1、j i a n g s u u n i v e r s i t y本 科 毕 业 论 文 how to train students interest in english learning学院名称: 继续教育学院 专业班级: 专接本09英语教育 姓名学号: 指导教师姓名: 指导教师职称: 讲师 2010 年 11 月acknowledgements first of all, i would like to extend my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, mr. wang, for his instructive advice and useful
2、 suggestions on my thesis. i am deeply grateful of his help in the completion of this thesis.my profound gratitude must also be paid to many other teachers who have helped me with the improvement of english study during the three years. they are miss li, miss xu and mr. wang. their earnest teaching
3、and enlightening are of great help for my study and research. special thanks should go to my friends who have put considerable time and effort into their comments on the draft. finally, i am indebted to my parents for their continuous support and encouragement. how to train students interest in engl
4、ish learningabstract this article is always based on how to train students interest in learning english .as we known that the national new curriculum standard require us to get to the target ,when we teach the students to learn english, we should try our best to make them to be interested in english
5、 first.also the paper i will write will focus on the point : how to train .this could not only develop with the new curriculum standard ,but also meet the need of the society .this is the target i write this paper ,as a english teacher we should make the students have an interest in learning english
6、 .according to this objective ,i divide my paper into three parts ,one is how to make the students to have interest in the teacher from whom they can learn english.well ,another is set different situations for different students and try our best to make the things we teaching always interesting and
7、new ,the last part is for us ,the teachers should change teaching methods from time to time.key words:develop,train,students,.interest, learn english 如何培养学生学习英语的兴趣摘 要这篇论文都是围绕如何培养学生学习英语的兴趣所展开的。大家都知道新英语课程标准要求我们达到课程目标,当我们教学生学习英语的时候,我们首先应该尽最大努力让学生对英语感兴趣。与此同时,我的这篇论文集中研究:如何培养。这不仅需要发展新课程标准,而且要符合社会的需要。这是我写这
8、篇文章的目的,作为一名英语教师我们应该让学生对学习英语感兴趣。根据这个目标,我把我的文章分为三部分,第一部分是怎样让学生对教授英语的老师感兴趣;第二部分是如何尽最大努力对不同情况下不同的学生教英语,让它保持有趣和新鲜;最后一部分是教师应该不断变换教学方法来让学生对学习英语感兴趣。关键词:发展,培养,学生,兴趣,学习英语 table of contents acknowledgements.iiabstract in englishiiiabstract in chineseivtable of contents .vintroduction.11 the impotant about stud
9、ents interest in english learning.12 how to train the students interest22.1how to make the students interested in the teaching teacher .22.1.1 the teacher must have much knowledge than students.22.1.2 the teacher must have a sense of humor.2 2.1.3 the teacher must always trust the students.3 2.1.4 t
10、he teacher should be outgoing and easy-going.32.1.5 the teacher and the students are both equal.32.2 how to in different condition make the best to teach thedifferent students .42.2.1 make the knowledge interesting and new.42.2.2 make the class autonomously vivid.42.2.3 let the students show their o
11、wn ability.42.3take the different teaching method make the students interesting in english learning .53 the own need to teacher in students interest in learning english.5conclusion.6bibliography.8introductionwith the development of the science and technology ,the reform of the new english curriculum
12、 standard is being starting all around the world .as is known that ,with the continuous reform of the curriculum standard ,the books ,no matter used by the teachers or by the students ,is changing at the same time .at the present from the elementary school to the secondary school ,the reform happens
13、 everywhere.in some big cities, there are even more and more nursery school with tow kinds of language-one is chinese and the other is english. in all the english-learning is becoming more and more necessary ,and the students must suit to the reform ,at least in my opinion ,at the same time ,as a te
14、acher, such as us ,should change our mind or ideas or teaching methods about education, especially about a foreign language learning. we should pay much attention to the new curriculum standard ,here we can say that english is becoming more and more popular and important in our china .so we should t
15、ry our best to teach the students to learn english well .but how can we do to help the students improve their english ?this is the biggest and the most important problem that we should solve firstly. 1 the impotant about students interest in learning english as far as i am concerd,interest is themos
16、t important factor.as is known that interest is the first teacher of one own life .it could lead the students to get into the gate of learning english.everything can not go on without interest.that is to say one can not do a thing well without any interest.no matter what we are learning or doing, we
17、 had better have an interest in the thing we are doing or solving ,or it would cause a failure.through my investigation and experience ,i know that once a person is becoming interested in the thing he or she is doing,that will lead the person into a success.,or get something that he or she wants. on
18、ce we are interested in the the things that we want ,even though we get tired or stressed ,we would go on with the thing in hand with a lot of learning enthusiasm. so is everything ,as a foreign language-english also does the same .as a teacher, we should try our best to develop their interest in le
19、arning, especially at the beginning of learning english .at this period there is no need to ask them to do spelling or retell a text or a story. the only thing a teacher should do is to train their interest in learning english .if they have no interest in english ,no matter how hard the teacher trie
20、s to them out of trouble ,it is meaningless ,at least in my opinion .of course whatever the students try to learn ,they should firstly have an interest in the thing they are learning .everyone knows that we should try our best to teach them the rules to master ,in all we should try our best to train
21、 the students interests from all aspects .2 how to train the students interest now we make a decision to train the students interest ,we can take the following measures :2.1how to make the students interested in the teaching teacher firstly, train the students interest in the teacher who is going to
22、 teach them something to learn.that is to say ,firstly as a teacher ,we should take all kinds of methods to lead the students to get interested in us .we had better try our best to make the students pay much attention to the teacher .once they are interested in the teacher who is going to teach them
23、 the knowledge ,they would try their best to get interested in the things or knowledge they learn.this will help the students to learn the things they are interested in .but this method would require the teachers, such as us, must have the following characters :2.1.1the teacher must have much knowle
24、dge than students first,the teacher must have much knowledge ,much more than the students have ,we can not be content with the knowledge or the success we have,we should try to learn more and more ,never satisfied.it is said that the teacher who wants his students to have much knowledge ,he should h
25、ave much more.2.1.2the teacher must have a sense of humor secondly ,the teacher should have a sense of humor ,as we know that the teacher who has a sense of humor would make the class very active and vivid ,under such a condition ,the students will learn rather relaxedly and easily .cant you say the
26、 students learn nothing or get interested in nothing ?i dont think so .the students must learn the things that they want under such a condition ,they could learn the knowledge that they are interested in .2.1.3the teacher must always trust the students thirdly ,the teachers should have patience and
27、faith on the students ,the teacher should always trust the students ,and the teacher should encourage the students from all of the aspects from time to time ,so that the students always have a self-belief on themselves ,they can not lose themselves ,they cant lose the hope of learning something as w
28、ell .it will lead the students into a sense of success .2.1.4the teachet should be outgoing and easy-going at least ,as far as i am concerd ,this could help the students rouse their interest .as we known that we could not destroy the childrens curiosity about the knowledge or something they are inte
29、rested in ,as their curiosity would lead them to the gate of the knowledge they would like to learn. also this could help the students form a desire of learning something .what is more, the teacher should keep a smiling on his or her face .that is to say that the teacher should be outgoing and easy-
30、going .this could also help the students to realize that the teacher is very easy to get along with .sometimes they would always think that the teacher is kind and friendly enough to make friends .and this will cause the students learn the thing which is taught by the teacher .2.1.5the teacher and t
31、he students are both equalthe teacher and the students are both equal ,the difference between the two is that the teacher is just like a full bucket ,and the students are just like the bottles which need to be filled .so i suggest we should treat the students as our friends if they want after class.
32、 as we known that the teachers make himself or herself be interested only through the above measures ,and of course the teacher could be a good and popular teacher and then the students could learn the knowledge well .through a short period of exercitation ,i find that the students must be intereste
33、d in the teacher who is going to pass them the knowledge firstly they will follow the teacher who is interested and patient-and then they will learn something well and easily . 2.2how to in different condition make the best to teach the different kinds of students 2.2.1make the knowledge interesting
34、 and new secondly ,try our best to make the knowledge we teach interesting and new .this will cause the teachers must have a enterprise to learn and adopt new , interesting things .as we known that the curiosity of the students can not be destroyed ,this kind of curiosity would help the students lea
35、rn something well .especially in the countryside ,the children are always curious about the new and interesting things ,so as a teacher we should try our best to make the things learnt interesting and new all the time .2.2.2make the class autonomously vividthat is to say the teacher had better make
36、sure that the students must learn the things which they are willing to learn. we can also adopt the method of making the classroom active and vivid ,with such a comfortable condition ,the students will learn freely and autonomously .so we had better make our english class active and vivid ,for examp
37、le :when we teach the lesson ,a day out , we could let the students to prepare for the new lesson in a few days before ,or we could leave them a bit of homework ,this homework is special and it is different from the homework as before ,the homework is very lively and vivid ,the students could collec
38、t information from all aspects ,such as they can get the information from the internet ,or they can get it from the books or they can gather together to discuss and then come to a conclusion -.make the students imagine of some places of interest they are familiar with or tell them ,if we are organiz
39、ing a school trip ,which places they would like to travel .2.2.3 let the students show their own abiliyof course ,after class we can also tell them to think of a day when they go out for a visit with their parents or other people .they can prepare for it by means of writing the day when they are out
40、 on the paper using as mach english as they can . such as the activities that we are organizing ,we can also give the students the chance to show their own abilities ,some students would be good at speaking ,and some may be good at acting ,we should create different kinds of situations in order to s
41、uit the different students ,that is to say that the teacher such as us should always think ing from the students ,according to the different kinds of characteristics of the different students ,we can create a popular situation.for example ,we can tell the students to play a role in the dialogue in t
42、he course of learning when we learn a new dialogue ,or we can tell them to imagine a situation by themselves .they could think of any situation that they have seen before or they have experienced .we could also tell them to play a role in the situation that they can imagine .that is to say we should
43、 try our best to make the students to develop their main position. as we known that the new oxford english need us to change our teaching notion and the methods ,the oxford english require the students to be the main characters of the whole course ,the teachers only play a part of the leaders and th
44、e guiders .also we should learn what the students want to get and what they have got before telling the students to learn .according to the different students we could adopt different kinds of the teaching methods to suit their development . 2.3take the different teaching method make the students in
45、teresting in english learning thirdly , provide the students with a lot of interesting and try to think of the questions from the students point.that is to say that we should learn their mental characters.of course we should try our best to provide the students with a lot of interesting things ,such
46、 as the students all like playing without any pressure ,they would like to learn something in a very relaxed circumstance,we should try to pave the way for them .as we known that the students are all interested in the interesting things ,they will learn things they are interested in freely and relax
47、ed .that is to say the students are all pleased to accept the new and interesting things, especially the things that they have never met or learnt before .3 the own need to teacher in students interest in learning englishby means of a lot of investigation ,i find that ,as a teacher ,we should know t
48、heir mental characters they have at the moment ,such as what they think of themselves ,what they think of others ,or what they wish to succeed in .of course this also helps the students to correct their unhealthy minds or thoughts.for example, we can design a game for them to play ,i think everyone
49、is interested in the games ,they would also play the games freely and practically, and during the course of the games ,we could also design some of the knowledge included in the games or some new but not very difficult knowledge points. from the course of the game we can learn what they are thinking
50、 and what they would like to get .and we can also guess where they would make mistakes .according to this ,we could try our best to avoid the mistakes when they learn the knowledge. this is only the one way of the teaching methods ,during the course we should choose the different kinds of the teachi
51、ng methods ,as we know that we should adopt them from time to time and change them from time to time .this could strengthen their interest in learning english as well.at least ,they must have a curiosity about english .i think .we should also provide the students the chances to show themselves ,they
52、 would be as the fish in the water and can develop their abilities best. cant you say this cant help the students have a interest in english ?conclusion: these are all the measures that i think of when i practice teaching in gu lou road primary school.as far as i am concerd ,as a teacher ,we should always try our best to think of the
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