



1、四川大学期 考试试题(A)(200 200 学年第 2 学期)课程号:课序号:0 3课程名称:计算机网络与通信 任课教师:等 成绩:适用专业年级:学生人数:印题份数:学号:姓名:考试须知四川大学学生参加由学校组织或由学校承办的各级各类考试,必须严格执行四川大学考试工作 管理办法和四川大学考场规则。有考试违纪作弊行为的,一律按照四川大学学生考试违纪作弊处罚条例进行处理。四川大学各级各类考试的监考人员,必须严格执行四川大学考试工作管理办法、四川大学考场规则和四川大学监考人员职责。有违反学校有关规定的,严格按照四川大学教学事故认定及处理办法进行处理。第一题第二题第三题第四题第五题总分、英译汉(10分

2、)1. TCP 2. SMTP6. CRC 7. CSMA/CD 8. ARP 9. DHCP二、单项选择题(每小题I分,共30分)1. The physical layer is concerned with the tran smissi on ofover the physical medium.A. Program; B. dialogs;C: protocols;D. bits2. As a data packet moves from the lower to the upper layers, headers areA. Added;B. subtracted; C. rearr

3、a nged; D. modified3. What is the main fun ctio n of the tran sport layerA.no de-to-node delivery;B. process-to-process message deliveryCsynchroni zatio n;and maintenance of routi ng tables4. Which of the following is the default mask for the addressA router reads theaddress on a packet to determ in

4、e the next hop.A. IP ;B. MAC;C. source;6 . Bridges function is in the layer.A. physical;B. data link;C. network;D. A and B7. UDP needs the address to deliver the user datagram to the correct application program.A. port;B. applicati on;C. intern et;D. physical8. The defi niti on of reliable delivery

5、in cludesA. Error-free delivery;B. Receipt of the complete messageC ln-o rder delivery;D. All of the above9. At 100BASE-T,“T is A. Fiber Optics B. baseba nd Coaxial cable C. broadba nd Coaxial cable D. Twisted-pair注:1试题字迹务必清晰,书写工整。本题 4 页,本页为第1页2题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:3务必用A4纸打印10.is not element of a pr

6、otocol 。III -A. wordsB. Syn taxC. Sema nticsD. Timi ng11. There are two broad classes of packet-switched networks: datagram networks and virtual-circuit n etworks. The virtual-circuit n etworks forward packets in their switches use.A) MAC addressesB) IP addressesC) e-mail addressesD) virtual-circuit

7、 nu mbers12 TCP service model doesn t provideservice.A) reliable tran sport serviceB) flow con trol serviceC) con gestio n-con trol serviceD) guara ntee a mi nimum tran smissi on rate service.13. The purpose of TCP port nu mber isA)provide flow con trolB) provide con gesti on con trolC) ide ntify th

8、e receivi ng processD) ide ntify desti nati on host .14. A user who uses a user age nt on his local PC receives his mail sited in a mail server by using _ protocol.A)SMTPB) POP3C)SNMPD)FTP15. Considering sliding-window protocol, if the size of the transmitted window is 1 and the size of the receivi

9、ng wi ndow is 1,the protocol isA) stop-a nd-wait protocolC) selective Repeat protocol16. which IP address is ineffective.A)B)mask is sub net prefix isA)B)C)D) traceroute is impleme nted withA) DNSB) ICMPC) ARPD) RIP19. Which layer-function is mostly implemented in an adapter ( NIC _A) physical layer

10、 and link layerB) n etwork layer and tran sport layerC)physical layer and n etwork layerD) tran sport layer and applicati on layer20. If a user brings his computer from che ngdu to beij ing, and accesses Internet aga in. Now, his computer n eeds to be cha nged.A) MAC addressC) e-mail addressB) Go-Ba

11、ck-N protocolD) alter nati ng-bit protocolD) if IP address is sub netmessagesof三、填空题(每空1分,共20分)B) IP addressD) user addressInternet provides two services to its distributed applications: a connection-oriented and a unreliable service.a. connectionl ess;b. reliable2. please fill in the types of delay

12、 in a router.service注:1试题字迹务必清晰,书写工整。2题间不留空,一般应题卷分开本题 4 页,本页为第 2页 教务处试题编号:routerA) processing delayB) queuing delayC) tran smissi on delayD) propagati on delay3. please fill in en capsulate un it and internet protocol stacken capsulate unitmessage5HtM6HnHtM7HlHnHt | MApplicatio n layer4 In the layer

13、ed architecture of computer n etwork ing, () layer is the user of () layerand the service provider of () layer.A) n B) n+3C) n+1D)n-1B) PPP C) TCP D) DNS F) DHCP G) HTTPthe In ternet applicati on protocols, ( ) protocol supports the Web service, ( ) protocol supports the Electronic mail, ( ) protoco

14、l supports the Internet directory service,() protocol supports the remote file tran sfer.A) SMTPE) FTP四、判断题(每小题1分,共10分)1. The size of the TCP RcvWindow never changes throughout the duration of the connection.()2. Any protocol that performs han dshak ing betwee n the com muni cati on en tities before

15、 tran sferri ngdata is a connection-orie nted service.3. A browser is a user age nt for the Web.4. Socket is the program ming in terface betwee n the applicatio n and the n etwork5. FTP sends control information in-of-band ”.6. It isn possible for an application to enjoy reliable data transfer even

16、when the application runsover UDP.7. An ARP query is sent to all over the Internet.8. MSS is the limit for the size of IP packet.9. UDP is a kind of unreliable transmission layer protocol, so there is not any checksum field in UDP datagram header.10 .Forward ing table is con figured by both Intra an

17、d In ter-AS routi ng algorithm五、计算题 (30 poi nts)the following network. With the indicated link costs, use Dijkstra shortest-path algorithm to compute the shortest path from S to all n etwork no des.注:1试题字迹务必清晰,书写工整。本题 4 页,本页为第3页2题间不留空,一般应题卷分开教务处试题编号:StepN,D(t),p(t)D(U),p(u)D(v),p(v)D(w),p(w)D(x),p(x

18、)D(y),p(y)D(z),p(z)1s234567892. Suppose a ISP has been allocated the address block now if the ISP wants to divide its address block into6 equal-sized sub net address blocks, and each sub net could in clude 25 hosts.1) Please utilize CIDRized addresses, determ ine the len gth of sub net portion of address.( namely.how many bits should be exte nd(22) Please write out the sub net 2#3) Please write out the sub net 2#4) Please write out the su


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