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1、 wireless base station hardware quality standards v5.0wireless base station hardware quality standards v5.0无线基站硬件质量标准v5.0direction for use 使用说明:1. description of “code”“编码”说明:digits 1, 2, and 3: “whb” indicates the code for these standards, in which, “w” stands for wireless product line and “h” for

2、hardware quality standard. “b” indicates that these hardware quality standards are applicable to macro cell base station products.第1、2、3位:“whb”表示本标准代号。其中“w”表示标准属于无线产品线,“h”表示硬件质量标准,“b”表示本硬件质量标准适用于宏基站产品。digit 4: problem type, numbered in the order of ”a”, “b”, “c”第4位:问题种类,即下面标准中每一个大编号为一类,按照“a”、“b”、“c”

3、顺序编写。digits 5 and 6: serial number under this problem type.第5、6位:该问题种类下的问题序号。digit 7: problem nature, indicated by ”a”, “b” and “c”.第7位:问题性质,用“a”、“b”、“c”表示。problems of type a:major problems that are severely against equipment installation specifications and may incur risks to the equipment operation

4、. such problems must be corrected. those that cannot be corrected must be notified to related personnel of the local office. comments of the handling personnel must be given in the self-check (quality-inspection) report. for problems that cannot be corrected on account of the customer, a memo must b

5、e signed with the customer and archived with the self-check report. in the event that the customer is unwilling to sign a memo, request comments of the related personnel of the local office. the deduction weight for problem of type a is equal to or more than 2 points. a类问题:表示重要问题,严重违反设备安装规范,对设备安全运行存

6、在隐患等问题,必须整改,对于无法整改的问题,必须知会办事处相关人员,在自检(质检)报告中注明办事处受理人和受理意见。若客户原因无法整改的问题须与客户签署备忘录,并和自检报告一同归档,若客户不愿签署备忘录时,须征求办事处相关人员意见。扣分权重大于等于2分。problems of type b:minor problems that are against general specifications for installation or process, and have some effect on the overall equipment appearance. such problem

7、s must be corrected if possible. reasons must be given in the self-check (quality-inspection) report for those that cannot be corrected, which must be notified to related personnel of the local office when necessary. in the event that the customer is responsible for the problem, explain its impact o

8、n equipment operation to the customer and advise him to make corrections. the deduction weight for problem of type b is equal to or less than 1 point.b类问题:表示次要问题,违反一般安装规范、工艺等问题,影响设备整体感观,条件允许时必须整改,对于无法整改的问题,必须在自检(质检)报告中说明原因,必要时知会办事处相关人员。若问题属于客户原因时,应向客户说明问题对设备运行的影响,建议客户整改。扣分权重小于等于1分。problems of type c

9、:other problems that have indirect impact on equipment operation excluding installation environment and engineering interface. such problems must be corrected if possible. reasons must be given in the self-check (quality-inspection) report for those that cannot be corrected. in the event that the cu

10、stomer is responsible for the problem, explain its impact on equipment operation to the customer and advise him to make corrections. the deduction weight for problem of type c is 0.2 or no points.c类问题:表示其它问题,安装环境、工程界面外等间接对设备安全运行有影响的问题,尽量整改,对于无法整改的问题,必须在自检(质检)报告中说明原因,若问题属于客户原因时,应向客户说明问题对设备运行的影响,建议客户整

11、改。扣分权重为0.2分或不扣分。2. ”remark” in the following tables records specific errors found during the check. 表中的“说明”栏用于填写检查时出现的具体错误内容。3. these standards are applicable to macro cell base stations of such wireless products as the gsm, cdma2000, ets450d, cdma-wll, and wcdma. they are also reference standards f

12、or similar products. 本标准适用产品: gsm、cdma2000、ets450d、cdma-wll、wcdma等无线产品的宏基站设备,同类产品设备参照使用。4. huawei technologies co., ltd. is responsible for the interpretation of these standards. 本标准解释权归深圳市华为技术服务有限公司。i indoor equipment installation 室内设备安装code编码check item检查内容check method检查方法mark分数remark说明whba00athe r

13、ack is steadily installed to the base (support).机架和底座(支架)联接可靠牢固,机架安装后必须稳立不动。3whba01athe rf cable connectors are correctly connected.射频电缆接头要安装到位,以避免虚假连接而导致驻波比异常,影响系统正常工作。2whba02athe trunk cable connectors are steadily connected.connectors made on-site comply with the specifications and can be reliabl

14、y crimped with good appearance.中继电缆接头连接必须牢固可靠, 对于现场制作的电缆插头必须按规范制作,压接可靠,外观完好无损。2whba03aall the connectors are clean before being plugged. when necessary, the connectors are cleaned according to the specifications.对于各种线缆的插头插接前必须保证干净,必要时按规范进行清洁处理。2whba04bthe environment alarm collection line connected

15、to the base station is protected from lightning.连接到基站的环境告警采集线应该有可靠的防雷保护措施。1whba05bno parts of the rack are distorted in appearance.机架各部件不能存在变形影响设备外观现象。1whba06bthe cabinet or base (support) is steadily installed to the fixed expansion bolts on the ground.all insulation washers, flat washers, spring w

16、ashers, and nuts are installed in correct order.机柜或底座(支架)与地面固定膨胀螺栓安装牢固可靠,各种绝缘垫、平垫、弹垫和螺栓螺母安装顺序正确。1whba07bcabinet doors at the side of main aisle are aligned with the error less than 5 mm.主走道侧的机柜门板全部装上后,应对齐成直线,误差应小于5mm。0.5whba08bthe vertical deviation of the cabinet is less than 3 mm.机柜垂直偏差度应小于3mm。0.5

17、whba09bthe gap between adjacent bases is less than 3 mm.相邻底座之间的缝隙应不大于3mm。0.5whba10ball rigid cables in the cabinet, . are not crossed if possible. are not over stretched. are reserved with margins at corners. are tidily bent.机柜内刚性电缆连接时,应尽量不交叉,不能拉得过紧,拐弯处一定要留有余量,刚性电缆弯折整齐一致。0.5whba11bwhen cables are mo

18、unted to run inside the rack, in the horizontal direction, they are bound to the inner side of the corresponding horizontal bar; in the vertical direction, they are laid in the cable trough on both sides. 安装架内电缆时,架内电缆的横向走线,应绑扎于相应横杆处内侧;架内电缆纵向走线时,电缆应安装在两侧的走线槽中。0.5whba12ball cables between racks are th

19、readed through the square hole on the lower side of the cabinet before they are connected to corresponding positions.所有架间电缆均需从机柜边侧下方的方孔中穿过并连至其相应位置。0.5whba13b. fans are steadily fastened. fan switches and alarms are normal. fans work normally.风扇螺钉要拧紧,安装牢固可靠,风扇开关正常、转动正常、告警正常。0.5whba14bthe cabinet is i

20、nsulated from the ground and walls with the insulation materials delivered on shipment.机柜安装应使用配发的绝缘材料,使机柜与地面、墙面保持绝缘。0.5whba15bnaked cables processed on-site are covered with tube or insulating tape.现场加工的电缆去皮部分需加套管或绝缘胶布。0.5whba16bwhen the cabinets are combined, connect the protection ground of main a

21、nd extension cabinets with copper conducting wire. the connection line should be yellow and green plastic insulation copper core conducting wire with core diameter not less than 10 mm2. or connect the metal cases of two cabinets with short-circuiting metal chip. the protection ground of main and ext

22、ension cabinets are connected to protection grounding bars inside the room through grounding cables respectively. when connection lines of equal voltage are used, their length is not more than 2 m.机柜并柜时,应用铜导线将主副机柜的保护地进行互连,互连线应选用线径不小于10mm2的黄绿双色塑料绝缘铜芯导线,或采用短接金属片将两个机柜的金属外壳直接短接。主副机柜的保护地应分别通过接地线连接到机房内的保护

23、接地排上。采用等电位连接线时,其长度应不超过2m。1whba17bthe idle ports of combiners, dividers, and cdus are covered with matched terminals. 合路器、分路器、cdu上暂时不用的端口端子要求使用保护套保护起来,避免灰尘或者其他杂物落入这些端口里面。0.5whba18bwhen the horizontal level of the base is adjusted through the adjustment of the bolts, washers are added under the base t

24、o expand the stress area of the base.调节螺栓调底座水平时,底座下面应塞垫片以增加底座的受力面积,以免底座日久变形。0.5whba19bconnectors at the cabinet top for cabinet combination are installed and fastened.机柜顶部并柜连接件必须安装并紧固。0.5whba20bthe power cable and signal cable of the alarm box close to a wall are installed in the pvc cable trough. t

25、he surplus are coiled and put under the floor beside alarm box or on the cable ladder.告警箱电源线及信号线在墙壁处应安装pvc线槽,多余的部分盘好置于告警箱侧的地板下或走线梯上。0.5whba21cthe cables are orderly and tidily bound. the cable ties are in even spacing, in proper tightness, and in the same direction. the surplus of cable ties are cut

26、 off. all cable ties are cut at root smoothly without projections.电缆绑扎应整齐美观,线扣间距均匀,松紧适度,朝向一致,多余线扣应剪除,所有线扣必须齐根剪平不拉尖。0.2whba22crack installation and cabling are compliant with engineering design.机架安装位置符合工程设计文件;电缆走线路由与工程设计文件相符,便于维护和将来扩容。0.2whba23cin the equipment room, the upper surface of the antistat

27、ic floor is not higher than the lower surface of the base. 机房铺设的防静电地板上平面,不能高于底座的下表面(以免影响底座的散热作用)。0.2whba24cthe active accessories of the cabinet work properly.机柜的活动附件动作正常。doors and locks are opened and closed smoothly.门、门锁等开关顺畅。0.2whba25cthe labels for power cables and grounding cables are filled in

28、 and pasted as per the specifications. the labels are pasted neatly in the same direction. they can be uniformly customized for the convenience of check. the labels are recommended to be 2 cm away from the connector.电缆按规范填写标签并粘贴,标签位置整齐、朝向一致,可根据客户要求统一制作,便于查看。一般建议标签粘贴在距插头2cm处。0.2whba26cthe cables that

29、 are from combiner, divider, or cdu to the cabinet top are led through the interspaces at both sides of the cabinet.从合路器、分路器、cdu到机柜顶的连接电缆,要从机柜的两侧空隙穿过。0.2whba27call blank panels and blank filler panels are installed.假拉手条及假面板应全部安装。0.2whba28cboards can be pulled out or inserted in smoothly. bolts in pa

30、nels of boards are in proper tightness. spring steel wires are in good condition.单板拔插顺畅,若单板的面板有螺钉则应松紧适度,弹簧钢丝完好。0.2whba29cjumpers are laid by layers and sectors.跳线分层分扇区布放。0.2whba30cthe alarm box is correctly installed. the panel is clean without obvious damage.告警箱应按设计要求正确安装,面板应清洁无明显损伤痕迹。0.2whba31cpai

31、nt on equipment is not scratched off during installation. the scratched areas are repainted.机架各部件安装不能造成油漆脱落或碰伤等影响设备外观现象,否则应补漆处理。0.2whba32csurplus cables are reserved at connection points.电缆插头插接处应留适量余量。0.2ii installation of antenna and feeder 基站天馈部分code编码check item检查内容check method检查方法mark分数remark说 明w

32、hbb00awaterproof treatment is applied to all connectors of outdoor jumpers and feeders.所有室外跳线、馈线接头处均应按规范正确作防水密封处理。4whbb01athe antenna is within the 45 protection area of the arrester.天线应在避雷针45度角的保护区域内。4whbb02athe feeders are not evidently bent or twisted and there is no naked copper core.馈线无明显的折、拧现象

33、,馈线无裸露铜皮。4whbb03athe feeder connectors are correctly made and fastened.馈线接头制作规范,无松动。4whbb04athe connection between the antenna support and tower and that between the antenna and antenna support are firm and reliable.天线支架与铁塔连接应可靠牢固,天线与天线支架的连接也应可靠牢固。3whbb05acheck the installation of antenna and feeder

34、 as follows:1. the azimuth angle and tilt angle of the antenna are installed in conformity with the design.2. the antenna is correctly connected to the right sector.3. indexes of scaling test and sensitivity test of the base station are consistent with the requirements.天馈安装检查:1、天线方位角、下倾角安装与设计一致;2、天线

35、连接正确,扇区关系正确,没有接反、接错;3、基站定标测试、灵敏度测试指标符合要求。check the physical connection line first. then check whether the pn on ms debug window in the idle status is consistent with engineering parameter table 50 m from the main lobe of all sectors. if not, the main antenna is connected improperly. check whether th

36、e tx transmit power on ms debug window in the conversation status is more than 0 dbm. if yes, check the physical connection line to see whether the diversity antenna is connected to another sector. if connection is proper, check the connector to see whether it is fastened.首先检查物理连线,然后距离各扇区主瓣方向50米处,空闲

37、状态查看移动台debug窗口pn是否与工程参数总表一致,如果不一致,则是主集发射天线接错;然后通话状态观察debug窗口的tx发射功率是否超过0dbm,如果超出,则仔细检查物理连接,看是否分集接收天线接到其它扇区,若连接没有问题,则看接头是否拧紧等其它问题。4four marks are deducted in any of the following cases:1. either of the main and diversity antennas of one sector is connected to another sector.2. both of the main and di

38、versity antennas of one sector are connected to another sector.不论扇区主集天线、分集天线、或者主集和分集天线同时,接到另一个扇区,均扣4分。whbb06bthe omni-directional antenna remains vertical with the error less than 2.全向天线应保持垂直,误差应小于2度。1whbb07bfor the directional antenna, the error of azimuth angle is less than 5 and that of tilt angl

39、e is less than 0.5.定向天线方位角误差不大于5度,定向天线倾角误差应不大于0.5度。1install the directional antenna in compliance with engineering parameter table. then check whether the installation is consistent with the table. adjust the azimuth angle if any obvious error occurs to the design drawing. the engineering parameter

40、table, however, must be updated, attached with remarks, and archived to the local office or regional division. 严格参照无线网络规划部提供的工程参数总表进行安装,安装完毕,必须检查是否与该表一致,如果设计文档有明显不合理,如近距离内被挡,可调整方位角,但必须更新工程参数总表,并备注说明,之后由工程督导归档到办事处或地区部。whbb08ba protection tube is used at the contact part with the wall corner when the

41、feeder is led from the rooftop over the external wall and bent downward. a feeder fixing clip is used to fix the feeder when the feeder is led inside from the rooftop along the wall.馈线由楼顶翻越外墙向下弯曲时,与墙角接触部分应有保护套管,馈线自楼顶沿墙入室时,应使用馈线固定夹等将馈线固定不摇摆。1whbb09bthe gps/glonass antenna feeder lightning arresters a

42、re correctly installed. the protected ends of the lightning arresters are opposite to the base station (this is a check item for gps/glonass antenna).gps/glonass天馈避雷器安装正确牢靠,避雷器的被保护端应对着基站。(有gps/glonass天线时检查)。the gps/glonass lightning arresters of cdma/cdma wll-cbts must be directly connected to the r

43、f port of the rack and need not be connected to the grounding cable.cdma/cdma wll-cbts产品的gps/glonass避雷器必须直接连接到机架的射频端口上,无需连接接地线缆。1whbb10bwhen the feeder is led into the room from the feeder window on the roof, the feeder window is properly sealed and waterproof curve is required for jumpers of the in

44、door feeder and outdoor antenna.楼顶安装馈窗引馈线入室时,要保证馈窗的良好密封,且入室处馈线和天线出线处跳线应做避水弯。1whbb11bthe lightning arrester for gsm macro base station is grounded as required. the grounding cables are converged and connected to the outdoor protection grounding bus.gsm宏基站,避雷器要求按照规范做防雷接地处理,接地线经过汇集以后连接到机房的室外保护地排上。1whbb

45、12bthe feeder fixing clips are firmly and evenly installed in the same direction.安装后的馈线固定夹间距应均匀,方向应一致,固定夹应牢固安装不松动。0.5whbb13bthe feeders cannot intercross. they are led indoor neatly and straight with the same degree of curve.馈线布放不得交叉,要求入室行、列整齐、平直,弯曲度一致。0.5whbb14bthe installation position of the ante

46、nna is consistent with the design drawing.天线的安装位置应与设计文件相符。0.5whbb15bthe omni-directional antenna is at least 1.5 m away from the tower and the directional antenna is at least 1 m away from the tower.全向天线离塔体距离应不小于1.5m;定向天线离塔体距离应不小于1m。0.5whbb16bthe horizontal spacing between the main and diversity omn

47、i antenna is not less than 4 m for the m900 and not less than 2 m for the m1800.全向天线的主、分集天线水平间距要求:m900应不小于4m;m1800应不小于2m。0.5whbb17bthe horizontal spacing between the main and diversity unipolar directional antenna is not less than 4 m for the m900 and not less than 2 m for the m1800.单极化定向天线的主、分集天线水平

48、间距要求:m900不小于4m;m1800不小于2m。0.5whbb18bthe vertical spacing between two directional antennas installed on the same support is not less than 0.5 m. 装在同一根天线支架上的两定向天线的垂直间距应不小于0.5m。0.5whbb19bthe top of the omni antenna tube is equal to or a little higher than that of the support.全向天线护套顶端应与支架齐平或略高出支架顶部。0.5w

49、hbb20bfor tower amplification, the side connected to the antenna is upwards and the side connected to the feeder is downwards. the tower amplification is installed close to the antenna.安装塔放时,接天线的一侧应朝上,接馈线的一侧应朝下,塔放应安装在离天线较近的地方。0.5whbb21bbundle and paste labels of the cables, feeders and jumpers as pe

50、r the specifications. the labels are arranged tidily and neatly in the same direction.按照规范要求粘贴和绑扎通信电缆、馈线、跳线标签,标签排列应整齐美观,方向一致。0.5whbb22bthe minimum feeder bending radius is not less than 20 times of the feeder diameter.馈线最小弯曲半径应不小于馈线直径的20倍。0.5whbb23bthe gps/glonass antenna support is steadily install

51、ed. there is no shield within the range of 90 vertical field angle of the antenna (this is a check item for gps/glonass antenna).gps/glonass天线支架安装稳固,天线垂直张角90范围没有遮挡(有gps/glonass天线时检查)。0.5whbb24cthe omni antenna installed on the rooftop can avoid generating dead zone.全向天线在屋顶上安装时,尽量避免产生盲区。0.2whbb25cthe

52、 jumper that is connected to the antenna is bound to the tower along with the crossbar.接天线的跳线应沿支架横杆绑至铁塔钢架上。0.2whbb26ccertain cable redundancy is reserved when outdoor cable straps are snipped.室外所有绑扎后的扎带剪断时应留有一定的余量。0.2whbb27cwhen the front of cabinet is parallel to the direction to which the feeder i

53、s led indoors, or the rear of cabinet is opposite to the direction to which the feeder is led indoors, one sector forms a row with consistent row sequence. when the front of cabinet is opposite to the direction to which the feeder is led indoors, one sector forms a column with consistent column sequ

54、ence 机柜正面与馈线入室方向平行或机柜背面正对馈线入室方向时,一个扇区排成一行,每行的排放次序应一致;当机柜正面正对馈线入室方向时,一个扇区排成一列,每列的排放次序应一致。0.2whbb28cat least 0.5 m of the indoor and outdoor parts of the feeder led indoors is straight.馈线入室的室内、室外部分馈线应保持0.5米以上平直。0.2iii installation of power cables and grounding cables 电源线及接地code编码check item检查内容check me

55、thod检查方法mark 分数remark说 明whbc00aall power cables and grounding cables adopt copper core cables without connectors in the middle. the cables are reliably connected as per the specifications.所有电源线、地线要采用铜芯电缆,采用整段材料,中间不能有接头并按规范要求进行可靠连接。5whbc01athe copper lugs at both ends of power cables and grounding ca

56、bles are firmly soldered or crimped.在电源线及地线两头制做铜鼻子时,应焊接或压接牢固。5whbc02athe power cables and grounding cables outside the cabinet are wired in separate bundles from other cables.机柜外电源线、地线布放时应与其他电缆分开绑扎。3whbc03athe grounding cables and power cables are properly and reliably connected. the flat washers, spring washers, and nuts are installed in correct order. the nuts are fastened.设备的地线、电源线连接正确可靠,平垫、弹垫、螺母安装顺序正确,螺母拧紧到位。2whbc04athe redundant grounding cables and power cables are cut off instead of


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