu in th

16、e world. the manager was very proud of being able to provide any dish, no matter how unusual. at the bottom of the menu, there was a notice that said, “if you do not see the dish you require on this menu, please tell us and we will add it to the menu immediately.” the man looked at the menu and deci

17、ded to make life really difficult for the manager and his chef. he would order something that was very unusual. when the waiter came up to take his order, he said, “you say you can serve any dish, anything at all, even if its not on your menu, which is the longest menu in the world.” “that is correc

18、t, sir. we have never yet been unable to meet our customers requirements.” “very well,” the man said. “in that case, bring me two elephant ears on toast. indian, not african.” the waiter wrote down on his pad:two indian elephant ears on toast. “very good, sir”, he said. “that shouldnt take long. ” h

19、e walked away quickly. the man was very surprised and rather disappointed. then he smiled as the waiter returned with a very unhappy look on his face. “ah! ”the man said. “you cant bring me elephant ears on toast, can you? ” the waiter was very apologetic. “im very sorry, sir, and this is most embar

20、rassing, ” he said, “but im afraid we cant. unfortunately, weve run out of bread. ” the waiter was unhappy because _ .a. the man didnt order elephant ears b. they had no elephant to cookc. they didnt want to serve the customer d. the chef didnt know how to cook the elephant ears22. these good shoes

21、are a real bargain ( ) such a low price.a. atb. inc. of d. on23. if he had asked me, i ( ) him.a. should have helpedb. would helpc. would have helpedd. helped24. we had expected that our team would win the match but it ( ) to be disaster.a. turns tob. turns outc. turns offd. turns on25. in time of r

22、ecession, it is very hard for an undergraduate to find a ( ) job.a. decentb. currentc. definited. diligent26. wish you a happy voyage and give my best ( ) to your families.a. blessingb. hopec. regardsd. greeting27. ( ) he has signed the contract or not doesnt matter.a. ifb. whetherc. whatd. why28. i

23、t may be more _ a suggestion than an invitation.a. inb. toc. ond. of29. john used to get up early, ( )?a. used heb. did hec. didnt hed. would he30. it was in the midnight ( ) the burglary happened.a. whenb. whichc. whatd. that31. every drop of tears, every moan out of pain and every cry for help the

24、n _ like knife cutting deep into his heart.a. was b. are c. were d. is32. by no means ( ) look down upon the poor.a. we shallb. should wec. we d. we should33. the tall man ( ) the woman ( ) her wallet.a. robbed; of b. robbed; from c. robbed; outd. robbed; away34. the parents association is trying to

25、 cooperate with the school to prevent the teenagers from ( ) drugs.a. addicting inb. addicting toc. being addicted ind. being addicted to35. there ( ) no money left, we had to change our plan.a. beingb. would bec. hadd. was36. you ( ) to their english party tomorrow evening.a. are invitedb. will inv

26、itec. will being invitingd. will be invited37. the air is full of smoke and people are coughing. itll get worse ( ) the government does something about pollution.a. butb. exceptc. besidesd. unless38. ahead of me i saw a woman ( ) i thought was my aunt.a. whob. whomc. of whomd. whose39. every advance

27、 in communications technology is a ( ) to the intimacy of human interaction.a. set backb. setbackc. take overd. overtake40. the children were waiting ( ) for the pantomime to start.a. respectfullyb. exceptionallyc. expectedlyd. expectantly二、问答题(本大题共40分,共 2 小题,每小题 20 分)1. translate the following aski

28、ng-for-leave note into english. please pay attention to the format. 请假条 张老师, 由于得了重感冒,我今天不能来上课了.这是医生开的医疗证明. 望准假! 此致2. this part is to test your ability to do practical writing. you are required to write a notice titled lost according to the following information given in chinese. remember to write th

29、e notice no less than 60 words. 假如你在阅览室遗失一本英文字典,要写一则招领启事。内容包括:对字典的具体描述遗失的时间、地点、过程失主的联系方式及对归还者的感激三、写作题(本大题共20分,共 1 小题,每小题 20 分)instructions:建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。which means of transportation do you prefer?内容需包括以下方面:1. 哪一种是你最喜欢的交通方式;2. 阐述你的理由。答案:一、单项选择题(40分,共 40 题,每小题 1 分)1. c 2. a 3

30、. d 4. d 5. a 6. a 7. c 8. b 9. b 10. b 11. d 12. d 13. a 14. a 15. a 16. c 17. c 18. b 19. d 20. d 21. c 22. a 23. c 24. b 25. a 26. c 27. b 28. d 29. c 30. d 31. a 32. b 33. a 34. d 35. a 36. d 37. d 38. c 39. b 40. d 二、问答题(40分,共 2 题,每小题 20 分)1. 参考答案:dear mr. zhang, owing to a bad cold, i am unabl

31、e to attend classes today. i now submit a medical certificate issued by the doctor. hoping you will excuse my non-attendance. yours respectively, wang gang解题方案:评分标准:2. 参考答案:lost 18th oct, 2006. i lost an oxford advanced lenanersenylish-chinese dictionary published by the commercial prese and oxford university press yesterday aftenoon when i s


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